Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Gaara sighed a little, " what weird mountain village?" He asked her as he did paperwork. " and please dont bring that up... i had enough of people constantly bothering me about what happened at the Leaf village" he said to Tenmari not in the mood getting another lecture about the girl.


When Loreli was grabbed and teleported, she turned to snow indicating she used the subsitution jutsu as soon as she was grabbed. She was hiding behind another tree with her chakra completely undetectable. She rubbed her neck slight as she fixed her hood. The mark on her forehead glowed before it dimmed down, she was grateful that she was able to tell Danzo would appear in front of her like that and grab her. The male did try to recruit her into the anbu once, but his chakra mark gave it away. 


@Flame Demon

"Jup that one" Temari says and she smiles "And I'll stop talking about it, if you get that flower" she says leaning back putting most weight on ger arm, she wondered why he was so irritated though "What's gotten you so annoyed and irritated anyway?"

Hikari chuckles "Sure and you're not facinated by the girl with the ice chakra" she says and leaves the room "But do think about it, before I go and meet snake guy, after all, who would want to date a puppet?" she says and adds before turning the corner "Cause you have good looks, well better then Deidara at least" and she smirks hearing the blonde yell "I heard that!", she heads to her room where she grabs a book.
Danzo is upset realizing he grabbed a substitution. ..."that witch"

Sasori thinks to himself and stops Hikari well he makes another puppet version of himself appear..."well i have reconsidered at least for now if things go awry i can become a puppet again" he says 

@Flame Demon

" No reason" he said as he got up. " Ill go get that flower" he added and disappeared to go get the flower to help Hikari.


Loreli slowly back up and started to head back to her village. She mentally sighed to herself as she ran through the forest. 


@Flame Demon

Zen appears before Loreli. .."hey Loreli im so happy to see you" he says hugging her...."i thought i felt your chakara.'ve powered up quite a bit" he says 

Hikari looks at him "Alright then" she says and smiles "And don't forget it's snake guy we're talking about, he'll do a good job, if not I'll just force him to spill everything about it and we'll try again"
Loreli blinked when Zen suddenly hugged her. She relaxed a little and softly sighed deciding to return the hug, " yeah..." she said to him softly glad to see a friendly face. " I got all my memories back too... " she noticing all his negative feeling are gone. She tilted her head a little but said nothing, " lets get moving.... " she said to him as she glanced behind her before she let go and started  heading towards her village again.


@Flame Demon

Zen looked at her curiously "im trying to find Hikari why do we need to go back to the village" he asked 

One of Danzo's guards tried to attack from above but collapsed due to Sasuke's sharringan. ...

"You let Danzo get away"  he says clearly angry

Zen stepped in front of Loreli. ..."is there a problem Sasuke" he says as his ninja wires flare in mid air responding to his chakara 

Loreli was aboit to answer Zen's question but stopped when one of Danzo's guards appeared and collapse. She took a step back from Saskue, " You wanted me to find him nothing else. What happened afterwards was clearly your fault... and I he almost captured me..." she said to Saskue.


Sasuke was about to leave  but Zen stopped him..."i want Danzo dead to hes responsible for the Hanshou clan attacking the dragon clan. ..which led to Hikari retaliation on my clan..." he says 

"Loreli can you find Danzo one more time. ..and i will make sure he doesn't get away" he asked. ..

Loreli sweatdropped ans seemed a bit hesistant. She slowly nodded, " ok..." she said to Zen softly. She closed her eyes as the marking on her forehead glowed again. After a few minutes she looked in the direction Danzo was in and started to head there.


@Flame Demon

Zen and Sasuke followed her as in about 30 minutes they could see that they were headed for a cave.... "Loreli that cave ahead is that where he is" Zen says coming to a stop.

Sasori thought about what Hikari said about his feelings for Loreli... "I'm Sasori of the red sands I am not crippled by such emotions of love, how could I possibly have feelings for this ice maiden. I must find her and put these feelings to rest" he says disappearing as he searches for Loreli.

Kisame was eating raw fish... "Hikari why haven't you caught the one tails yet" he says taking another bite

@Flame Demon

Loreli stopped and nodded to Zen as rhe marking on her forehead stopped glowing, " Yes.. he is... I'll wait out here. I dont want to get involve in the fight..." she said to Zen and Saskue as she stsred at the cave. Shs could see Danzo's chakra clear as day.


Sasuke rushes off and goes towards the cave.

Zen was left behind...and was ready to go, Sasori found Loreli and he couldn't help but look at her with amazement. "why do I feel emotions... is it because of this cursed heart that still resides within me" he says to himself.

Zen turns to Loreli... "thankyou I wouldn't want you to join in on the fight anyway" he says smiling at her.

"You really look beautiful with that seal its like it was made for you" he says and he kisses Loreli suddenly...he unknowingly was picking up on Sasori's emotions towards Loreli.

Zen pulls away... "What..just happened" he says to himself before just disappearing

(( XD.... the heck?))


Loreli looked at Zen when he comment on her seal and amiled a little, before she can say anything her eyes went wide at the sudden kiss. She blinked not knowinf what to say and watched Zen disappeared. Her face became beight red and steam was coming out, "what... just happened?..." she asked herself nto sensing Sasori due to being to in shock and distracted. She didnt sense Zen liking her is anyway. ' can I not sense love or something?...' she was so confused and flustered. ' my first kiss got taken too...' her mind was all over the place and she couldnt concentrated and the ground beging to freeze up slightly. 

After about 2 minutes she calmed down and looked towards the cave to sense how the fight was going. She still didnt notice Sasori near by.


Sasori stayed hidden after seeing the kiss it is what he wanted to do....

He disappeared immediately he knew he wouldn't be able to feel her lips...

He wanted Hikari to find Orochimaru as soon as possible for him to regain a human body.

Zen was stunned but had to focus on the battle he was more so distracted as Danzo was putting up a hell of a fight  his arm had multiple sharringan embedded in it.

The battle extended outside the cave as Sasuke summoned Manda but Danzo disappeared using izanagi ...

"That witch tracked me again" he says as he used izanagi to throw a katana at Loreli. ..Zen sees this as dashed and grabbed Loreli moving her in the last moment in his Sage mode.

"Are you ok" he says holding her then letting her go after realizing how he was holding her

@Evergreen98 (lol haha thought that would throw you and be a wtf moment lol lmao)

@Flame Demon
((That was the best thing I have ever read xD in any rp.. ever xD omg))


Loreli was about to use rhe substitution jutsu again but couldnt since she felt Zen pick her off the ground, she blushed and pulled her hood over hiding her flustered face. She couldn't looked at him all and she still didnt feel his feeling towards her. " y-yeah... I am fine" dhe said as he set her down. " Ill go... hide" she said and ran iff to get out of the way from the fighting.


@Flame Demon
Hikari looks at Kisame "Don't wanna" she simply says before disappearing, appearing near the cave, she had a lucky guess where Sasuke is at the moment, she sees Danzo and narrows her eyes activating her sharingan seeing Danzo and she grabs her sword appearing behind the male in an attempt to cut of his arm "Sasuke, we need to talk after this" she says scanning the surrounding for more guards "Also since this bastard here shouldn't even cost me so much energy, or your I'll help you out" she says and a medium sized dragon appears, it's pitch bkack with glowing red eyes, like a bigger version of her smaller dragon that's always with her "And guys, meet my dragon of death, one that's rarely summoned before it takes too much chakra, normally, one hint, if it hits you with it's claw your poisoned, it's instant death if you're hit with a fireball" she says jumping on top of the dragon, wondering how Danzo liked it to face a dragon.
Danzo looks at her... "This is why your clan needed to be exterminated child to have such power makes you a threat and abomination... just like the Uchiha as well" he says powering up...

Zen noticed Hikari he was glad she was ok he kinda felt awkward around Loreli but appears above Danzo "WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP" he shouted coming down with a punch that shatters the ground causing Sasuke to jump up but Danzo uses Izanagi to throw a Kunai at Sasuke and disappeared but the Kunai warps and appears before Hikari about to strike her.

Danzo appears behind her holding her in place. .."do you see now child for a moment I control time on the battlefield"

@Flame Demon
Hikari chuckles and the she says "Yeah good luck" she says and disappears, summing a second dragon that cuts Danzo with it's claws "And now you have 1 hour to get that poison out of your system, sorry 15 minutes" she says and adds "My clan is unique, you're just a coward to have someone else kill them, also this is just a clone" she says and the real her appears behind him, cutting his arm clean of before jumping on the ground.
Sasuke rushes in and runs Danzo through with his Katana. ..."This is for the Uchiha" he says as Danzo spits up blood. ..he smiles.

Zen feels that something isn't right. .."EVERYONE MOVE...THERES A SEAL WITHIN HIM" he says summoning his Wyvern and flying off... he sensed Loreli chakara and swooped in grabbing her.

The area around Danzo began to be sucked inside of him....

" i die you bothe will die with me" he says  as Hikari and Sasuke begin to get sucked into the time warp.

@Flame Demon

Hikari quickly fuses with her dragon and grabs Sasuke before flying of, the dragons disappear and Hikari says "Yeah well, not happening" she says, and flies faster, she hadn't had much practice with flying, but enough to get away from Danzo "Besides I need Sasuke, alive" she says and mentions Zen to follow her.
Loreli was in a safe distance for the fight. She quietly watched from the distance, she flinched slight when she saw Danzo's arm get cut clean off. She rubbed her arm aloght and continued to watch, she was also on her guard just in case she got attacked as well. She blinked when she saw the sudden change in Danzo and was suddenly grabbed and looked at Zen, ' so that was what the seal was for...'


@Flame Demon

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"Not really, I missed your vitals on purpose" Hikari says and she adds "As for where we are going, to Dragon Valley, Danzo's guards will be able to track us, but our chakra signatures will disappear in the valley" she says and adds "Besides, the guardian dragon is pretty annoyed he has to stay sealed the entire time and he can't leave the valley, so I'm deciding to summon some dragons and have them stretch their wings"

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