Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Gaara sighed at him sister, " what happened now?..." he asked wondering what trouble Otomo has gotten into this time.


Loreli arrived at her clan's grave. She smiled softly before she place a hand on the ground and ice flowers started to appear at each grave. She then took oit the dolls Sasori gavr her and set it down at eache grave. She hugged softly as she did so, ' I need to train when I head back...' she thought to herself.


@Flame Demon

@Midnite (you can kidnap her now if you still want to do tht)
"Otomi is planning to kill Hikari" Temari says and she adds "Because you're distracted by her, not only that, but Otomi had the courage to step into Dragon Valley, not one has been there since the clan was wiped out, seems Hikari went home", she wondered what to do now "But you don't really hate Hikari do you? I mean what would you do in her situation?"

Zen awoke groggy. .. but he got up.

The Otomi she threw out was a mud clone the real one had left the valley after she attacked Zen she was far away. .

She laughed to herself  "the last Hanshou and Dragon well i don't need him any more" she says appearing in the sand village next to Temari. ..

"Temari are you telling on lil old me" she says. ..

Zen looks at Hikari. .. "you might as well kill me the last Hanshou bloodline" he says 

Sasuke appears next to Loreli. .."i need your help" he says 

@Flame Demon

Gaars sighed a little, " I am not sure Tenmari. It been a while since I though about things like that...." he said and then looked at Otomi when she appeared, " and didnt I specifically tell you not to go near Hikari" he said narrowing his eyes a little.


Loreli looked at him as she set the last doll down at a grave. " I am not helping you kill anyone, Saskue.." she said to him quietly as she looked back at the graves.


@Flame Demon

"You're not, your father and sister are still alive, but I need your help" Hikari says showing a picture "The guardian dragon used to have white striped on the wings, but when your clan convinced everyone it was a monster they started seeing it that way and it turned completely black" she says and glares "So the reason it became like it is is because your clan, it didn't help they killed everyone" she says and adds "So take responsibility and help me fix this"

"You know we have to keep that clan alive Otomi, or the balance will be thrown of, whether or not she's siding with the enemy" Temari says and she adds "You don't belong here anymore, you disobeyed direct orders from the Kazekage".


"I did it for us Gaara. ...i will do what you should have done and kill her and you will be praised for carrying out the Sands retribution" she says

"Im getting stronger almost had the strength to kill her but she rescued Zen before i could kill him oh well i found another way" she says 

Sasuke looks at her "i dont have time for this now listen to me" he says activating his sharringan casting genjutsu 

@Flame Demon

Zen looks at Hikari. .."no my sister was adopted by the leaf clan that specialize in weaponry. ... my father is gone. Otomi killed him in his weakened state she absorbed him like she tried to do to me...he couldn't fight it" he says to her

"How can i help fix anything. ..when she's gaining more power and i don't know how to fix your dragon"

Otomi looks at Temari. ..."i have the pride of the sand you think they respect a kazekage when the person they saw as a monster was handed over unscathed i was cheered for and praised by many i need no clan title"

@Flame Demon
Hikari sighs "I need a white flower from the hidden Leaf, it'll adsorb the darkness and after that I will try to keep it away, not that anyone will ever see me again" she says turning away from him "I'll stay here until I die" she says and sighs "That way I have nothing to worry about, there should be a farm here too, I'll just live there" she says as tears form in her eyes, she never wanted to hurt anyone and after killing the Hansou clan she realized that she was better of away from everyone.

"Otomi, they would have destroyed the city if he didn't hand her over, you're becoming a monster yourself!" Temari yells, her anger growing every minute "Gaara, please talk some sense into her before she's going to get herself and us in trouble"
Zen looks away summoning his Wyvern. .. "that is not something that you need me for you and the Akatsuki could just storm the leaf or try asking Tsunade nicely." He says getting on his Wyvern 

"You know after what you did you had my respect but to hide out here after you seal away the darkness  is being a coward can't believe your the same person who killed my clan... so are you coming with me or not"


@Flame Demon
" That wont work here, Saskue" Loreli said to him as no genjutsu's appeared in her mind. She got up and looked at him calmly, " You care deeply about Hikari... do you not?" She asked him calmly. "What if I told you her clan is still alive.. just asleep" she added as she pulled her cloak down. The tear drop on on her forehead changed into a tiara marking. She looked at her mother's geavestone, "who is it you wish to kill so badly...?"


Gaara narrowed his eyes getting tired of Otomi, "if you dont value the people of your village as much as you do of pride. Then you should quit being a sand nin, i am not sacrificing the entire village for one person, when we could have avoided all of it in the first place. Hikari isnt dangerous, you are making her dangerous" he said to he girl sternly.


@Flame Demon

"Fine and yes, I grew up in the Akatsuki, I don't want to anymore, I was ordered to kill Gaara, but unlike others, he didn't see me as a monster" Hikari says and she adds "But I'm not hiding, just keeping everyone save from myself" she mumbles and sighs "I'll see what will happen after helping the dragon, I'll wait two months, if things don't change I'll never show myself again" she says walking over.

Temari looks at Otomi "Get out of here!" she says, not sure how Otomi thought she was being smart "No one respects you if you wish to sacrifice the entire village when a fight can be avoided" she says.

Otomi laughed.... "I AM BEYOND A SAND NIN EVEN A KAZEKAGE I WILL KILL HER AND BUILD MY OWN VILLAGE. ... i wanted to walk alongside you Gaara but you have disappointed me" she says melting away 

Sasuke looks at her..."how can we awaken her clan.... and i want Danzo dead" he says 

Zen waited for her to get on the Wyvern. ...he touched Bakura returning his intelligence. . .

"Zen. ...what did you do to me and why is this girl here who shot me with a fireball.... you turned me into a dragon" he shrieked 

"I caused a rapid evolution in your cells bakura your not a dragon basically your a winged lizard who spits acid and poison i cant create dragons" he says 

Bakura happily flies in the air.

@Flame Demon

" I need to undo the ice that they are sleeping in.." Loreli said with a sigh. "But I cant without the help of the village guardian... i am not strong enough yet to be a suitable vessel yet..." she said and thought for a moment, "Danzo......that man has many deep scars..." she said softly. " 2 clans he wiped.. 3  counting the Hanshou clan" she sighed a little as she started thinking. "... my clan had many alliances. One you are allied with this clan... you are allied with every other clan... it there way to try to erase the hatre in this world..." she said. " Now they are gone... I need to find my own path now..." 

She smiled, " My parents didnt think I knew... but we had a assassination group that would kill anyone we though was long gone..." she sighed. "... Fine... I will help you find him but that is it" she said to him as she looked at him calmly.


" that village will be destroy by your ideals..." Gaara said to Otomi before she disappeared. Gaara sighed a little, " and we just made another enemy... wonderful..."


@Flame Demon

"Hikari will kill her before she can do anything, the two will meet before Otomi can even find a place for a village" Temari says and she says "But we have to warn her before Otomi gets to her, although I have confidence that it won't be easy killing that girl.

Hikari looks at the lizard "So... what makes you think Tsunade will just give me the flower I need, it's rare" she says glancing at Zen "Also dragon's aren't that bad, they can be quite useful for other things then fighting" she says and looks at the ice "And well... even if they're alive in that ice I doubt many will survive, my mother died shortly after being released, I will probably only have two maybe three left, I still don't feel sorry for you by the way"


"Tsunade is all about peace that dragon is a threat.... lizards don't like dragons its a common misconception that their related lizards can spit acid or poison not fire dragons dont produce mucus that enables them to scale walls. Dragons can be elemental other than using my chakara nature with my summoning they have no personal elements" zen replies

Bakura nods..."the only true similarly we have is that we once had wings but we are a different species all together not second rate dragons"

"We are going to the sand village first not the leaf you will need Gaara to help convince Tsunade" he says 

Sasuke looked at her..."just find Danzo Hikari doesn't care about the Uchiha i don't care about the dragons"

@Flame Demon

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Loreli looked at him, " Is that really true?" She asked him as she started walking. "anyway..m meet me outside the village. You are going to start feeling sick soon if you stay in here for too long. I need to grab a few books from my study room..."


Gaara sighed a little and nodded, but he wasnt sure if he was ready to see Hikari again... not after what happened yesterday. He sighed a little, " do you know where the Dragon valley is?.."


@Flame Demon

"It's the biggest valley on the map, but wait a day or two" Temari says and she sighs "So do you hate her or not? You'd have done the same, probably, if you hadn't met Naruto" she says looking outside.

Hikari sweatdrops "And why do we need help from him?" she asks, she was sure he hated her by now, especially after yesterday, but she had to deal with it for now.
"Do you think Tsunade will let you search the leaf for a flower she might but you did destroy a allied compound of the leaf Anbu and root will need more to go on..." he says arriving at the sand village. ...

Zen grabs Hikari and they appear in the Kazekages office..."wheres Otomi... and Hikari here needs the Kazekage help"

Kakuzu is walking. .."i knew Hikari would go soft...  as did Itachi. ..the Hanshou boy lives...but we need that dark dragon she must be trying to get rid of know what to do" he says speaking to someone in secret...

@Flame Demon

" I wouldnt have... you know I didnt care about anything before I met Naruto..." he said to Tenmari with a sigh before looking at Zen and Hikari. " and she left. She really want to kill you two..." he added with a sigh.


@Flame Demon
"They were allies with my clan too, my clan had many allies, besides your clan, the hidden Leaf and hidden Sand included, yet they stabbed us in the back" Hikari says and she looks at Gaara "I can get the guardian dragon back to normal, but I need a rare white flower from the hidden Leaf" she says and adds "After that it's up to me to leep him normal".
Sasuke looked at Loreli. .."you underestimate the Sharringan it is the ultimate dojutsu...i am already there" he says disappearing 

Zen looks at Gaara....

"Look she just needs you to talk to Tsunade I'll head back to the leaf" he says walking out 

@Flame Demon

Loreli sighed a little, she really doesnt want to help him, but if ahe didnt he would use force and ahe doesnt really want to fight in her already destroyed village. She ran off to her study and grabbed a few books. She put them in her bag before running off. She stopped in front of the lake and took out a piece of candy. She unwrapped it and dropped it in the lake. " I'll  be back..." she said softly as the candy faded away. She thrn ran off outside the village to meet up with Saskue.


Gaara raised an eyebrow, " I doubt lady Tsunade would want her near the village again... but I guess we could give it a shot...." he said as he got up.


@Flame Demon

Hikari pouts when Zen disappears and Temari says "I'll go inform her then", she disappears and Hikari rubs her arm realizing she's alone with Gaara "I should probably go" she mumbles and adds "Nice seeing you again" she says and walks to move, but the dragon is preventing her to move "Make it up to him" the dragon says and Hikari facepalms thinking "No, thanks to you he hated me". She disappears after glancing at Gaara again and she appears in front of the hideout, she had to fix her armor first.
Zen summons his Wyvern Bakura once more to fly to the hidden leaf...

He noticed something. ..and sends Bakura away in an instant. ..falling through the air two puppets lock around him and drive him to the ground. ..

It was Sasori. ..and the puppets held Zen in place. ...

Sasori approaches. .. "what have you lot done to Hikari  boy" he says 

Zen glares at him standing up as he stands the pupets still constrict him..."get lost Akatsuki i already want to kill you just leave Hikari be" he says 

The puppets poison him but Sasori is surprised that his poison has no effect. ..

Kakuzu appears ... "poison wont work on him Sasori. .. i knew Itachi had no conviction he let Hikari grow soft.... she killed your clan boy why are you protecting her" he says 

"She's not the monster i thought she was we turned her into one myself included yet she was strong enough not to completely lose her soul. I just want her forgiveness and if i can prevent you from having her so be it" he says 

"Ridiculous your talking as if you care for her ha Hikari her charms it seems" he says 

Zen  looks at him "whatever you wont find her or have her" he says 

"This boy has some determination...we can just sense her chakara" he says. .. as they try they feel nothing 

Zen smirks as the puppets are burned away..."i told you already. ..i won't let you have her" he says as a dome of chakara enveloped the trio blocking them from sensing chakara and others from sensing them.

Zen cracks his neck... as his bloodline appears on his right hand. .."who's first" 

Sasuke waited for Loreli. ..

@Flame Demon

Gaara looked at Hikari and said nothing when she disappeared. " You should talk to her" Shukaku said as he appeared on his shoulder. 

" I have nothing to day to her..." Gaara said.

" You and I both know that isn't true..." Shukaku said to him. Gaara sighed, " boy you like the girl. Admit it."

"I do not. Now go away, I have paper work to do" he said as he stsrted to work again.


Tsunade was working on finishing her paperwork ao she can take an early break today. She was almost done when her assistant brought in more. " are you kidding me?"



Loreli easily found Saskue in the snow and cautiously approached him, " Sorry to keep you waiting...." she said to him quietly as she walked over to him.


@Flame Demon


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