Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Sasuke  left he needed Hikari to get his revenge but he had to get her help to kill Orochimaru.

Orochimaru appears next to Sasuke "the time will be here soon. I will give you the power to kill Itachi." He says 

"I need the head of the leaf dead the one who ordered the massacre only one head remains.... Danzo"

"Oh Sasuke  you want Danzo dead now how will you find him because I won't help our agreement was to help you kill Itachi"

"I know of a powerful tracker but Hikari of the Akatsuki. ..she's half Uchiha and half dragon clan" he says  and Orochimaru's eyes widen.

"She needs a favor from you"

"Oh the hybrid of Uchiha and Dragon Clans her blood can aid in my experiments greatly.... set up a meeting Sasuke so she and I can discuss terms"

He says disappearing on a mass of snakes.

Sasori went to his quarter's thinking about Loreli.

Kisame slams Samaeda. .."HOW she massacred a clan and not invite me. Itachi she must take after you" he says 

Zen stays at the site kneeling over his mother's body as rain falls.

Akemi looks on..."how is he still alive father?"

"Zen has never been like the rest of us he embraces emotion unlike us. Intense hatred is keeping him alive"

The cracks on Zen's body heal and a massive burst of evil chakara pushes Akemi and Saiga back.


Saiga looks on..."he suffered and has been reborn i never seen someone who hasn't discarded emotion survive the trial. .."

Smoke clears and Akemi can see a new form glowing but once it cleared she sees Zen as he walks past them.

"Father that form i couldnt see what it was.... it was different then yours" she says 

Zen looks back at the two..."i am fine but they will pay starting with the Akatsuki" he says as in a flash he is seen carrying his mother's body to bring her to her clan for burial

@Flame Demon

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Tsunade clenched her fists, she failed at being the Hokage. Gaara let the very upset lady back to the Hokage building, ".... I want to know who gave the order to wipe out the Dragon clan.. i want the person found... now. Send the Anbu out. Now" Tsunade said with a new determination in her eyes as she sat down. She looked at her advisor who nodded and disappeared.

" I dont think it's recorded who gave the order" Kakashi said to Tsunade. 

" we'll figure it out another way if we have too" Tsunade said as she looked out the window to think. She didnt feel doing paperwork.

Gaara sighed, " i am gonna head back to the sand village..."

Tsunade nodded, " take Kakashi with you" she said. The two nodded and disappeared. Winter sighed a little, "Winter... explained the spider on your shoulder..."

Winter looked at Tsunade and stsrted telling her about the spider.


Loreli was outside the village and was heading towards the snowy mountains. A shiver ran up her spine as she looked back at the village and frowned slight. She looked away and fixed the hood on her head as she started running towards the snowy mountains.


@Flame Demon

Itachi shakes her head "No she takes after her father, Madara Uchiha" he says and sighs "But they can't understand what she feels, she never had anyone that's like her, that can summon dragons, she's been searching for 10 years for answers, it's no wonder this happened" he says and adds "But if you want to complain, go to her".

Hikari however leaves and sneaks out successfully before running of, the small dragon following behind "This way" she says and runs towards a hidden valley, Tobi had given her a map, which she burned after memorizing it, as instructed on the back of it, she would find the Dragon village, she had to know how to get that dragon out of her and maybe she could find something in the village, at all cost.


-Timeskip to next day-

Loreli has taken a short break, she was almost to the snowy  mountait. She was eating somenuts as she sat down on the branch of a treee and looked at the sky, listening to the birds chirp. She softly sighed to herself as she got up, " Even far away I still feel it..." she mumbled to herself as she started running again. 

After about 10 minutes she reached the entrance leading to the snowy mountain. She smiled happily, it's been a while since she smiled like that. She ran in at a high speed, knowing she doesnt have to worry about leaving trail since there is snow everywhere. She soon came to the edge of a valley and her eyes softened as she saw the still destroyed village which was around a lake with ceytal clear water.  She jumped down and ran of into the village. As soon as she entered it, she felt at peace all the negative emotions just vanished. It was like the village wasnt even part of this world. You felt at peace. 

Tears then suddenly started falling and Loreli collapse on her knees. She has been holding back all her emotions until now. The clam, quiet, distant look that she has put up at the Lead Village just broke down. She just started crying about everything that happened. She didnt even understand why she up such a mask in front of everyone. She knows she could trsut them... maybe it's because she couls sense that they thought she was very weird from the everyone else.

She then just screamed at the top of her lungs and letting her chakra got out of control and just freeze the ground. Oddly the houses werent effected at all. After a 15 minutes she finally calmed down and sighed a little. As she laid down and looked at the sky as she wiped her tears away. She liked the cold, its never effected her at all and it was alway so beautiful, like this village. 

She noticed one of the scrolls she was carrying started glowing. She blinked a little and sat up. She took it out and opened it, a glowing ice sparrow popped up and started flying around. It landed on Loreli's head before flying off. Loreli followed after it, as she headed deeper into the village.


@Flame Demon

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Hikari stops upon seeing the village, covered in ice, though she could still see all the dead membdrs of her clan and she falls on her knees "No..." she says hiding her face, the wind dragon appears and lands next to the girl, putting a wing around Hikari "Cry if you want child" the dragon says, which is all it takes for Hikari "I figured it was true that you wind dragons are like a second mother" she whispers hugging the dragon as she breaks down. She couldn't do anything right now, she hadn't known how much damage her village had suffered, it also didn't help that she could see dead bodies everywhere, it was proof she had no one left, not even her father, who had been dead for a while and Itachi and Tobi didn't really count.
A shadow appears high in the sky over Hikari. .. it looks familiar as it was a winged beast that was large but it disappeared as someone fell from the sky landing before Hikari.

It was Zen. ...

"So this is where you came to after destroying my home. The land is frozen my father had told me it was the doing of a different clan. It reminds me of that annoying leaf girl with power over ice" he says to her as he looked around 

@Flame Demon
Loreli was running after the glowing ice bird to playground. She tilted her head wondering why she was brother her. A mist then started  to form and an illusion was created of her and her family. She was about 6 and was playing with her older brother. She fell down and started crying. Her brother panicked and her mother just smiled and picked up the young girl, " shh... its going to be ok" the lady said softly in the most beautiful and calm voice Loreli had ever hear.

" Mom..." Loreli said as tears started falling as she remember her childhood without the bad headaches. The village.. or the guardian of the village, was helping her regain her memory. Loreli reached over for her mother but her hand went through it, " Mommy...." Loreli cried missing her mother. She wished she was with her right now. She wanted her hug, the bird appeared and landed on her shoulder nuzzling her before leading her to another area.


@Flame Demon

"I figured, but take a look inside the ice" Hikari says, not moving from her spot "Your clan killed them because they were ordered too, they were humans too, they could have declined" she says, the dragon wrapping around her for protection "They killed innocent children who didn't even have their own dragon yet, people going on with thsir normal lives, all killed for no reason", she was glad that Zen wasn't able to see her at the moment, he'd call her weak for crying. Once she calms down, a little, she gets up facing Zen "I spend years trying to find someone, anyone, from this clan, someone with the same abilities as me, but your clan ruined that and if my dad hadn't stepped in my mother would have been killed and I wouldn't be here alive" she says and charges at him, activating both her sharingan and dragon eye "You still have people from you clan, I have no one" she says lashing out with her sword.
Zens chakara flared up in response to her activating her sharringan and dragons eye.

"Don't give me that sympathy for the devil crap. Did you hold your mother's lifeless body in your hands. Did you see it first hand everyone die in a flash. I don't  blame you my clan did destroy your but it was because of that dark dragon inside of you. My bloodline is screaming to kill you because of it." He says ask he looks at the people.

"My clan was assassin's but my mother was innocent she lead my clan down a peaceful path despite being assassin's we only went after enemies of the leaf.

Now that i have gone through the trial i know the truth. ....

The Hanshou killed your people but it was due to sharringan manipulation. I don't understand because only one Uchiha had that power from what my clan knew about the Uchiha.

It matters not but why have you returned here" he says 

@Flame Demon
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Loreli followed the bird to the training ground where another illusion from. It was Loreli, her brother training with her father, " come on Loreli, your going to take over the clan someday" her said to her sternly.

" but daddy... I dont want to hurt anyone... why can't oni-chan take over the clan?" She asked her father not understanding him at all.

Her mother walked over, her eyes full of wisdom, " You will understand in due time my child" the mother said as she she picked up her daughter. " You will have many trials ahead of you that you will need to overcome... you will see things... that will upset you" she said to Loreli softly as her eyes softened with a slight hint of sadness.

Loreli tilted her head, " mommy?..." she asked her worriedly.

Her mother held her closely and smiled, " let's go get something to eat... I made you your favorite pancakes" she said with a smile.

" Yay!" Loreli said happily and the illusion faded, "....she knew...." Loreli said starring at the now empty and destroyed training ground. " Why didnt she do anything...." she asked with a frowned. The bird then flew into the house and Loreli followed, memories of her time in the house flooded into her head as she looked around the destroyed complex. She clenched her fists and shook her head, no she isnt going to cry.

She then remembered her mother saying, ' your is a place where you shouldn't hold back you're emotions. You're always free to express yourself. Dont be ashamed of crying' Loreli then let her tears fall.

She was then lead to her old study room. She wiped her tears again as another illusion formed, this time she looked older maybe 16ish. She was reaching for a book on the top shelf and ended up dropping another book. "whoops" Loreli said as she caught the book and giggled a little. She looked at the book and tilted her head, " Dragon Clan..."

As if on cue her mother walked into the room to check on Loreli and oddly smiled when she found the Dragon Clan book. " Loreli are doing your homework?"

Loreli looked over and nodded, " I found this book..." she said as she walked over to her.

" Ahh... that book is very old. " Hse said as she took it off her hand and opened it. " it was given to us by the clan. If most is just a book of dragons and a bit of thr clan history"

" waaa.... can we go see them?!" Loreli asked exctied being all energetic and happy.

Her mother shook her head, " the clan is asleep..."

" Asleep?..."

The lady nodded, " the clan was close to being wiped out by an assassin clan... our ancestors had frozen them to protect them to protect them" she said as she looked through the book and showed Loreli the black dragon sealed in Hikari. " this dragon, is a powerful dark dragon... he was feared and thats why the assassin clan was ordered to wipe them out..." she said and closed the book.

" why not wake them up?" Loreli asked.

Her mother smiled, " it's not time yet my dear..."

"When will we release them" Loreli asked.

" you will know.. when the time is right..."  her mother said and the illusion faded.

Loreli walked over to the shelf and took the dragon book off the shelf. She hugged it and softly sighed, " It's time to wake them up... isnt mom..." she said softly. The bird then flew off and Loreli followed it as more memories of the her time in the study flooded into her head.


@Flame Demon

"That dragon is our guardiqn dragon, it was summoned to protect everyone from intruders like your clan" Hikari says and she glares "My mother died shortly after the hidden leaf got me safely, it's not my fault I have this. So no I don't, I've never know anyone with my abilities, now leave, you're trespassing" she says with a glare, she didn't want him here "10 years looking for the truth, hoping I would find my family, hoping to find someone with a dragon, you don't know what it's like, so leave me the hell alone and don't ever set foot in this valley again or I will kill you", she was beyond pissed at the moment, how dare he think she is the only one who did something wrong, she just did what anyone would have done.
"I told you i don't fault you for it but someone put our clans at odds with one another. Now that dragon may have been a guardian at one point but what is it now" he says 

"You have a weapon inside you now no different than a jinchuriki you can get upset that your clan is gone but my mother died for sins that were not hers you so called guardian killed children. If you wanted true justice  the bloodline users should have been your only target" he says to her

Zen had nothing but hatred in his heart how does she expect him to react did she really think that he would be ok with everything her dragon has done.

"You trespassed on my clans land and you'll kill me for coming here..well go ahead and try i don't fear death" he says 

@Flame Demon
"I didn't trespass, never set foot there" she says and glares "Alright then why don't I help you with that, also how was I suppose to know who had the trait, I don't like taking risks" she says and a black dragon "Meet my favorite dragon, the one who can kill with one hit" she says petting it before hopping on the wind dragon "Trough try to find me first" she says and there comes a strong wind and Hikari with the two dragons are gone.
Zen waited when she made her dragons disappear.. he looked around. ..

"So after killing my clan and almost dying you have enough chakara to do this." He says cutting his hand "dual summoning" he says summoning Lizardman-profile.jpg

Bakura. Also summons four rashonamon gates around him covering him from sight.

Lizards naturally have heightened senses they don't need to see an enemy... Bakura sniffs at the air and leaps stabbing at what to the normal eye looks like air but its blade pierces through. ..."Zen what are you doing in there" he says 

@Flame Demon
Loreli held the book closely to her chest as she followed the bird to the sewing room when her mother always spend time making kimonos for Loreli. There was beautiful blue and white hanging there. Loreli went over to it and saw a note on it.  

'Happy birthday dear! Hope you love it' the note said. It was from her mother. Loreli stared at the note before staring at the kimono. She gently took it off and folded it  before outting in her bad to take back to the leaf village. Another illusion yet form in the room.

She turned to see her mother and her 16'ish year old set making a kimono together,  " Mommy... I was studying and I saw that we have many alliance with several differenr clans.. why?" She asked  the lady curiously.

The lady looked at her, "my dear... this world is currently in a cycle of hatred and revenge..."

"Why?..." Loreli asked as she looked at the laxy with frown.

" because... people dont learn to forgive one another. They blame each generation for everything the previous generation did...and there are corrupt people out there that would want ro destroy everything and recreate the world in their own image" she said looking at her daughter with her calm Silver eyes as he reached over and place a hand on her daughter's cheek. 

" but... isnt forgiving someone the best thing to do? And why would anyone want to destroy this world?" Loreli asked innocently and confuse.

Her mother smile as she gently rubbed her thumb on her cheek, " Forgiving someone is easy... but it's too easy and the person doesnt understand the pain they are in. People think revenge will make the person undrstand everything... but it doesnt... it just causes more pain and anger" she said softly. " This hatred has caused so much hate... people think it's best destroy everything and remake it..." Loreli frowned not understand it. "You will understand one day my child. You have a gift no one else has. Use it wisely."

"Mommy... what if the person deserves to die?.." Loreli asked.

Her mother smiled, "that is a decision up to you... everyone has a choice and every choice has a consequence of some sort big or small... remember that" she said and the illusion faded. The bird the flee of to one last destination, the lake. Loreli followed after it.
Hikari had jumped to her other dragon in time and she looks at,the ice "Blast it" she says, but the fireball has no effect "Well let me see, blast that annoying lizard" she says and a fireball lands on top of the lizard before the dragon flies of at top speed, the land the clan has is huge and it's all a in the same valley.
Bakura blocked most of the attack with its shield but fell to the ground. ..

"Dragons young hanshou wait till the king hears about this" he says writhing in pain. 

Zen makes the Rashonamon gates disappear. ..

"Tell the king all you want... but i want you to follow her i can track her chakara but shes moving pretty fast."

He says. ..

Bakura gets up "I will do no such thing...gahhh" he screams as Zens hand pierced through him.

"What are you hurts" Bakura screams as his body began to grow and contort.

"Seeing my father evolve his body with our bloodline gave me an idea. They say lizards use to be able to fly comparing you to wyverns" 

Bakura began to grow and became more feral 


Zen looks at Bakura..."A lil prehistoric but you'll do" he says getting on Bakura and taking off

@Flame Demon
Hikari lets her dragon move faster and she looks around the area, there had to be a place here, the dragon flies down and lands in front of a temple, Hikari goes in after the dragon disappears and she walks around, the temple had old writings of her clan's achievement, she walks to one and sees all other clans "They made peace with most clans, but why not the Hansou clan?" she mumbles and walks to the one next to it, the clan had also made peace with the hidden sand and hidden leaf village, her clan never did anything wrong, maybe she could see what caused the guardian to go on a rampage, for now the temple hid her chakra, which was good.
Loteli arrived at the lake and looked around wondering why she was brought here. The final illusion appeared at the lake, it was just her mother this time, she was looking at the lake, " mom..." Loreli said quietly.

The lady turned around as if she heard her and smiled, " hey..." Loreli blinked a little. The lady motioned her to come over and Loreli slowly walked over to her. The lady looked at the again, " to tell you the truth.... you're brother was never the one training to be a vessel. It was you..." she said softly.

" I know... I remember figuring it out a long time ago. It made sense why dad was always punishing me in training" Loreli said softly. The lady smiled, " How am I talking to you....?"

" the guardian is letting you see me in my spirit form..." the lady answered. Loreli frowned a little and looked at the ground, " It not your fault that I died. It was meant to be." The lady said and Loreli looked at her and she smiled, " You look so tire, my child"

Loreli sighed, " when you said that the world is in a cycle of hatred... you werent joking... I can feel everything.... in someone" she said hugging herself. "everyone's chakra has marks that only I understand. Some are so deep it cant be mend... i dont know how to handle it all. I cant share it with anyone... they dont understand what I see..."

Her mother smiled and looked at the lake, " I understand how you feel. You ability is a blessing and a curse.. like mine... our blood has the tendency to give at one person a special trait every generation. Mine was to see into the future..." she said. 

" I know... i fogured that out two" Loreli said making the lady laugh a little. 

" you are so smart... if only more people saw that in you" the lady said and the girl smiled a little.

" they dont... they all think I am weird..." she said.

The lady shook her head, " you know there is an old saying in the family. Being weird is better than being normal" she said with another light laugh.

" I am guessing people thought our family was weird for a long time?" She asked with a sweatdrop.

" Yeah... actually. Outsiders thought the entire clan was weird." The lady before looking at Loreli, " You are special. Dont let anyone take that away with you. Every member in the family alway got through the trial their gifts gave them. Once you get a better understanding of your power... you will be someone amazing" she said with a smile and notice that her body started to fade.  The mothe smiled and kissed her forehead giving the rest of her memories back. " goodbye my dear... take care" 

Loreli frowned, but smiled knowing her mother want her to smile. " bye mom... say to everyone for me" she said as the lady faded away. Loreli looked at the lady and sighed, " I am not ready yet..." she said before walking off to the graves of her clan.


@Flame Demon

Zens Wyvern couldn't track her anymore or feel her chakara. 


He goes into his new form and immediately created a giant Rasengan with wind and fire....

He is ready to unleash the attack and destroy the valley and frozen bodies. ...

Then he sees his mother place a hand on his shoulder. ..

"Didn't i tell you to forgive" she says 

"I can't do that she killed you she killed the clan" he says 

"Your clan killed hers through coercion how is she at fault"

Zen had tears in his eyes..."shes still guilty that doesn't absolve her" he says 

"But your using the power of the head of the Hanshou clan and Sage for this. Zen i chose death for you to live she is a victim these frozen bodies may be gone but their all she has" she says 


Zen cancels the Jutsu and lands. ..he sends the Wyvern away.. 

He stops crying but then a pillar of earth goes through him.

He looks back and dropped to his knees..."OTOMI! !!!"

"You coward lucky i followed you... i thought you could kill her you promised me. she killed your clan and destroyed the sand....but now I will kill her shes a distraction to my Love and Gaara will reward me" she says as a mud sink hole swallows Zen up.

Zen actually smiles... as hes sucked in "anger clouded me...guess mom was right" he says disappearing in the mud

@Flame Demon

Hikari nearly finishes reading the last one when she senses other chakra and she heads that way "Seriously, what is it with people and trespassing?" she asks and looks at Otomi "If it helps a bit, Gaara probably hates me, now leave me alone" she says and asks "Oh yeah, what happened to that Hansou boy?"

Temari paces around un her brother's office, she had put a tracker on Otomi "This is bad" she says and looks outside, she had to warn Gaara "Give her some time, yeah right" she says.
Otomi smirks "what do you care I got rid of him he got soft talking about forgiveness i thought he would of killed you but i will kill you for what you did to the sand and what you represent. represents Gaara's weakness a living reminder that monsters like you can destroy and kill and those like Gaara cannot do anything about it " she says 

"This place should be your grave but i think i will let you live for now so i will just leave this Valley" she says walking away she looks back at Hikari smiling "see you soon"

@Flame Demon

"Whatever, don't set foot in here again, or you will be dragon food, but do me one tiny favor and bring Zen back, I wanna finish him of" Hikari says glaring at Otomi "And the dragon wasn't always a monster, it's because everyone started calling it one it became one and I have just the way to get it back to normal, dragons weren't meant to be monsters, what would you do if someone called you a monster all the time?" she asks crossing her arms and a dragon picks her up "Oh yeah, once you got Zen back I'll have that one escort you out" she says still glaring, as much as she hated to admit it she needed help.


Otomi smirks then began laughing hysterically...."Give him back. ...he was too seconds from destroying this Valley. And that wipes away all of you and your dragons sins because you were treated like monsters so you became monsters boo hoo...." she says as she kept laughing.

"Oh he was so angry that you killed his mother but can't give him back... he's already dead no more Hanshou clan. .. aren'tyou happy" sge says

@Flame Demon

Hikari sighs and she says "Trow her out", the dragon holding Otomi flies of and trows the girl far away while Hikari summons a mud dragon "It's my terrain, not hers" she mumbles letting the dragon fall apart to reveal Zen and she brings him to the temple where she puts him down "Well since he doesn't seem to want to kill me anymore he might as well help me" she says taking a thick book.



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