Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

"Alrighty, of we go" Hikari says and her dragon flies over, landing a bit outside the place so the two nin wouldn't get caught and Hikari jumps of "Do you want to stay behind?" she asks glancing at Sasuke while taking out a scouting ninja and she adds "Or do you want to keep watch for anyone?" she asks, dark chakra starts to slowly form around her and she hears the dragon again "Finally revenge, don't bother holding me back, just help me since that blasted clan weakened me a lot" "No problem, you just have to listen to me" Hikari thinks looking at the buildings, narrowing her eyes.


Loreli appeared near Kakashi, " Kakashi! Hikari and Saskue are coming here!" She said to him.

Kakashi looked up from his book and got down from his tree, " what else do you sense?" He asked knowing the girl isnt normally this panicked.

Loreli frowned, " hatred... very strong... hatred... and the hunger to kill and get revenge..." she added holding the dolls closely not liking this feeling. It reminded her if the feeling the fire clan was releasing as they wiped out her clan, "similar to Saskue's... except stronger. The dragon in her... is going to be set loose soon..." 

" where is she headed?" He asked her calmly. Loreli pointed in the direction of Zen's clan. " Go tell Tdunade" he said before disappearing.


Winter's sweatsropped, " you do kinda need to keep the lethal ones as well since people will try to kill you" she said to Zen with a sigh. 


@Flame Demon

Sasuke looks at her..."i will assist you and i will fend off the leaf shinobi as well with my genjutsu  since your target is only the Hanshou clan." He says 

Sasori begins running in Hikari direction.

Zen feels a pain in his chest his blood is on fire he gets up immediately "i... i have to go home...something is wrong" he says taking off gliding through the roof tops he sees anbu shinobi on the run to but they begin falling asleep. ..

"Genjutsu at this distance. ..Sasuke" he says 

Sasuke sees Zen in the distance and allows him to keep coming "theres a Hanshou bloodline member heading back to the compound should i kill him while  you focus on the major members" he asked 

Hanshou clansmen begin to notice the intruders.

@Flame Demon

"No worries" Hikari says as the dark chakra forms above her, summoning the large guardian dragon and she jumps on it's head "Well then, start slowly" she says and smirks as the dragon destroys a few large buildings with a huge fireball before shooting smaller ones all around the area "Says goodbye to this clan" Hikari says as the dragon starts forming a huge fireball able to blow things apart, funny how they needed more people and she would just wipe them out with Sasuke keeping watch "And no, let him watch, let him feel what's it's like to lose everyone who ever cared for you, so that they'll be no one like him left" she says not looking at Sasuke.
Zen  sees the large dragon in the distance. .."NOOO!!!" he screams as the rage motivated him to move faster... purple veins began to be visible on his skin. His vision became finite he sees Hikari.  "I WONT LET THIS HAPPEN" he says closing the gap.

Saiga gathers the members of the clan with trait. 

He goes to the highest building while his wife uses Senjutsu to try to protect Akemi. 

Saiga is in shock... he gets to the building and creates a giant bird out of chakara that rams the dark dragon with him on top of it.



While the weaker members were using their bloodline to slowly weaken it.


Zen arrives finally and he sees his clansmen dead some still fighting he sees Sasuke Uchiha but he sees Hikari battling with his father and runs to him. 

"FATHER....!!" He shouts running. 

@Flame Demon

"I will kill you all!" Hikari says as the dragon blasts the compound in pieces "But let me warn you, I am not going down easily" she says and activates her dragons eyes as she summons all her dragons "Begone" she says ordering them all to attack at once "And if you think I'm just like the others you're wrong!" she says and activates her sharingan as well as she jumps down attacking Saiga with her sword.
Winter watched Zen leave and though it was weird how the boy was acting. She was about to head back to the Leaf Village when a voice spoke in her head, 'Child, there is danger brewing'

Winter blinked, ' what danger...?' She asked and before the vice could answer she was sunddenly in a genjutsu set up by Saskue. Winter's eyes changed, one became white and the other became black as she undid the genjutsu on her. She then heard several explosions and botled off in that direction. On the way she ran into Tsunade and Loreli who were heading towards the explosions, "the hell is happening?!" She asked her eyes still mismatched.

Loreli looked at her, ".... Revenge" she said ever so softly as she headed towards there. Winter suddenly became silent as she followed after the girl.


Kakashi was already and was using his summons to rescue as many people as possible. He didnt want this to end up like Uchida clan. He looked at Himari before looking around for Saskue.


@Flame Demon

The blade goes through Saiga's chakara shield and cuts off his left arm causing him to fall back. "Aaaahhhhh. ..that cursed blade broke through my shield. I AM SAIGA HANSHOU HEAD OF THIS CLAN" he screamed as he has been preparing a jutsu luckily he can use it with one hand.

"Hanshou secret technique: Evolution" he says piercing his neck and poisoning himself.

"The Hanshou clan bodies can break down poisons but this poison takes our bloodline to the limit. He says as his skin turns white and grows claws on his remaining armView attachment 171997

He swings his claw arm sending shockwaves which bisected a couple of dragons in half.

"My poison is increased ten fold in this form which only i possess my poison is lethal" he says disappearing in a flash and going past Hikari and a piece of her armor is cut. "That armor may protect you from my poison but i will tear it to pieces and strike you down" he says 

Zen sees the dragons attacking everyone his mother is in her sage form fighting. 

"FATHER...." he screamed in shock he had never seen that form.

A smaller dragon attacks Zen "DAMN YOU"  he says creating a great ball Rasengan and striking the dragon sending it back. He keeps running to try to help his father the purple veins increasing.

Sasori arrived and sees the sight. .."HIKARI STOP THIS MADNESS" he says as dragons kill clan members even the children 

@Flame Demon

"No" Hikari says blasting Saiga away and she runs to him "This armor will protect me and even if it costs me an arm, I will kill you for killing my clan, they were trying to live in peace! They made an alliance with the hidden Leaf and you killed them, now you will be killed" she says cutting at him again. Itachi appears sensing the chakra even in the hideout and he walks over to Hikari "Stop it, you shouldn't do this" he says and Hikari chuckles darkly "Says the one who killed his clan" she says and cuts Saiga's shoulder before jumping to the dragon "All out" she says disappearing, if she wanted to end this she's have to give all her remaining chakra "Even if it kills me, I will kill you all" she says and the giant black dragon grows bigger and stronger, absorbing all the remaining dragons.

Tobi watches from the shadows and sighs, wondering how to get her to snap out of it before she kills herself, he disappears and appears behind Gaara "I need your help, it's about Hikari" he says and sighs "She's on a rampage, killing the clan who kill hers, if you don't stop her then she'll die before finishing"
Saiga falls from the sky and lands leaving a crater. Zen runs to him "Father. sorry for everything what can we do" he asked.

Saiga returned to his normal ...he looks at Zen. "Theres nothing we can do she defeated the final form when we defeated the dragon before it had no host her power with it made it much stronger" he says.

Zens mother and sister appear in a flash she looks at Zen and gasps.

"The Kanima" she says looking at Zen and hugging him.

"What are you talking about Kanima" he  replied 

"A trial of bloodline users your body is forcibly trying to break fathers seal granting you power comparable to the head of the Hanshou clan but only 8% of bloodline users survive it" Akemi responds 

Saiga looked at Furenji his body crippled "my wife. ...leave with them Zen cannot survive the trial like this it reflects the users soul hatred will consume him" he says 

Zen looks at his dad "I DON'T CARE" he shouted as his bloodline ability resurged with great purple chakara looming over him. Furenji sees Zens body begin to break down.

He stands up creating a large black Rasengan with his bloodline in his right  hand and it grows.

Fire then mixes with it giving it the look of a red and black rose.

"I will kill her even if I die" he says Akemi tried to  stop him but he leaped with great power..."BLACK ROSE RASENGAN" he collides with the dragon and the Rasengan expands not as large as the dragon but enough to give it some resistance. 

Sasuke looks at the dark attack... "that one is trouble if he makes Hikari go past her limit she will die as will my plans" he says going into his cursed seal level two. Even though Hikari could handle it Sasuke didn't want to chance it and she dies. 

He creates a dark chidori and strikes Zen in the stomach peircing him he saw Itachi trying to stop her.

"No Hikari don't listen to him...get your revenge. AVENGE YOUR CLAN " he shouted to her to spite Itachi.

@Flame Demon

Tsunade, Winter and Loreli arrived, they all went wide eyed at what was happening, 'Child release me, my web can protect them from the fire' the voice said to Winter, who hesitated for a moment but nodded. She bit her finger letting some blood out before doing some hand signs and slams the ground, nothing happened and she blinked a little, before several spiders big medium size spiders started to pop up. The spiders headed over to the places to few surviving member of the clan and carried them off to safety, while the other helped the spider queen with the dragon.'Lady Tsunade please summon your slugs" the voice then said to Tsunade who got out of her ahock and summoned her slugs to heal and help the injured.

" wait.. where are you?" Winter asked looking around.

" Right above you" the voice said out loud and tall black widow spider appeared out of no where, it was invisible the entire time. The spider then shot the mouth and wings of the black dragon Hikari was on with web and pulled on with all it's strength making it the dragon and Hikari crash to the ground. She then shot balls of web at her to hold her down. " she is very strong and that wont hold for long... I suggest get as many people as you can out of her. More spider appeared around the big dragon and started to web the dragon down more.

Loreli was watching quietly and looked in the direction of Saskue, " Winter... you should deal with Saskue" she said quietly. " he is going to kill Zen..."

Winter glared and appeared in front of Saskue and kicked him in the stomach, Kakashi appeared and picked up Zen before disappearing and reappearing near Tsunade. "Loreli heal him" Tsunade said and Loreli nodded and started to heal Zen.


Gaara was doing paperwork and aighed a little, he blinked when Tobi appeared out of nowhere and sand spikes were pointed at him. He then raised an eywbrow at what he said about Hikari, "... how do I know you're not lying...."


@Flame Demon

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The dragon roars and breaks the webs before flying up and destroying the rest of the compound and the dragon roars again, even scaring Itachi "We have to get her to get to her senses" he says and looks at Sasori "I know how, but we have to act quickly, if someone's not already on it, she'll die if she stay in that dragon any longer" he says and sighs watching the dragon rampage.

Tobi sighs "She can die if you don't help her, but since you won't come we're doing this the hard way" he says and grabs Gaara's arm before disappearing with him and appearing back at the Leaf "Hikari currently is in that dragon there, it's draining her chakra" he explains.
Zen grabs Loreli by the hand black veins appear on her skin burning her and he swings her away. His body is still deteriorating turning into pure chakara. ..the Kanima was getting worse...his poisonous aura even causes Tsunade to move back.

"Leave me be or i will kill you both" he says disappearing in a flash just before the dark dragon released its attack to destroy the compound he is near his mother. .."Tha...t at...tack will kill us all i will release the remaining chakara I have to offset the attack get dad and Akemi to safety and i love you all im sorry i couldnt save the clan." He says as he jumped into the path of the oncoming attack but Furenji gets between him and a white light engulfed Zen Akemi and Saiga. 

"Sage Art: space jutsu, Sage art: transportation" she creates a shield to hold back the dragons attack.




"I cannot allow my son to die. Zen dont give into hate forgive my son i love you all" she says as he began to teleport away last he saw was his mother smiling as she couldn't hold back the attack and teleport them at the same time.

That was the last he saw of Furenji Hanshou.

Sasori sees Gaara and uses a puppet to grab Gaara and toss him in front of the dragon. ..."MAKE HER SEE YOU GAARA RELEASE SHUKAKU TO HOLD THE DRAGON BACK AND TRY TALKING TO  HER" Sasori yelled 

Sasuke smirked Itachi couldnt sway her the compound was destroyed but he didn't want Hikari to die.

"The battle is lost. ... Manda" Sasuke says summoning the  snake as it wrapped around the dragon but alone it wasnt strong enough to hold it back all hope was on Gaara.

@Flame Demon

Loreli yelped in pain when black veins appeared on her hand and burn her skin badly. When thrown aside ended up hitting the ground pretty hard. Kakashi quickly went over to her, " I am.. fine..." Loreli said as she at her hand, the burning didn't stop and it slowly spread as the black veins spread as well. She winced when she tried to move her hand. " I am fine.." she said again as she froze her hand to ease the pain a little.  She got up and smiled calmly at Kakashi.

Winter glared at Saskue, " how much damage are you going to cause until you finally satisfied" She hissed at him before blinking when Gaara appeared.

Gaara's eyes went wide and before he could ask what he could do. He was suddenly thrown in front of the dragon. He didnt have to be told twice and summoned shukaku who slammed the dragon down with his tail and then Gaara restrained it with his sand the best he could.


@Flame Demon

Before the dragon can roast Gaara, quite literally', Hikari stops him even though it's taking some effort "He is in the way, he has to die" the dragon tells Hikari trying to break the restraints and Hikari says "Only three are left, they're not here and I will not let you kill Gaara". Itachi looks at the dragon and he says "We should leave, we don't know how long she can restrain it" he says and looks at Loreli and he picks her up, jumping away from a nearby collapsing building "Do not make me regret saving you" he says and looks at Tsunade "Heal her, I'll try to get that dragon to let Hikari go" he sats leaving Loreli with the Hokage before going to where Gaara is with Hikari. He then looks at Sasuke "Why did you help her find out?" he asks, knowing his younger brother is the reason for Hikari finally finding out.
"I need not answer to you Itachi as if you are noble. .. the only reason I dont kill you now is the promise i made to her. Hikari will be mine and aid in the resurgence of the Uchiha clan I assisted with her goal and she will assist me. I have answered your question now answer mine. ..who ordered you to massacre the Uchiha and did you act alone?" He asked 
Loreli blinked when Itachi rescued her and looked at him  before looking at Lady Tsunade. " show me you hand..." Loreli looked at her and showed Tsunade her frozen hand. Loreli unfroze her hand and Tsunade went side eyed at the poison. She started to heal the girl's hand quickly before the poison spread anymore.

Loreli was quiet for a moment, " Lady Tsunade... may I head back to my village?..." she asked her softly.

Tsunade looked up, " why?" She asked the girl.

"I have unfinished business there..." she said softly. " and I want to see if I remember anything..." she said not saying she also needs a break from all this anger and hatred she is feeling around her.

Tsunade stared at her and nodded, " of course you can go... when will you be back"

" 2 - 3 days... " Loreli answered quietly.


" Widow put some of your web on here" Shukaku said to the Queen of Spiders who was gsthering her spiders to see thst they were all to later. The spider looked over and webbed the dragon to make it difficult.

Winter glared at Saskue not liking the fact she was being ignore but kept her cool as she just listened to them. She would so beat him up right now for doing what he did. Sometimes she think this guy drop as a baby or something.


@Flame Demon

Itachi sighs "The village prdered me to, also she will not help you bring back the uchiha clan, she may be a member of it, but she prefers her other clan" he says and looks at Winters, wondering if they knew anything "Are you stupid, the more you tie that thing down the more chakra it will take from Hikari" he says and quickly moves over to cut it free "I don't want to lose my head" he says and jumps back. The dragon slowly starts to turn smaller and Tobi says "And too late, it will destroy this entire place, I think it's going to use the power from some of the dragons" he says. This make Itachi nods and he looks at Sasori "Tie the remaining clansmen down and then help get everyone else out, honestly they're a peace of scum, killing a clan that was living peacefully, they never wanted anything else", the problem also was, they had to get Hikari out as well.

The dragon flies up after breaking the sand and it looks at Tsunade "Leave the Hansou clansmen here and I will spare the hidden leaf" he says, he had broken Hikari's restrains "There are three survivors I will let live, for now, I will also release Hikari for the sake of a promise I made to her mother. However, let me finish my revenge, her revenge, she lost every family she ever had, so You get one minute to get the remaining ones over here or I will destroy everything here"
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Winter blinked at Itachi, " hey, I didnt tell her to web down the dragons. Shukaku requested it!" She said defensively and looked at Black Widow who just shrugged at her, before looking back at her at her spiders, who have stsrted to disappear after helping thr remaining clansmen escape.

She looked at Tobi and then dragon, she sighed, " Lady Tsunade, you should let them do what they it wants. You csn honestly of thinking of sacrificing the entre village are you?" The spider asked looking at the Hokage.

Shukaku looked at Widow, " have you lost your head or something?" Shukaku asked.

" you know it's true One-tail. Is one clan more important than the rest of the village?.." Widow asked the him. She was actualky interested to see the response.

Gasra looked back at the dragon, " You already got you revenge and did what you wanted to now release Hikari and get the hell out of this village" he said to the dragon.

" Hanshou clan...." Loreli mumbled quietly. The name sounded familiar to Loreli and almost very important. "Dragon clan.... peaceful.." she mumbled. ' does my clan have something on them?...' she thought getting the feeling that they did. She looked back at the dragon and winced at the large amout of negative energy she she is feeling from it.


@Flame Demon

"Fine then, I start with that tall building" the dragon says charging a fireball and Itachi looks at Tsunade "The entire village will be gone in half an hour" he says and sighs "I really wish Hikari wasn't stuck with that thing sealed inside her, and the more power it uses the more chakra he uses, draining Hikari even more, she will die if that happens and I don't think anyone would be happy if that clan got wiped out completely"
Tsunade gritted her teeth slight at this, one clan or the entire village, " at times like this a decision needs to be made..." Widow said with a sigh.

Loreli stayed silent and looked at the Dragon quietly, "... fine" Tsunade said in defeat as she finished healing Loreli's hands and arm.

"Ill take my leave then..." She said quietly before disappearing, get ready to leave by tonight. Widow nodded and turned into smaller spider and appeared in Winter's shoulder.

Winter sighed slightly, " dont sigh... it's  their own fault for what they did. They had free will like everyone else to not kill anyone. It was their choice and they knew one day it will come back to bite them.." Widow said to her. Winter was silent and just nodded. 

Gaara sighed a little and got down from Shukaku who also turned to his smaller version, " sorry Tsunade.."

Tsunade shook her head, " Just get out of here before the destruction starts..."


@Flame Demon

The dragon stops charging the fireball and Hikari appears on the ground, awake, but still weak "Come on" Itachi says picking her up and walking past Gaara "I'm sorry... Gaara" she whispers not facing him, Itachi pats her head and walks on "Let's go, Sasori, get those clansmen here or the village will be doomed anyway" he says and walks to Tobi who takes Hikari from him "You finally got your revenge" he says and Hikari says "But it got out of hand, but the dragon can't stay long after blowing up that place, he'll need rest"
Zen his father and sister appeared in the leaf they were aent to rhe Sage land of wolves. Saiga lost arm was bandaged up Akemi held Saiga up.

Zen was in the last stage of the Kanima his body had visible cracks on it.

"Zen please rest any more strain and you will die its a miracle you are alive now" he says. ..

Zen stays quiet as he walks back to the compound. .. he sees everyone dead not one left alive.

"My...mother. .she was... innocent. ...AAAAHHHHH!" He cried as the cracks spread. 

"I saw what happened  the leaf let the rest die for sins of the past WELL HOW MUCH SINS HAS THE LEAF COMMITTED FROM THE FIRST HOKAGE TO THE THIRD WHO HAS BROUGHT JUSTICE TO YOU ALL" he screamed looking at his mother's body 

@Flame Demon

Gaara said nothing, " you had a choice... this isnt going to bring anyone back... you just made many more enemies..." he said to her sounding harsh and cold as he walked over to Tsunade who looked like she wanted to kill herself at the decision she made. Gaara put a hand on her shoulder and Winter walked iver with Kakashi.

" she also had a choice Widow... we all did..." Shukaku said to the Spider.

" true... the choice have been made. More damage has been done and now the Hokage had the choice"  Widow said to Shukaku.


Loreli was looking at the doll and put them in her bag. She changed out of her leaf uniform and wore her clan uniform along with a white cloak. She softly sighed and looked in the direction of the dragon before disappearing after ahe pulled the cloak up.


@Flame Demon

"Time to go back" Tobi says warping everyone from the Akatsuki back to the base and he brings Hikari to her room "Don't disturb her for a while" he says making Itachi nod, he knew that Hikari had taken a liking to Gaara, so hearing him say that must have hurt her. He feels the chakra of the dragon after it finished blowing up everyone from the clan, besides the three survivors and the compound is gone as well.

Hikari smiles sadly at Tobi "I need to be alone, please" she says and he nods and leaves, but not before putting a piece of paper under a book on the desk and Hikari punches the wall, she had to get that dragon out of her somehow, but she could barely walk at the moment.

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