Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Zen was concentrating as he created a Rasengan. ..Winter was a good teacher as he picked up the Rasengan really quick he held it in his left hand. 

In his right he started a small flame...

He began to sweat trying to maintain both. ...slowly the flame burned brighter before both techniques fizzled out and Zen fell back breathing heavy.

"Damn my stamina with jutsu's sucks" he says owning up to that weakness.

@Evergreen98 (yea we can i will just have Zen practice on his own)
-few days time skip brought to you by snake guy running for his life XD-

Hikari stretches while waking to the meeting place, a lake "He'd better have some answers" she mumbles petting the small dragon on her shoulder, she had ditched training with Itachi because she thought that knowing what happened to her clan was more important.

Itachi paces around "She left on her own, is she stupid?" he asks and Tobi walks in saying "Something about answers good job training her with that drgon sealed inside her by the way, I send Deidara to follow her, as punishment he can babysit her"
((XD... what gonna happen?))


Deidara was cursong under his breath aboit how stupid and annoying this punishment is. ' it was not my fault she got captured!' He thought to himself as he looked around for Hikari as he wondered why the girl keeps wondering off on her own.


Winter was with Zen training him. She hummed as she watched him get better with the flame rasengan, " good job" dhe said to him with a smile happy that the training was progressing well.

Meanwhile Loreli was sparring with Ten Ten and Kakashi was watching the fight. 'This girl is like a ghost!' Ten ten thoigh not being to sense her chakra at all. Loreli has got better at controlling her ice chakra. She was silent as appeared behind Ten Ten and tried to kick Ten Ten but landed on her sword and froze it along with her hand. Ten Ten blinked as she saw the calm look on the as she skidded back. Loreli did a few hand signs and slammed the ground covering the wntire area in a mist whoch she disappeared in. Ten Ten blinked and looked around trying to sense her chalra but it was to late and she has a kunai knife to her neck. 

Kakashi landed on the ground and clapped, " nice job Loreli" 

Loreli took a step back as she put her kunai away and politely bow to Ten Ten, " thank you for sparring with me" she said and looked at Kakashi and smiled a little. " yeah, I have gotten better at chakra control"


@Flame Demon

Sasuke  appears...

"I hope this means you wont interfere in my revenge against Itachi but first you must help me kill Orochimaru. ..." 

He says walking up to Hikari 

"I will contact you when its time but i will show you the truth" he says activating his sharringan showing Hikari the Hanshou secrets. ...

"The dragon clan was killed by the Hanshou assassin clan that is now allied with the hidden leaf" he says as she sees what he learned from Zens mind

@Flame Demon
Hikari narrows her eyes "I agree on those terms, but do you mind telling me where they live?" she asks, obviously meaning the Hansou clan "I also need a few favors from snake guy", she cracks her knuckles and looks at Sasuke, no way that clan was going to live another day, she'd kill them herself if she wanted to "It's finally time for revenge" she had gotten used to the dragon talking to her, but this would be the very first time she would let him loose.
Loreli unfroze Ten Ten's arm and check it see if she got frost bit. She relaxed when she didn't. Ten Ten stretched a little and looked at Loreli, " what to go grab something to eat?" He asked with a smile.Loreli tilted her head and slowly nodded. Ten Ten grinned before taking the girl's hand and dragging her off to the hangout dinner.


@Flame Demon
Sasuke  raises an eyebrow 

"What could you possibly need from Orochimaru he can't be trusted he may just try to take your body once he knows you're of the dragon clan and Uchiha but do as you wish." He turns and began to walk away "the Hanshou clan have their own compound near the hidden leaf village. You must be warned their allies to the leaf now you're not just going to invade the leaf to destroy one clan" he says 

Zen was getting good with the Rasengan now he was practicing and now flame chakara doesn't burn him when mixing it. He creates a imperfect flame Rasengan but in time it fizzled out. "Im close" he says still his stamina and chakara reserves are still low even after practicing.

Sasori had infiltrated the leaf he used a transformation jutsu he was looking for information on Naruto. He went by the training grounds and saw the ice display. ..."Amazing technique" he comments 


@Flame Demon
Loreli was following Ten Ten but stopped and looked in the direction Sasori was in. Ten Ten looked at her as the girl wondering what was wrong, "Akatsuki...." the girl mumbled. Ten ten tilted her head and looked in the direction of Sasori as well.

" what are you talking about... I dont sense anything... you must be tired.. come on" Ten Ten said as she continued to drag the girl.

" But Ten Ten... I am not lying" Loreli said but thr girl didnt listen as she pull on the girl.


Winter grinned and nodded, " yep very close" she said with a giggled. " I may decide to be a tracher in the future" she said to Zen with a smile.


@Flame Demon

"Well I want my friend Sasori to have a normal body again and I want my father back alive, also don't worry, I'll just wipe them out, no big deal" Hikari says and she smirks "Not now that I have made a new friend", Tobi had even been so kind to give her some armor and clothes that were saved from the village, it was a perfect fit and she was currently wearing the armor "Besides, now I have dragon scale armor, they won't be able to hurt me"

Tobi sighs and disappears, appearing near Sasori before heading back "I told you not to leave until you got orders, but what do you do? You disobey that order, and for your information, you have enough puppers Sasori"
"My puppet transformation henge is flawless. ...i thought id learn about the kyubi but that display of ice it was art in its finest not that explosive nonsense that Deidara is so proud of....if only the ice was eternal. That shinobi girl i must learn more about her Tobi." He says  to him

Sasuke looks at her pulling out his Katana "lets test out that armor. ..CHIDORI" he says infusing the blade and charges at Hikari.

@Flame Demon
Loreli kept looking in thr direction Sasori was in and now she sensed Tobi. She frowned slightly that Ten Ten didnt listen to her and stayed silent. She soon found herself at the dinner with Kiba and Shino who decided to join them. Loreli was quietly looking out the window, like Shino. " something wrong?" Shino asked and Loreli looked him.

She shook her head, " the sky is very calm today..." she said quietly to him.

Shino stared at her and nodded, " it is..."

" oh Kiba are you going to spare with Winter today?" Ten Ten asked.

Kiba grinned and nodded, " Of course I am! You have no idea, how long I waited for this?" He said to her.

Ten Ten laughed, " I bet you will have you ass handed to you again"

Kiba scoffed, " not this time, I am way stronger than I was when she left"


@Flame Demon

"Yeah, you don't want to ruin it, do you know how rare dragon scales are these days" Hikari says blocking it with her arm and she jumps backwards "Well for anyone else besides me, but it's a pain in the ass to make it" she says and makes a few hand signs and summons her wind dragon "So you can either show me the way or I'll show you what I'm going to kill them all with first, your choice" she says, her voice and face void of emotions.

Tobi sighs "Yes... but Deidara somehow managed to lose Hikari, again" he says and adds "But do not let her know you're here, I wanna know what she's up to, can you do that?"


Sasori was listening "do not bring up that imbecile Deidara i am no rank amateur i will learn about her then make her part of my collection." He says walking in the direction he saw Loreli go.

Sasuke smirked "don't get cocky a hybrid like you can't fathom what a full bloodline Uchiha can do but I will lead the way are your dragons suitable for transportation" he says sheathing his Katana 

@Flame Demon
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" she has gotten stronger to you know" Ten Ten said as their food got served. "and way more mature too" she added rememberinf how hyper and curious the girl was. 

" a bit too hyper for my taste" Shino said to him. " the girl had a weird facinstion for spiders and would always watch my insects get eaten by them" he said in irritation.

" well she is Black Widow..." Loreli said to them. 

Everyone looked at her, " Why would you say that?" Ten Ten asked curiously.

Loreli blinked, " No reason..." she said to them. Only a handful of people knew her oddly chakra sensing abilites. She went back to eating quietly.


@Flame Demon

"Yes, we can ride them" Hikari says looking at him and she crosses her arms "I may not have full Uchiha abilities, but I have the full Dragon clan abilities" she says and jumps on her dragon "As long as there's wind this dragon is invisible to most"

Tobi looks at him "I need you to watch Hikari for me, that idiot lost her, if she finds out about how her clan got killed she will destroy more then just a clan, but the hidden leaf along with it" he says and adds "And that girl will not become a puppet, understood?"
"What good is an immortal like myself to do with such fleeting art called life. You have no claim to me Tobi you may lead the Akatsuki but all of us are capable S class Shinobi but i want to stay here so i will listen so you dont warp me away. I will keep an eye out for Hikari and bring her back should I find her and the girl will remain human.... for now" he says disappearing 

Sasori approaches the group due to his henge transformation he seems like a regular person in a light brown cloak.

He sees Loreli and walks up to her and hands her a carved miniature puppet version of herself.

"Hello all im a mere traveler who saw your skilled display earlier i was impressed and this is for you" he says handing it to her.

Sasuke got on the wind dragon "we are not far i will lead the  way"

Zen was ready to give up on the Rasengan "its no use...the seal my dad placed on me is constantly sapping my chakara holding my bloodline back. .. i can't use this move in combat. Winter please spare with me i need to know my progress" he says

@Flame Demon

Loreli blinked a little and looked at the mini puppet of herself before looking back at Sasori for a minute. " Thank you..." she said to him quietly deciding not to say anything yet.

Ten Ten looked at the puppet, " heh... it looks just like you.." 

Loreli nodded as she looked at rhe puppet, remembering her mom use to give dolls to play with all the time. She softly smiled at the memory, before looking back at Sasori. " do you want to join us?" Ten Ten asked thiught it would be polite to ask him to join them for.


Winter sighed, " Zen, you cant always rely on you bloodline. The jutsu is hard and people have different ways of doing it. Naruto uses a shadow clone to form the Rasengan for him. I form it with normal chakra and then infuse it with either my wind or fire chakra. Its different for certain people, you need to figure out your style if the normal way isnt working" she said to the male.


@Flame Demon

"Screw that.... i have been dreaming about that Akatsuki girl from the sand village. ... i dont know why but i know shes a powerful threat I need the power to defeat a S class shinobi." He says 

He does a handseal creating 2 shadow clones "assassination techniques 4" he says charging at her the clones threw Kunai with flame tags attached to them past winter and Zen jump up catching them with ninja wire and collapsing them around her creating a small explosion "did i get her" he wondered looking back it wasn't out of anger he lost to multiple Akatsuki members and Sasuke he always was praised as a prodigy but he has constantly been defeated.

Sasori sat down. ."im happy to join you but i have no appetite" he says 

"That is a rare ability you have where are you from and where is the rest of your clan . ..ummm your name is?"

"Are you sure maintaining this dragon wont deplete your chakara will you need my assistance" he says to Hikari 


@Flame Demon
Winter appeared behind the boy with a wire close to his throat. It was sharp enough to decapitated him, "As impatient and reckless as you are now, you wont be able to defeat anyone" she said to him sternly. " You need discipline and patience, as fas as I see you have neither" she said as she let go of him and made the wire disappear. " You rely on you bloodline to much. You want to show you clan a new path. Start by changing yourself first"


Loreli deflated a little when he asked her about her clan, "She doesn't like to talk about her clan much..." Ten Ten said Sasori.

Loreli nodded before answering, " My name is Loreli..." she said to Sasori as she looked at him dmbefore looking back at her new doll.


@Flame Demon
"Oh Loreli well whatever ill's had befallen your clan it has made you a one of a kind work of art and that makes you priceless. I have learned sometimes its good to revisit your true home even though loved ones are gone like my mother and father i missed their hugs so I sometimes visit my old home" he says to her.

The others notice he is only speaking to Loreli and no one else. 

"And you can call me Seiji a traveling puppeteer since your clan is gone try going home and go with these" he says and in a puff of smoke miniature puppets appear that resemble great shinobi.

"All for you" he says 

Zen got upset "I cant use my bloodline. dad sealed my power away and i can't be patient i need to get on their level fast" he says and spins and kicks off Winter and cut his hand with razor wire landing on the ground and used a summoning jutsu.


"Damn it basara i wanted the king lizard" he says 

"Boy i am very capable and you don't have near enough chakara to get the kings help" 

Zen  scoffs and Basara first spits acid acid at Winter than appears above her with a heavy swing 

@Evergreen98 (hes not mad just has a feeling something bad will happen and hes not strong enough to stop it hes testing his limit)
The other sweatdropped and Loreli smiled a little at the puppets, " I was actually thinking about going back... there are somethings that I need to do there..." she said to him softly as she reached over and picked up one of the puppets that just appeared. " But... why take the puppets?" She asked him not seeing the reason behind it, plusshe knew his real identity, so she most likely leave them home before she leaves. ' I need to get snow lilies...' she thought to herself.


Winter dodged the acid and Forst, her black leopard appeared pounced on Basara and pinning him to the ground. Winter sighed as Frost jumped of the Lozard and landed next to her, " at what I am seeing, you won be able to get strong quickly... have you learned nothing from you defeats?" She asked him.


Hikari looks at Sasuke "I have enough chakra" she says and pats the dragon while sitting down "Follow his i structions, the sooner we finish the better" she says making the dragon roar softly "I also don't need chakra to summon the dragon I have to use, but we're have to walk the last part, don't want them ruining the surprise".

Tobi disappears and sighs wondering if Deidara had any lick tracking dow Hikari, he wondered what the girl needed her armor for, unless... "She's too recklesd, that will get her killed" he says and sends Deidara a message saying 'Hidden Leaf, hurry, but stay out of sight'
Sasori looks at her not knowing she know his identity "their gifts for the ones you lost its to be placed on their graves but the one of you is yours" he says 

Sasori gets up he senses Hikari's dragon he remembers what he promised tobi. He could sense Hikari's dragons he has been around her long enough.

Unlike Loreli if he stayed out of sight Hikari wouldn't be able to notice him.

"I will take my leave" he says 

Sasuke pointed out "there is the hidden leaf and to the east there is the Hanshou land" he says 

Zen made Basara disappear  and walks up to Winter "You have no idea how much stronger i will grow to protect my family" he says 

@Flame Demon

Loreli also sensed Hikari and Saskue, she got up, " thank you" she said to him, before picking up the puppets and disappearing to get Kakashi. Ten Ten and Kiba blinked wondering what the heck just happened.


" then instead of acting like a fool, start training properly. A battle isnt about strong jutsus it's about outsmarting your enemy. Even if you knew a really strong jutsu, it is useless if you cant hit the person with it or if the person is able to counter it" she said crossing her arms. "you're an assassin for crying out loud. Dont you know that? Assassin are usually good at outsmarting enemies"


@Flame Demon

"Fine i will keep training and assassin's are trained to kill all my techniques are to kill i modify them tobe non lethal" he says  sitting down and resting

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