Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Zen was surprised as she deflected a wind infused shuriken. ... her proficiency with wind was greater than his....

"Im Hanshou Zen your the only Jounin with a natural affinity for wind and fire like me i need your help im decent with wind but i have not mastered fire and almost destroyed my arm mixing the two will you help me" 

Zen bowed before her it was against his clan to ask for training through other means than their own but most Hanshou were wind lightning 

Gaara stared at her, " Not really. I have been calling you weird ever since we caught you" he said to her as he walked. " and it's not weird to hear voices in you hear... I wouldn't be surprised if something was hidden inside of you" he added as he.


Winter blinked as Loreli got up and gently took the shuriken out of the wall. "Um... you sure you want me to be you teacher? I think Kakashi sensei would have been a better pick for you" she said to him. She wasnt refusing him, she just wasn't sure if she was the right pick for a teacher. She has been learning form people , she never really taught anyone anything before.

Loreli looked at them and decided to leave them be. She got on the rooftop of a building and just started meditate.


@Flame Demon

Zen shrugged  "you're the only one who has the same natures as me and Kakashi has his hands full running after Naruto and besides i want to learn anything you can teach me not just fire nature control skill, jutsu, tactics" he says to her.

Otomi had saw Zen's reaction to Hikari from afar and she wondered about him.

@Flame Demon

"I'd hate it if that was the case" Hikari says and she glances around, sensing chakra "What to do now..." she mumbles and sighs, she was starting to regret destroying the village, now there was nothing fun to do, not that they would let her in anywehre.


Winter hummed, " alright then. Sure, but.. are you fully healed? I dont want to train you unless you are completely healed up" Winter said to him as she stretched a little.


" there is not really much to do here..." Gaara said to her as he walked with her. He looked around for a bit as he watched the people rebuild their home. He wondered what will happen when the Akatsuki will attack.


@Flame Demon

Hikari looks around and she sees a girl wandering around, however upon seeing Gaara she runs to him "Gaara, can you help me find my mom?" she asks and hides upon seeing Hikari "Why is she with you?", Hikari sighs quietly and wonders if it'd be better for her to go back to the room, people were either hiding from her or glaring at her, the girl sees looks down "Mommy was in the house when it collapsed, I was playing with some friends and we hid when the bad guys attacked, I'm scared they come back" she says pointing ro a house and Hikari activates her dragon eyes "She's still alive" she says, but the girl ignores her.

"I'm healed enough honestly my bloodline ability is currently being sealed. I can take it easy as we train at first as i did come across Sasuke Uchiha but the sand allies knew some medical ninjutsu. Please winter i have no time to wait it will take too much time I fear for my clan the Akatsuki are on the move.


A sand shinobi comes to comfort the girl. ...after hearing Hikari say that her mother is alive.


The shinobi says as he and others use their ninjutsu to lift the debris as the child sees their parent. Her leg is badly damaged. ..."Kazekage sama please use your sand to hold up the debris while we attend to her" one asks

@Flame Demon

Hikari clenches her fist and she says "If you don't want to lose more people I suggest you stop yelling at me, unless you want me to destroy everything" she says and walks of, heading back to the building as dark chakra forms around her, she had enough of it all "Why can't people see me as something else then a monster?" she asks and destroys a nearby house, which is empty, she wanted to go back to the guys so badly, they'd treat her normally, she didn't belong anywhere else, even if she was a criminal who killed, they could be glad she didn't kill Gaara yet. "Let me out and I'll destroy everything you hate, everyone who looks down on you" the voice says and Hikari falls on her knees "Shut up, I don't want to" she says holding her head, she had somehow gotten lost and she didn't sense anyome nearby, which was good at the moment.
Gaara sighed at the people and watched Hikari walk off, but decided to help the mother stuck under the debri first. He used his sand to hold up the debris, 'people havent changed at all' Shukaku said to Gaara telepathically.

' they just need time to calm down... i knew taking her out was a bad idea...' Gaara thought with a sigh.


Loreli felt a dark energy and opened her eyes. She looked in the direction and started in the direction of it. She arrived on the rooftop nearby and loked ovee to see Hikari holding her head and an aura of aomething inside her. This triggered a flash back to the time her mother was talking about the guardian of the ice clan. She held her head as she remember her mother saying that her older brother was the one that was going to do a trial to see if he was fit to be the vessel. ' he never got to do the trial...' she thought to herself.


Winter sighed,  " alright then. We can start now if you want" she said looked at Kankuro, " know a place to train?"

" Course I do" he said to her and Zen and lead her to a place to train.


@Flame Demon

Zen went to the training area...

"I know this won't be easy and won't happen fast so can we begin with teaching me a new jutsu" he asked 

Hidan had just cut down a scouting ninja "Oy tobi traveling is taking forever can't you just warp us there what about you Itachi ?" He ask

@Flame Demon

Hikari tries to ignore the voice, but she can't "Just leave me alone" she says and the voice says "Once you know the truth you'll let me out, but not yet, learn how to control it first", Hikari sighs in relief as her headache stops and she sits against a wall

"I could, but we need to make sure you two behave, besides, let them tell the Kazekage we're coming, Kakuzu knows how badly damaged the village is, the smartest move would be handing her over" Itachi says and he adds "Also, Tobi doesn't seem like he's listening, besides we're almost there".


Zen awaited Winters response and he once again had that dark impulse it was like he was trapped in a Genjutsu.

All he saw was the dragon eyes all around him all these shinobi staring at him out of the darkness and whispers.

:Threat. Destruction destroy all. Kill ...Kill:

Zen ignored the impulse and the vision what happened. ..did Sasuke's attack awaken some programming in his blood. Are his ancestors screaming out to him. All he knew was that he never felt this kind of fear except on his first kill. 

It was a missing nin who the Mizukage at the time asked to be eliminated. The target was a berserk killer who only wanted to extinguish life. Zens father had weakened the opponent and ordered him to kill the man. He just glared at a then 11 year old Zen and he couldn't move. He feared for his life as the opponent may have been weakened but still had fight in him. Saiga chastised him for the hesitation and went in for the kill but the opponent triggered a powerful technique that would have hurt Saiga if it connected but Zen interfered throwing a Kunai which hit his jugular stopping the chidori like strike.

It was his first time taking a life but after that he never felt fear like that but that Akatsuki girl there is much more to her than meets the eye the fear he felt from her was it her or something within her. She cant be a jinchuriki the Akatsuki hunt them but Zen zones the vision out and focused on winter 

@Flame Demon

Loreli frowned a little at Hikari and then looked in the distance that the Akatsuki are coming from. 'They're coming...' she mumbled before disappear ing and reappearing near Gaara. " Gaara... they will be here soon..." Loreli said to him quietl as he set the debris aside. 

" the Akatsuki..." Gaara said and Loreli nodded. " get Winter and do not attack..." he said to Loreli, who nodded and left. Gaara walked off to get Hikari, he soon found her and asked, "... you ok?"


Winter hummed as she stretched a little, " alrighty... since we are working on fire and wind chakra control we will start if simple so I can get an understanding of how much control you have over them." She said as she took out a shuriken and comcentrated her chakra on it, setting it down on the palm of her hand. She concentrated her wind chakra on it and the shuriken started to hover in the air for a bit before setting itself back down. " you need to have alot of control of wind chakra to do that. So..." before she could continue Loreli appeared next to her and told her the same thing that she told Gaara. " damn..." Winter mumbled and looked at Zen. " we need to wait a bit on the training..." she said before disappearing with Loreli and heading towards the Sand Village gates.


@Flame Demon

Hikari shakes her head "Do I look okay?" she asks and adds "I belong in the Akatsuki, not here, people here will see me as a monster Gaara", she wished things were easier, that she wasn't seen as a criminal all the time, she had her nice moment, she would never admit it when on a mission with someone for a long time, but she would miss the guys, no matter how stupid or idiotic they were, they were her family.

Itachi smirks and he says "Give them a warning shot, anyone can do that", Tobi smirks slightly, suddenly not that hyperactive anymore "Ah well, she did a number on the village, but Itachi, be sure to train her after we get back" he says earning a slight nod "Let's make them know we're here" Tobi says.


Loreli and Winter were at the gates. Loreli standing at the top while Winter guarded the bottom. Winter wondered how bad this was goint to get, while Loreli wondered if Gaara is going to hand over Hikari to them peacefully. She could tell the girl is better of with the akatsuki than here.


" well... you'll be able to leave soon.. I got word that they are near..." he said with a sigh. " just get them to not to destroy the village and I'll let you go..." he said to her as he walked towards the gate with her.


@Flame Demon

"No worries" Hikari says and she sees their chakra signatures "Five of them" she says and sighs, she was going to be in so much trouble when they got back to their hideout, but she didn't actually mind for once.

Temari lands next to Loreli "Five of them, Gaara better has a plan ready for this" she says and sighs, even with all the guards they stood no chance, if one member did so much damage to the village then she didn't want to know what 5 of them could do.

Kisame took the lead and immediately unsheathed Samaeda. 

"WE CAME FOR ONE OF OUR OWN KAZEKAGE and I hope you put up a fight" he screamed at first.


Zen was a little upset but he knew he couldn't take on the Akatsuki with the sand village but he followed Winter as he couldn't run from them either and he left with winter and Loreli 

@Flame Demon

"Oi oi Kisame, we will fight if they won't hand her over, besides, they probably are planning to do that" Itachi says mentioning to the gate where Hikari is standing a bit behind Gaara "He's smart, we won't have to kill anyone at this rate" Tobi says glancing at the shark "Do not harm anyone until I tell you too, get it?" he asks.

".... he will hand over Hikari to them..." Loreli said quietly as ice needles appeared in her hand. She stared down at Kisame and his sword, then back to Hidan and Itachi. " they wont attack..." she mumbled her needles disappearing.

She looked back at Gaara as he walked over to Winter, who was ready to defend the village.

She looked at Gaara and then at Hikari, "no need to fight... she is leaving eith them" Winter stared at him before nodding to him as she moved out of his way. Gaara looked at Hikari, " next time we cross paths... one of us will die..." he said to the girl, knowing the next time they meet it will be as enemies again.


@Flame Demon

"No, next time we cross paths it's most likely me saving your from those guys, because I won't do it again" Hikari says and she smiles "You're the  only one who treated me normally, so I hope the next time I pass by here everyone will do that" she mumbles, she didn't want to kill Gaara after what he did, she had planned to kill him, he treated her normal.
Gaara smiled a little before ruffling her hair without thinking, " we'll see about that" he said to her. Winter smiled a little and so did Loreli, who sat down dangling her legs over the edge and looked down at the akatsuki. " anyway. See you later" Gaara added .


@Flame Demon
Hikari smiles slightly before disappearing and she appears in front of Itachi "I missed you guys" she says as Itachi hugs her "It's alright, we'll make sure this never happens again" he says and Tobi looks at Hikari "Are you hurt?" he asks earning a frown "They just hurt my feelings, calling me a monster and what not" she says and Tobi warps them back.

Temari lands next to Gaara "Sad she's leaving?" she asks, though she was sure that her brother most likely didn't realized what he did "And if you say no I want to know why you ruffled her hair" she says.

Otomi was upset as she watched from afar..."HOW COULD HE JUST LET HER GO.... GAARA WHAT'S HAPPENED TO YOU" she says crying. ...

"I will remove her from this world but i cannot do it alone this leaf shinobi seems like he has potential maybe he can  help I'll just watch him train to see how strong he is" she says to herself 

"Oi Hikari you should have killed the Kazekage did you forget we need the one tail we can't accomplish our goals without it" he says to her 

@Flame Demon
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"I know that, but he, along with his sister were the only who didn't see me as a monster" Hikari says looking down "He knows what it's like, so don't ask again if I want to go and kill him" she says and walks of, but Tobi stops her "I sensed something from you, dark chakra, darker then normal, it's time you learn something about your clan" he says and Itachi walks of heading to his room. "Is it true, that I have something sealedinside me?" she asks earning a slight nod "I'll explain it to you" Tobi says and he looks at the other three "Report to Pein that we got her back without any troubles" he says before disapearing with Hikari.
Loreli looked in the direction Otomi was in, feeling the sand nin's strong anger and hatred towards Hikari. It was stronger than the negative feeling she has been feeling since Hikari was here. She landed on the ground and walk over to Gaara as he looked at Tenmari, " I am slightly disappointed... but there is nothing we can do about it" he said and looked at Loreli. " something wrong?"

"The sand nin that attacked Hikari... I worry about her... you should too..." she said to him quietly.

" you mean Otomi?" He asked and she nodded. " she is fine...just give her some time" Gaara said to her.

" I dont think that's wise..."


Meanwhile Inter headed back to the training ground to train Zen, " alrighty. That problem got solved smoothly...lets continue. (Can we skip this? I am not good at training other charecters XD...))


@Flame Demon


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