Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Hikari appears with Itachi, seemingly right on time "Me" she says and adds "They are my family, the only I have, I won't have you kill them" she says and glares at Zen "They raised me and if I had been raised by the Leaf or someone else I would have ended up just like them, ignoring everything that's wrong with this world" she says and glances at Sasori and Kakuzu "Zen here just made me see that just acting out of sheer anger won't work" she says and adds "Which will help me controlling the dragon better, along with it's power", well he had spared her, but just how far was he going to go. Itachi sighs and says "Head back, Tobi and Pein have new missions", he glances at the two and then at Hikari, he could clearly sense the dragon now, though it was faint, perhaps it was resting or something, had to be after that attack on the clan.

Temari appears in Tsunade's office "Lady Tsunade, my brother wants to meet you" she says with a slight bow "He's currently coped up in his office though, busy with paperwork" she says eyeing the giant stack the Hokage herself has.


Zen looked at her "Hikari they want to kill Gaara you can't possibly choose them they may have saved you but how many lives have you taken in the Akatsuki name. ... we have a chance to restore your true family...please Hikari" he says 

Kakuzu sneers at the Itachi. .."Hikari has gone soft tobi and Pein are blind to see that she has feelings for Gaara. .. Hikari all will be forgiven if you kill this boy the last Hanshou there will be no more threat to the  dragon inside of you..kill him" he says 

Sasori looks on "im sorry my friend. .but kakuzu is right we of the red dawn want to rebuild this world and these emotions you have hinder our goals Gaara is a target and this boy is a enemy"

"Just find Danzo so i can exact my revenge" Sasuke says 

@Flame Demon

"Might have feelings for Gaara" Hikari mumbles taking out her sword "But that won't be in the way of my other missions" she says, Itachi looks at Kakuzu "Tobi knows full well about it, but she's a child, let her be, besides, he hates her for pulling that stunt yesterday" he says with a chuckle "Let's just sit back and watch the fight". Hikari looks at Zen, she didn't want to kill him, but she had already proven to Pein and Tobi she was still loyal to the Akatsuki "I'm not even sure why I do this" she mumbles and charges as Zen and she slashes at him she whispers so only he can hear "Play along please, I do not feel like proving anything to them, but I don't seem to have a choice".


Zen looks in her eyes as he dodged the attack. ..

"I felt your emotions Hikari in my sage form. sorry for everything" he says as he jumped back 

"I wont play their games. .. SAGE MODE" he shifts and theres a massive boost in power 


Kakuzu shields his eyes...."This boy....such power HIKARI UNLEASH THE DRAGON" he shouts 

But Zen closes the gap with her and hugs her causing her blade to run him through. ..

He embraces her but makes her feel his emotions and Gaara's and everyone who truly cares for her his sage mode made him a conduit.

"My mother asked me to...forgive you but you never needed my forgiveness forgive the Hanshou. .." he says falling off of her blade in his normal 

Akemi appears...."ZEN!!!" she screams grabbing his body and setting off multiple explosive tags as a distraction  and disappeared. 

@Flame Demon
Loreli sweatdropped and slowly nodded, " give me a few minutes.." she said as she closed her eyes and concentrated, the marking on her forehead glowing. Since she knows what Danzo's chakra is like it should be easy to find him. She looked in the direction he was at, "found him..." she said to Saskue as she stsrted running in that direction.


Tsunade sighed, " well after what Hikari did. Paperwork has been pouring in.. so what does Hikari need? I am not letting her near the village after clearly threatening to destroy yesterday..."


@Flame Demon

Hikari blinks at what just happens and she looks at her sword, blood dripping frm it, so she puts some in a vial, after all it might end up getting her a favor or two, Itachi walks to her and looks at Kakuzu "Her armor is made of dragon scales, won't be easy killing her" he says and asks "Now can we go back?" he asks looking at the two, they really were sort of worried about Hikari. After cleaning her sword Hikari looks at them "There, killed him, technically, if you don't count the fact he didn't try, also I can't use the dragon, it needs rest as it's still a living being"

Temari sighs "That was quick, but if I remember the hidden Leaf is also an ally of the Dragon clan, but back to the topic. Hikari needs a rare white flower from here to help the guardian dragon turn to normal" she explains looking at Tsunade "Don't mind me asking, but the leaf ordered the Hansou clan to kill the dragon clan, why is that?"
Sasuke's eyes widened "where is he"  he asked. ..

Akemi was crying carrying his body  but Zen woke up in a deep gasp... Akemi was stunned. ..

"Zen how" 

"Sage mode gives me a high threshold for pain and moderate healing capabilities. ...ahhh and she missed my vitals" 

he says standing slowly and shifts into sage mode to continue healing...."i have to save her Akemi. ...but my wordsdon't reach her" he says sadly 

"She killed mom she killed the clan why are you doing this for her why do you care" she says 

"Mom chose her fate the clan sealed theres and...i.. think i..." he began to say but then warped himself in front of Gaara and punches him in the face. ..knocking him off his seat.

"Why does she love someone like you  who wont even fight for her" he says 

@Flame Demon

Loreli stopped running, " Follow me... I never left the Leaf Village that often so dont know the name area he is in..." she said as she went back to running again. 


Tsunade hummed, " Rare flower?...." he repeated before remembering aomething. She took out a book and looked through it, " huh... it's not in the leaf village... it's in one of the allied villages outside the village.." she said to Tenmari. " and we never gave the order to wipe them out. I know that the third or any of the other Hokages woulf never order such a sense less act. " she said as she looked at Tenmari.

"It was Danzo" Winter said as she appeared with Kakashi. She looked pretty pissed, " the bastard thought the clan was going to wipe us and every other out ao he ordered the execution of the clan without anyone us knowing" she said her eyes becoming black and white. She has never been this pissed out before. NEVER.

" calm down Winter...." Kakashi said to her and the girl sighed.


Gaara blinked a little and looked at Zen calmly as he got up, " of I didnt care for her then I wouldnt have agreed to help her" he said to the boy and he pick up his chair. " she broke my trust in her... its going to take alot ot get it back... but I wont stop helping her..." he said to the boy with a sigh.


@Flame Demon

"No you don't care not like you think you do your behind a desk while she is fighting. ..while im fighting God your so blind.... she killed my clan and I still trust her ..i...i" he began to say but stopped 

"I put more of an effort than you" he says ..."but she doesn't hear my voice"

Sasuke groaned and just follows
Itachi warps,them back to the hideout and Hikari mumbles something about food before going in and Itachi looks at Kakuzu and Sasori "I am disappointed in both of you" he says before walking in as well.

Temari sighs "Of course, well what could we expect, he's a sick bastard wanting to take over the world himself" she says and looks at Tsunade "What village? The sooner we have the flower the better, she's still with the Akatsuki though, also any clue how she can get back on my brother's good side?"
Loreli smiled slightly as she ran finding it a bit. " Rushing into things will make things worse..." she said to him as she ran at full speed now that she has better control of her chakra she wont have to worry about freezing the branched while she runs.


Gaara sighed, " you dont understand and I am not you. You may trust her even after she killed you clan, but I dont... or cant..." he sais as he sat back down. 


" it's in Loreli's village... the Ice Clan. " Tsunade said with a sigh. " and if you want advice on how to get back on Gaara's good side go talk to Naruto. They have been friends for a a long time" she said to the blonde girl.


@Flame Demon

Zen looks at Gaara ... "sage mode puts me at peace i become a conduit of natural energy and emotions. ..." he says. ..

"Your not worthy of her... or you'd see she's not at fault what happened wasn't her doing just like when Shukaku had a hold on you" he says and walks out
Temari sighs "And why is it there? Also does that mean you have no objection to her getting it?" she asks making a mental note to look for Naruto after that, well this was going to be harder then she thought it was going to be.
" the flower has the ability to absorb all the negative that turn that dragon evil" Tsunade explained to Tenmari, " Loreli's village has the perfect environment for it to grow in. And also... it's the flower's natural enviroment. Its not like the village handed the flower over to them" she said as she closed the book.


" just because you can see and know my emotions doesnt mean you understand them Zen" he said to the male bluntly. "and like I said... you dont understand" he added starting to get slightly annoyed by the male.


@Flame Demon
Temari sighs "Well if we want that dragon normal again we need it, but the dragon clan lived in peace with everyone, so I don't understand how Danzo would think they was to take over the world, they're not the Akatsuki" she says while thinking, this didn't make sense at all "They have their own valley, which is huge" she says and sighs rubbing her head.


"You really didn't have to worry" Hikari says eating an apple "Besides, you guys are the only who will accept me, regardless of what I did or are going to do, you also never called me a monster before" she says and looks at him with a smile "Oh yeah Sasori... how would you like having a normal body again?" she asks looking at him "Since I'm going to ask some favors from Snake guy I thought I'd ask you first"


"A human body would cause me to lose my immortality which is my art. I do not want a human body...and that Hanshou boy looked at you like a person not a monster is there a reason why... after you killed his clan why didn't he hate you?" Sasori asked 

@Flame Demon
"Because his clan killed mine" Hikari says looking down "They're all frozen in ice at the moment, but even so, most are dead or won't survive their injuries if the ice breaks" she says, she wasn't sure how to explain it, but maybe Zen felt like their even, which they technically are, his clan killed hers and she killed his clan "Can we talk about something else?" she asks.
Loreli and Saskue soon arrived where Danzo is, it was at an old bridge Danzo was walking through it with his two bodyguards. One of them looked in Loreli's direction and threw a kunai at her. Loreli blinked and ducked out of the way and hide behind a tree. She frowned a little, she doenst want to fight anyone.


Tsunade sighed, " I am guessing her feared the guardian more than the people.... he probably thought if he killed everyone the dragon would have died as well..." ahe sighed a little. " where is Danzo?" Tsunade asked.

"The anbu guard said that he left with his two guards" Kakashi said. 

" did they where?" Tsunade asked.

" Nope" Winter answered

" wonderful..." Tsunade mumbled in annoyance.


@Flame Demon

Sasuke charges at Danzo but Danzo disappeared. ..he appears in from of Loreli. .."so you all uncove

the truth... were you the one who tracked me" he asked 

Sasori looks at her..."there was more to it than that but hes dead so we can put it behind us." Sasori replied 

@Flame Demon

"I guess so" Hikaru says and she sighs "So what do we do now? Wait for a mission?" she asks looking at Sasori while she starts braiding her hair.

Temari thinks for a while "Won't you be able to track him?" she asks and adds "I should go back and inform my brother of the flowers location" she says and adds "Assuming we can use it"
Loreli blinked and looked at Danzo, "Who knows... it could have been Saskue you found and just dragged me along" she said to Danzo calmly.


" we could try... but I doubt  it. He someone manages to avoid our tracker and of he left which mean he knows, we are onto him..." Tsunade said and nodded, " oh.. one warning. That village has a guardian that guards the village and wasily put you under genjutsu for judgement. So be careful" 


@Flame Demon

"Look Lady Tsunade, I'm not going to get it myself. Gaara will be going" Temari says before disappearing and she appears next to her brother "It's in that weird mountain village" she says glancing at him "However you are going to get that flower yourself" she says and sighs "And you really shouldn't be too hard on the girl, I mean she didn't kill you did she? She tried to stop the dragon when you got in the way, that has to count for something and it was the dragon speaking most of the time" she says sitting on the desk, wondering if Gaara would ever be able to trust Hikari again.


Danzo grabs Loreli by the neck and removes his bandage over his left eye revealing shisui's sharringan "dont lie to me brat i can enslave you with a mere thought" he says 

Sasuke sees Danzo and charges at him but Danzo warps away with Loreli. ...

He appears in a cave.

"You will be of use to me...i need you to track down a shinobi " he says 


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