Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Hikari lands just outside the valley and changes back to normal and the dragon lands as well "Well there are several places we can stay, well you can stay, the temple, several farms and a few abandoned houses" she says and adds "I can't stay away too long, they don't fully trust me anymore, but I can't blame them for that"
Loreli looked up at Zen, before hidinf her face again with her hood, " can you d-drop me off at the mountains? I sense G-Gaara heading towards my v-village... it's not a good idea to head there a-alone..." she said to Zen and Hikari.


@Flame Demon

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Zen kneeled down looking at Loreli. .."ok we have to talk about this at some point i know i kissed you i just couldn't help myself all that was on my mind was how pretty you were" he says  says trying to laugh it off..."It was my first kiss...being and assassin's dating wasn't encouraged in my clan"

@Flame Demon

"Wait a second Zen, could it be that you were feeling someone else his feelings, I happen to know someone who has taken an interest in Loreli" Hikari says and adds "You were in sage mode remember", she starts walking and she sees the ice causing her to look down to her hair hides her eyes "Let's just go and find you guys a place to stay" she mumbles walking of, summoning several dragons that fly of and the guardian dragon appears in the middle of the valley, where it's sleeping place is.
Loreli fsce became red as the kiss was mention and probably became red when Zen compliment her. She looked at Hikari and tilted her head a little  at the explanation, which actually made sense,  " that makes sense...." she said to Hikari and frowned when she saw her sad face,  " um... Hikari..." she started and took out the dragon book that was given to her clan. " my clan.. froze your people to protect them, since we had an alliance with them. I can undo the ice and free them... but in order to do that i need my clan's guardian to be with me... if you give me some time... I'll be able to release them in the near future..."


@Flame Demon

"Don't you understand Loreli?! Most are dead or won't survive their injuries, how many are going to be still alive when you release them?!" Hikari asks snapping at the girl "And sure, I've waited a long time and can wait longer until I can see some of them still alive, but from the looks of it it won't be more then 5" she says and looks at Sasuke "I want a meeting with that snake guy, but tell him he's not getting my blood to experiment with, I have something else he'll find interesting" she says and keeps walking, she wondered if she could pinpoint the farms without flying, probably not though, it was hard navigating in the valley since it's so big and everything is quite far from each other.


Loreli stared at her for a moment not saying anything to her, "....... I check to see if I can heal them while they are in ice..." she said putting the dragon book back into her bag started walking away.  ' at least you still have people from your clan....' she thought feeling sad. 


Gaara is currently in the mountaims and was having trouble finding the village which the guardiam obvious hid from him. Shukaku sighed, " Kiba, let us into the village" he said knowing the village near and is hudden by genjutsu.


@Flame Demon

Zen looked away... he felt some type of way about Loreli talking about restoring Hikari's clan when Hikari destroyed his....

"It doesn't matter if all of them won't survive at least you have some that will live... some of us don't have that anymore" he says as some anger was still within him due to what she did but he took a deep breath and relaxed. 

"I'm sorry its not something that I can just get over ... ... but Hikari if your father is an Uchiha do you know where he is... i can't explain it but due to senjutsu when I was searching for your chakara I felt another similar to yours but very faint I couldn't pinpoint where it was but do you have a sibling that is alive somewhere possibly" he says

Madara waited for tobi to show up it has been too long he has been hidden and has not gotten a report from him.

"OBITO!!!" he bellows still attached to the tree that is keeping him alive.... he was concerned as they should have had the tailed beasts by now and commenced with the plan.

@Flame Demon

Hikari shakes her head "I don't have any siblings and I don't know, I thought my dad had died some time ago when mom was still imprisoned in ice" she says and sighs "And even if some are still alive, the dragon clan isn't really known for being a fan of well... clan members dating people from another clan, my mom was the exception, besides, they might not see me as one of their own" she says with a shrug, she pretended not to care, but she would be happy if only one of them was still alive.

Tobi appears and he says "Sorry, but things aren't quite as we planned, you see, our only female member has feelings for the Kazekage, who has a tailed beast, but I trust her judgement", he really hated this "You do know... you have a kid right? Who's" he asks carefully looking at Madara, he hoped he knew or there would be a lot more trouble then there already was.


Zen looked at her... then walked off "Call for me if you need me.. I have both of your chakara tagged i will be back quickly" he says disappearing


@Flame Demon

Lorelei sighed and disappeared as she started head back to her village at full speed. She didn't leave a  trails of ice for anyone to follow her now that she has better control of her chakra. 


A great wolf appeared in front of Gaara, "I am not letting outsider got near the already damaged village" a strong l, deep voice growled at them.

Shukaku sighed a little, " we aren't going to hurt the village. We can here for the flower" he said to him.

"You are not touching the flower. The only person that came pick the flower are the members of the clan. You try to pick it and it was become black and corrupted" Kiba said to them.


@Flame Demon

Hikari heads back to the hideout and she asks "Where's Tobi?" "Disappeared after he suddenly got pale" Sasori says, surprisingly not hiding inside his puppet "Thanks I'll look for him" Hikari says and she appears a little away from the two.

"It's pretty much our fault that happened and she is not weak, in fact she is the host of the dragon clan's guardian Dragon, your daughter, who thinks your dead, her other clan is wiped out and you're the only family she has left, blood related family, though if you want to meet her I can call her here and you'll see for yourself she's not weak at all" Tobi says and he thinks for a while "And she did wipe out that clan full of assassins without any help, besides, give the kid a chance, she's just 18 and had killed more people then most of the other members" he says. How could he possibly convince Madara that Hikari isn't weak, he senses her chakra and says "I knew I should have hidden my chakra signature", he didn't really want Hikari to face her father's anger.



"Bring this child to me... I will correct what mistakes you all have made"

@Flame Demon
Hikari walks over, but the dragon stops her by saying "It's not wise to go, he's angry" "If he had raised me himself it probably still would have happened, who knows" Hikari mumbles as she stops next to Tobi, her face blank as she looks at Madara "Nice to know you're alive dad" she says narrowing her eyes. Tobi sweatdrops "Madara meet your daughter Hikari, Hikari this is your father Madara", Hikari just glares at her father "Why the hell didn't you let me know you're alive?!" she asks/yells, she was pissed at him, Tobi and Itachi as well as the other Akatsuki members raised her, but it could have ended worse if Tobi hadn't taken her from the hidden leaf village.
Sasori leaves the cave...and searches for Loreli. ...

Zen appears next to Loreli. .."i thought you'd stay put where are you going" he says looking at her as he pulled her to a stop.

It was bad enough Hikari disappeared to somewhere he can't follow. ..he wasn't going to let Loreli out of his sight.

Madara looked at the child in his frail body he managed to reach out. ..."bansho ten'nin (Almighty pull)" the rinnegan briefly enveloped his eyes as he pulls Hikari to him and gripped her by her cloak....

"Dont you dare question your father. ..i am trapped in this place clinging to this tree for life....the goal of the Akatsuki is my revival so i can shape this world.

Did you wish to look upon this pathetic body i have now and be proud to call me father."  He says to her

"I heard you can't even capture 1 tailed beast because of your emotions and you question me. good is the Sharringan of yours if you cannot utilize its potential and you expect me to believe you hold the dragon within you" he says letting her go
Loreli reached the edge of the mountain when Zen suddenly appeared, making her blink as he pulled her to a stop. She looked at him, " I am heading to my village. Gaara is there and my village guardian isnt going to let him into the village" she said to him as she started walking. " you dont have to worry about me Zen..." she added softly as she stepped onto the snow of the mountain and smiled a little.


@Flame Demon

"I can capture a tailed beast, just not that one" Hikari says and she adds "And I would be proud to call you my father if maybe you hadn't hidden you were alive all this" she says activating her sharingan and dragon eye "And I can't because the traits of the dragon clan stronger then those of the Uchiha" she says looking him dead in the eyes "You can threaten me all you want though, I'm not afraid of you, because you're underestimating me" she says pulling herself free.

Tobi sighs and says "Just prove you have that dragon, there's no other way to get through to him" he says and takes a few steps back.

Hikari shrugs as a dark chakra forms around "Tell my dad how do I prove I'm not weak to you?" she asks as the dragon slowly starts for appear above her and Madara, only in chakra form though "Cause my first thought would be hitting you with my best attack, but well can't do that now can I?"  she asks, she often wondered who she took after more, now she realized it was her mother "Funny how Obito and the others do trust me" she says and the dragon says "Let me attack him, he's thick headed" "I'd rather not kill him, maybe when he's back on his feet" Hikari says, the dragon was way too protective over her after see the state of the valley.


Sasori finds Loreli again and sees Zen holding her hand and jealousy arises.

Zen picks up on this and pulls her close to him..."no you can't leave my side i must protect you ....i cant let some else have you" he says. ..he was picking up on Sasori jealousy upon seeing him holding Loreli. ..

"NO!! THE ICE PRINCESS IS NOT YOURS" he says as two puppets grip Zen and fly him back into a tree restraining him. The real Sasori steps out of the shadows 

Madara smirks.."guess it was not all lies....the dragon was supposed to be mine trump against hashirama who could suppress the tailed beasts. ...either way your power doesn't frighten me ...without that one tailed beast i cannot be revived Hikari. ..OBITO...if she can't do it then am i safe to assume you will or should i handle this personally do not forget Zetsu can temporarily allow me to leave this place" he says 

@Flame Demon

Loreli blinked a little when Zen pulled her close to him and picked her, " Zen Ill be fine please l-" before she could finish her sentence, her ryes slightly widend when two puppet appeared and threw him into the tree restraining him. She got to her feet as 4 ice needles formed in her hand. She looked at Sasori and blinked when she felt his feeling for her. '.. what?..' she thought as she took a step back from him.


@Flame Demon

"No the dragon hid inside mom, it was transferred to me when she died, only a member of the dragon clan can be it's host" Hikari says and she looks at Tobi "Why not let Deidara and Sasori handle it?" she asks, Tobi smiles, though it's not visible, as he says "It's the perfect test, as for you Hikari, I need a few rouge ninja's gone, finish within half a day and bring proof". Hikari nods and she looks at Madara "Here dad, some company you might like" she says summoning a small light green dragon "It's the baby healing dragon, not as effective as the bigger ones, but I can't have you hurt one of those, bye" she says and heads of after summoning her fastests dragon and Tobi hands her a list. He looks at the dragon and then at Madara "Now she has a way to channel her anger, see she's not weak at all"
Loreli continued to stare at him as she relaxed a little, " You didnt have to hurt him..." she said to him softly and ondering what he wants with her. "Oh... and thank you for the small puppets you gave me..." she said to him softly.


Madara shut the exit ...."no i want someone competant...i know of their failure already. ...obito you decide between Itachi or Pein. ..child of mine you will not interfere. ...if you are my daughter those rouges should pose no problem and second you must also destroy the land of the Ice clan with the power of the dark guardian...there is special plant life that grows there in an area forbidden to others outside the clan. This plant can be used to purge darkness. ...the clan is gone just incinerate the land" he says 

Sasori looks away..."i had to princess he's an enemy of ours...." he says

"He is also a rival for my love for you" he says 

As the puppets squeeze Zen...."Loreli. ..get away from him"

@Flame Demon


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