Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Loreli blinked a little and looked to see Hikari's clone about to grab Gaara but got stopped by Madara. She struggle to get free but Tobi just held onto her, he tightened his grip on her as a warning to not try anything. "try anything and we'll destroy the sand village..." he said to her. Loreli clenched her fists and looked away again.


@Flame Demon

Madara makes it back and seals his cave so no one can enter....

Zen is still Zombie like.

"Zetsu whats the status on the extraction" he asked 

"Even with Hikari's betrayal a majority of the shukkaku essence was taken ....the host should die very soon i believe Hikari will try to  save him" he replied 

"Ahh good i want you to put the Hanshou boy through the experiment. ..." he  says to Orochimaru who has been enslaved.

"Sir....that kind of power in his hands he already has one bloodline but to increase his powers is foolish" he says 

Madara glared at him scaring him...  

"The boy is my weapon....hes already broken" he says 

Sasori wakes up in his human body. ..."im human again. ...." he says 

"Yes your gift for assistance in the shukkaku's capture...." he  says  as he warps him to Loreli. ...

@Flame Demon

Hikari jumps down and looks at Tobi "Hello" she says and walks over, her eyes seemingly glowing "Nice to finally meet the one who raised Hikari", it was obviously the dragon talking "Let her go!", Tobi sighs "You figured it out" he says dropping Loreli "And I know she's not quitting", Hikari looks at Sasori "Sorry, but I need her help, you know the way to dragon valley, find us there if you have no intention to harm anyone" she says. Then she teleports both Gaara and Loreli to the temple and the dragon stops controlling her making the girl fall down "Loreli, save Gaara" she whispers trying to put pressure on the wound.

Tobi heads back to the others and he has to suppress a groan, this was a mess, introducing Hikari to Madara was a mistake, he should have waited, but he couldn't do anything about it now "At least she did her job" he says seeing the pile of beaten rouge ninjas and he heads of, he needed to think, find Hikari before she did something as seriously stupid as getting killed while fighting Madara.


Loreli blinked and looked at Hikari before quickly going to Gaara and scanning him a bit, ' his chakra and life force is very low...' she thought snd heard another voice in his head and it belong to Kiba.

' The boy's life force is connect to Shukaku. Tailed beast are pure Chakara, thats why everyone sees them as chakra booster. Focus your healing in Shukaku and the rest will fix itself' he explained. Loreli nodded as she put the flower down and focused her chakra and healing ability onto Shukaku. She really hoped this would work.


@Flame Demon

Madara was mad he gave Sasori a gift and he let the ice princess go before he could corrupt her....

Sasori tried to leave in secret but Madaras eyes were on him....

"Damn this is a setback. ...i need to be ressurected. ..i need competant warriors. ...Hidan and Kakuzu returned with their tailed beast.....and Madara appeared before them in the guise of Pein. ...

"Good work you two but Hikari has betrayed us and Sasori as well....follow Sasori keep your distance and kill the traitors" he says 

@Flame Demon

"If I did that to Hikari I'd never be able to find a new host until she dies, I'll keep her alive for now and hide everything in Dragon Valley" the dragon says appearing in a much smaller form, Hikari looks at the dragon "I'll be fine, who wants to live with a father like that anyway" she says and a medium sized wind dragon appears "I'll take you to the biggest farm, you'll all need rest" she says, guess wind dragons really are the motherly type, a gust of wind bring them to a farm and the dragon heads of to keep an eye out along with other dragons, though it looked like there was nothing at all.

"What's a good weapon against dad?" Hikari asks looking at her partner dragon "I'm not showing him I care, I don't" she says and the dragon givea her sad eyes "Fine I'll try, but what would be a good gift?" she asks and the dragon flies of towards the fields "Sometimes I don't understand that dragon" she mumbles and looks at Loreli as she slowly gets up "How's Gaara?" she asks.

Itatchi drops the tailed beast once they arrive and he instantly notices something is wrong, Sasori and Hikari are gone, Tobi too, he did sense chakra similar to Hikari though, but it's not his business anyway.
Loreli's marking were glowing brightly as she healed Shukaku, color was returning to Gaara's body and she could feel Shukaku getting stronger again. " he is doing well..." Loreli said softly as she kept healing the red head. 'Come on Shukaku...' she thought to herself.


@Flame Demon

Zen was being experimented on.... "i could take this body right now once its mine i could easily escape" he says 

"Dont even think about it. ...snake....i will crush you before you can begin the transfer. ...this boy will be powerful enough to at least help me finish my plan" he says 

Sasori was heading to the dragon Valley but he didn't sense anyone but kakuzu and Hidan were following him.

Soon he made it to the Valley. ..

"Loreli ....Loreli" he calls out

"Good" Hikari says and she falls down again "He will recover, help her" the dragon says mentioning to Hikari before heading to it's sleeping place. Hikari's dragon returns with a basket of food and he puts it down, wanting someone to cook it. It looks at Hikari who makes a clone that isn't injured, which picks up the basket and heads inside.

The dragons patrolling see the intruders and decides to wait and see, the wind dragon however flies to Sasori and picks him up, forcing him in the protective field "What do you want?" she asks with a growl at the male, reminding on who's grounds he is on now.
Loreli nodded and noticed some movement in Gaara's chakra, 'Shukaku?' She asked trying to connect with the beast. She heard a groan after a bit and her face lit up and her healing powers quickened, ' you're awake!' She said happily.

' Your too loud child.. and how am I alive?...' Shukaku asked.

' Well Hikari saved you and I am healing you' Loreli explained.

Shukaku groaned, ' good.. i am going to sleep now.. keep it down' Loreli nodded and smiled happily as she kept healing the beast. She didnt notice Sasori's chakra since she was focising all her energy and strength into healing Gaara and Shukaku.


@Flame Demon

Sasori looked at the dragon. ..."i came for the ice princess. ...youd make a fantastic puppet" he says 

Hidan and Kakuzu lie and wait....

"They'll have to drop the barrier sometime. ..." Kakuzu says

Zen is on the table his eyes are bandaged up....and has needles all over his body....

Madara scoffs ....he looks at Zen. ".i must rest. .....he knows his orders when he awakes" he says  and returned to the tree 

Orochimaru thinks as he can steal the eyes of Madara Uchiha. ....

@Flame Demon

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"Sasori's here" Hikari says and she smiles slightly seeing Gaara is going to be okay "We should go inside" she says and groans in pain as she moves, now she had a problem, medium sized dragons wouldn't fit in the house and moving hurt. "Child you're wasting time, I can't keep Hikari alive much longer" the dragon says in Loreli's head, if Hikari died there would be no one left to keep the dragons from leaving the valley and that would be bad.

The dragon growls dangerously at Sasori "So leading your two friends here was part of you plan? You were only allowed to come if you didn't want to hurt anyone. What do you want with her?" she asks, ready to trow him out if needed "Because you're outnumbered bt many", there were too many dragons to count flying around or eating whatever plant they like growing there "You'll be killed with one wrong move"

@Midnite @Evergreen98
Loreli blinked a little and created a clone to keep healing Gaara and quickly went over to Hikari and started healing her, " I have the flower if you still need that" she said slight gesturing to the ice sphere next to Gaara. " the flower is protected inside of it" she added as she concentrated on healing her. She blinked when she mention Sasori is here and wasnt shre how to react to that. She too tired to notice Kizaru and Hidan that followed her.

' Dont forget to heal that brusie around your neck..' Kiba said to Loreli who nodded. 'Also get something to eat.. when eas the last time you ate?'

'Yesterday...' Loreli answered and blinked, 'Wait how am I able to talk to you...'

'I obviously made a link to talk to you...' Kiba said.

'Do not look though my memories...' Loreli said to Kiba.

'Already have that Zen boy is going to pay for kissing you' he growled and Loreli sweat dropped sounding like a protective father. 

Loreli blinked, 'um... why are you protective all of a sudden...? I am not a vessel yet..' She asked.


'you mean guilt'


@Flame Demon

Orochimaru checked on Zen to see him still sedated he decided to go up to Madara who was resting he was very weak from using so much chakara. ...

He slowly approaches Madara coming close to plucking his eyes out but his hand is severed ....he pulls back his stump groaning in pain...."how you were sedated ...." he says 

Zen still had his eyes covered "im a Hanshou being drugged is no different then poisoning. body expels all toxins" he says 

Orochimaru smirked. .."if i can't have those eyes then i will jus....." he began to say but Zen pierced a chakara point in Orochimaru's chest causing him to molt out of his skin and show his true snake form....

"How..." he asked 

"Simple the power you gave me shouldn't give someone with the hansho bloodline another bloodline ability" he says as he goes into sage mode eyes still covered as the snake tries to swallow him but zen punches Orochimaru while making contact he warped him out of the cave.

Orochimaru goes flying back into mud writhing in pain.

He tries to get up but the mud wraps around Orochimaru pulling him down and absorbing him.

"You wretched creature....i am the sannin Orochimaru" he says  as he is completely covered. ..and the mud begins to reform. Otomi steps out in a dark sand elite uniform. .."now your a part of me..." she says. ..she looks at Zen.  "Did you know i was here?" She asked.

"Yes...he was trouble some so thought you'd like to absorb his power" he says 

"Why ...what if i use this power against you i mean if i consume you and Orochimaru then the dragon girl and Gaara will be no match for  me" she says as mud wraps around her.

Zen walks and in less then a second he has her by the neck. ..."you cant consume me I'll kill you before you even think it....but i cannot let you kill Hikari its my masters orders but your welcome to use your power to get revenge on the sand" he says letting her go and walking off..

"Ugh... fine guess im traveling with you...who is your master and whats his goal" she asked

"Revival ...and destruction and  i don't need a traveling companion where im going" he says but she followed him anyway.

Hidan looks on... "Kakuzu they are taking too long ...Jashin needs souls" he says 

"Be patient idiot" Kakuzu replied 

Sasori looks at Hikari then Loreli. ..."Hikari the Akatsuki deem you as a traitor please tell me its not true not for a jinchuriki. knew of our goals most of his essence was taken why still betray us" he asked 

@Flame Demon

Zen appears before the barrier warping using sage mode. ...Otomi was with him.

"A barrier. ..Orochimarus hydra technique should be able to break this" she says but zen stops her before she molded the chakara. ..

"You dont even notice the guardian. ..." he says to her. ...

"I dont want to  cause any trouble i need to speak to Hikari alone as well as Loreli" he says 


@Flame Demon
Hikari smiles at Loreli "Thanks, you should bring Gaara to one of the bedrooms, I should take over from my clone" she says as she gets up as the small dragon goes in using the open window "We all could use something to eat, the food grown here will replenish some chakra, but not a lot, so it should help you as well as Gaara" she says and she heads inside the house heading to the kitchen as she makes her clone disappear, she really needed to get used to cooking stuff on her own "Also we should be lucky, the guardian made the barrier, so no one should be able to get in" she calls to Loreli "Unless the dragons drag them in"

The dragon looks at Sasori "You are not talking to them alone, how do I know you won't kill one of them?" she asks and adds "But I suppose you can try to find them" she drops him and summons a large wind to trow every intruder, besides Sasori, out of the valley and the entrance closes as if it's never been there. The commotion had woken the guardian dragon and he was not too happy with four people who weren't invited.


Zen doesnt move....but Otomi is blasted back...."why you son of a..." she says summoning Manda...the giant snake prepared to attack but Zen raises his arm to stop her...

"I am just a messenger on behalf of Uchiha Madara. ..i need to speak to Hikari. ..and if Madara wanted his daughter dead and this barrier destroyed you wouldn't be able to  stop i just ask to speak to Hikari" he says sitting down 

@Flame Demon
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Loreli nodded to Hikari as she tried to pick up Gaara, but the male was too heavy for her to pick up. She then made a ice wolf and summoned another clone the two got Gaara on the wolf's back and head upstairs where they set Gaara down on the bed. The wolf and the clone disappeared, she ran back downstair and picked up the frozen flower ans went to the kitchen, " do you want me to help you cook? Or anything?" She asked her quietly.


@Flame Demon

"No need" Hikari says and she sighs "We'll be stuck here until no one else is coming to look for any of us" she says as she takes the food of the stove "What would Sasori want here anyway?" she asks putting it on the table and one of the small dragons comes in, pushing a box which appears to be too heavy to carry it, so Hikari picks it us and she puts it somewhere out of the way "I know what you can do Loreli" she says and hands her a map "Most dragons are born from eggs, but become summons once they formed a certain bond with a clan member, can you check on the eggs, they're hidden under the temple, just show it to one of the dragons big enough to ride on and they'll take you there" she explains and adds "But don't move them, the dragon that normally watches the eggs is out patrolling at the moment".

The guardian dragon leaves the barrier and lands on the wall now separating the valley from the outsiders "He nearly killed her, you have no business here, leave" he says and shoots a fireball at them as a warning before disappearing back into the barrier, he wouldn't let someone in if he didn't know their true purpose, luckily the two that came to kill Hikari were gone now too.
Zen didn't flinch..."i told you Madara wants to speak to his daughter and he nearly killed her....Madara Uchiha has never failed to intentionally kill someone as he orchestrated the death of his entire clan but if you would rather have Madara himself whose in possession of a majority of the tailed beasts and the eyes of the sage of six paths then be my guest and wait till he awakes but my orders are not to hurt her.... he is disappointed that the daughter he never knew the child he always wanted turned on him just like the Uchiha"

He says this was his final attempt if no then Madara would intervene personally.

@Flame Demon
Loreli looked at the map as she gently took it from Hikari. " understood* she said to her with a smile. She then said softly, "he want to talk to you and me..." she said to her. " he thinks you betrayed the akatsuki..." she sighed softly. " he isnt dangerous, he just want answers" she said to her.


@Flame Demon

"I don't want to see him" Hikari says and she adds "I'll check on Gaara after seeing what's in the box", she wondered how it would be now that her own father saw her as a traitor, she could try to be nice although she highly doubted that would work. She heads outside to the apple trees with a basket and sighs "Why am I doing this?" she mumbles as her dragons picks the ripe apple and puts them in the basket. "Yes I know I said I would check on him, I'm not going anywhere" she says making a clone again "Take this to dad and leave again" she says and the clone takes the basket before disappearing to where Madara is.

"If Loreli wasn't there she would have died, if he wants to talk he can come, but he will never get in here" the dragon says with a growl "Now leave before I decide to kill you", he gad a lot of patience, but they were just stupidly annoying.
Temari appears in front of them "If you want to talk to Gaara he isn't here" she says and adds "Last I heard he went to the ice village for that flowers, the Akatsuki could have him for all we know", though she had a strange feeling that Gaara was save with Hikari, but decides not to say that.


Loreli watched Hikari leave and sighed a little to herself as she looked out the window. She walked out as she put a hand on her neck and healed the bruise that was forming. She looked at the map and looked around for a near dragon, she found one and ran over to it. She showed him the map like Hikari told her too.


@Flame Demon

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