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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Slawter turned over in his sleep, mumbling something about the black death and how that was fun to watch. His face peaceful and un-moving as his eyelids stared directly where Danny was standing.

//shit response is shit, don't hit me please @Cryobionic
Danny let out a soft, almost inaudible gasp as the previously unmoving lump moved to reveal the sleeping child of death, and Danny's concentration was broken in an instant when he heard Slawter speak, and he could do nothing but stare hopelessly and flail his hand frantically as the keys fell to the floor, their decent ending in a loud rattle as they connected with the tiles.

The troll's eyes widened, and his hands clamped over his mouth as he tried to figure out if the best coarse of action would be to run inside and grab the keys, or run in the opposite direction before the other woke up fully.

@Iak Destler (Lol, it's not your fault I suck at cutting down detail. xD )
Helena paused at the entrance of the door, her mouth slightly agape as she stared in awe at the beautifully crafted exterior of the school. Suddenly, a grin appeared on the young Witch's face as she quickly made her way into the school. If the exterior is beautiful then the interior definitely has to be just as beautiful. She thought excitedly, her Raven colored hair bouncing wildly out of her loosely tied bun. "Just as I thought." The girl said breathlessly, gently shaking her bangs out of her face. Helena then glanced around, finding things wouldn't exactly be easy for someone like her, she had a horrible sense of direction. Internally wishing that she'd looked for the administration office before getting lost, Helena sighed "Just perfect, Helena.."
Slawter's eyes shot open at the clattering of keys on the marble floor. His form seemed to shift through the blankets as he began to be engulfed by shadows and dark clouds. Two red menacing eyes could be seen in the vale of shadows looking around before his eyes set on the little troll before him. Maybe it was Danny's imagination be he heard what sounded like chuckle as Slawter's form shifted back to normal as he walked towards the troll, stepping over the keys "You wanted to see me so soon did you, I feel touched" he said with a toothy smirk.

@Cryobionic it's a bit better I guess
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"I'm fine" he chuckled "I'm glad you like it" said Hitsugya putting his hands in his pockets "So care to join me?" he asked putting his hand out for her to take.

Willow smiled warmly and reached out her hand. Hesitantly she placed her hand in his. She nodded her head and felt her cheeks blush a dark red.
He pulled her close to him as he flapped his wings, landing ontop of the tree letting her down slightly as he kept his hand around her "Don't freak out" he said with a glad face.
"Ok," Willow whispered softly, she looke deep into his eyes to keep herself calm. She didn't really know what to expect. But she was prepared.
Annabel layed there on the massive branch of a tree fast asleep her tail slowly swaying back and forth in the air her ears perked up happily as she dreamed while her left leg and arm hung off the branch. She was wearing no shoes or socks and wore a pair of short shorts and a really big sweater that hung off one of her shoulders, the sleeves hung to her buckles and the bottom of the sweater hung down to the middle of her thys which made her clothing look.... Bad in every ones eyes but it was comfy for her, especially with her tail which every other pair of clothing hurt it. Her hair swayed slowly in the wind as she purred while she slept
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He let her hand go as he began flying again and she suddenly had dark purple flames under her shoes "Neat huh…" he smirked.
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Danny flinched, backing up against the doorway, quickly shaking his head back and forth. "I only needed my keys," He told the taller male in a quiet stammer, his mind still reeling from his little display of shadow control from earlier. That could turn out to be quite dangerous. As Slawter came closer, Danny reacted instinctively, and after letting out a small squeak his body suddenly disappeared from view. No more than a split second he re-appeared behind the child of death, the keys shooting up into the palm of his hand with a loud rattle.

@Iak Destler (Sorry for the delay!)
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Since she hadn't a clue as to where to go, Helena began her exploration. What better way to figure out the maze of a school than to explore? Astral reflection. She mumbled allowing herself to turn transparent along with her luggage, Helena smiled to herself as the ghost realm came to life around her; seeing all the new spirits around her made her giddy with joy. Yes, they were dead. But the girl hardly liked people that were alive, then again, her father said that this school was different and she'd be able to fit right in. So far, she found that statement to be false and doubt it would come to be true. Brushing off the doting voices of her parents the Raven stepped through the wall and started her way on finding the admins office.
Rose smiled happily as she sat there in a grassy patch in the court yard of the school as flowers slowly sprouted up around her and aura of life radiating off of her as she watched the flowers happily
((Information sheet coming v. soon, but for now I'll just have to use the intercom, again.))

The intercom sounds again, able to be heard all over the school and outside as well. "Students, your attention please! Welcome to your first full day at Ellesdale Academy. After you have eaten and made yourselves presentable, please can all students in Class A go to Room 97 for their first class. You will be given more information there. Good luck!"
~You're right this is fun!~ At the sound of the intercom, Daggora wrinkled her nose. A sight to be held in her Hell-Cat form. She sighed, and jumped gracefully off Edgar's back. ~Sounds like we've got to go to class.~ She looked at Edgar and flicked her tail at him. ~Come on DT! I'll Race you!~ She yelled as she took off, running down the Hallway, towards Room 97.

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Hitsugya looked over at Willow "Guess we better go to class…" He glanced at the school then back to Willow noticing how beautiful she looked in the light and hovering in the air with purple flames "Wow. . .y-you look amazing" said Hitsugya, he wasn't used to being so open but looking at her made him feel like he was something more than a person with dark abilities. . .he couldn't explain it, all he could do was enjoy the feeling.
Kazuichi walked out of his room yawning. "It seems I over slept a bit. That's my fault for not having a alarm clock. Guess I'm so use to Yukari waking me up with her thrashing about I didn't think to pack one." His train of thought was cut off by tripping over something he looked and it was Yukari skeeping on the floor. He stood up and shook her awake she opened her eyes. "Kazu is it morning already?" Kazuichi clocked her on the top of her head then beagn walking. "Come on we have to go to room 97." Yukari rubbed her head feeling something bump into her from behind she turned around and looked down at the person.

@Daggora Keket
Nenma Takashi]Kazuichi walked out of his room yawning. "It seems I over slept a bit. That's my fault for not having a alarm clock. Guess I'm so use to Yukari waking me up with her thrashing about I didn't think to pack one." His train of thought was cut off by tripping over something he looked and it was Yukari skeeping on the floor. He stood up and shook her awake she opened her eyes. "Kazu is it morning already?" Kazuichi clocked her on the top of her head then beagn walking. "Come on we have to go to room 97." Yukari rubbed her head feeling something bump into her from behind she turned around and looked down at the person. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22230-daggora-keket/ said:
@Daggora Keket[/URL]
(Actually I'm in the form of a Hell-Cat, not a person right now, but it's all cool)

Daggora tried as quickly as she could, to stop before she bumped into the Girl in front of her. Sadly, the momentum was to great for her to stop in time, and she ran into the girl. Falling back into a sitting position, she shook her head to get rid of the dizziness and shock. When she could see right again she looked up at the girl and sent her thought at her so that she could talk to her without having to shift back into her human form. ~Uh, sorry about that I didn't see you at first, and when I did, I tried to stop but it was too late, and-~ She stopped. ~And I'm rambling. Sorry.~ She ducked her head sheepishly for a second, before looking up at the girl again. ~Um, I'm Daggora. What's your name?~
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket](Actually I'm in the form of a Hell-Cat, not a person right now, but it's all cool)
Daggora tried as quickly as she could, to stop before she bumped into the Girl in front of her. Sadly, the momentum was to great for her to stop in time, and she ran into the girl. Falling back into a sitting position, she shook her head to get rid of the dizziness and shock. When she could see right again she looked up at the girl and sent her thought at her so that she could talk to her without having to shift back into her human form. ~Uh, sorry about that I didn't see you at first, and when I did, I tried to stop but it was too late, and-~ She stopped. ~And I'm rambling. Sorry.~ She ducked her head sheepishly for a second, before looking up at the girl again. ~Um, I'm Daggora. What's your name?~

The large dragon halted and looked down at them, ~Uh oh...~
Yukari covered her ears and ran around Kazuichi freaking out. "Ahhh Kazu I'm hearing a voice in my head is it a ghost oh god it's a ghost isn't it I can't punch a ghost what do I do what do I do!" Kazuichi put his hand out in front of him making Yukari hit her face on his hand. She covered her face in pain Kazuichi looked at the cat he'd heard of their kind a hell cat. "It's telepathy you idiot." Yukari let go of her face and looked at the cat and smiled. "Ohh well it's ok you seem more hurt then me." She put her hand out to help the cat girl up.

@Daggora Keket
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Copperkirin21 said:
The large dragon halted and looked down at them, ~Uh oh...~
Nenma Takashi]Yukari covered her ears and ran around Kazuichi freaking out. "Ahhh Kazu I'm hearing a voice in my head is it a ghost oh god it's a ghost isn't it I can't punch a ghost what do I do what do I do!" Kazuichi put his hand out in front of him making Yukari hit her face on his hand. She covered her face in pain Kazuichi looked at the cat he'd heard of their kind a hell cat. "It's telepathy you idiot." Yukari let go of her face and looked at the cat and smiled. "Ohh well it's ok you seem more hurt then me." She put her hand out to help the cat girl up. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22230-daggora-keket/ said:
@Daggora Keket[/URL]
Daggora looked up at Edgar before looking back at the girl. ~I'm Fine. This is Edgar.~ Daggora pointed at Edgar with her tail. ~We we're just heading to class. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, but we should probably get going. I have a race to win!~ She said before shooting to all four paws and taking off down the hallway again. ~Catch me if you can DT!!~
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora looked up at Edgar before looking back at the girl. ~I'm Fine. This is Edgar.~ Daggora pointed at Edgar with her tail. ~We we're just heading to class. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, but we should probably get going. I have a race to win!~ She said before shooting to all four paws and taking off down the hallway again. ~Catch me if you can DT!!~

He growled and ran to catch up. It ended up being a tie.
By the time Helena finally found the admins office, she'd pretty much covered the entire school building and found where everything she'd want or need was at. Thoroughly pleased with her findings she released the spell she placed on herself and stepped inside the admins office, she needed her schedule and dorm room key. Helena smiled promptly at the person at the desk before requesting her needed items, patiently, she waited.
Copperkirin21 said:
He growled and ran to catch up. It ended up being a tie.
Daggora growled and swatted playfully at Edgar as their race ended in a tie. ~So. What do you think class is going to be like?~ She asked as walked into the classroom.
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora growled and swatted playfully at Edgar as their race ended in a tie. ~So. What do you think class is going to be like?~ She asked as walked into the classroom.

~I don't know but I think we should change back into our human forms. I think people may notice a huge dragon and a black tiger.~

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