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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

With his jacket securely draped across his shoulders, his keys stuffed into his back pocket and the last remainder of the blush that had spread over his face cleared from his cheeks, Danny entered classroom 97, trying his best to appear confident, but his fingers tightened around his book bag regardless.

With a quick and almost inaudible, "Sorry for my tardiness," directed at the teacher, the troll hurriedly made his way to the back of the room, taking a seat, Slawter's warning ringing clear in his mind.
Peter looked up as another boy walked in, muttering something that sounded like an apology. He gave him a small nod in return - most of the student's hadn't even arrived yet, so he could forgive this one for being a few minutes late.

"So, what's your name then?" He asked, not wanting to bother with explanations until more people arrived.

@Cryobionic sorry for the late reply
Intercom: "Students in Class B, your lesson will be starting shortly. Please make your way to Room 75."
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Mitsuko calmly sat in her chair at the front of the class, her energy radiating off her in bubbles, literally. She smiled to herself at the thought of starting the school year with all new students and all new powers they walked through the door with, it'd be her responsibility to make sure that they knew about and how to better control the element they harvested. "I absolutely can not wait for them to arrive!" She squealed out joyously.

Helena nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden sound of the intercom, but understood that she needed to hurry and finish getting ready. Quickly the young girl hopped out of the shower and threw on a less, puffy dress, her mother made her wear it to send her off in, but she said nothing about having to go to class in such an embarrassing outfit. The dress she now adorned was more her style and speed allowing her to move as freely as she wished, and speed was definitely what she needed. Running as fast as she could out of her dorm room she headed for class 75, she wasn't that far but being late was not an option. Of course, running too fast was also a downfall for her, upon reaching the class, Helena clumsily stumbled into class.
Hitsugya took Willows hand pulling her close to him once more and landing on the ground. He lifted hes left wing so that is went around Willow's shoulder hopefully making her feel more warm as they walked to class A.
Mitsuko knew it was wrong to laugh at a fallen person, er, creature. But hey! She didn't fall, technically, so it wouldn't be bad on her part if she let a little bit of a giggle out, would it? Unfortunately for her, the control of her funny bone wasn't on her side. A small giggle escaped the older woman before she gently swept air under the stumbling girl to help her right herself.

"Ah, sorry about that ma'am. I guess I got too excited" Helena spoke rubbing the back of her head.

Mitsuko shook her head in a means to forget the past event, "Don't worry about it, dear just take your seat please." The woman replied motioning for her to take a seat and wait for the rest of the class to file in.
So deep in thought was he, that he barely noticed the professors question. With a small jerk, his head shot up to look at him, green eyes pinning the teacher with an emerald stare, lips parting slightly. "Dantalion Frost, sir." He said softly, nodding his head slightly before going back to stare out the window.

@Becauseroleplay (SORRY T_T)
Kazuichi thought it pointless to wait for anymore students and took a seat Yukari sat on the floor next to him. He glared at her. "Yukari sit in a chair." She looked around and took the seat next to him giving him a thumbs up. If they weren't in class he would've hit her by now.
Sighing at the fact that only one of her students were on time to class she shook her head, unfortunately, she couldn't wait any longer for the students, the bell had pretty much rang. "Well, it could've been zero students that bothered to show up." The woman was still disappointed at the lateness of her students, but they'd just have to catch up with the rubric she'd give them once they showed up. "Alright miss Dawson, since you're the only one who bothered to show up you'll be the first to see one of many demonstrations in this class." Mitsuko spoke as she stood from her seat and walked around to the front of her desk, placing different elements in its purest form in the air in front of the said girl. "Fire, Water, Earth and Air. These four elements are the core elements." The woman took the small flame of fire into her hands and created four more elements from the small flame. She continued this process until all the elements that have been created up to this day were made. "Now that all the elements have been made, study them closely. You will be focusing in on your specific element for the first half of this term, the second half you will pick a second element to study. At the end of this term for your final assignment you will use both of these elements in a spar, either against me or one of your classmates, I'll let you decide." She explained to the girl.

Helena sat in awe at the sight before her, from the very basic to the newest element today was in front of her. Not to mention she was drinking up every word miss Mitsuko was speaking like a sponge, it was only her first day and she already loved the classes.
Centering the Elements, huh. She smiled softly at the opportunity to face her teacher in battle at the end of the term, "I can't wait.." Helena spoke admiringly.

@The Reaper Of Souls
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Lucilla scolded herself for being late to class. She blamed it on the old alarm that wouldn't go off when she wanted it to. She rushed towards room 75, as she was instructed, for her lesson. She stood in the doorway and noticed that the teacher was already in the classroom. She looked around in surprised that there was only one student present in the room. Lucilla sighed in relief that she wasn't the last one to get to class. "I'm sorry I'm late Miss," she said after she had made sure that she was presentable.

@Lucinda Darkhive
"Since its your first day, I'll be lenient and not mark you tardy. Please, take a seat." Mitsuko motioned to the rows of empty desks after handing her a piece of paper with the rubric of how things would work in her class. "Monday's thru Wednesday's you will focus on your element and bring it to life in its purest form. Thursday's thru Friday's you will manifest your element into a different form, whether it be in the form of a shape or the form of a mouse, I will be grading you on your focus, performance and how well you work with others."

'How well you work with others.' Well fuck, might as well just give me a zero for that portion. Helena watched as another student walked into class, her mind dreading the fact that she had to work with others. Truly, she didn't mind, but the girl was horrible at socializing with others. But, in order to get the best grade she could possibly acquire, she'd swallow down her distain for being around others and work with whoever she would be assigned to.

"As far as my rules go, they're quite simple. Be polite, no fighting inside, around or near my classroom and most of all, do not misuse the elements in my presence." Her voice dropped an octave from its normal, soft soprano tone to a dark and menacing sound, her orange eyes turning to a blood red before quickly changing back to their usual kind orange ones. "Any questions?"

@The Reaper Of Souls @Moonflight @VampiresRule
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Amelia silently slipped into the door to room 97 wearing the same colors she always wore: black, ash grey, and darker grey. The exact colors which made her look like a human ashtray. She silently took the nearest back seat and flipped open her notebook. She finished a sketch she had started earlier: a flaming noose. When she finished the drawing she wrote (in surprisingly neat cursive) inside the noose, "Dear noose, you take my breath away".

(this...is really morbid)
May I join???)))

River suddenly appeared just inside the classroom mentally slapping him self for being late he immediately bowed to the teacher. "Miss I'm sorry for my lateness" he immediately said after appearing in the room, the shadows starting to dance in taboo ways at his presence as a black sort of smoke slowly radiated off of him

Rose soon fluttered through the door bumping into a boy that had such a dark aura and apilogizing then immediately floating to her seat happily and sitting there a happy peaceful smile on her face as she kicked her legs back and forth on the chair still not having agnolaged the teacher

Annabel sill layed there on a tree branch just out side the window of the class room fast asleep

@Lucinda Darkhive
"It's alright Mr. River, just take your seat please." Mitsuko said handing him a rubric and waving him to go sit at his desk, her eyebrow quirked at the girl that came in after him but didn't pay much mind to it, a gentle sigh left her lips as she lifted another rubric and let it float over to the girl. As far as the student that slept outside the classroom window, well, she wouldn't have that. Her eyes flashed a silverish color before the window opened up enough for her to be heard. "Miss Annabel, I'd you would be so kind as to join us in class, I'd appreciate that!" She spoke as she looked up at the small pieces of elements that would remain as a reminder in case the students needed a reference.

Helena, who'd fortunately took a seat near the middle of the class, watched as two more students filed into the classroom. A boy, who's energy was darker than anything she'd ever seen, River. And a girl, who in her point of view seemed a bit ditzy, she still hadn't introduced herself but she was rather sure that she'd say something soon. Then there was the girl outside the class, until Miss Mitsuko had said something about it she hadn't even noticed her.

@The Reaper Of Souls @EverlastingLife
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Peter sighed. From the estimate he'd been given, only about half the students he'd been expecting had turned up. If they didn't arrive soon he was going to have to start without them, which he didn't like doing. He looked up at the new entries. "Names please, and then we can get started."

Noticing Amelia (his griffin sight meant that he could see what she was doing very clearly) he said "And young lady, please put the notebook away. You may be getting art class later, but I am afraid this is not it."
((I'd thought of A and B as the groups of people, but if we don't get someone else as a teacher then I'll just swap the classes around. Does that answer your question?))
((Ya I tried to interact, but it didn't work so well...the only person I interacted with had to leave for a while :( things aren't really working out with my character.... And I'm lost again))
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