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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

(@wolfborn4 Just do a quick description of your character waking up - she's supposed to be sharing a dorm with @Ethan Hart but he doesn't seem to be on much - and having breakfast, then come to Room 97, that's where the class is. It's been announced over intercom and on the schedule you have, so Crystal should know where to go. There'll be chances to interact during class.)
Crystal yawned and rolled over, accidentally falling off the bed...with a front she sat up rubbing her eyes, she glanced to the clock and blinked a few times. Seeing what time it was her internal fire roared to life waking her uo all the way, she jumped up " I'm going to be late! " she told herself and rushed to get dressed. Pulling on a white longsleev shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the middle of her forearm, a a pight oibk and black vest, short shorts, and some worn out sneakers. She quickly brushed her hair, tied it back in a ponytail and rushed out the door...neglecting to eat breakfast.

Once Crystal finally made it to the classroom she was panting and small bouts of fire escaped with each big breath. She stood up and dusted herself off, closed her mouth and opened the door...seeing that student where already in there she hesitantly stepped inside. Coming uo to the teacher she gave a small bow " Sorry I'm late " she then stood up straight and went over to a desk, she sat down and her tummy grumbled...she sighed " Knew I forgot something " she murmured
Hitsugya and Willow finally arrived at class A as Hitsugya opened the door for her to walk in first being more gentlmen like. He looked towards the teacher "Sorry if we're late. We were out on a little walk" explained Hitsugya.
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River nodded to the teacher before he won't to sit at the back of the class room a small frown o his face

Rose looked at the rule brick curiously before smiling as a red rosé popes up from the middle of the sheet and he giggled happily

Annabel quickly sat up a tire look on her face before looking at the window before she smiled and jumped into the room gracefully landing on her hands and feet before standing up. "Yes teacher." She said before stretching and yawning quietly
Max took his time to go to class. Why should he rush? He had the right to relax. Also, he had an excuse. Yet again, he had blacked out. Not in the school either. No, he found himself outside. But, he hadn't lost his memory this time. Unlike last time, he could remember everything leading up to the point where he passed out. He was chilling in a tree, trying to gain his other memories back, when, suddenly, blackness engulfed his mind and he fell off the branch. His clothes were torn and he had branches all over his body. He honestly didn't care about that much. As long as no one mentioned it, he would be alright. The reason why he didn't go to his room to freshen up was due to the time. The vampire/human hybrid hurried his way to class.

Once he arrived at class A, he yawned and walked in, totally disregarding everyone else. Eyes resting on the bags which were under them felt heavy. "Again?" He slapped himself to wake himself up. The sound of his hand connecting on his cheek could be heard in the class. Despite himself hitting himself, his head fell on the desk. The twig in his hair dug into his scalp. Maximillion didn't bother to look up whilst he yanked the wood out of his skull. A small trail of blood flowed down his cheek. However, it quickly stopped as his wound healed with amazing speed. With a small groan, he waited for the class to start. "This better be interesting." He mumbled to himself. "I've never been to public school after all. I'll probablly fall asleep. But hey, I can lie and get out of it."

(@Becauseroleplay You were saying? xD I'll give the blacking out a reason soon enough. Let's just say it due to him lacking something he got used to)
Willow looked over at the professor "I'm sorry if we were late" she explained as she walked too a desk sitting beside Hitsugya.
(A tiny time skip?)

Honeywing had had a nice sleep even if he didn't sleep in his dollhouse. He rolled out of bed and stretched, then he remembered he was in a school, so he needed to get to class! He was in such a rush that he had kinda forgotten about his roommate... Honeywing ran to his class, giving his teacher a shy smile, "sorry if I'm late, I forgot were I was for a moment!" He went to a seat and sat down waiting patiently.

Becauseroleplay said:
Peter sighed. From the estimate he'd been given, only about half the students he'd been expecting had turned up. If they didn't arrive soon he was going to have to start without them, which he didn't like doing. He looked up at the new entries. "Names please, and then we can get started."
Noticing Amelia (his griffin sight meant that he could see what she was doing very clearly) he said "And young lady, please put the notebook away. You may be getting art class later, but I am afraid this is not it."
Amelia looked up at the professor then back at her notebook. She closed it and shoved it back into her backpack.
Peter nodded as the new students entered the room. He stood up, addressing the whole class.

"I will forgive those who came in late or," here he glanced sharply at Max "untidy, as it is your first day. However, I expect that you improve this on later occasions." The short lecture over, he picked up the paper again. "Now that a larger number of you are here, I will take names, as today's activity is based around teamwork and I will need to allocate teams. I already have names for a few of you, but for the others just shout out your names and I will start to put you into teams."

@Chris Montaview

(Also @Stamper @kurol @Marlow @Iak Destler Last chance to get to class before I do teams!)
Becauseroleplay said:
Peter nodded as the new students entered the room. He stood up, addressing the whole class.
"I will forgive those who came in late or," here he glanced sharply at Max "untidy, as it is your first day. However, I expect that you improve this on later occasions." The short lecture over, he picked up the paper again. "Now that a larger number of you are here, I will take names, as today's activity is based around teamwork and I will need to allocate teams. I already have names for a few of you, but for the others just shout out your names and I will start to put you into teams."

@Chris Montaview

(Also @Stamper @kurol @Marlow @Iak Destler Last chance to get to class before I do teams!)
Edgar gulped. wondering what team he would be on.
Becauseroleplay said:
Peter nodded as the new students entered the room. He stood up, addressing the whole class.
"I will forgive those who came in late or," here he glanced sharply at Max "untidy, as it is your first day. However, I expect that you improve this on later occasions." The short lecture over, he picked up the paper again. "Now that a larger number of you are here, I will take names, as today's activity is based around teamwork and I will need to allocate teams. I already have names for a few of you, but for the others just shout out your names and I will start to put you into teams."

@Chris Montaview

(Also @Stamper @kurol @Marlow @Iak Destler Last chance to get to class before I do teams!)
Willow wondered to herself, she hoped her team would be nice or something and not a bunch of kids that don't care. She felt a bit uneasy as the professor spoke out about teams but she shook it of. Hitsugya thought to himself I wonder if I'll be in a group with her. . .I hope I am, he said to himself as he waited for the professor to put them in groups.
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Honeywing was looking around at all the interesting students in the class. He smiled to himself, this should be a fun day! He looked down at his feet. He wasn't wearing any shoes or socks! Honeywing quickly tried to hide his feet under the desk.

Honeywing raised his hand, "Honeywing!" He said to the teacher.
Max looked up at Peter as he said he implied that Max was untidy. "Is there a problem? I mean, if there is, I would love to show you why you shouldn't think it as a problem." He cracked his knuckles, unaware that he was talking to the teacher. "I mean, how dare you try to mock me, old man. Do you not know who I am?" Max got up and stared Peter down. "I'm the person who you don't want to get pissed off. It's bad enough that I passed out in the woods, wake up and look like an uncivilised mutt. But you mocking me for it pushed me over the edge. So go ahead, speak up! And make sure you don't stutter. Maximillion Cowie hates old men who can't get their words out." Max was ready to punch the teacher in the face. But, he couldn't lash out at him randomly. No, he had to have a reason.
Kazuichi raised his hand. "Kazuichi." Yukari stood up rasing her hand. "Yukari!" She then sat back down hoping she would get partnered with Kazuichi while Kazuichi was hoping for the opposite. Kazuichi noticed the idiot yelling at the teacher and shot a look to Yukari who nodded. She stood up and grabbed the guy by his arm pulling him back. "Hey be nice to teachers and elders." She said as if speaking to a child.
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[QUOTE="Chris Montaview]Honeywing was looking around at all the interesting students in the class. He smiled to himself, this should be a fun day! He looked down at his feet. He wasn't wearing any shoes or socks! Honeywing quickly tried to hide his feet under the desk.
Honeywing raised his hand, "Honeywing!" He said to the teacher.

"Awww what a cute name..." Edgar thought.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Max looked up at Peter as he said he implied that Max was untidy. "Is there a problem? I mean, if there is, I would love to show you why you shouldn't think it as a problem." He cracked his knuckles, unaware that he was talking to the teacher. "I mean, how dare you try to mock me, old man. Do you not know who I am?" Max got up and stared Peter down. "I'm the person who you don't want to get pissed off. It's bad enough that I passed out in the woods, wake up and look like an uncivilised mutt. But you mocking me for it pushed me over the edge. So go ahead, speak up! And make sure you don't stutter. Maximillion Cowie hates old men who can't get their words out." Max was ready to punch the teacher in the face. But, he couldn't lash out at him randomly. No, he had to have a reason.

Hitsugya rolled his eyes at Max thinking if he should step in or not. . . he decided not to seeing as how he didn't want Willow or anyone to think him reckless so he waited to see what happened next.
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[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Max looked up at Peter as he said he implied that Max was untidy. "Is there a problem? I mean, if there is, I would love to show you why you shouldn't think it as a problem." He cracked his knuckles, unaware that he was talking to the teacher. "I mean, how dare you try to mock me, old man. Do you not know who I am?" Max got up and stared Peter down. "I'm the person who you don't want to get pissed off. It's bad enough that I passed out in the woods, wake up and look like an uncivilised mutt. But you mocking me for it pushed me over the edge. So go ahead, speak up! And make sure you don't stutter. Maximillion Cowie hates old men who can't get their words out." Max was ready to punch the teacher in the face. But, he couldn't lash out at him randomly. No, he had to have a reason.

Crystal furrowed her eyebrows and got up walking over to Max she placed her hands on her hips " That is no way to address a teacher...or anyone for that matter! " she snapped a growl lingering on the edge of her words she glared
wolfborn4 said:
Crystal furrowed her eyebrows and got up walking over to Max she placed her hands on her hips " That is no way to address a teacher...or anyone for that matter! " she snapped a growl lingering on the edge of her words she glared
There it is. . . thought Hitsugya as he sighed a bit looking up at the whole scene.
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Peter nodded and wrote down the names on the paper, trying to ignore how close Max was to him. He had been in a few situations like this before, and knew that the best thing to do was not to rise to the challenge. He had considered for a moment shifting to his true form and throwing the boy across the room for his impudence, but decided against it. It would take too much time, and they were late enough as it was. Instead he wrote names down on the sheet as he talked, making sure to keep his voice calm.

"I must say, I didn't know who you were before now, but now you have so helpfully told me, I do. Maximillion Cowie," he said slowly, saying each letter as he wrote it down. "ANd please do sit down, you will have a chance to move about soon, don't worry."

As Crystal came up, he nodded. "Very true, young lady, though I may advise you to move away from Maxilmillion here. I fear he may not see reason like you have just done."
'Hmm, what an interesting guy..' Honeywing thought as he watched Max get angry very easily. He was surprised that that girl stood up and yelled at him. He was also surprised at how calm the teacher was! 'He looks like He's gonna be a great teacher...'
Danny tentatively lifted his hand, turning his gaze towards the teacher with a curious stare, his head tilting slightly to the side as he thought about the information given. Teamwork. A nervous glance was quickly directed at the vampire, but he soon averted his eyes., "Pardon," He called out, his voice, though a little louder than usual, still sounding rather soft, "But what exactly is it we'll be doing today, Sir?"

Peter looked at the boy - Dantallion, if he remembered rightly. Deliberately diverting his attention from Maximillon, he considered for a second how much to say.

"We will be doing an exercise I devised myself. It won't take part in the classroom -we'll be going out into a small section of woodland the school keeps for these purposes. I will give each team an objective, and then you will work towards it. I will reveal the objectives once we are all registered and outside."

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