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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Max's eye began to twitch as Crystal came over to him. "And who are you meant to be?" The Dhampir looked the girl up and down. With a snicker, he replied to what she was saying. "For you, maybe. But, me, on the...wait teacher? What's that meant to be, a tutor? I have to apologise for me not knowing what a teacher is, but I've always been home schooled. Therefore, I have never had a 'teacher'. But, if they have authority over me, I apologise. But you, girl, are not a teacher, correct? What gives you the right to talk to me like that? What, you thought that you are above me? Take your own advise and talk to me in a much better manner." Max yawned after sounding like the posh kid he was meant to be. "Man, not making it to my dorm is turning out to be a real pain in the ass. I am usually not as bad as this. Not as bad. You see sir, I passed out in the woods, as I just said. Therefore, your little comment wasn't necessary. I said sorry, now it's your turn." He looked at the girl who stood in his path once more. "Whatever, girl. Don't get cocky."

Max was cut off by a familiar person in the class. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he sounded familiar. "You!" Max pointed to Danny. "Have we spoke before? Like, at a time when some really bad stuff was happening? Wait, I got it!" Suddenly, a strong pain made Max clutch his head. Why? Was it his lost memory? "No, I don't." The pain lessened slightly, but it was still following him. Slowly, he walked over to his seat and pulled another twig out of his top. He slumped down and held his head, trying to make his head stop hurting. Then, the teacher said they were going into the woods. "I just came from there. This was a huge waste of time..."

@Cryobionic @wolfborn4 @Becauseroleplay
Green eyes lit up in excitement at this, and a small smile began to tug at the corners of the troll's lips. "Woodland?" He murmured, more to himself than to the teacher. That meant there was a possibility he would actually do well at the lesson, or at least, do well enough. He wondered if they would be required to change forms, but his hand stayed in his lap this time, and he kept his question to himself.

The teen nearly jumped out of his skin as his thoughts were interrupted by a rather harsh voice, and his head snapped up to look at the white haired vampire he had met earlier, hands clenching in apprehension. The last time he had seen him, things had not turned out very well, though he supposed he couldn't fault the boy, as the situation had been quite dire after all.

"We did," He confirmed quietly, nodding his head, "I was there when the... girl, the 'mexican monster' lost her senses. You asked me to cut you with a knife."

@Ethan Hart
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Peter sighed and moved towards Max and Crystal. He didn't want there to be any fighting in his class, at least, not before the lesson had properly started. "Look, we're going into the woods whether you like it or not. No amount of whining is going to persuade me to change my mind. Now please try not to kill anyone while I decide on the teams." He say back down, scribbling on the piece of paper.
Crystal snorted and blew out a stream of fire she crossed her arms, pouting " You reap what you sow...you addressed the teach rudely...so I can address you the same, next time I won't be so mean " she felt her Kirin form roar in rebellion against Max's rude comments, she heated up and bit her lip as her tail lashed while her horn glowed brighter and brighter " Stupid! Stop stop stop it! " she scolded herself quietly and sat down
Honeywing smiled, 'yay! We'll be going to the woods!' He couldn't wait! But he was also curious about what group he would be in and what they would be doing.
Daggora, who had just looked on bored before now, perked up at the sound of the woods. She loved the woods, and couldn't wait for them to get there.
Max Cowie

"Fire. Scary. I mean, I've got goosebumps."
Max looked up. "Go on. Burn me to a crisp. I give you my consent. Go on." Maximillion held his hands up as he waited for the fire breather to burn him.

James Lenton

James landed with ease in front of the school. This was going to be great! He couldn't wait to make friends and maybe find love. All that stuff. "Class A...Alright! Can't wait!" Happy with his life, James hopped into the school and to his class. "Sorry I'm late sir! I just arrived at the school! My name is James Lenton! Age 15! Phoenix!" James beamed as he found a spare seat in the class. He turned to the commotion in the class. "Come on guys!" He told them "No reason for violence! Just say sorry to each other and it should all be over."

@Ethan Hart @wolfborn4
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When Amelia heard the teacher talk about the woodland area, she frowned. Wonderful, she thought, just another something to burn down. Her eyes then fell to the desk she sat at.
Honeywing looked up at the new kid who called himself James, he seemed really excited. This really was an interesting bunch. He hoped they could all get along.
@Ethan Hart[/URL] @wolfborn4
Amelia actually let out a small, quiet laugh when the cheerful, naive boy came into the class. Why on Earth would someone be that happy? Did he just win the lotary? She doubted it. Was his grandmother just cured from some illness? Unlikely, seeing as life was to cruel to give anyone that pleasure. So what was it? Perhaps reality had simply not hit him yet.
Kazuichi chuckled at the irony of the new kid being so cheery while Max was so dark and bland. "This may not be as boring as I first thought." Yukari smiled laughing more out loud then Kazuichi. "He's funny I like him."
Vallen calmly walked through the school's halls checking his watch ; he was late. He wasn't worried though the last thing he needed was to let a little lateness ruin his first day at the school. he probably knew more about the subject than the teacher anyway. when he arrived at the classroom he opens the door and enters the room looking at the teacher and saying "pardon my tardiness".
After a few seconds, Peter stood up again.

"I noticed that we have 11 people in the class, so the teams are going to be a little bit uneven. But, it is the best I can do, so here are the teams." Just then James came in, and he smiled, and scribbled his name down. "In fact, forget what I said. Now we have another student, the teams will be equal. Here they are: Team One: Maximillion, Yukari, Honeywing and Crystal. Team Two: Kazuichi, Edgar, Hitsugya and Willow. And Team Three: Daggora, Amelia, Dantallion and James. No, I will not change the teams around, before anyone asks, so don't try to make me." He watched the class to see thier reactions to this news.
Daggora wrinkled her nose at the fact that her and Edgar would be separated but was overall happy with her team. They all looked nice and interesting.
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora wrinkled her nose at the fact that her and Edgar would be separated but was overall happy with her team. They all looked nice and interesting.

Edgar looked a bit sad, but at the same time happy that Hitsugya was on his team.
Crystal growled and tensed she bit her lip harder till she drew blood and snapped " You want fire, fine! " she took a deep breath in and right when she blew out the teams where announced and she swallowed then coughed " What! I have to be in a team with him!? " she pointed at Max looking to the teacher she blew a small stream of fire trying to hold herself back from shifting but she could take it anymore and she burst into her Kirin form resting up on her back two legs making an ear piercing sound that was like a roar and a whinny at the same time
Becauseroleplay said:
After a few seconds, Peter stood up again.
"I noticed that we have 11 people in the class, so the teams are going to be a little bit uneven. But, it is the best I can do, so here are the teams." Just then James came in, and he smiled, and scribbled his name down. "In fact, forget what I said. Now we have another student, the teams will be equal. Here they are: Team One: Maximillion, Yukari, Honeywing and Crystal. Team Two: Kazuichi, Edgar, Hitsugya and Willow. And Team Three: Daggora, Amelia, Dantallion and James. No, I will not change the teams around, before anyone asks, so don't try to make me." He watched the class to see thier reactions to this news.
Hitsugya didn't really care what team he was but when he saw the girl who just transformed he sighed "Just give it a rest . . .why does it matter?" he asked not really looking for an answer. Willow walked towards the rest of her team, she was glad Hitsugya was on her team and she also was excited on going to these 'woodlands'.
Amelia looked towards the overly positive guy who had introduced himself as James. She wasn't sure who the other people in her group were, due to the fact that she came in after they introduced themselves. But from what she saw from James, he seemed like the exact opposite of her. Seriously, she always seemed to get stuck with the positive guys.
Danny got up from his seat and walked over to what he assumed was his group, if the names he had managed to catch during the start of the class were correct. With a small smile he came to a stand-still in front of the girl he assumed to be Daggora and gave a slight wave in greeting. "Hi," He murmured, "I'm Danny."

@Daggora Keket @UnwantedTruth @Ethan Hart
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Hitsugya and Willow walked over to where Kazuichi and Edgar were, Hitsugya looked at the teacher for a moment "Just thought you should know but I kinda had a heart attack the other day and I'm supposed to be taking it easy. . .that doesn't mean I still can't participate though" explained Hitsugya with a smirk.
Daggora raised an eyebrow at the girls transformation, but shrugged and looked up at the boy in front of her. She smiled as he introduced himself. "Hey Danny. I'm Daggora, but you can just call me Dag."

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