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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Hitsugya began getting a tad bit nervous but just took a deep breath and went with the flow as he motioned for her to take a seat.
"Thank you." She sat down and fiddled her thumbs. She then remembered the events that occurred yesterday. "Hey how are you? Is your back still bothering you." She asked sincerely, concern plastered on her face.
As he got comfortable, Jasper fell into the clutches of slumber. Despite this being a strange place, with a stranger nearby and he mostly acted distrusting or unfriendly towards people, Jasper slept like a baby in its mother's arms. Inside the world of dreams, Jasper went back to the memories of his childhood, with his family. He saw the numerous books his mother kept, felt the fur of his brother Gale when getting piggy-back rides, and the games played with his two older sisters Ruby and Rose. It was before his little sister Jade was born, in fact it was before his mother had even gotten pregnant. It was a time where Jasper was happily ignorant, unknowing of the reality that laid outside his family's home, outside his parents reach.

The sound of a familiar snack commercial woke Jasper up, his groggy eyes opening hesitantly to leave the world of dreams for reality. Checking his phone and answering the call, realizing it was only his little sister. "Yes, I'm fine....It was okay..Not exactly.." Jasper glanced over at Mia's bed, but didn't look for more then a moment. "Turns out my roommate is a girl.....What? No, different beds, different beds...succubus..listen, I'll talk to you later, I need to get ready...okay, love you Jade." Jasper quietly spoke, hoping Mia was asleep. He put his shirt back on, and went over to his luggage for a new set of clothes. Picking out a grey, long-sleeve T-shirt with regular blue jeans, Jasper went inside the bathroom and locked the door before taking a shower. @Stamper
"Ah don't worry about it. . .I feel fine. Now that you mention it, if I may ask what happened to you yesterday?" he asked still wondering about yesterday when she fell unconcious. He didn't know if he should ask her, he sort of felt bad for asking but didn't say anything he just waited.
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Sleep had not come easy that night, evident by the large yawn stretching across Danny's face like a black hole, only partially covered up by splayed fingers pressed across the lower part of his face in an effort to try and retain some decorum, as he walked towards what he hoped was the direction of the school cafeteria.

His hair was still a little disheveled from the night of restless sleep, but if anything, the troll could at least say his lack of sleep hadn't been the fault of either his roommate, or the cold. Simply the fact that he hadn't been able to feel a rogue root poking up into his back, or hear the crickets and other wildlife chirping around him had made him feel... awkward. With only the sound of Levvy's occasional rustling to keep him company, the night had, in his opinion, been much too silent and had been spent tossing and turning under his covers.

But at least he was supposed to be awake now, he relented, even though sleep's lulling presence still held on to him with a grip worthy of a gladiator. The troll tentatively pushed open the cafeteria doors and ambled inside, to tired to really take in his surroundings. He did notice a mass of tables and chairs, though, and he quickly took a seat towards the back, only barely managing to keep his head from slamming into the table the moment he sat down. Blinking drowsily, the troll reached down into his book bag and pulled out a small bag of nuts. Hopefully they would help him wake up.

Willow's eyes widened a little in surprise. "You know I don't know." She cleared her throat and wiggled in her seat clearly uncomfortable about the topic. She smiled slightly, "let's not worry about it."
Ale13 said:
Willow's eyes widened a little in surprise. "You know I don't know." She cleared her throat and wiggled in her seat clearly uncomfortable about the topic. She smiled slightly, "let's not worry about it."
"Alright" said Hitsugya as he looked around for a till "Hey do you want anything to eat? I can go get you something, what would you like?" asked Hitsugya his face turning a tiny tiny bit red.
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Willow sighed in relief. "Im a vegetarian, so a salad might be nice. Or pizza without pepperoni." She felt slightly embarrassed for having to ask for a specific meal. She reached into her pockey and took out her wallet. "Um, I can help pay. You shouldn't pay for it all, that would be rude." She reached out her hand and handed him some money.
Ale13 said:
Willow sighed in relief. "Im a vegetarian, so a salad might be nice. Or pizza without pepperoni." She felt slightly embarrassed for having to ask for a specific meal. She reached into her pockey and took out her wallet. "Um, I can help pay. You shouldn't pay for it all, that would be rude." She reached out her hand and handed him some money.
"No that's fine, I'll pay" he closed her hand with his "I'll be right back" he said while walking over to the chef "Can I get a ceaser salad for the lady over there?" asked Hitsugya the male chef chuckled a bit and winked at Hitsugya as Hitsu reached to his wallet, pulling out some cash and paying for the salad waiting for the chef to make it.
Willow watched Hitsugya walk away and started feeling self conscious. She began to regret wearing very casual clothes and wished she was more put together. Willow looked around the cafeteria watching passing individuals and listening to their laughter. She couldn't help but smile and the safe atmosphere.
Hitsugya returned a moment later with 2 plates, one with a ceaser salad and the other with a greek salad. He sat down across from her at the small table as he passed her the salad "I didn't know what kind of salad you'd get so I thought you might like a ceaser salad. . ." explained Hitsugya as his face turned a bit more red as he slightly smiled a tad bit.
Copperkirin21 said:
"Weeeelll....I'm a dragon."
(Sorry I had to do something)

"Dragon! Sweet!" Daggora yelled. Before realizing it and smiling sheepishly. "Sorry...it's just. I've never met anything as cool as a dragon. i mean, I myself am just a hell-cat, but still-" she quickly caught herself as she began to ramble. "Sorry...I tend to get carried away."
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket](Sorry I had to do something)
"Dragon! Sweet!" Daggora yelled. Before realizing it and smiling sheepishly. "Sorry...it's just. I've never met anything as cool as a dragon. i mean, I myself am just a hell-cat, but still-" she quickly caught herself as she began to ramble. "Sorry...I tend to get carried away."

"Woah a hell cat? That sounds AWESOME.!"
Copperkirin21 said:
"Woah a hell cat? That sounds AWESOME.!"
Daggora looked at Edgar questioningly. "Are you being serious or is this some kind of joke? Not be rude or anything, but..well..yeah. Are you?"
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Willow couldn't help but chuckled at Hitsugya, "No worries, I don't discriminate on salads. Haha, I quiet like them all in fact." She grabbed her fork and prepared herself to dig in. "Oh and thank you... Y-you're very kind..." She felt herself blush and felt like the room was a thousand degrees and she was melting. With one last glance at Hitsugya, Willow dug into her food in pure delight. "This is soo good!"
Hitsugya made sure that Willow wasn't looking when he looked down at the plate with his greek salad on it, he waited until she took another bite when he opened his mouth slightly and completely devoured the salad (So it would've looked like this but instead of the body pretend it's a salad

) he looked at her once more "So. . .umm how is it?" he asked not knowing what to say.
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(Haha, how clever :D )

Willow noticed his salad was completely gone and smirked. "It was good, and from what I could tell so was yours." She laughed and set aside her fork. "I haven't really talked to any of the other students on this campus. We need to be more acquainted with them. Don't you think?"
Hitsugya began thinking about his past when he had the evil power of devouring bestowed on him, he never like the idea of being able to completely devouring a person. The thing he didn't like most was that he couldn't control his power and was worried about hurting his friends and the people that he cared about. He looked up at Willow seeming to forget what she said "Oh. . .I guess. To tell you the truth I don't worry about it, I just go along with it" explained Hitsugya as he stared into her purple eyes once more with his amber eyes. He didn't realize he was staring at her so he got up trying to think of an excuse "Uuuh. . .I'm going to get something to drink. . .you want anything?" he asked trying not to seem like a wierdo by staring at her.
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"Im good..." She watched him walk away for his beverage. She softly banged her head against the table and shook her sweater violently away from her body to give her some cool. 'Stop freakin out!' She mentally yelled to herself. She doesn't understand what's going on. Willow has never felt this way before and doesn't know what to do.
Ale13 said:
"Im good..." She watched him walk away for his beverage. She softly banged her head against the table and shook her sweater violently away from her body to give her some cool. 'Stop freakin out!' She mentally yelled to herself. She doesn't understand what's going on. Willow has never felt this way before and doesn't know what to do.
He arrived back at the table with a bottle of Dr.Pepper, he sat himself back down "So. . .where would you like to go?" he asked scratching the back of his head embarassed a bit.
"Where do you want to go?" asked Hitsugya, he knew he was being nervous but he didn't know what to say. He felt as though he was going to make her nervous and he didn't want that. . .An idea popped into his mind but he didn't mention it yet. He wanted to surprise her.
"I guess we can take a stroll along the campus. I really enjoy walking and your company makes it even better." Her cheeks flushed a deep red and she became more embarrassed by the second.
Hitugya took her hand and put his wing over her left side hoping to make her feel more comfortable and warm ". . . .you look very nice today" he stated Dammit! That's the most stupidest thing to say! I'm such an idiot. . . thought Hitsugya beating himself up in his mind at the stupid comment he made.
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"You look nice as well. Well I guess nice is for a girl. Y-you look handsome." Willow nearly passed out and she gave herself props for even saying that. Willow smiled and toached his wingnand admired it's beauty.

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