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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Max Cowie

Maximillion watched as Maria continued to attack the giant. Maria may have been tall, but 9 ft? The big guy looked weird. Really weird. It was a white thing. But, it didn't look like he was winning. "Come on Maria, calm down!" Suddenly, he was jerked away by some unknown figure. Well, not unknown, By that guy who was watching. "Good job. Now, cut me. Make a visible mark on my skin." He waited for Danny's reply. But he already knew what he was going to say. "Just do it. Do you want them to stop fighting?" Max tried to move towards Danny. hoping he would listen.

Shaye Ryan

Shaye staggered back as he got hit in the chest. He let out another weird roar as he felt the blood escaped his chest. He roared one more time before he swung his tail at the circling creature. Again and again, he tried to hit the monster. Then he was flung into a wall, causing it to break under his weight. He roared again and

tried to get up.

@SenpaiMagnum @Cryobionic
Maria dodged every swing the creature threw at her. She was too agile for him but waxthrown back into the wall. She growled and ran at the things chest, her jaws clamping onto its throat. Her claws, front and back, scratched at it, making it bleed. Her jaws locked and she stayed there, shaking her head, trying to kill it.

@Ethan Hart @Cryobionic
Danny let out a series of stammers at the fair-haired guys insane request, completely at a loss for words. The other teen seemed dead serious though, and the changeling, with little other choice but to trust him, quickly thrust his hand into his book-bag and began rummaging around. It took maybe all of three seconds for his fingers to wrap around the familiar, wooden handle of his trusty hunting knife.

The troll pulled it out of the bag and quickly unsheathed the weapon, spinning it around in hand three times out of sheer habit before he caught himself and steadied the knife, hurrying over the the white haired boy.

"M'sorry." He told the taller teen sincerely before, with only a second of hesitation, he sliced the edge of the blade over the others arm, creating a rather deep gash across his flesh. Blood began to surface, staining the teens clothing in red. Danny backed away wide-eyed, clutching his knife to his chest as a twinge of guilt flashed through him.

@Ethan Hart
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Max Cowie

Max's eye twitched as the troll slashed at his arm. "You actually...!" Rage was building up inside. "Why the hell would you use a knife? Are you too weak cut me yourself? Pathetic!" Breathing heavy. he looked at his arm and watched as blood began to drop onto the floor. "If this doesn't work. you're dead!" Suddenly, Maximillion's eyes turned pure red. His nails turned into claws and his fangs grew longer in length. "Clothes, stay the same." They began to morph along with Max. "Damn it. Time for the stereotypical vampire look." Once fully changed, Max was slightly taller and was wearing a cape. "I hate this. Why can't my appearance just change?" His cut began to seal itself but Max wasn't calming down. "You activated my trump card: blood rage."

Faster then normal, he charged at Maria, swinging his fists trying to punch her away.

Shaye Ryan

The sheepsquatch bellowed in pain as he got bit once more. But, this was his time to get a good hit on her. He tried to smash her head with his own, using his horns if needed. But, the force of his head was strong enough to break trees in half. They could easily kill someone if hit in the right place. Or at least make them pass out. So, Shaye went for it, swinging his head down towards the monster on him.

@SenpaiMagnum @Cryobionic
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Maria was hit by Max but she didn't let go. Clamped to the goats neck, she bit harder, tryouts no to get his jugular, the life vein. She growled and shook her head, but she felt something connect with her head. She almost blacked out but stayed strong. She ripped her jaws off his neck and bit him again,ignoring the pest (Max) that was attacking her as well.

@Ethan Hart
Dantalion flinched slightly at the other male's harsh words, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he watched the now transformed vampire charge in head on towards the Mexican monster. With a huff of annoyance, he slid his knife back into it's sheath, dropping the thing into his book-bag once more.

Pathetic was the right word alright, Danny thought as he slowly began to back away from the fight. They were really going at each other, slashing and growling and punching at one another like a bunch of absolute brutes. It kind of reminded the troll of a group of ogres he had encountered a while back, stupid as rocks the lot of them, but strong enough for ten men.

The changeling backed all the way up to the corner of the hallway, just to be sure he could stay out of their way. He would interfere if it got any more out of hand, or if the white haired vampire boy lost control. Until then, though, he would just stay out of their way.
After she had react her anger of on the forest, while keeping a close eye on Atrio. She approached him shifting back to human form again. (don’t ask me about the clothes, but she is still wearing them) ‘I am done’ she said calmed down for now. ‘shall we go’ she said. She didn’t like the idea of him taking her somewhere again without having any control, but right now he was her only way out as she had no idea where they were.

She held up her hand, waiting for him to take her back. She looked at the trees one more time, who were now fallen over, damaged and with claw marks all over their tree trunks.

@Daniel reaving
Max Cowie

Max winced as he heard the heads connected. He was surprised she didn't pass out. "One more time." Max jumped at Maria once more, this time punching her in the same spot the sheepsquatch hit her. In mid air, he turned and looked at Danny. "Coward! Get into the fight!"

Shaye Ryan

Shaye was getting tired of this. He went to head butt Maria a second time, trying to make her get off.

@SenpaiMagnum @Cryobionic
Maria's eyes started to get darker but she shook her head and leapt off the creature, hissing angrily. Seeing that she couldn't get her prey without killing more than she needed, Maria streaked out of the hallway and dived out a window into the forest, howling and gone. A blood trail followed after her, her claws bloody, and the red liquid leaked from a few cuts and her ears bled. Her neck still carried the wound from Max and she found a clearing, far away from the school. She staggered to a stop but wasn't fast enough. Her body rammed into a tree. It splintered and a branch stabbed her, a few inches her lung. Maria let out a scream that would make anyone's ears bleed, then staggered away and fell over, losing blood at a rapid rate. Her breathing became hard and shallow. She let out a few moans of pain, blackness seeping into her vision. Maria blacked out, her body slowly changing back into the tall beautiful girl she is. Her body was bruised and cut, her skin bloodied. Her neck and her chest were of most importance, but she also had a concussion.

@Ethan Hart
Talea looked up as she heard a earshattering scream. It seemed to come not far away from their position. She started running towards the noise, wanting to check it out. As she advanced on the creature she could clearly hear moans of pain, probably also from the creature. Tal saw a clearing up ahead. She walked towards it, but instead of a creature she found a bleeding and bruised girl laying on the ground. She quickly shifted into her human form and ran over to her to check if she was still alive. Luckily she was, but Tal had no idea what to do next.
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Max Cowie

Max watched as Maria ran off. "Is it done?" He asked himself as he calmed down. He looked at the sheepsquatch turn back into his human form. "You alright?" He asked. Before he got an answer, he turned to Danny. "You did good. Despite what I said, you did help." Max sighed and looked down. "So tired." Then he heard a scream coming from the woods. "Great. Knife guy, look after Sheepsquatch guy. I'll go check what that scream was."

Max walked out to the wood to try and find who made that scream. "Hello?" He shouted out. "Anyone out here? Anyone need help?"

@SenpaiMagnum @TheDarkOwl

Shaye Ryan

As the Mexican beast jumped out the window, he dropped down on the floor and shrunk back to human size. As he laid down on the floor, more blood escaped from the huge gap in his chest. Blood continued to pour out of his chest like a waterfall. He coughed up blood. Struggling to stay awake, he stared at the ceiling. He found it hard to believe what just happened. He got attacked. And Shaye needed help? What? The person who attacked him was a monster as well. Why did she attack? All these questions flowed through his head before he passed out.

As the vampire left, Danny warily made his way over to the wounded teen, noting with some interest that he had now lost his monstrous features. He was just about to ask the guy a question, inquire about his pain, when he suddenly turned over and spewed out blood, staining the floor between them. Danny jumped back, both from a desire to not get covered in the crimson liquid, and at the sight of the large, deep gash across the boys chest.

"No, no, no, no..." He muttered panicked under his breath as he hurriedly got down beside him to take in the damage. The changeling pressed two cold fingers to the others neck, almost letting out a shout of relief when he felt the steady throbbing signifying that the guy was indeed still alive. Though from the look of the horrifying wound across his chest, that could soon change, if he didn't do anything. Fast. Danny slid his book-bag off his shoulder, flipping open the cover quickly. It took a few seconds of rummaging around his possessions, but eventually he managed to find the correct bag of herbs he was looking for. With a small sigh of distress, the troll ripped open the remainder of the others shirt, and carefully covered his laceration in the white, flower-like substance.

"This is yarrow," He murmured softly, knowing full well that the boy couldn't hear him in his unconscious state, but needing something to occupy his mind with as he worked, "It's real good for stopping the bleeding, you see. I used to use it all the time, whenever I got into fights or something. It really does wonders, yarrow does. Numbs the pain to, if you can believe it." Once Danny was satisfied with the amount, he closed up his now considerably lighter bag of herbs and looked around for something to bind the wound with. Only to find absolutely nothing. With his brow furrowed in thought, he began rummaging through his bag once more, but as he had expected, there was nothing close to what he needed to keep the laceration closed with.

Danny gave a sad sigh as he realized what he would have to do. With a small pout of displeasure, he grabbed his scarf from his neck and slipped it over his head, a small shiver going through him as the cold air hit him full on. "You better appreciate this." He muttered dismayed as he began the process of wrapping his beloved scarf around the other boys chest.

@Ethan Hart
Maria was still alive it cold, continuing to lose blood, but a bit less now as the wounds started to scan over. So slowly, that it didn't make that much difference. She coughed up blood, her ears leaking the red liquid as well.

@Ethan Hart @TheDarkOwl
Senna looked up as she heard some call out. 'Yes over here' she screamed back. She saw a branch sticking out of the girl's chest and as that seemed to be the most serious wound, she took a scarf, she had for when it got cold and wrapped it around her chest. She didn't want to remove the branch yet, as she was afraid the bleeding would get even worse. 'quickly!' She screamed as the person who had called out earlier hadn't arrived yet.

@SenpaiMagnum @Ethan Hart
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Lucien watched everything from inside a locker at the end of the hall. Though he didn't have a perfect view, he saw enough to keep him awake. With a jerk of his elbow, he spilled out of the confined space, somehow gracefully landing in a crouching position. He didn't keep that pose, of course, merely flopping onto his belly and watching as the other kid tended to the beast. "Shame, that scarf was quite fetching..." He drawled, not bothering to look at the other kid, eyes set on the slowly expanding puddle of blood not to far from him. Luci's nap was ruined, and though he could hear the tempting allure of sleep beckoning, he only yawned tiredly while he crawled closer to the blood puddle, drawing various messy faces on the floor with the blood of that felled beast. Curiously he brought his bloodied fingers to his nose, wondering what the whole deal was about it. Sure, he liked to look - and, on occasion, feel - at it, but he just didn't understand why those brutes went crazy over it.

Danny's head snapped up at the disturbance, his brow furrowing in confusion as he watched the blonde boy roll out of the locker. How he had fit in there in the first place was anybody's guess, and if the troll was being honest with himself, it disturbed him a little too. As the other teen advanced, slowly but surely, on his stomach, Danny couldn't help staring at him in wonder, his mind racing to figure out a reason for not only the other boys choice in location, but also his strange actions concerning the mess on the tiled floors.

"I'll get another one, I'm sure." He murmured softly, going back to work on the matter at hand, his fingers working quickly to tie the mentioned scarf tightly around the others chest, a sight of relief escaping his dry lips as he watched the yarrow take effect, slowing the flow of blood considerably. It had been a hassle to turn the unconscious boy, but after a lot of pushing and grunting, he had finally managed to flip him over on his stomach, and then back over on his back again to further wrap the scarf. Danny leaned back against the wall to take in his handy work then, his eyes narrowing in concentration as he looked on for any mistakes.

@ghoul queen
"Not..." He began, but lost his train of thought the second he opened his mouth. His gaze flicked between the two, a smirk curling the edges of his lips. He rested a cheek on a bloody palm, though the quiet squelch that followed the actions caused him to roll onto his back, not caring about the fact that his hair was being dyed red. He stared at his hand, a content noise passing his lips. "It's still so warm." He said, glancing at the source of the blood. "It's like... A warm blanket on a cold day." He pouted slightly when he saw that the kid managed to stop the flow. "Mmmn, you're good." Lucien murmured, "Are you a trained medic?" He doubted that very much, the kid looked too young for that.

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"No, I'm a troll." Danny deadpanned, his green eyes widening more at the strange guys odd behavior. It wasn't that he minded, too exhausted to actually object to anything should he have, but the blonde boy made him wary, and he decided to watch him closely, just in case. The others movements seemed sluggish at best, lazily rolling around in the spilled, red liquid, but Danny had no illusion that he couldn't move swiftly if he wanted too, and that only made the troll even more doubtful about his motives.

The changeling wrapped his fingers around his own neck, trying to return some of the warmth he had lost with his scarf, but finding it nearly impossible as his fingers themselves were not only blood covered, but icy cold. As another shiver ran through him, he brought his finger up to his mouth, in an attempt at warming them up with his breath. "And a... petty well versed one at that. In botany at least."

@ghoul queen
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"Cute." Lucien purred, disregarding everything the troll said, for now. He chuckled, moving into a sitting position to stare at the supposed troll. "You're shivering like a leaf, on a really windy day.." He hummed, "I don't feel a breeze though..." Then he narrowed his eyes slightly, cocking his head to the side. He sensed the other's discomfort and exhaustion. Lucien latched onto both, eyes darkening just so. "You deserve a rest, I think. After all you've-.." He stopped abruptly, hunching forward, an uneasy expression on his face. "Ngh, I see now.." He muttered, shaking his head, before looking back to the troll with a tired smile. "See you later, troll." With that, he got to his feet and staggered away, swaying with each step and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Danny stared after the weird boy, his brows drawn together in tired confusion. He refrained from saying anything as the other left, and waited until he was well out of sight before daring to lean back and close his eyes. A small smile grazed his lips as he thought about everything that had happened. He had arrived at the academy as planned, which had been a scary experience at best, then he had met a bunch of people, then a fight had broken out and now he had spent at least a good half an hour trying to patch up the result of that fight.

A small chuckle escaped him before he drifted off, and all of this had happened before the first class had even taken place.
Levvy giggled insanely. She pierced her skin with the needle, then took it out. A thin dribble of blood slithered from her pale skin. Her blood was special. It was... black. Because of all the experiments and chemicals that turned her into what she is... But she just grinned maniacally like a bloodthirsty child. "Cloooose," she said. Then there was a sudden bang coming from the hallway. Danny immediately went to go investigate, leaving her and the girl standing there. Levvy pouted. "Does everyone run away? How... boring. Well, I'll go too. Goodbye, delightful to meet you! Ahaha," she laughed before skipping away. She wasn't sure where she was going. She traced her stitches with her hand. Her red eyes were violent, yet playful. Suddenly, she bumped into someone.

TheDarkOwl said:
After she had react her anger of on the forest, while keeping a close eye on Atrio. She approached him shifting back to human form again. (don’t ask me about the clothes, but she is still wearing them) ‘I am done’ she said calmed down for now. ‘shall we go’ she said. She didn’t like the idea of him taking her somewhere again without having any control, but right now he was her only way out as she had no idea where they were.
She held up her hand, waiting for him to take her back. She looked at the trees one more time, who were now fallen over, damaged and with claw marks all over their tree trunks.

@Daniel reaving
Atrio smiled a little finding how she didnt like him taking her places fun for him before he gently took his hand in hers then smiled mischevously before he quickly pulled on her arm making her fall into him in a sort of dancing position before they dissapered from where they where and soon appeared on the roof of the school
Senna saw the mischievous smile upon his face as he grabbed her hand. She knew he was up to something , but before she could react he had already pulled her towards him making her fall into him. Then they disappeared from the forest and reappeared on the roof in just a matter of seconds. She was prepared better for the impact this time, but as she was wrapped into Atrio’s arms she couldn’t keep her balance, which caused her to fall on top of him. She started blushing heavily and got of him. She looked at him and saw that smirk still on his face. ‘you did that on purpose!’ she told him accusingly, but she couldn’t suppress a little smile.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
Senna saw the mischievous smile upon his face as he grabbed her hand. She knew he was up to something , but before she could react he had already pulled her towards him making her fall into him. Then they disappeared from the forest and reappeared on the roof in just a matter of seconds. She was prepared better for the impact this time, but as she was wrapped into Atrio’s arms she couldn’t keep her balance, which caused her to fall on top of him. She started blushing heavily and got of him. She looked at him and saw that smirk still on his face. ‘you did that on purpose!’ she told him accusingly, but she couldn’t suppress a little smile.
@Daniel reaving
"Yes I did, when your like me you'll do pretty much anything to get at least a hug from a pretty girl." He said jokingly as he sat up and sighed a little happy he could hide the truth of those words from her because truly he has just done that to feel a presence close to him but he would of course never be able to admit it to any one let alone the one girl he had just pulled close to him. "So what do you wish to do now?" He asked her
‘Oh’ she said with a smirk on her face ‘so Mr. 100% evil thinks I am pretty.’ She had seen they were on the school roof, so now they were back here she could at least have some fun. ‘well, you may be a 100% evil, but at least you have a good taste. She flirted with him, while slowly taking a few steps closer, still with that smile upon her face.

@Daniel reaving

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