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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Silvey said:
Although he hadn't ever actually met any fairy face-to-face before, his older sister Rose, adored them. This fact had came back to Jasper's mind, when the fairy-girl had hugged him. His thoughts went away however, as vines grew on his legs. At first nothing seemed different, however the instant Jasper moved, he could feel his legs 3x stronger which was about the average for a human. It took him a moment to take it in, of which pure surprise took over his face like a little kid, however afterwards his calm expression came back. "Thanks." Jasper said right after regaining his composure, then showed the unfinished map to the fairy-girl. "This is something that helps to prevent people from getting lost by giving you directions as to where to go. According to human history, humans invented most forms of navigation, but it's likely that they just claimed credit for it. It's called a map, but mine is unfinished which is partly why I got lost." Jasper explained, very used to explaining things to others.
Seeing as he had caught his breath, and his legs were much better then normal, Jasper gestured for the fairy-girl to continue leading the way. After thinking about it, since she was helping him out, it might be seen rude to not tell her his name. "My name is Jasper by the way. Jasper Demitri, if you need to know anything then ask away, since people tend to say I'm smart and your helping me out." @Daniel reaving
Rose smiled happily at him feeling he was great full of her vines to help him. "Your welcome, and im rose." She said happiky before flying forwards again twoards the main building but going just a little bit slower so she would be flying closer to him
Locks of light brown hair fell in front of his eyes as his head tilted to the side in confusion, his lips parting slightly in puzzlement. He couldn't understand why she was suddenly apologizing and looking at him with an expression akin to that of someone who had just committed a horrible crime, when the only thing she had done was compliment his name, which he couldn't find a fault in at all.

Danny decided that her expression of embarrassment, accentuated by the fingers now splayed out over her mouth, surely must have probably been directed at something else entirely.

"If you don't mind me asking," Danny began, looking up at the redhead through his eyelashes, his thoughts from earlier returning to him as he tried to find the most delicate way to ask. It would have to be in a what that left no room for misunderstanding, while also being posed in a polite manner, "What... um, well, what are you?"

Well, that had certainly not been it.

@KiKi Kitsune
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"Oh, uh..." Kefira's attention was diverted again. "I'm a manticore." She stated plainly before remembering how Dantalion had explained who he was. "Um, you know... Three sets of teeth and a scorpion tail." She immediately regretted her words. Why had she gone straight for the things that scare people? It made her sound like some weird type of shark. "It's a big cat." She quickly corrected without thinking. Not like that was anything new. She slapped the heel of her palm to her forehead. "I'm not good at this." She muttered to herself.

The redhead took a deep breath to try again. "It's a lion which can have horns or wings or both. It has a scorpion or dragon tail and three rows of teeth." She explained slowly, being cautious with every word. Golden eyes widened as she realised something. What if he already knew that? Great. Now she felt like an idiot. She breathed out a small sigh. The day had not been the best.

With so many people around, how had she expected to do anything besides make a fool of herself?

Danny's lips formed a small 'o' in surprise. Of all the things he had expected the redhead to be, a manticore was not one of them. He had heard about the manticore race, of course, though he had never met one. And from what he had read about them, he was rather thankful for the fact that Kefira at least seemed to be in full control.

"That's pretty cool, innit?" He smiled, nodding his head in agreement of his own words, "I would imagine being a manticore would be pretty amazing. Much better than being a boring old troll, at any rate." He joked lightheartedly, in an effort to chase away the awkward atmosphere that had begun to build up between them. It didn't seem to be working very well, though. "Though of course, that might be because my tail doesn't have poison in it, huh?" He continued, knowing he was just sounding ridiculous, his attempts at joking failing rather miserably.

@KiKi Kitsune
"I think each species has its perks as well as downsides." Kefira replied seriously. She had done a fair bit of research on other creatures before entering the school so she would have an idea of what she was getting into. "Humans don't fear trolls as they do manticores. I suppose scorpions mixed with sharks slapped onto another large predator would have that sort of effect." She added with a shrug. It didn't bother her much. If it did, there wouldn't be anything she could do about it anyway.

As Dantalion mentioned tails, Kefira popped hers out. The strangely fluffy tail rose to where she could pick it up with her hand. She held it up and kept her eyes glued on the barbed tip. "It's a little annoying, to be honest. Sometimes the tail appears without me realising it. I'm mostly immune to the poison, but it hits my legs and causes rashes..." Kefira froze. Was what she said considered weird? It probably was. No, it definitely was...

Golden eyes peered up at the changeling to watch for his reaction.

Light brown eyebrows rose at the sight of her tail. He hadn't expected her to suddenly pull it out, and if he was being honest, it was a little... strange seeing the tail wave around lazily in her grip, and knowing that if the tip of it stung him, he would most likely die. Deciding to dismiss these worries as well, he instead focused in on what she was saying. "I get what you mean by 'annoying'," He finally said after a little while of contemplation, "Because while mine didn't have any poison in it or any other... deadly features, learning to balance without it proved to be quite a challenge." He chuckled softly, before opening his mouth to address her other comment, the one that seemed much more interesting to the young changeling.

"What you said was not entirely true," Danny murmured , his hand reaching up to pull his scarf down so his voice wouldn't be too muffled, letting the soft material instead rest against the underside of his chin, "Humans fear trolls a great deal, at least they did where I came from, 'cause," The troll paused, hesitating a little before deciding to just carry on the explanation, "'Cause trolls eat humans."

@KiKi Kitsune
Kefira gave a nod to Dantalion's statement about balance. She found that to be the main problem when swapping between forms. She dropped her tail and it slowly disappeared. She shook herself a little as the skin reformed where the tail was only a moment before. Even after all the times she had done it, it still felt weird.

Kefira's eyes went as wide as saucers. She hadn't read that detail in her books. It seemed like an important fact to just leave out. However, there was a more pressing question than why the authors decided against one fact or another. "Do you eat humans?" Her voice held no disgust or anger; just pure, innocent curiosity. Her worry of saying something that she shouldn't was pushed out of the way for the chance to learn something interesting.

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"Oh, yes," Danny replied happily, nodding his head up and down making his light brown locks fly around his face, seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that this was not a normal conversational topic to have, "Only cooked, of course, and not very often. I once heard that some trolls eat it... well, um, fresh." The changeling made a face, his nose scrunching up in disgust at the very thought, "Sounds utterly gross, that does, don't you think?"

Danny reached his hand down into his book-bag, rummaging around for a little while before his fingers brushed against one of the two leather pouches he kept at the very bottom. He was just about to pull it out to show her, when he suddenly realized that that may not be a very good idea. The troll let his fingers grasp the other one, thinking it more appropriate to show off the more normal troll foods. Besides, now that he thought about it, he became more and more aware of how just wrong pulling out a bag of cooked human flesh in a school full of beasts could go.

"I mostly just eat this though," He smiled sheepishly, pouring some of it's contents into his hand before holding it up to show her the variety of dried mushrooms, berries and nuts it contained, "Easier to come by, you understand."

@KiKi Kitsune
Kefira leaned closer to the box to inspect its contents. The smell reminded her of a forest. However, a far more interesting and familiar smell emitted from Dantalion's bag. "How fresh is fresh? Do you mean still alive, or just uncooked?" Kefira asked. Some may have found it strange that she wasn't fazed by the fact that someone ate humans. "Still alive would be gross, and I prefer them to at least be a little cooked. I think it's called rare?" Manticores got their very name from "man eater". Kefira's stomach grumbled with her only thinking about it.

Red eyebrows that matched her fiery hair came together as she contemplated her next words. She took a deep breath and decided she might as well say it. Her parents wanted her to make friends, so she had to try and Dantalion seemed pretty nice. "Um, next time... next time our family has some, would you like to join us? My dad cooks the ribs really well..." Her voice wavered as she offered the invitation. Was she too forward? What was she thinking?! She had only just met Dantalion. Then again, the worst he could do was refuse.

"Um... Still alive. Well, for the most part." Danny replied with a small shrug. He brought his hand to his mouth, popping in the handful of foods before tying up the pouch again, dropping it back into his book bag and closing the lid with a snap. "Though I couldn't even begin to imagine why someone would choose to do that. Cooked is much better, 'specially in a stew."

A small, secretive smile stole over his features then, and he tilted his head forward to look up at her through his lashes, "I can make a killer human stew." He said rather cheekily, a small laugh escaping him.

His eyes widened a tad, though, at Kefira's next proposal, and his brows drew together in a frown of confusion. Surely he had heard her wrong. "Are you..." He trailed off, now utterly confused as to what to say to this, "I'm sorry, are you inviting me over for dinner?"

@KiKi Kitsune
Levvy laughed. "A manticore, and a troll? Wow!" she said madly. The tone in her voice was eccentric, childish, yet dangerously disturbed and violent. She wondered what they thought she was. Should she reveal it to them? Levvy pulled out her red thread and needle and poked holes in her neck, sewing in and out, then taking the thread out. "Can you guess what I am?"


@KiKi Kitsune itsune
Senna made her way through the crowd, occasionally pushing someone over. She didn’t care who she pushed over or about the insults some people called after her. She knew she had to be in the main office to get herself a schedule and when she hadn’t found it, after what felt like hours of walking, she let out an angry growl and punched a wall trying to relieve her stress. Unfortunately for her she had forgotten how strong she was and punched a hole in the wall. There was no one around to see what happened, but she could hear footsteps approaching. She cursed under her breath trying to cover up the hole, after a few unsuccessful attempts she just stood in front of the hole, trying to cover it up that way and looking at the person who had just come around the corner with the perfect un-guilty face.

TheDarkOwl said:
Senna made her way through the crowd, occasionally pushing someone over. She didn’t care who she pushed over or about the insults some people called after her. She knew she had to be in the main office to get herself a schedule and when she hadn’t found it, after what felt like hours of walking, she let out an angry growl and punched a wall trying to relieve her stress. Unfortunately for her she had forgotten how strong she was and punched a hole in the wall. There was no one around to see what happened, but she could hear footsteps approaching. She cursed under her breath trying to cover up the hole, after a few unsuccessful attempts she just stood in front of the hole, trying to cover it up that way and looking at the person who had just come around the corner with the perfect un-guilty face.
Atrio walked around a corner with no true destination in mind, both of his hands in his coat pockets as he walked noticing a girl who was doing a horrid job of trying to cover up a hole that was in the wall. 'Really, your just gonna sit there like the hole was there when you got here?' He thought to him self as he stopped and stared at her
She looked at the boy who just came around the corner. He had stopped and was staring at her. She looked at the hole and realized, that when she tried to cover it up, she had forgotten it was way to big to be covered. She cursed out loud and looked at him. 'Don't try to tell anyone about this, as I will find you' she said with a threatening voice, eventhough she didn't know who he was. She had promised herself she wouldn't get into trouble, well atleast not the first day.

@Daniel reaving
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Frowning, Connor folded her legs under her and hovered midair, staring at the door and wondering what to do next. A silent debate warred in her mind, as she tried to weigh the pros and cons of actually signing up for classes this year. The headmaster had always encouraged her to do so, as her occasional and random attendence in history and combat classes were apparently irrelevant if she wasn't an "official student". In the end, she shook her head and decided to not go through that trouble and mindlessly floated through the wall to her right. It was empty, surprisingly, so she went and snooped around the desk up front. That proved to be empty too, which caused her to pout and sigh melodramatically. "They keep switching the class locations, it's like they don't want me to attend!" She wailed, draping herself over the desk and lightly pressing a hand to her forehead. After a few minutes of holding that pose, she went limp and allowed her limbs hang lifelessly over the desk while she stared thoughtfully at the ceiling. "At least the lights are on." She said finally, and moved her gaze towards the source of light, glaring at it fiercely, as if daring it to shut off.
TheDarkOwl said:
She looked at the boy who just came around the corner. He had stopped and was staring at her. She looked at the hole and realized, that when she tried to cover it up, she had forgotten it was way to big to be covered. She cursed out loud and looked at him. 'Don't try to tell anyone about this, as I will find you' she said with a threatening voice, eventhough she didn't know who he was. She had promised herself she wouldn't get into trouble, well atleast not the first day.
@Daniel reaving
"I'll tell who I want, and you can find me if you want but you'll regret it." He said coldly as he crossed his arms kinda amazed she hadn't realized any dark aura, maybe he had concealed it and forgoten to remove the conceal so he did his best to amplify the aura the shadows growing darker then moving from the ones that casted them and around him on the floor
Jasper nodded, and kept silent the rest of the time. With the vines on his body, he realized for once he really should work out a bit. As he followed Rose the fairy, Jasper could faintly hear Danny's voice, but since there was two others along with it, he guessed the little guy had found some friends. Seeing as you could see the main office now, Jasper decided to stop since she had gotten him this far. "This is far enough, I can see it so thanks for helping me out." He was about to walk away, however remembered something. "Oh, if you meet my sister Rose then say hey for me. She's a kitsune, but she adores fairies so it won't be hard to miss her." Jasper said, just before jogging to the main office. After a whole lot of questions and paperwork, Jasper got his schedule and an actual map of the school.

Since he now had the resources to not get lost, Jasper considered either going to his first class quickly or going to find Danny and help the guy, however an odd voice peaked his curiosity. Heading to the source, it was only when Jasper walked into the classroom that he regretted his choice. Laying on a desk, was a ghost, one of what he considered undead AND had issues acting normal towards. Slowly turning around and backing out of the classroom, Jasper hoped he hadn't been too loud getting over there. @Daniel reaving @ghoul queen
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Silvey said:
Jasper nodded, and kept silent the rest of the time. With the vines on his body, he realized for once he really should work out a bit. As he followed Rose the fairy, Jasper could faintly hear Danny's voice, but since there was two others along with it, he guessed the little guy had found some friends. Seeing as you could see the main office now, Jasper decided to stop since she had gotten him this far. "This is far enough, I can see it so thanks for helping me out." He was about to walk away, however remembered something. "Oh, if you meet my sister Rose then say hey for me. She's a kitsune, but she adores fairies so it won't be hard to miss her." Jasper said, just before jogging to the main office. After a whole lot of questions and paperwork, Jasper got his schedule and an actual map of the school.
Since he now had the resources to not get lost, Jasper considered either going to his first class quickly or going to find Danny and help the guy, however an odd voice peaked his curiosity. Heading to the source, it was only when Jasper walked into the classroom that he regretted his choice. Laying on a desk, was a ghost, one of what he considered undead AND had issues acting normal towards. Slowly turning around and backing out of the classroom, Jasper hoped he hadn't been too loud getting over there. @Daniel reaving @ghoul queen
"O-oh......ok." Rose said quietly as he ran off her wings sloely stoped fluttering and she softly landed on the ground and looked down having wished he would have stayed around longer
Max Cowie

"What about licking people? Is that a hobby of yours? Or was it just me?"
Max was trying not to laugh at Maria trying to come up with something new to say. "Typical. Of course you can't come up with anything..." To him, it seemed that they could only argue to have a long going conversation. Max didn't mind that. In fact, it felt rather weird not arguing with her. Strange since they only met that morning. "I can't believe this. Well, actually, I can. It's only normal something like you can't keep a humane chat going..."


Shaye Ryan

The 9ft tall creature emerged from the forest nearby. His white fur reflecting the sun and his foot steps echoing as he walked. Shaye then saw the school. He had been invited there somehow. How did they even find him? He turned around hand hit a tree with his head before beginning to walk towards the building. Each step he took, he shrunk down to a normal sized human. Behind him, hove prints turned into foot prints. His horns slowly withdrew from the sides of his head and his white fur was absorbed by his skin. Now, he looked like a human, wearing a scarf around his face.

He walked into the school thoroughly impressed at it. He had attacked a few farms before, but none compared to the sheer scale of his place. "Cool." He mumbled to himself as wandered the school. He walked past a classroom with a boy and girl in. He decided to leave those two to whatever they were doing. Alone, he continued to explore the school at which he would be attending.
‘You know what?’ She said and without waiting for answer she continued ‘I promised myself I would not get into trouble the first day, but I think I’ll have to break that promise, just to make some things clear to you’ while saying that she neared the boy, making clear she was sure he was no match for her. Then she saw the shadows around her started to grow darker and more threatening and she began noticing a quickly growing dark aura radiating from the boy. She probably hadn’t noticed it any earlier as she was a creature of the dark herself, but now she could clearly feel the power he wielded. She looked from the shadows back at the boy and said ‘don’t think I am afraid of you, just because you have some tricks up you sleeve. I have some too and you don't want to find out what they are the wrong way.’ even though she had said it with much confidence, gained by years of deceiving, she actually was kind of intimidated by the power he wielded. If this would escalate in a fight, she wasn’t too sure about her own chances of winning.

@Daniel reaving
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"What? Licking people? Nope, just you, you special snowflake" she flirted, winking at him. She grinned and bit her lip, eyeing him up and down. "So something like me can't keep a conversation going. You barely know me and you're making rude accusations. Keep talking and just might hurt my feelings!" She laughed, finding him mildly amusing. Her eyes glittered with charm and she laid back on the desk, lying sideways so she could still see him. "Meh..I never really was good with people so my people skills are shit" she sighed.

@Ethan Hart


Sam walked through the gates of the school shyly. He wore a brown collared shirt and some faded jeans, with a grey beanie. He averted his eyes from everyone and walked inside the school, looking for anything to distract him from the people around him.
TheDarkOwl said:
‘You know what?’ She said and without waiting for answer she continued ‘I promised myself I would not get into trouble the first day, but I think I’ll have to break that promise, just to make some things clear to you’ while saying that she neared the boy, making clear she was sure he was no match for her. Then she saw the shadows around her started to grow darker and more threatening and she began noticing a quickly growing dark aura radiating from the boy. She probably hadn’t noticed it any earlier as she was a creature of the dark herself, but now she could clearly feel the power he wielded. She looked from the shadows back at the boy and said ‘don’t think I am afraid of you, just because you have some tricks up you sleeve. I have some too and you don't want to find out what they are the wrong way.’ even though she had said it with much confidence, gained by years of deceiving, she actually was kind of intimidated by the power he wielded. If this would escalate in a fight, she wasn’t too sure about her own chances of winning.
@Daniel reaving
"And you do not wish to see the terror that lies deep within your mind, so I sugest you don't escalate this any further." He said to her in responce to her atempts to intimidate him. He truly didn't want to fight this girl at all but he knew he would have to if she wanted and tried to be would have to defend him self even if it ment filling her head with fear
After hearing his response she tried to calm herself down a bit. She didn’t want to fight him either, even though she was angry. She knew her anger could sometimes take over and stop her from thinking rationally. ‘Well, okay then’ she said calmed down a bit ‘but you better not tell anyone about that’ she said while nodding at the hole she had made. She hadn’t meant it as a threat just to make sure he wouldn’t go around telling tales. She started to walk away from him, but soon realized she still needed to find the main office. She let out an audible sigh and turned back around facing the boy again. She tried to sound as normal as possible while saying ‘Uhm, Do you know where the main office is?’

@Daniel reaving
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TheDarkOwl said:
After hearing his response she tried to calm herself down a bit. She didn’t want to fight him either, even though she was angry. She knew her anger could sometimes take over and stop her from thinking rationally. ‘Well, okay then’ she said calmed down a bit ‘but you better not tell anyone about that’ she said while nodding at the hole she had made. She hadn’t meant it as a threat just to make sure he wouldn’t go around telling tales. She started to walk away from him, but soon realized she still needed to find the main office. She let out an audible sigh and turned back around facing the boy again. She tried to sound as normal as possible while saying ‘Uhm, Do you know where the main office is?’
@Daniel reaving
River just stared at her not saying anything right away but truly happy she didn't want to fight before he gestured her over before starting to walk the opposite direction. "Come on." He said softly to her
She was surprised he was actually showing her where the office was, as she had thought he wouldn’t after she had become so angry at him. She quickly quickened her pace to catch up with him and started walking next to him. ‘Sooo..’ she said trying to break the awkward silence. She didn’t know what to say so she just decided to say whatever came up in her mind first, which resulted in kind of a strange question. ‘Do you like meat?’

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