[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Okay, I'm having a technical issue. I can't seem to locate the damn dice roller button.
You make a post, and then 'Throw Dice' is located in the bottom-right corner. Be sure to set the number of Faces to 10.
It seems like this dice roller's tendency to give us statistically improbable low amounts of success is actually working in the group's favor!
I'm just going to quote the author of Nocturnals.

We have ideas on how each other type of Exalt fights: Solars are efficient, Sids need to stack the deck ahead of time, Lunars go 0-Kill in 1 action, Abyssals are stronger in shadowlands/underworld and with extras around, and Infernals all have their own combat propensities depending on patron.

What would the basic idea behind Nocturnal combat be, then?
Nocturnals play Calvinball.
Purely for my own amusement, I'm gonna play it that every time Amaya fluctuates something, it gives Ayo a splitting headache.
It seems like the pattern spiders got splitting headaches as well. The Internet in my house shut off two minutes after that last post. Thank god for smart phones.

Edit: I was just rereading the fluctuation rules and I noticed that they are suspicious, which means the ST can either secretly roll a die and see how Sidereals respond (page 99) or just fashion the response based on the story. If it being rolled, 1s are treated as 10s, for fluctuations.
Oh, don't worry, there's enough facepalms for Amaya's potentially bringing the Fellowship down on us to go around :P
Ah, balls. The dice roller isn't working on my mobile. It'll be 5-6 hours till I can get to a computer and finish that post.
Chaka said:
Oh, don't worry, there's enough facepalms for Amaya's potentially bringing the Fellowship down on us to go around :P
If you think a minor fluctuation is bad, wait till I get the charm tech to start pulling out dominant and total ones (which is probably not for a bit). A dominant fluctuation is described as 'Earthquake in the loom', and a total one is even worse.

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