[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Yeah, I clawed my way to three successes with the stunt bonus. And I'm taking my extra XP, thank you!
I decree that Shinji's legend has only grown more absurd and awesome since those early days of Elegy's youth. :P
Perception + Observation? Did you mean + Awareness?

Also any chance this would be more feat of strength? Sorry, trying to put that Musculature reinforcement charm to use. :D
I meant Awareness, yeah. Been running a lot of Corporation in the real world, one tends to mix things up.

And it's totally a feat of strength, go nuts!
Just making sure, this is a separate scene from when we met with the Astrologer, right? If so, Amaya is about to perform another fluctuation. Poor Ayo. ;)
Alright, just to be clear to avoid future confusion since Pillar will likely be doing more Feats of Strength.

Is your interpretation to actually roll the dice rather than the static rating for what can be handled in the books? Just want to know so I can figure out what I should be doing.
The zombies aren't a problem, they're nice and compliant.

Regarding feats of strength, I hadn't the book handy when I made that post, now I do, and I'll just go with the table in the books for the sake of speed.
Sorry about that. I'll stop posting from my phone first thing after waking up, should make things a bit clearer >_>
Ayo will probably be too busy with his headache to bother :P

Edit: And this is why I like invisible castle.

Edit2: I forgot to mention. Shinji believes the door never existed now, unless he spends 3 wp to resist the illusion. So he is probably hella confused how he got inside a closed room with no entrance.
Time to edit. Damn. That was a fun post, too. Shinji will never, ever be able to show off the fact that he's got a decent brain.
Sorry! You can still assume that Amaya did something, because you remember everything else correctly, your mind just fills in details to explain that reality always was like this.
Also, Chaka, Nazir is mortal. Ma'ave is the Terrestrial. ;D

And it's cool, Incendius. :P He'll have his day to shine. Someday. *Bender-esque look of longing*
That was magnificent Chaka!

Just as a matter of clarification, Ayo is never fooled by the illusion a fluctuation gives off, since he is Amaya's companion. I actually haven't been describing them very well, because to those who see through the illusion they look really funky, but I will be doing so better in the future!

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