[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Shadow will be sad he didn't get to see a peacekeeper get told off and sent home crying.
Visited family, got a little piece of home to carry around, and did a little good. I think he's done, unless I'm forgetting something important, oh the all important reading everyone is freaking about. He'd probably be interested in discovering what that's about.
Fair enough. And then we'll see about wrapping up this thread and moving on. Adventure awaits on the way home!
Also, I'd like to ask here instead of posting a rather fruitless interest check again. I was wondering, would any of you be interested in some classic vanilla Exalted with a Circle of Solars perhaps? That can get off the ground rather quickly. I have another idea knocking around for Alchemicals, but it'll take a while to get rolling seeing as I need to re-read the book in full and I've got job training coming up.
I would be happy to do vanilla, but Alchemicals interests me more, as I'm already playing several Solars (and I have an Alchemical that I want to revive...).

Also, for this game, I forgot to say that Amaya is going to be venting her temporary Paradox using Skipping Author's Amnesia. For one day of our little journey back to Chiaroscuro, Amaya becomes an amnesiac who can remember nothing about her past, or even anything other than what has happened in the present scene.

I chose this one for funsies sake, if anyone wants to approach Amaya after and ask what that was all about ;)
Incendius said:
I would be happy to do vanilla, but Alchemicals interests me more, as I'm already playing several Solars (and I have an Alchemical that I want to revive...).
Pretty much this.
I would be interested in some Solar action. Haven't actually played one since I lived a stone's throw from Chaka's house. That must be three, maybe four years.
I would love to be able to play a Solar as well. Also up for more Alchemical craziness.
Well, I could more or less run a small Solar game for fun and adventure while reading through Alch shite. Up to you guys.

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