[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

I fondly remember an Ork psychic power from an old edition of WH40K entitled "KOP DIS!". Those were the days.

Anyway, Shinji can have 2 stunt dice for that. Mostly because he spat at the nephwrack. >_>
Apologies for the lull, real life has been crazy busy. I'll get things going for everyone again soon, I promise.
For those of you who have been waiting with bated breath, you can relax, my long awaited return has come. Seriously though, I sincerely apologize for ghosting on y'all like that, it was not intentional. Will y'all take me back?
That's one, I'll take it. :) Thanks.

Oh wait, looks like there's a like. That's two then, so I guess it's unanimous. Awesome. :D

Edit 9/14/12: Not really sure what to do, main thread's been quiet for about a month too.

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