[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Does Amaya no longer hear the whispers, or was it just damped for that event?

Also, Amaya is buying Another Face In The Crowd and 2 dots in presence over last night.
I can hear his foreign rival, seeing him upon a ridge with a essence cannon aimed at the Eye of Autochthon. "Caras? CARAAAAAAAAAS!"
Don't forget, he has to take shelter in a humongous Winterbreath Jar to ride out the detonation of a Soul-Breaker Orb.
That does NOT bother me as much as it seemingly outrages the rest of the fans. He survives biblical artifacts and the literal wrath of two religions...but a nuke and the old '50s myths are right out? Does not compute.
Went and fucked up the dice roll for a flurry. How about we just make it a single contested roll to see who gets the upper hand from this opening move?
I've added in Amaya's roll to my post.

If you want we could make this an extended roll instead of a normal combat. We describe the flow of the battle, but it is the first person to get to a certain number of successes to "win" the bout.

Side Tangent: A lot of the new systems in Shards are actually going to be based on extended rolls, like the chase system :D .
Sounds good. That'll be enough for a short bout, so that the two can really gauge each other's capabilities and not tire each other out.
That was really a splendid idea. He probably doesn't want all of his fortune sucked up into the underworld, and he has more than enough weight to throw around to get this fixed. Nice thinking there. :D

On a sadder note, I think we may have lost Kale and Orzhov. Kale hasn't been online for two weeks, and Orzhov for a month.
Sorry, I'm going to try to update by mid-morning tomorrow. My Ph.D. work has installed a writer's block in my tired head. :(
No worries. Take your time, Chaka is similarly indisposed and I'll be away for most of this week thanks to a future sister in law buying me a ticket to the Stone Roses playing on the other side of the country. There's no rush :)
Keep at it, Incendius, we shall be here waiting.

And it should be illegal the amount of fun I'm having right now.
Ok, posts for the rest of the week are going to be very sparse. I'm travelling tomorrow and the day after for a concert, then travelling some more to pop in to the Volvo Ocean Race thing, then finally travelling back home some time during the weekend.

Apologies for the inconvenience, folks.

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