[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

So I totally vanished there for a while. Apologies about that. A week long power outage and other things sort of hindered my activity.
Ooh, nasty.

Well, Chaka had college to sort out as well, so he hasn't been about wither. I'm not sure where Kale went. :(

Anyway, I'll do a little side thread for you and Chaka. Last time you were here Pillar was knocking on Ayo's door with something important to say. I'll have it up in the next half hour.
I have two quick questions. Are you still accepting characters, and what types of characters are you allowing? Do we only have exalted to choose from or are other essence users and option?
Not accepting right now, but that may change if I don't hear anything back soon from one of the absent players.

Non-Exalted characters would be possible, but you'd want a very good reason to have them join the party. The more "freaky" types like Dragon Kings would be troublesome at almost every port, while mortals may find the constant journeying through dangerous places really tough going.
That's a shame to hear, and I was referring more to possibly playing a more creation friendly Raksha. He'd have stuff like a human/elemental assumption with one or two of the other charms to make him appear more convincing, but I also understand if you'd prfer to not have to deal with that kind of hassle.
Speaking of, I was wondering if I could buy a couple of custom Thrown charms for Elegy to make her halfway useful, since I'm guessing that Void Shattering Mirror doesn't work too well against creatures of death. Mostly just copies of existing stuff.
Fang of the Gentle Elegy

Cost: 4m Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Aid of an Ill Wind

This charm enhances a Thrown attack, halving any DV applied against it and permitting her to count her successes over the DV twice for the purposes of calculating raw damage. At Essence 4+, this charm may be repurchased, permitting the Abyssal to pay 7 extra motes to make her attack unblockable and undodgeable.

That's based on the 2.5 version of Thousandfold Typhoon Hand.

And then I'll just pick up the canon charm Crypt Bolt Attack.
Note that I'm doubling sux over DV, so that's 24 over DV. Damage from the Crypt Bolt is 6, so that's 30 raw damage. Also, whatever stunt bonus you give me.
Have 2 like Shinji. Even if none of those dice deal real damage, the poor nephwrack has just taken 40-ish raw damage. That's a whole mess o' knockback and environmental mayhem...

Once this is wrapped up I think we can get everyone back together for more travelling adventures.
So yeah, All the Herald has right now is his soak, no DV at all D:

If he survives Shinji's attack, he'll have an opportunity to increase his soak against Elegy's mad damage skillz, but still...

So, if I'm reading this right, he'll take 18B damage dice from Shinji, and 9(+2 stunt dice)L dice from Elegy. He has been hit very, very hard indeed.
Oh, so very, very much.

If Elegy can raise her DV by one she'll emerge unscathed also. Whether you want to stunt a parry or you have a charm handy, it's up to you.
Always a good purchase. Anyway, looks like Shinji -> ghosts -> Elegy ->Shinji -> Elegy -> ghosts from here.
[QUOTE="Effing Skrakes]I should probably buy some more Awareness.

Always a good thing. Next charms I'm buying are Awareness Excellencies.

Also, Shinji's next 'combo' will be titled either Phwoar or WAHEY!

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