[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

The prevailing opinion is that you can activate any combination of charms that could be placed in a combo, with no need to declare it.
Incendius said:
Edit: A question, will a single stunt apply to all attacks in a flurry/defenses against a flurry? (Less relevant now that you can only get one stunt reward/round but still good to know.)
If you can convincingly stunt a flurry or defenses against one, I'm happy for the bonus dice to apply to each roll/DV involved.
Had an interesting chat with a friend of a friend at lunch. He's working on some Python scripts to do handy things with Exalted, like managing all the fiddly combat variables, and scanning the old books, replacing the modified text from however many separate errata there are now and recompiling the lot into a proper 2.5 ed. Said the lot would be open source, so i'll be keeping track of it and letting people know about it when he sends me a copy.
For a stopgap measure, someone is releasing comments for the official exalted PDFs. It puts little tags next to anything that is changed, that includes all the text from the errata. Really awesome stuff. It is going to make my next Sidereal (or DB) characters a whole lot easier to handle.

He hasn't done Fae yet, but its on his to do list.
[QUOTE="Effing Skrakes]The prevailing opinion is that you can activate any combination of charms that could be placed in a combo, with no need to declare it.

[QUOTE="Cthulhu_Wakes]Indeed. It's freeform death dealing as long as the charms follow combo rules.

Alright, thank ye both.
That was pretty boss. I see why you were asking about flurries and stunt dice. Go on, have 3 for each attack.

Also, not to self: 40 beastmen might not be a challenge. Use more next time.
Thank ya kindly! I shall again be taking 1xp for the reward.

I've added the stunt results to the total, its under TLDR.

I had to move my combat stats to my previous post, as this latest one was too long.
I had forgotten about this. Going to have to remember to use some of this for future stunts. Incidentally, I need to watch that movie again, and other Jackie Chan movies in general. Sadly, we haven't had a Jackie Chan Friday in a while.
Just a quick spiel. If you guys ARE interested in a little bit of Solar action, I've posted a thread in the Registry. Throw your ideas and what not over there to keep things nice and legal. :D
Pillar and Shinji, anyway. Taletold Heart won't really move until the beastmen get their turn. Even then, probably only when one attacks Elegy.
Rocky, arid, not an awful lot of flat land for growing things more than a mile or two from any village. It would look something like this. Assume Amaya is the guy in black, and you all arrive around that point, with the horde a little further back. The village would be off to the right a few miles. Left = further south.


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