[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Dunno about short. I like leaving it open for characters to evolve and see where things go.
So I'm not going to bother with training times for charms, as that takes for ever. I'll reduce research times for spells too, so Elegy isn't left out.
Don't know much about the alchemicals, would probably be pretty cool to play one though. And I'd be down with some vanilla.

No training time for charms, shiny.
So would it be mean to point out that Solars can tell the precise time of day for the rest of a scene by spending a mote of essence..? :P
What happens when you combine a woman with Conviction 5, who needs to be a hero, who has serious amnesia, and then confront her with something bad going down?

We shall see!
No, I am aware of that. Shadow might not be, but he prefers to conserve his essence for other things anyways and it's a sentiment thing.
I wanna play a chaotic neutral fuckwit but my intimacies just won't let me...

Ooh. Chosen of Journeys are great! Amaya is going to be really happy that you all came along.

It is just too bad that she isn't ever going to remember this. ;)
I really need to get whispers 3 so I can do the following ritual, I think its the best of the lot.

The Loom of Fate maintains many of Creationʼs most fundamental laws. Freed from such constraints, the Exalt who performs this ritual becomes an outlaw of physics. One of the following physical properties of Creation fail when the Exalt attempts to interact with them.

Friction: the Exalt treats all surfaces as smooth ice (Exalted, p. 155), and suffers a +3 difficulty on all actions to maintain her grip, including clinches and disarm attempts. She also adds 3 automatic successes to any attempt to escape or avoid a clinch and adds 3 to her Dexterity for the purposes of determining movement speed.

Gravity: The Exalt becomes exceptionally light, allowing her to ignore falling damage and to move without applying any weight to the objects on which she stands. She also suffers a +3 difficulty to resist knockback and adds three yards to how far she is thrust. Additionally, everything else seems exceptionally heavy to the Exalt. She adds +2 to weaponsʼ minimum strength, doubles the (Strength + Athletics) required to lift or throw and object and doubles the mobility and fatigue penalties of any armor she wears.

Elemental: The essence binding objects together falter around the Exalt. The Storyteller chooses two Element from Creation, Autochthonia, or elsewhere. For the duration, the Exalt treats one of the chosen elements as the other, as the Storyteller decides. Fire may feel as hard as stone. She may swim up trees as though they were water (though in this case, if she wears clothing made of natural fibers, she would find them as substantial as clothing made of water as well). Licking a stone might quench her thirst, and she might burn water like kindling. Air, though it may be made as thick as water, always remains breathable and may never be made impermeable or lethal like fire.

Other Effects: The Storyteller may assign other creative effects from this ritual as desired.
Holy mother of God, an Ebon Shadow and fighting chain user. I've just been smacked in the face with a thousand First Ed memories.
I'd hope so, given that her main role is "keep Elegy from getting ventilated." Secondary objective is carrying today's purchases.
I await the chance to see her prowess with bated breath.

I will be taking the 1xp for the stunt.

Edit: A question, will a single stunt apply to all attacks in a flurry/defenses against a flurry? (Less relevant now that you can only get one stunt reward/round but still good to know.)
Combos, I've read conflicting interpretations of the new rules. Is it we declare a combo, and all of the involved charms, when we activate it, or is it that we activate a charm and can combo off that however we're able until our DV refreshes, or what?

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