[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Unless I'm missing something (which I may be!), you need an action to set up a coordinated attack. It is a charisma+war roll to do so, with a difficulty of (participants)/2 rounded down and a speed of 5. Otherwise everyone would do coordinated attacks all the time, as there would be no reason not to.

Edit: And the actual coordinated attack takes effect on the next tick when the person who took the action acts.
Normally that's the case. I'd aimed for the leaders to be a little badass; a combination of Wyld mutation and training from their Lunar sire lets them do it reflexively. You'll still mow through them, but they'll at least have a chance at scratching you before they die. :)
Heh, fair enough, just checking. Here are some rolls to see which of the leaders my DV bonus applies to (thought this probably doesn't matter with stunts). #4 and #5 are the wounded ones.

Edit: Rolled a third time because I hit the same one again ;) .
I think Shadow actually goes now too. He spent 3 ticks aiming at one of the unhurt ones earlier. That probably won't have any actual effect on them since they all act simultaneously, but thought I should bring it up.
Good point. How about you move after the first 3 leaders act but before the last leaders do?
Well, it is a DV bonus. Kata Insights grants me 2 extra aim dice over the universal one (so 2 more DV from Jeweler's Expert Defense), and it also grants me 4 Parry DV against its targets, but that counts as dice from a charm so it is a total of 1 DV. The penalty is from Nocturnal hero form.

Lesse.... I'm going to do the calculations again in case I wrong the first time.

Nocturnal Hero Form gives me a singe aim die against all opponents, and imposes a -1 External Penalty on attacks.

Base of 8 Parry DV.

5 Action flurry brings that down to 3.

Jeweler's Expert Defense adds 4 defense (2 base + 2 from the aim die), for 2 more DV

3 Successes from Personified Mask -> 3 DV (counts as dice from a charm)

Back at 8 PDV again.

Against Crystalline Kata Insight targets I have 11, as it grants 4 DV (Dice from a charm, but my dice cap is 9 currently). and 3 aim dice.

Coordinated Attack imposes a -3 External Penalty

I have 5 DV against the Beastmen Attackers (Except #2, whom I have 8 DV against), and a -1 External Penalty on their attacks. All miss.
I keep meaning to stop making posts in the middle of packing to go home from work, but I keep doing it, and mistakes keep creeping in. I shall punish myself appropriately, don't you worry.
Well she is a combat focused Celestial with basically all of her charm purchases focused on combat, so I would hope so :P .
I think I need to invest in One Weapon Two Blows when I get around to putting a couple dots into Shadow's melee. Or at the very least grab Seven points of weakness strike when we have a moment of downtime.
Are we getting -3 to DV due to the coordinated attacks? If so, I must revise, due to Shinji getting hit in the face twice.
I was going by the -3DV you'd mentioned in your last post, which was a flurry. I don't think your DV has refreshed since the beast leaders go before your next tick.

Have I fucked up again?
Nay, nay, it's just that depending on the coordinated, you can get ANOTHER -3. But! Regardless, I am le hit. So it matters not. First guy has one on me. Second is lucky enough to hit. BRING IT ON. /buries Shinji
Unless they have very specific charms, 10s don't count as two successes for damage.


Nevermind, missed the 8 on the first damage line. :P

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