[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

I think you would probably need a charm for it, as it isn't something physical. Amaya has amnesia because her god has disconnected her from the loom, and has let the part that keeps her memory stop working, while he fixes the damage she has done to the loom.
No real need, you'll find nothing physically wrong with her. The amnesia is quite magical in nature and would probably require an in-depth knowledge of metaphysics, prehistory and the Loom of Fate that almost nobody in Yu Shan possesses, never mind anyone in Creation. :)
Woo. Fun times. Shinji's legend is spreading further. Now he is awesome enough to have a cohort of Anathema :P

I would like to request a custom charm, if possible. My reasoning is thought out below it.


Cost: - (+2m); Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Jeweler's Expert Defense

The Nocturnal rejects the traditional choice between offense and defense, instead deciding to choose both at once. The Nocturnal's motion causes her to refract into a multitude of tinted images, each image representing a different movement she could take. All of these images are real, and all of them are fake. A single image momentarily solidifies whenever the Nocturnal is attacked, and it is always the most advantageously postured one.

This charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing it to be activated with a surcharge of 2m. While the prerequisite is active and provides a bonus of 4+ to her unarmed defense against an opponent, the Nocturnal ignores any DV penalty imposed by unarmed attacks.


When designing it, I compared it to Secure Cat Stepping (Lunars) and Protection of Celestial Bliss (Solars) which have similar effects. SCS is a 1m FURY-OK charm that eliminates DV penalties from a single action (of any type), or from all attacks for (Essence) actions if Relentless Lunar Fury is activated. So this is valid design space for a Celestial-tier charm.

POCB is a 3m scene-long that eliminates DV penalties from a melee weapon, gives +2 Defense, and can be discharged for a perfect (multiple times at E5). This charm makes Jeweler's Expert Defense a 6m scene long that does the same thing (except the multiple perfect discharges), but whose benefit only applies against foes who Amaya has an aim die against. So essentially, two charms, double the cost, and a failure condition for the same effect.

What do you all think?
Close, but no. Shadow's actually meditating on his memory crystal, he knows he could have been more useful in that last fight and he knows it can help him. So he's going to be mastering the charms Seven Points of Weakness Strike, Limb-Immobilizing Method, and Increasing Strength Exercise. That cool?

I second Sarky's comment on thine charm.
Cool. I am getting said charm then. A quick question about the instant charm learning thing. Does that mean we can leave some XP unspent so that we can buy a charm if we are in a situation that needs it, or is that just so we don't have to care about training times?

On another note, Amaya's threat is only partially accurate. She can't make you amnesiac, but she can make you completely forget she exists for a day.
Heh, that might be what Shadow thinks though :P . To be technical though, she can't direct the ritual. If she does the 'otherforgets' one, then it hits every being that is part of fate (and doesn't have an inviolable intimacy towards her). All this is part of the Nocturnals paradox system. It is another reason I really like them; their limit esque mechanic also gives them so hilariously fun tools when dealing with it.
Learning charms on the spot: maybe. You'd certainly have to stunt it. It's primarily to ignore training times, but I'm flexible.
Kale said:
Cool. What would be considered an inviolable intimacy?
An intimacy protected by Righteous Lion Defense, a Solar bond intimacy, a Companion bond intimacy (between Nocturnal and Sidereal), and such. You can also avoid it if you remove yourself from fate, as what basically happens is that the Loom no longer supports the memory of Amaya, so if you're outside fate nothing happens.

Learning charms on the spot: maybe. You'd certainly have to stunt it. It's primarily to ignore training times' date=' but I'm flexible.[/quote']
Okay, cool. Thats what I thought, but I just wanted to check.
Incendius said:
Woo. Fun times. Shinji's legend is spreading further. Now he is awesome enough to have a cohort of Anathema :P
"They say he rides upon a Moon-Mad eagle-shifter, whilst slavering Unclean cast their unholy magics upon the virgins and the countryside! His is a great orgy of violence and conquering war!"
I suppose I too should do this.

Portentous Comet Deflection Mode and a dot of Resistance, if you please. Now I'm one step closer to the DB's actual perfect parry! Hooray!
Thousand Correct Actions, Conflagration of Warding, an extension of Portentous Comet Deflection Mode. It's a Permanent upgrade. Right now, I can block mundane attacks by rolling Dex + Melee and getting one success. But nothing backed by charms, sorcery, or unblockable. With the upgrade, I can block all of that, save unblockable unless there are other DBs in the area who have Portentous, see that I'm using it, spend a reduced cost to activate theirs, and raise their swords in salute.

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