[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Kale said:
Shadow was in silent awe until the vision was ended and Mercury was gone. "Well, damn." There's practically no point in stealing anything anymore ever. It's all going to look like trash, not to mention the women. "Ayo, I hate you so much right now."
No, no. You upgrade. it's no longer Grand Theft Yeddim, it's now Grand Theft Creation.
You people have no idea how tempted I am to just have Elegy poke her head above deck, scream "KEEP IT DOWN YOU LOUTS, SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO STUDY!" and vanish below.

What? She was below for the whole incident.
I was going to update but HOLY CRAP THIS HUMIDITY. I'll do it tomorrow when I can actually think straight.
To be honest, you'd probably think we're being bitch-weak when it comes to the heat and humidity - it gets way hotter and more humid there.

But the thing is Ireland's climate is extremely temperate - it's pretty much always the same temperature within a ten degree range, and it's usually raining or something, but humidity tends to be low when it's not.

So what you'd consider balmy fucking ruins us when it does happen.
It probably doesn't really, but we're just not used to, or equipped to deal with, the sun popping out.

Edit: Chaka has the right of it. We LIKES our cool rainy weather, dagnabbit.
Also, very few landlords or construction companies bother with things like air conditioning over here. Why would they? It's not like we get humid weather very often. So when it does happen, there's pretty much nowhere to hide on dry land.
No A/C? Damn, that sucks. NC was a land of extremes -- snow in the winter, humid hellscape in the summer. I know what sudden changes of temperature are like! Just when you get acclimated...
Given they're extras and the punishment you dealt out last time, Incendius, I'd say a JB roll won't be required. Also they're not defending against you (<3 surprise!) so no DV and reinforced buff jacket only for the two guards, so noble has 0L/3B soak and the guards have 3L/6B. Three damage will put any of them down.
I have almost literally no idea what the hell happened over the last day or two. I hope to resume normal service as soon as the world starts making some goddamn sense again.
Sorry for the lack of activity recently, but I see a few days were of crazy confusion anyways.

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