[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread

Heh. I considered that Cthulu, but then I decided that she would consider such a man's promises worthless, and so wouldn't seek em in the first place. He knows why she did it, and that is enough for her.

Re: Batman; That was the plan, minus the whole 'Parents Killed' and 'Terribly Past Tragedies' thing Batman has going on. :P
Yeah, I know, but I always figured Immaculates were a more peaceful lot. Sure, some may cleave to the old Chinese Buddhist and certainly Japanese Buddhist bits, but come now. :P Let's never go to the West where she'll not be satisfied in convicted bloodlust until the towns are drained!
I never said that Amaya was a studious immaculate. Her scripture lessons didn't really stick, but her combat training certainly did :P .
No, it's more going to be silent rage followed by him beating the guy in the wall until it's impossible to identify the body.
And I thought the Abyssal would be first to perform unnecessary surgery on the living. You never can tell, can you? :)
Y'know, if Amaya had done this by herself, she could have used that ritual to throw off pursuit for a few days. Guess that's not possible now though :P
So did I. But given the circumstances, it seemed like an appropriate response, but so did punching him the rest of the way through the wall. At least he used anesthesia, I doubt the abyssal would have been so kind.
There, you see? You weren't going to have to take her under your wing and teach her to fight crime after all!

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