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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Assailant said:
Arc and Silver nodded, and agreed to these conditions. However, they didn't sleep in the same bed. Instead, Silver slept first whilst Arc kept watch, and then vice-versa. Sure, this wasn't necessary, but growing up during the war never did any favors in terms of healthy habits. And so it was that they took shifts and watched throughout the night.
Iden stayed up the entire time, since they did not need to sleep, but needed to rest, so the entire time Iden was awake they were laying on the other bed. They thought of when chrysalis would receive word of what happened, and how she will act. They are preparing for somthing, and too much failure is a bad thing. Tomorrow Iden will try to head to the crystal empire, and maybe arc and silver could come too. But for now they must rest. Iden watches out the window and waits for the next day.

Amelia has been awake for quite a while now, it seems she is going to stay up all night. She is working on notes, her weapon, and learning the old language arc and silver speaks. She was sitting in front of a desk, various tools and papers all of the desk. There were also things for

Alchemy.she was multitasking to the best of her ability. When she reached out to grab a paper. She knocked over a small box. She quickly picked it up and hid it in her desk. She stood silent for a moment to see if one of the guests woke up and we're going to investigate.
As it was Silver's time up, he crept down the stairs to see what the commotion was. When he saw that it was just Amelia, his alert state subsided and he sighed.

"Soft! God-den, madam. Though... be 't morn? Whether this or that, Wherefore doth thou makest such ado? Nary e'en a sound nor protest did occur sith some time ago."

((Translation: Oh! Good evening miss. Although... is it morning? Either way, why did you make that sound? Not a sound or noise has happened since some time ago.))

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On the hill where Spyro was sleeping on, he was not sleeping pleasantly. Rather, he was shifting a bit with some sweat dripping from him as he mumbled in a different language, things like "Nid, zu'u fent graan."

In Spyro's dreams he was running from some shadowy mass that was trying to hunt him down. This thing was persistent, for when Spyro was able escape it, the shadowy mass would find him again quickly, causing him to run once more. This thing was fast as it chased Spyro down, in one case sending a large shadowy claw at him, only for it to graze Spyro's armor as he kept on running, trying to find his way out of his nightmare.

In the real world, as Spyro shifted in his sleep, some claw marks showed up on his armor. The areas the claw marks showed up was were the claws grazed him in his nightmare.
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As tired as Eclipse was, he knew he would regret just sleeping in that crater. He carefully picked Steelheart up on his back and had carried her back to his home to rest her gently on the bed. He had no sooner tossed off his armor and set himself on the bed before he at last passed out to catch up on his own sleep.

Now, many hours later, Eclipse's eyes finally opened. He smiled softly down at Steelheart as she rested next to him, gently brushing her mane before he slowly pushed himself up. He couldn't remember the last time he had been that tired. Now came time for preparations. The Winter Ball was still going on, thanks to the minimal damage done to the town of Hast itself.

The problem now was what to wear... He had been planning to just wear his old cloak before, but since he was actually planning on showing his face, he didn't want to just show up with nothing. After all, He had very big plans for tonight. Sure, they had evolved greatly due to recent events, but that meant his wardrobe had to evolve too. Armor wouldn't really be suitable for a ball either, so he would have to really raid his wardrobe to find something suitable. After all, he had a gift in mind for Steelheart, and he needed to be presentable for the blind Flutter Pony.

He kept the door to the various corridors open, as well as his own door at the end of the corridor. She knew the way to his room, and he didn't want her to worry about where he was. He hummed softly to himself, just so she'd be able to hear him as he looked through his wardrobe. He'd need to modify some of his clothes to make this work, and he wasn't exactly a tailor..... But he didn't really know any tailors either. He had heard one was in the Elements of Harmony, but as far as he knew, they either weren't attending or were going to show up just in time for the ball, so he wouldn't be able to enlist her help, sadly.

He just had to hope what little style he possessed would be enough...


"I don't care, you're going if I have to drag you kicking and screaming all the way there" Luna smirked over her shoulder at Fang. "I can take care of your dress for you, but you are NOT making me go alone" She remarked bumping her hip into Fang's. "Look at it this way, if you go with me like a good little bat pony, I will be sure to reward you~" she remarked in a singsong voice as she deliberately put extra sway in her hips for emphasis.
Indicus drank his coffee then thought of the Winter Ball he really had little reason to go but, he was sure the others would want to see him there so he thought for a moment before dragging an old dress uniform from his Marine days, black dress shirt with red trimming medals and awards on the right side of the chest, his Sargent Major rank on the right sleeve. The pants were grey with a green strip down the sides. satisfied that it was without wrinkles and properly creased he put it on the material bringing back memories of the times he earned his various medals for his actions during various battles. The dress uniform felt quite familiar even after not wearing it for years.

(Below is the base i'm using for the uniform colors are a litte different because the Thalemn flag is grey, red, and green)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/big-u-usmc-enlisted-dress-blue-uniform-20662.png.221ba1bcdf16f6caa39ce411c777d7e6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/big-u-usmc-enlisted-dress-blue-uniform-20662.png.221ba1bcdf16f6caa39ce411c777d7e6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • big-u-usmc-enlisted-dress-blue-uniform-20662.png
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-In Eclipse's home-

After a long rest Steelhearts eyes finally fluttered open.

While she still didn't see anything, it was a habit she had formed for other pony's sake to let them know she was awake.

Slowly she sat up smiling serenely she slipped from the bed with perfect silence.

She had always been a mystery in the way she could move without a sound.

but then, so much about her was..

Her unyielding gentle heart, even in the midst of horror and aggression..

Her uncanny ability to sense and almost 'see' magic in it's truest form.

Her strange connection to the very spirit who created her entire race.

All so strange, and yet in the eyes of her friends she was just a simple blind girl who simply needed their love and acceptance.

She sighed contently to herself in the knowlage that now everypony knew just what she was.

Just as Eclipse had hidden his true self for so long, so to did Steelheart and her sister.

As she slowly moved through the house to the sound of Eclipse's distant humming she began to sway her hips as if slowly dancing.

After a short time she was able to pick up on the melody and chimed in with her own hum.

As she got closer, she couldn't help but begin to take different notes to harmonies and even vocalizing some of the tones.

She couldn't see anything, but she still entered unexpectedly and in her usual meek voice greeted " G. Good evening."

-In The Field-

Seeing Eclipse carry off Steelheart Lavender Moon was tempted to fallow, but she was tired, and felt someone should stay behind to make sure nothing happened to Spyro after using such a drastic spell.

Waking up long before Spyro Lavender Moon starred into the horizon.

In the silence that fallowed the battle only the lonely wind of the mountain kept her company.

It was strange to have a pony to watch over other then her sister.

She ruminated on this and many things for what seemed like hours.

Finally Spyro's tossing and turning caught her attention as she looked down at the restless pony.

Her eyes softened as she felt a mixture of pity and responsibility for him.

She gently rested her hoof on one of his shoulders and heaved a reluctant sight.

It was when she began to see the claw marks on his armor that she gave up the gentle approach and went back to her normal way of getting things done.

She stood up abruptly and stepped on one of his hooves, scolding "vaknar du lura!"(Wake up you fool !)

It wasn't hard enough to cause any damage, but it was certainly enough to get the point across.

-In Tilly's Home-

Having drifted back into a restless but at least more stable sleep, Firecracker decided it would be a good idea to take Shina 'home'.

He gently lifted her onto his back with what magic he could spare and some old fashion muscle before starting his long walk.

Sitting atop the adjacent hill, it was easy for Tilly to spot Firecracker and Shina heading back towards the house.

Eager to be reunited with their family Konton dispelled any remainder of the barrier and the three raced down to them.

Tilly was careful to shield her foal from seeing any of the..'damages'..of the attack as they made their way down.

After a brief and tearful reunion They all made their way back to Tilly's house for security and comfort.

Gently resting Shina on the guest bed Firecracker sighed softly, feeling both accomplished and exhausted.

Still the stallion did not sleep however.

rather he stayed awake to watch over her; lest she slip back into a nightmare.

After a few more hours a faint sounds began to fill the room.

scratching could be heard in the corner of the room.

it was the sound of a quill on paper, as Firecracker was busy writing something at the desk.

Overhead a soft chirping from the headboard as Konton tried to coax his mother awake.
Back in Spyro's nightmare, Spyro kept on running from the thing that was chasing after him. The Shadowy mass started to grow, and threatened to grab him, til the whole dream started to shake, with a bottomless chasm forming between Spyro and what was chasing him. The Shadow mass didn't even try to fly across the chasm, knowing what would happen. All it did was glare at Spyro with it's unblinking cyan blue eyes, and gave a slight chuckle.

"Well done, Spyro. It seams your new friend has saved you. How adorable." It sneered as it slowly started to dissipate.

"You lost, and I'll be sure to make sure you can't do this again." Spyro growled at the fleeing shadows as the dreamscape started to crumble around them.

"And that is were you are wrong Spyro. Since I can't get you, I'll just get others, maybe your new girlfriend. I just don't know." The shadows taunted.

"You will do no such thing!" Spyro yelled at the shadows.

"Have I struck a nerve, aw, Spyro can actually feel love. I hope you enjoy it while it last." The shadows responded back to Spyro as it laughed like a maniac.

"Just what are you doing here? Still trying to continue your cause, or is it just good old fashion domination?" Spyro asked the shadows as they were nearly gone at this point.

"Part of me want you to keep your body long enough to find out. The other part, really wants you to watch all you care for die or be controlled! You know, for old times sake. Oh, decisions, decisions, decisions. Just remember my words Spyro, You can run, you can hide, you can fill your world with happiness and love, but it will all come crashing down. You are branded by War himself. You cant always escape you Nightmares!" The shadows said as they fully diapered, and Spyro's nightmare had ended.

---Where Spyro is in the real world---

Spyro's eyes snapped open as he gasped for air, breathing heavily as he realized that it was over and that something was on his hoof. Spyro looked over to his hoof and saw someone else's hoof on it. He quickly looked up realized that it was Lavender. Spyro sighed in relief as he looked at her. "Thank you Lav, I owe you one."
Assailant said:
As it was Silver's time up, he crept down the stairs to see what the commotion was. When he saw that it was just Amelia, his alert state subsided and he sighed.
"Soft! God-den, madam. Though... be 't morn? Whether this or that, Wherefore doth thou makest such ado? Nary e'en a sound nor protest did occur sith some time ago."

((Translation: Oh! Good evening miss. Although... is it morning? Either way, why did you make that sound? Not a sound or noise has happened since some time ago.))
(I have been working on this, and decided just to do a mix of Shakespeare's and English. It's easier for me to do. And. I can do it quickly.

"methinks it's still dark. my most humble apology for disturbing thy rest. I dropped somthing while I wast working."she said somewhat poorly.

(Translation: I think it's still dark. Sorry for disturbing your rest. I dropped somthing while I was working.)
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Unonemous said:
He stares at her for a moment "Wha?...Oh! Oh, no, that's not what I meant...My bad, I actually said that completely wrong. I still have the jewelry, but, I haven't seen the ponies that commissioned the work since I started. I have no idea where either of them went..." He shrugs "I'm sure both of the groups are completely fine." He looks up to the Princess, staring into her eyes, almost as if looking for something "I've lost more jewelry than I can count in my days, really...There are much worse things that one can experience than loss of something that can be replaced...I don't keep any of my rare types in any easy to reach spaces, and I check them daily in private..."
He blinks as he finally breaks his gaze, the stallion holding his necklace for a moment "And what of you?...I hope you lost nothing personal during all of this...I didn't quite pay attention. Once I realized I wasn't being noticed, I just came to make sure my things were intact..."

Princess Celestia

A soft sigh escaped the princess as she nodded slightly. "I see . . . granted, with a few thousand extra ponies appearing in town they may be a little tied up right now." Of course, Celestia had no way of knowing that Rosy had been one of the ones to commission work from Sotil. "Though I did commission a piece from you so that at least answers where one of them has disappeared to."

[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]
"I don't care, you're going if I have to drag you kicking and screaming all the way there" Luna smirked over her shoulder at Fang. "I can take care of your dress for you, but you are NOT making me go alone" She remarked bumping her hip into Fang's. "Look at it this way, if you go with me like a good little bat pony, I will be sure to reward you~" she remarked in a singsong voice as she deliberately put extra sway in her hips for emphasis.


Shadow Fang

Fang gave an annoyed snort, shaking her head before resting her chin back on the ground. Like she'd told Steelheart a few days ago a dress wasn't really something she'd worn before, let alone owned. That was something she didn't see changing any time soon either. "How are you even going alone? Princess Celestia will be there with you, not to mention Eclipse." The Thestral ignored Luna's playful bump as she closed her eyes.

"Look at it this way, if you go with me like a good little bat pony, I will be sure to reward you~"

A low groan escaped her as Fang peered up at the Lunar Goddess with an eye. "Rahhe aak . . . " She muttered under her breath, trying to ignore how hot her face felt suddenly. "Fine, I'll go . . . but you can forget any chance of a dress."

Translation: Gods help me
Mrjenkins said:
(I have been working on this, and decided just to do a mix of Shakespeare's and English. It's easier for me to do. And. I can do it quickly.
"methinks it's still dark. my most humble apology for disturbing thy rest. I dropped somthing while I wast working."she said somewhat poorly.

(Translation: I think it's still dark. Sorry for disturbing your rest. I dropped somthing while I was working.)
Silver frowned and summoned some of the mana he had recovered overnight. Without his armor on, a faint light could be seen glowing on his back. "I'm sorry, what did you say? Something about it being dark?"
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

A soft sigh escaped the princess as she nodded slightly. "I see . . . granted, with a few thousand extra ponies appearing in town they may be a little tied up right now." Of course, Celestia had no way of knowing that Rosy had been one of the ones to commission work from Sotil. "Though I did commission a piece from you so that at least answers where one of them has disappeared to."
"No, it doesn't...The two that I'm talking about happened before this whole fiasco. The commissioned a piece, then just disappeared...And I have no idea where any of them live, where they are, or what they do...I just know they wanted some trinkets." He lets out a huff and rubs his forehead "I can guess that they're all hiding out in one place or another...Or something, I don't know." He lets out a slow breath once more "Too much lingering in the air to know for sure, really..."

Princess Celestia

Celestia let out a somewhat embarrassed chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head. "Ah, well, you see . . ." She shook her head, "Oh there's really no getting around it. I honestly haven't found any time off for longer than you've been alive. At the time it seemed arriving a day early and enjoying a day to myself even if in disguise seemed nice." The Alicorn gave a slight shrug, she was still too tired to really care about coming off as the epitome of nobility and grace. "My magic reserves are still rather drained after this morning, but the name Sunflower Fields should sound familiar to you."
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

Celestia let out a somewhat embarrassed chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head. "Ah, well, you see . . ." She shook her head, "Oh there's really no getting around it. I honestly haven't found any time off for longer than you've been alive. At the time it seemed arriving a day early and enjoying a day to myself even if in disguise seemed nice." The Alicorn gave a slight shrug, she was still too tired to really care about coming off as the epitome of nobility and grace. "My magic reserves are still rather drained after this morning, but the name Sunflower Fields should sound familiar to you."
"Yes, I..." He blinks after a very short moment of thought "Wait, you..." His mouth opens just a tad, the stallion letting out a slow breath, almost like a sigh, or a simple exhale "You are Sunflower?...I guess I couldn't feel it in the short moment I saw you before, and I've been too preoccupied keeping myself straight to think of it as we've been speaking..."

Eclipse heard her coming long before he saw her. He smiled to himself, still humming the song as he listened to Steelheart's lovely voice growing steadily louder as she approached. He chuckled softly as her voice grew meek when she spoke. Even after all this time, that much didn't change. "Good evening Steelheart. I hope you're excited for tonight. I've got a surprise or two in store for you." He smiled over at her, even though she couldn't see it. He was actually almost done altering one of his more elegant cloaks into a regal cape. Thankfully, he actually had some nice, dressier clothes he had stashed away years ago just in case. For once, he was grateful for his forethought.

To say he was excited was putting it mildly. He could hardly wait to see how Steelheart reacted to everything he had in store. It was most definitely going to be a magical night... He just hoped Steelheart would love the surprises....


Luna smirked playfully, leaning down to give Fang a light kiss on the cheek. "Oh.. I'll get you in a dress, if only so I can take it off of you later" she whispered in Fang's ear with a seductive edge to her voice. It was getting readily apparent that Luna was not about to take 'no' for an answer. "After all.. you're going as a royal date" She added as she stretched.
Now ready for the event Indicus simply took his blade out and started to sharpen it getting rid of any chipping that may of happened during the battle. Once he finished that task he pulled out another blade this one a saber that looked a bit more ceremonial with thin gold embellishing on the hilt and a polished blade but it was still sharp, Indicus put the saber on his hip and then saw that the event would be starting in just a few hours so he decided to summon his wings, the dress uniform's enchantment activating to make way the wings.

Walking outside Indicus spread his wings and took flight particularly to a cliff over looking a couple of waterfalls once he arrived he sat there enjoying the evening sky and listening to the crashing of water the scene reminding him a bit of his talks with Rosie before she was tricked and later died how many times had they spoke three four? He even at one point told her things he trusted few with he still did not figure out what compelled him to do so except that he must have just trusted in his own intuition or felt that learning about her demons made him feel like he should give something up in return. Indicus shook his head Rosy along with Zeka (If i remember the name correctly) both were gone but The Dread Dragon Mephisto would not be able to trick or take anymore lives and besides it was a time to enjoy their victory.

Though for some reason his mind reminded him that the Nightmare Generals were still out there, Scarlet for some unknown reason wanted to recruit him or at some point did and they would be back. Indicus decided to peg his thoughts on being in conflict for most of his life and from there just laid down and let himself zone out to the sound of the crashing waterfalls.
-In Eclipse's Home-

Steelheart looked down at the floor with a slight blush warming her cheeks.

Her voice grew smaller still as she replied "I am.. "

It was strange, but she seemed even more timid then usual.

It was like the idea of the ball almost scared her.

Her nervous smile betraying a slight excitement as she fidgeted unknowingly.

She slowly began to rise off the ground and flutter silently in place.

A nervous habit she had long sense struggled to brake.

Her voice had a slight crack in it as she replied " I..I do like surprises..usually. Most thing tend to surprise me sense I'm..well, you know."

A slight frown marring her pretty face as she added " It dose kinda ruin the reveal though.. "

It was odd to see her so self conscious about her blindness.

It had never really been an issue with her before.

She had always taken it in stride and even joked about it.

Perhaps it was the desire to empress that now loomed over her making her feel like half a mare.

-In the Field-

Lavender Moon applied extra pressure to get her point across as she demanded " I owe you nothing! The last thing I want is some debt driven south pony doing me favors."

As she stepped off his hoof she sighed and closed her eyes before commenting "..But If you insist.. There is one thing I would like."

Her accent grew thicker as a blush began to show "This ball, I want in ja. But to go alone.. I would look foolish."

Turning away from Spyro she demanded "I wake you up from bad dreams, you take me. it's a done deal ja?"

Her common was badly slipping as she fought embarrassment and tried to save face.

It would have been simpler for her to simply speak flutter, but she knew how rare it was for another type of pony to know.

Without even getting an answer she began to walk away towards town, calling over her shoulder "You be late and you will regret!"

Eclipse smiled softly as he watched her fluttering just off the ground. It took everything in him not to spoil the surprise right then and there... He set down his finished cape, walking over to Steelheart as she floated conveniently at eye level to him. "I promise you'll love what I have in store." He could hardly contain the secret. Yet he knew the wait would be very much worth it. He gently nuzzled her cheek as she fluttered in front of him.

"We should probably start getting ready soon. Will you need any help?" Eclipse asked softly in her ear as he stayed close to her. He could understand if she needed help getting her dress on, and he didn't have any issue with helping her. He couldn't contain a smile as he knew it wouldn't be long until she didn't need that kind of help anymore. He wondered how she'd react...
As Indicus sat watching the waterfall a voice called out from behind him "Strange isn't it.."

The voice had a reflective sadness to it.

Like the voice of forlorn experience.

Standing right behind him was the spirit Anda herself.

She appeared as a young mare with a long silky white mane.

She seemed to be almost as contemplative as Indicus as she went on "change I mean..For the first thousand years my flutter pony were my own..then I let them have children and the next thing I know.. My purity is in love."

She offered him a soft smile before she kept talking "The same could be said of your changes.. Only a few days ago that mare was alive.. What a staring thing this change.

I must say I'm not use to it."

It was strange to see Anda acting so casual around Indicus who less then a year ago may very well have tried to kill.

But then, many things had 'changed '
Assailant said:
Silver frowned and summoned some of the mana he had recovered overnight. Without his armor on, a faint light could be seen glowing on his back. "I'm sorry, what did you say? Something about it being dark?"

"It's still night, I just dropped somthing while working, sorry to ruin your rest."

Amelia was wearing goggles, and writing things down, translating things and recording results of mixing chemicals. Alchemy was not the only thing Amelia does. She is a beginner at making potions and other things. It Amelia's movement seemed tired. She has been up for a long time.
Silver frowned and looked around. It seemed there was no threat around. Silver looked over her shoulder to see the potions. "Potion-making?" Silver sat on his haunches and reflected. "Arc's always wanted to learn more about potion-making. He's got a basic idea, but between his job, research, and battles, he's hardly had any time."
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Assailant said:
Silver frowned and looked around. It seemed there was no threat around. Silver looked over her shoulder to see the potions. "Potion-making?" Silver sat on his haunches and reflected. "Arc's always wanted to learn more about potion-making. He's got a basic idea, but between his job, research, and battles, he's hardly had any time."

Amelia yawns."if arc wants I can teach him. I'm pretty good at potion making."she rested her head on the table."you should put on those goggles right there, don't want this stuff hitting your eyes." She points towards a pair of goggles hanging on a hook.
Shina slept relatively soundly for the next few hours. Though she'd murmur now and then it seemed whatever nightmare she'd had was over. When she did finally stir Shina gave a lazy groan as her fuchsia eyes slowly opened. For a moment she simply stared off blankly as she regained her senses.

As her head lifted Konton flapped down on to the bed beside Shina. A tired smile crossed the young kirin's lips as she leaned in to nuzzle against her phoenix baby. "Ohayō chīsana ichi. (Good morning little one.)" She greeted him brightly. It seemed to be the brightest Shina's mood had been all day, likely due to not yet realizing what all had happened.

The sound of a quill scratching against paper caused Shina's doe like ears to turn. Sitting up she shifted to see Firecracker at the desk. Her smile brightening Shina slipped off the bed stepping over curiously. "I am guessing it is a good sign that we are both still breathing." She attempted to joke. In her depleted state after the battle Shina hadn't even seen if they'd won or not, but given they weren't dead it was easy to assume the threat was over.
Spyro only smiled to Lavender as he stood up. "You did more then save me from a bad dream Lav, you saved my life just now. And I'll see you there on time." Spyro said as his horn glowed it's usual blue color and a portal opened up in front of him, Spyro then quickly walked into he portal with it sealing itself behind him.

---In Spyro personal realm---

As Spyro walked out of the portal, He activated his metal link between Fang and Indicus. 'Fang, Indicus. Just meet a ghost of my past recently, it's Nightmare. Listen, just be careful, he is up to something, and don't worry. He isn't out, just I think he found a hole somewhere and is using this hole to cause some commotion with his influence. Any activity any of you see, just let me know, and try to contain him if possible before I get there.' Spyro told them as he stopped at cliff base in his realm, cutting off his connection to them.

Spyro reached out with his magic and opened part of it like a door. Behind this door was several different types of armor, and in the far back was a suit. This suit was a ash color with some midnight blue mixed in on the color of the suit. On the sides of the suit were the shoulders are was a marking that made a full moon. The suit also had some military badges on it that showed the acts of valor, peace, and sacrifice he has done through history. On the right sleeve of the suit was two insignia's. One was showing his rank as general done in silver, with the other one showing what looked like a silver dragon. On the side of the suit in a case was a necklace that had a full moon with what appeared to be a silver dragon on it. In the dragons mouth was a flawless sapphire that shined like it was alive. In a rack to the side of the suit was a a saber in it's ebony black scabbard. On the scabbard was a silver dragon that went across the whole scabbard with the spins of the dragon having flawless sapphires on them.

"I never though I would wear this outside of the Order. Hope that it's formal enough in Equestria." Spyro said to himself as he used his magic to pull the blade out of it's scabbard, showing the saber to be made of a ebony black like metal with silver going down the sabers perfect blade in the middle. The grip of the saber was a midnight blue color. On the guard of the saber, it showed another, you guessed it, silver dragon on it that had a flawless sapphire in the mouth of the dragon. When Spyro finished cheeking the saber for any nicks, dullness, or smudges, he put it back and started to replace the armor he had on with the suit.
Unonemous said:
"Yes, I..." He blinks after a very short moment of thought "Wait, you..." His mouth opens just a tad, the stallion letting out a slow breath, almost like a sigh, or a simple exhale "You are Sunflower?...I guess I couldn't feel it in the short moment I saw you before, and I've been too preoccupied keeping myself straight to think of it as we've been speaking..."

Princess Celestia

"Don't worry about it, no one was supposed to realize I was Sunflower anyway. A shape shifting spell makes for a far better disguise than any illusion could hope to." Celestia offered a small smile. Really, had it not been for Mephisto's ability to see the soul, Eclipse would have been the only one capable of picking up on her magic even as suppressed as it was. Not that it really mattered to her anymore. "I do look forward to seeing your work, ruined disguise or no." She quietly hoped the discovery that royalty had commissioned the piece wouldn't cause the poor stallion to freak out.

[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Luna smirked playfully, leaning down to give Fang a light kiss on the cheek. "Oh.. I'll get you in a dress, if only so I can take it off of you later" she whispered in Fang's ear with a seductive edge to her voice. It was getting readily apparent that Luna was not about to take 'no' for an answer. "After all.. you're going as a royal date" She added as she stretched.


Shadow Fang

There was no hiding it at this point, Fang's blush was plenty visible despite her dark coat. Why on earth did Luna have to be so good at doing that? She sighed, "Fine . . . not like you'll listen to a 'no' anyway . . ." She couldn't hide the annoyance in her voice. Not like there was any chance of winning an argument against Luna. At least not tonight.
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

"Don't worry about it, no one was supposed to realize I was Sunflower anyway. A shape shifting spell makes for a far better disguise than any illusion could hope to." Celestia offered a small smile. Really, had it not been for Mephisto's ability to see the soul, Eclipse would have been the only one capable of picking up on her magic even as suppressed as it was. Not that it really mattered to her anymore. "I do look forward to seeing your work, ruined disguise or no." She quietly hoped the discovery that royalty had commissioned the piece wouldn't cause the poor stallion to freak out.
Sotil gives a small sigh and smiles "Well...At the least, I hope I made a good impression...I tend to avoid any places with big names, or with a lot of nosy ponies. So far, I have had no issues here, but, time will tell how well my visit goes." He looks back at his cart "You know...I finished your commission amidst all the chaos." He turns back with a chuckle "I may have been worthless when things started up, but, my work is still intact, and the finest crystal work you'll find..."

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