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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


He could finally let out the breath he had been holding. He wrapped his forelegs around her and hugged her tightly. It was no small wonder that everyone got so excited by this. Giving sight to the blind was something most considered to be impossible, even with magic, and yet here it had happened. Eclipse had given Steelheart her sight. He didn't fail to notice that even Lavender Moon had dropped her usual demeanor to celebrate the accomplishment.

Eclipse smiled brightly as he nuzzled Steelheart's cheek. It had gone even better than he had hoped. Steelheart could see for the first time, and she was surrounded by all of her friends and family. She'd finally get to see what they really looked like. That led to the other order of business, the question he had mentioned before he needed to ask.

He slowly pulled back from the hug, gently taking Steelheart's hoof in his own. "Now... The question I have to ask you Steelheart...." He smiled softly as he lowered himself down onto his knees. "Will you.... Will you marry me?" He gazed up at her, that bright smile still on his lips as he gazed adoringly up at her. She could now see him how he was, and she still loved him. To be honest, he had little doubt his appearance would change her heart, but it felt wonderful to know that for certain now. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, to show her all the world had to offer...She had so much to see, and he wanted to show it all to her.
Assailant said:
"That shouldn't be necessary," Silver said. "We're wearing the uniforms of soldiers. Or, we will be anyhow. That should be enough to let us in."

She sighs. "I meant like a tie or somthing, oh well. We should get moving before we are late, lets get going." Amelia walks up to the door and opens it,waiting for the. To exit the house.the colors on the rainbow tie seem to be moving in a slow downwards spiral. And is giving of a dim glow.
Silver and Arc nod politely to Amelia as they exit the house, and they look down the street towards where everypony's heading. They instinctively begin preparing for trouble, despite the fact that there's no reason any would show up. Once Amelia and Iden were out, they begin heading down towards where everypony was going.
Assailant said:
Silver and Arc nod politely to Amelia as they exit the house, and they look down the street towards where everypony's heading. They instinctively begin preparing for trouble, despite the fact that there's no reason any would show up. Once Amelia and Iden were out, they begin heading down towards where everypony was going.

"So have you ever want to a large gathering like this? I have not really."Amelia said, trying to start a conversation.

Meanwhile iden watches evreything around them carefully, they are prepared for a surprise attack, even though they don't have too.
Spyro was a little shocked when Lavender hugged him, and slowly he raised one of his hoofs and returned the hug, smiling like he was the luckiest in the world. "Does this mean we can be together Lav?"

---Outside of Hast, on the closest mountain peck---

The remote mountain peak was quiet, save for someone humming a little tune. This someone was none other then Captain Scarlet herself, still in her pirate captain gear. She walked to the edge of the snow covered peak and looked down on Hast, giving a slight giggle. "You'd think the fools would look around before celebrating." Scarlet said to herself as she got a silver spyglass out that was strapped to her side. "Lets see if Spyro is alone. If he is, I'll get the one thing I've desired for some time."

When Scarlet put the spyglass up to her one eye, she looked around the ball, from Eclipses proposal to Steelheart, to Fang who was with Luna, til she found one thing she didn't want to see. She saw Spyro, HER Spyro, hugging another that wasn't herself. Scarlet looked completely heart broken, but slowly that heart broken look on her face shifted to one of pure rage.

"What does she have that I don't? What does Spyro see in her that I don't have!? That thieving!" Scarlet didn't finish her sentence as she chucked the spyglass to the snow covered ground, and turned to the top of the peak that stuck out from were she was by a few feet and was a foot thick. Scarlet gave a cry of rage as she punched the lower part of the peak at full force, and shattered what was once the top of the peak. When she did this she clutched her claws in pain, and then shifted her gaze back onto Hast.

"Enjoy what you stole from me now whelp. But in the end, you will learn to not steal My Spyro. You never steal from Scarlet ..." After saying this, Scarlet stated to giggle psychotically, til it became full blown laughter of a psychopath. As fast as it started, she stopped Laughing, grabbed her spyglass, and opened a portal back to somewhere in the world. She gave one last look to Hast with a crazed grin, and then walked through the portal, with it closing behind her.
As Eclipse pulled away from her Steelheart struggled to focus her gaze on everything around her.

She had never seen the world before, but she somehow knew which of her friends was which.

All except the mare standing with Indicus.

She looked so familiar, but so strangely distant.

Like something from a midnight dream that vanished with the first light of dawn.

For a moment she tried very hard to place the magic with the face, but had no idea who she was looking at.

However when she felt Eclipse take a knee her attention snapped back to him with almost a look of panic.

She vaguely knew what this meant in Eclipse's culture, but she could hardly believe it.

But at the same time, everything about it seemed right.

But when he said those four words " will you marry me? " She nearly fainted.

taking half a step back out of sheer shock she stammered " E..Eclipse."

Her face was alight with a strong blush, her legs beginning to quiver.

Her breathing deepened and began to speed up as her wings slowly flapped in silence.

Everypony waited with baited breath in what seemed like a dead silence.

Perhaps none more caught in this tormenting pause then Eclipse himself.

Still holding on to Spyro Lavender Moon whispered an old prayer to the goddess Anda under her breath.

The prayer was for her sister's happiness, no matter what she chose.

Little did she know that Anda was only a few feet from her smiling proudly at both her dear flutter pony's choices in life.

One devout and traditional, the other embracing the culture of the ever encroaching modern Equestria.

Finally Steelheart seemed to snap out of her trance and focused her gaze down at Eclipse.

If she was honest with herself the idea terrified her.

She was young, frail, and naive; With no idea of how to be a good wife.

But she knew in the deepest reaches of her heart that this was what she wanted most in life.

Again she tried to speak " I .. I."

Taking a moment to catch her breath she finally spoke clearly just as everypony was about to fall forward from leaning in suspense.

" I will..I Will ! yes, Eclipse. Stay with me forever, and never leave me again.."

Again she threw forelegs around him and hugged him as she cried tears of joy.

Lavender Moon couldn't help but let a single tear slide herself as she leaned her forehead to Spyro's.

A bittersweet mix of losing a sister, but gaining a brother washed over her.

Ultimately she was happy for them.

Sighing in emotional exhaustion she relented to Spyro " Ja..If you really wish it this badly.. and you think you can handle me. Then we can be together.."

Casting a stern leer at him, she warned "But if you cross me, I will turn you to a pillar of ash."

Meanwhile Firecracker had managed to sneak away with all the stealth of a ninja and was spotted speaking with the pianist.

He was holding that bit of paper from before and pointing to spots on it as the two talked back and forth about something.
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Indicus looked at the now engaged couple with a smile then looked towards Anda, "I believe that this won't be the only hallmark moment tonight." Indicus said having noticed Firecracker's sudden absence and the stop of the piano playing for a moment.
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Spyro couldn't me more happier when Lavender said those words. "Don't worry Lav, I'd never cross you, ever. You'll find that draconicorns are very loyal to the one they love." Spyro said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
After a rather deliberately long walk, Sotil would, in fact, finally arrive at the Ball. At least, he hopes this was the Ball...It'd be rather bad if he managed to confuse some other social gathering for such an event. With a simple sigh, Sotil gradually inches his way closer...He had no formal wear, and no real decorations, aside from the necklace always hanging from his neck.

Even though he did plan on at least attempting to attend this...Gathering of many, many strangers, he found himself stopped in his tracks, staring at the crowd a short distance away
As the congratulatory clapping and celebrating draw attention away from him, Firecracker again sneaked away amidst the growing crowd.

Popping up this time near Lavender Moon and Spyro saying " Lavender Moon, just the pony I wanted to see."

Shocked at his sudden popping up, and embarrassed to be seen in such an intimate way, Lavender Moon Blurted "gudinna fan"

(Goddess damn it) Your a sneaky one"

Seeming unfazed by Lavender Moon's startled jump he began whispering something in her ear. *pst pst pst*

Lavender Moon's face seemed to cringe at whatever he was telling her before she shouted "wha- Nay!" (NO!)

Smiling like a cat with a mouse he persisted "Awe come on, I need your's or your sister's voice to make it work, and she can't read"

Lavender Moon stomped her hoof in refusal saying " Not my problem!"

Seeming to not be listening Firecracker made a few notations to the bit of paper his still had in tow as he insisted " There, I lowered the octave to compensate. Now you'll do it right? For Steelheart?"

Lavender Moon again tried to refuse saying "It was never about the pitch you dolt. And what dose min Syster have to do with your stupid-"

Interrupting her it was clear he was off in his own little world as he insisted " I mean if I haven't played in over five years, you can't mess it up any worse then me." as he walked towards the stage.

Not taking kindly to what she took as an insult Lavender Moon Fallowed him shouting "Vill du dö söder ponny ?!" (Do you want to die south pony?!)

Waving a hoof to queue up the rest of the band an awkward silence fell over the stage as Lavender Moon stood in the center of it.

It was at this moment, she knew she had been duped.

And with a defeated sigh she grumbled "..I kill you for his late ja?.."

Handing over a second sheet with lyrics on it Firecracker dawned his small pare of glasses and replied " You'll do great."

As he took his seat next to the original pianist Lavender Moon again grumbled under her breath " Cretin.."

Firecracker's horn lit up in a bright copper color as he used his magic to depress the piano keys rather then his hoofs.

He knew it would be far less clumsy this way, and the last thing he wanted was to mess this up.

as the music began to swell, Lavender Moon knew her mark was coming up and took a deep breath.

Her voice was surprisingly beautiful for some one so ruff around the edges as she sing-

"When I was alone as one,

my eyes were as blind, I know.

Sky brilliant with blue elegance,

I couldn't behold.

When I was alone as one,

My heart was as ice, so cold.

Wind whispering sweet melodies,

I could not behold.

Sight to my eyes,

and warmth to my heart,

Your love has been such to me.

Pull closer now,

And strengthen my leaning,

Toward love to heal all my wounds.

When our hearts both beat in time,

There's magic in your smile,

It seems there's nothing we can't do.

And within your warm embrace,

My heart will find a place,

Even from afar,

Our love forever shall be destiny.

When I was alone as one,

my eyes were as blind, I know.

Sky brilliant with blue elegance,

I couldn't behold.

When I was alone as one,

My heart was as ice, so cold.

Wind whispering sweet melodies,

I could not behold.

Sight to my eyes,

and warmth to my heart,

Your love has been such to me.

Pull closer now,

And strengthen my leaning,

Toward love to heal all my wounds.

When our hearts both beat in time,

There's magic in your smile,

It seems there's nothing we can't do.

And within your warm embrace,

My heart will find a place,

Even from afar,

Our love forever shall be destiny.

When our hearts both beat in time,

There's magic in your smile,

I know there's nothing we can't do.

And within your warm embrace,

My heart will find a place,

Even from afar,

Our love eternal shall be destiny."

Mrjenkins said:

"So have you ever want to a large gathering like this? I have not really."Amelia said, trying to start a conversation.

Meanwhile iden watches evreything around them carefully, they are prepared for a surprise attack, even though they don't have too.
"We've been to military meetings and served as guards for summits before," Silver said before going silent. Arc waited for him to expound upon that, but he didn't.

"Large gatherings are generally frowned upon," Arc added.

To a Indicus' surprise he was wrong but only partly, the song seemed fitting for the mood in the air and between Lavender's singing and Firecracker's piano playing it was quite the beautiful melody Indicus looked at Anda, "Would you like to join me in dance?"
Caught up in the applause and cheers for the newly engaged couple Shina hadn't noticed Firecracker sneaking off. When she did finally notice the young kirin glanced around for a moment till the sound of the piano playing drew her attention to the stage.

A bright smile hanging on her lips as she spotted Fire and Lavender Moon on stage. Joining the crowd around the stage she listened humming along softly before joining the crowd in a second round of applause as the performance ended.
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Assailant said:
"We've been to military meetings and served as guards for summits before," Silver said before going silent. Arc waited for him to expound upon that, but he didn't.
"Large gatherings are generally frowned upon," Arc added.

"Oh, alright. Well do you still have any questions for me? I can try and answer them for you while we head to the celebration."giving the two as I have information as she can, they would understand more of what is going on, time traveling must suck, beacuse if you went to the future you would not understand much.
Anda knew Eclipse's intentions for some time now, but it still took her by surprise that he actually asked Steelheart to marry him.

She felt a sense of pride and joy, but also a twinge of fear.

After all, one pony had changed her physical embodiment of Grace.

Steelheart was the last remnant of her old self.

And now she to was changing.

She could only sigh and hope for the best in this new incarnation.

pleased in the knowledge that if there ever was a pony worthy of her 'granddaughter' it was this one.

Coming back to her senses she heard Indicus ask for a dance.

She smiled warmly back at him; even letting a tiny giggle escape before she remarked "you know.. In the thousands of years I've been alive, no pony had ever asked me to dance."

As she gave a playful wink the iris of eye left open changed to the same indigo color as Lavender Moon's fire as she joked "it's almost like pony are afraid of me"

Letting Indicus lead her to the floor she nodded aprovingly and said "I shall have you lead. Careful that I don't. Step on your hooves."

For her first dance she actually moved with surprising grace and rhythm.

Like a warm summer's wind over the northern grove.

After the song had ended, she gave another aproving nod of the head and complemented "you dance very well, we must do this again some time"
Mrjenkins said:

"Oh, alright. Well do you still have any questions for me? I can try and answer them for you while we head to the celebration."giving the two as I have information as she can, they would understand more of what is going on, time traveling must suck, beacuse if you went to the future you would not understand much.
"I'll still have to figure out the date from somepony," Arc said with a bit of a huff. He was becoming annoyed at just how impossible it was to find such a simple matter out. "I have countless questions, many of which would take too long for anypony to answer. Hmm..." Arc put a hoof on his muzzle for a few moments. "I don't suppose there are any cases of... other ponies time traveling? Or... perhaps being placed in some form of stasis?"
Assailant said:
"I'll still have to figure out the date from somepony," Arc said with a bit of a huff. He was becoming annoyed at just how impossible it was to find such a simple matter out. "I have countless questions, many of which would take too long for anypony to answer. Hmm..." Arc put a hoof on his muzzle for a few moments. "I don't suppose there are any cases of... other ponies time traveling? Or... perhaps being placed in some form of stasis?"

"Not to much information, I'm sure celestia will crack time travel, unless celestia already did and is just keeping it secret. And for the stasis thing that would probably be a secret too, though I bet there are quite a few who are in stasis." Amelia had stopped for a moment to think and speak, afterwards .she kept walking.
Indicus smiled when Anda accepted the dance and as they danced to the song Indicus noticed her natural grace it showing even more as he was dancing with her. The song ended and he replied to her complement in kind, "You dance wonderfully as well and yes we should do this again some time it was quite enjoyable, besides that was the first time I have danced in about three or four years."
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Mrjenkins said:

"Not to much information, I'm sure celestia will crack time travel, unless celestia already did and is just keeping it secret. And for the stasis thing that would probably be a secret too, though I bet there are quite a few who are in stasis." Amelia had stopped for a moment to think and speak, afterwards .she kept walking.
Arc slowly nodded. "I see." He slightly bowed his head.

"You knew it was impossible." Arc shook his head.

"Not impossible, just... immensely small." Arc chuckled weakly. "I really won't see Red again, will I?" Silver shook his head.

"I'm afraid not."
Assailant said:
Arc slowly nodded. "I see." He slightly bowed his head.
"You knew it was impossible." Arc shook his head.

"Not impossible, just... immensely small." Arc chuckled weakly. "I really won't see Red again, will I?" Silver shook his head.

"I'm afraid not."

"Don't give your hopes up! I said time travel is probably already a thing, it's just probably being kept secret. If you were able to time travel once surely you can do it again under the right conditions?"Amelia said, trying to cheer arc up."so keep your heads up. You are sure to meet this red again." She was walking next to arc. While iden walked in the back.
Mrjenkins said:

"Don't give your hopes up! I said time travel is probably already a thing, it's just probably being kept secret. If you were able to time travel once surely you can do it again under the right conditions?"Amelia said, trying to cheer arc up."so keep your heads up. You are sure to meet this red again." She was walking next to arc. While iden walked in the back.
"I don't believe that's a valid argument... but thank you for the sentiment," Arc said with a small smile. He turned to Silver with a frown. "What about you?"


"Do you think it's possible?" There were a few moments of silence.

"Honestly?" Arc nodded, and Silver sighed. "No. It's unlikely she was put in stasis, and I doubt she'd figure out time travel. We were a freak accident, and if your hypothesis is true than it's unlikely we can replicate the conditions required for time travel. Doing so would be far too dangerous, anyhow." Arc hung his head with a small sigh.

"Thank you for your honesty." Silver pat him on the back comfortingly.
Peering out from Eclipse's embrace to a Strangly familiar sound, Steelheart saw her sister for the first time.

And for the first time she heard her not only sing, but in common.

In front of a crowd no less.

Her mouth hung open for a moment as the music faded And a beautiful mare desended from the stage.

Her face was blush with embarrassment, but Steelheart still knew it was her.

She knew her sisters magic but she had never layed eyes on her before , nore had she herself even seen her reflection in the mirror.

His personal mission to his old friend complete, Firecracker stepped down from the stage as well.

Quietly he slipped back in with the group, acting as if nothing had ever happened.

Rubbing the back of his head he laughed and apologized "sorry, did I miss anything?"
Assailant said:
"I don't believe that's a valid argument... but thank you for the sentiment," Arc said with a small smile. He turned to Silver with a frown. "What about you?"

"Do you think it's possible?" There were a few moments of silence.

"Honestly?" Arc nodded, and Silver sighed. "No. It's unlikely she was put in stasis, and I doubt she'd figure out time travel. We were a freak accident, and if your hypothesis is true than it's unlikely we can replicate the conditions required for time travel. Doing so would be far too dangerous, anyhow." Arc hung his head with a small sigh.

"Thank you for your honesty." Silver pat him on the back comfortingly.
Assailant said:
"I don't believe that's a valid argument... but thank you for the sentiment," Arc said with a small smile. He turned to Silver with a frown. "What about you?"

"Do you think it's possible?" There were a few moments of silence.

"Honestly?" Arc nodded, and Silver sighed. "No. It's unlikely she was put in stasis, and I doubt she'd figure out time travel. We were a freak accident, and if your hypothesis is true than it's unlikely we can replicate the conditions required for time travel. Doing so would be far too dangerous, anyhow." Arc hung his head with a small sigh.

"Thank you for your honesty." Silver pat him on the back comfortingly.

after a moment of silence from Amelia, somthing seems to light up in her mind."I'll help you if you want to head back, I'll reasarch into time travel and try my best to help you both! Whoever this red is your going to see them again eventually. And I am going to see to that!"Amelia said with confidence. Though if one were to look closely somthing was bothering her on the inside.

Iden wrote down on a paper and waited for arc and silver to respond to Amelia, it's rude to speak up without giving time for one to talk after all.
Mrjenkins said:

after a moment of silence from Amelia, somthing seems to light up in her mind."I'll help you if you want to head back, I'll reasarch into time travel and try my best to help you both! Whoever this red is your going to see them again eventually. And I am going to see to that!"Amelia said with confidence. Though if one were to look closely somthing was bothering her on the inside.

Iden wrote down on a paper and waited for arc and silver to respond to Amelia, it's rude to speak up without giving time for one to talk after all.
Arc chuckled. "I appreciate your enthusiasm. I can't imagine it will ever happen... but it couldn't hurt to try. Thank you."
When Lavender walk off the stage, Spyro walked up to her. "Well, that is some nice singing you have, reminds me of someone I knew in the past. Do you now you sing beautifully and perfectly?" Spyro asked her with a little grin on his face.

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