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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Assailant said:
"I am doing just fine," he said. "The puppets were a welcome rest."

Amelia stops shaking the container and opens it. For a moment the liquid is white and has a white glow too it, but changes to black. Amelia seems frustrated for a moment before getting up and moving a carpet, revealing a trap door. Amelia opens it and it reveals thousands of other capsules each with the same liquid. Amelia cranks a lever and a new space rises up. Amelia places the container in the storage and closes the trapdoor."I hope you can keep a secret mate."she says, as she sets the carpet back and sits on the chair again.
Unonemous said:
Sotil tilts his head up as she brings herself closer "Well, uh...Heh...I...Didn't really do much aside from work when I was a foal...I love crystals and everything about them, so, when I get into work, I tend to get a bit lost." He gives a small chuckle before sighing "Well, that's the thing...I could have given aid. I could have helped, maybe made things easier...But, I didn't have a single clue as to what was going on." He rubs the back of his head a bit "So, really...I just...I was kind of a waste of space at that point, hehe..."

Princess Celestia

Celestia shook her head, letting out a long sigh. "You weren't a waste of space Sotil, none of my little ponies are." The solar princess offered a soft smile before setting a surprisingly large bag of bits on a clear space of the cart. There was easily a few thousand bits in it. "Please don't be so hard on yourself over this. It wasn't something I could have handled on my own." The statement would likely come off as a bit of a surprise coming from the supposedly all powerful Solar Goddess. "As for the necklace, I hope that's enough to cover it. Not to mention handle the cost of traveling to the Crystal Empire. You'll probably find and work with crystals you've never seen before while there." Another soft smile before she took a step back. "I'm afraid I need to be on my way, I'll never hear the end of it if I'm late to the Winter Ball." She knew Luna would hassle her the entire time if she were late.

"So could I have the necklace by chance?"

[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Somehow, Luna not only had a dress for herself, but had somehow "convinced" Fang to wear one as well. The two of them looked absolutely gorgeous, even if Fang looked a bit annoyed at being dressed up. Luna looked quite pleased with herself though. "Oh this will be quite hilarious. I bet my Sister is going to play the part of the Royal Wallflower as per her usual" She smirked as she walked quite happily next to Fang. "Which reminds me, what can you tell me about the Flutter Pony that seems to have my Brother's attention?" She asked looking over at her date.


Shadow Fang

Fang quietly walked beside Luna, her ears laying back slightly from annoyance. Why did ponies even like wearing dresses? They were so uncomfortable, not to mention they just got in the way of everything. Though she did look to the princess when asked about the pony seemingly glued to Eclipse. "Hm? Oh, you haven't met Steelheart before have you?" The Thestral hummed quietly in thought for a moment. "Well, for starters she's easily the sweetest pony you'd ever meet. Though she can be pretty shy at first. Maybe because she's blind? I'm not sure..." She gave a slight shrug after a moment. "You've already seen Anda, the goddess that created Flutter Pony. Her and her sister Lavender Moon are vessels for the spirit right now." There really wasn't much else she could think to tell Luna about her.
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

Celestia shook her head, letting out a long sigh. "You weren't a waste of space Sotil, none of my little ponies are." The solar princess offered a soft smile before setting a surprisingly large bag of bits on a clear space of the cart. There was easily a few thousand bits in it. "Please don't be so hard on yourself over this. It wasn't something I could have handled on my own." The statement would likely come off as a bit of a surprise coming from the supposedly all powerful Solar Goddess. "As for the necklace, I hope that's enough to cover it. Not to mention handle the cost of traveling to the Crystal Empire. You'll probably find and work with crystals you've never seen before while there." Another soft smile before she took a step back. "I'm afraid I need to be on my way, I'll never hear the end of it if I'm late to the Winter Ball." She knew Luna would hassle her the entire time if she were late.

"So could I have the necklace by chance?"
Sotil stares blankly at the rather oversized bag of bits atop his cart "Uhm, Princess..." He steps forward and peeks into the bag "This is easily three times the cost of the necklace...And...Wait, what?" He turns to look her in the eye "You just...Just decide to give me a bag of bits for international travel? I-I mean...I love the idea, and the fact you were so quick to give it to me, but...You don't even really know me, and you're just willing to send all this money my way?"

He stares at the bits for a moment before looking up at the Goddess before him. He lets out a slow breath before digging into his cart, pulling back the plank for a hidden compartment that was filled with soft, silk fabric, something to ensure nothing inside was ever harmed by bumps and such. He pulls aside a few of the cloths and produces the commission she asked for.

It was a deep, deep black crystal, one that seemed to absorb any light that came near it, dotted with a multitude of silver slivers all throughout at different depths and distances, creating a somewhat decent representation of deep, dark space, or the night sky. The ovular-cut gem was housed in a perfectly polished silver housing attached to a chain just as brightly shined "Here...I hope it lives up to the difficulty that you all went through."
Shina's gaze lowered with a shy smile her cheeks blushing at the compliment. "So do you." She replied sweetly, taking a moment to look over his tux. As Firecracker moved closer Shina could feel her cheeks burning. Her fuchsia orbs gaze back toward his for a long awkward moment in which she had to resist every urge to lean in just a bit closer.

When the moment was finally over Shina giggle a little as well. Giving an agreeing nod that it was probably time to go Shina followed Fire out of the house walking along side him toward the ball.

Being a normally quiet mare Shina's silence didn't seem awkward but Fire's was defiantly noticeable. Looking to Konton they exchanged curious glanced to see that neither of them knew why. As they approached the plaza Shina thought to ask what was wrong before they got within ear shot of everypony else.

Before she could say anything though, Fire stopped her. Curiously she turned her gaze toward him with an unintentionally adorable tilt of her head. Something about the look in his eyes had Shina suddenly feeling paralyzed, unable to part her gaze from Fire's. As he spoke Shina's heart began to race, her breath catching in her chest as he lifted her chin, eyes closing as he leaned in. A strange rush of something Shina couldn't quite describe flooded her senses feeling Fire's lips against her's, her own eagerly returning the affection.
Unonemous said:
Sotil stares blankly at the rather oversized bag of bits atop his cart "Uhm, Princess..." He steps forward and peeks into the bag "This is easily three times the cost of the necklace...And...Wait, what?" He turns to look her in the eye "You just...Just decide to give me a bag of bits for international travel? I-I mean...I love the idea, and the fact you were so quick to give it to me, but...You don't even really know me, and you're just willing to send all this money my way?"
He stares at the bits for a moment before looking up at the Goddess before him. He lets out a slow breath before digging into his cart, pulling back the plank for a hidden compartment that was filled with soft, silk fabric, something to ensure nothing inside was ever harmed by bumps and such. He pulls aside a few of the cloths and produces the commission she asked for.

It was a deep, deep black crystal, one that seemed to absorb any light that came near it, dotted with a multitude of silver slivers all throughout at different depths and distances, creating a somewhat decent representation of deep, dark space, or the night sky. The ovular-cut gem was housed in a perfectly polished silver housing attached to a chain just as brightly shined "Here...I hope it lives up to the difficulty that you all went through."

Princess Celestia

Celestia chuckled softly as she shook her head at Sotil's confusion. The princess gave him a light boop on the snout. "I saw that look in your eye last night when we talked about visiting the Crystal Empire . . . it's a dream of yours to visit there, isn't it?" Sge offered a gentle smile. "It's a gift, don't fret so much over it. I know you'll love it there."

Soft pink eyes lit up as Sotil pulled out the finished pendant. "Oh Sotil," Celestia gingerly lifted the necklace in her magic, watching the way the silver shimmered like stars. "It's perfect, far beyond what I pictured. My sister will love this." She pulled the necklace closer before looking back to the stallion. "Thank you. I hope to see you later tonight at the Ball. I'm afraid I have to go and get ready." She gave a slight bow of her head before turned and walking away, the necklace still floating beside her in her magic grasp.
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

Celestia chuckled softly as she shook her head at Sotil's confusion. The princess gave him a light boop on the snout. "I saw that look in your eye last night when we talked about visiting the Crystal Empire . . . it's a dream of yours to visit there, isn't it?" Sge offered a gentle smile. "It's a gift, don't fret so much over it. I know you'll love it there."

Soft pink eyes lit up as Sotil pulled out the finished pendant. "Oh Sotil," Celestia gingerly lifted the necklace in her magic, watching the way the silver shimmered like stars. "It's perfect, far beyond what I pictured. My sister will love this." She pulled the necklace closer before looking back to the stallion. "Thank you. I hope to see you later tonight at the Ball. I'm afraid I have to go and get ready." She gave a slight bow of her head before turned and walking away, the necklace still floating beside her in her magic grasp.
"Yeah, it is..." He says softly, peering over once more at the bag of bits. When she booped his nose, he blinked and his ears layed back...He almost looked like he saw a ghost...Or felt a ghost. Regardless, it's clear the action was something that caught his attention. "Uhm..." He rubs his nose "Yeah. It's always been a dream, heh...Certainly a part of my future."

He smiles as he watches her reaction...No one ever commissions the stallion expecting him to put his heart and soul into it, but when you take as much pride as he does, one tends to find even the simplest of items given the utmost care "Well...I'm glad you like it, and I hope she will as well." He gives her a small nod as she bows "You have a good time, Celestia." He rubs his nose once more as he watches her walk away before turning back to his cart, quietly fiddling with various bits and bobbles
Mrjenkins said:

Amelia stops shaking the container and opens it. For a moment the liquid is white and has a white glow too it, but changes to black. Amelia seems frustrated for a moment before getting up and moving a carpet, revealing a trap door. Amelia opens it and it reveals thousands of other capsules each with the same liquid. Amelia cranks a lever and a new space rises up. Amelia places the container in the storage and closes the trapdoor."I hope you can keep a secret mate."she says, as she sets the carpet back and sits on the chair again.
"I'm not quite sure what secret I'm keeping..." Silver said before thudding came down the stairs. Silver turned to see Arc cautiously look around the stairs before sighing and walking out.

"What are you guys doing down here?"

"There was a strange sound and I investigated." Arc waited a bit longer before sighing and shaking his head.

"Alright, what's all the commotion outside than?" Silver tilted his head. "Everypony seems to be migrating somewhere. Should we investigate?" Silver frowned.

"You think it could be a Shifter lynching?" Arc began to nod, before pausing and laughing.

"It's gonna be hard to get used to this." Silver cocked his head again, not catching on. "Whatever. Might as well check it out, right?"
Assailant said:
"I'm not quite sure what secret I'm keeping..." Silver said before thudding came down the stairs. Silver turned to see Arc cautiously look around the stairs before sighing and walking out.
"What are you guys doing down here?"

"There was a strange sound and I investigated." Arc waited a bit longer before sighing and shaking his head.

"Alright, what's all the commotion outside than?" Silver tilted his head. "Everypony seems to be migrating somewhere. Should we investigate?" Silver frowned.

"You think it could be a Shifter lynching?" Arc began to nod, before pausing and laughing.

"It's gonna be hard to get used to this." Silver cocked his head again, not catching on. "Whatever. Might as well check it out, right?"

"The commotion is some ball or somthing starting..wait a minute."she thinks for a moment before having a face of slight surprise."I'll be right back!" Amelia runs into her room, and exit with a tie on her, it is rainbow."you two, maybe three. Want to go? It could be fun." Amelia waits for the. To respond. While iden finally goes down stairs, as a Pegasus, and they look slightly tired.
-Along the road to the plaza-

As Firecracker slowly pulled away and opened his eyes the realness of the moment began to sink in.

Again he had thrown cation to the wind and acted on what he felt in his heart was the right thing to do.

Konton could only sit perched, mouth agape at the audacity of what this colt had the gall to do.

Taking a step back he felt like he may very well faint.

He didn't regret his actions; in truth he never regretted anything he did for Shina's sake.

But he was always afraid of her rejection.

His own parents rejection set him up for a life time of self doubt.

Letting another nervous laugh escape first, Firecracker reached behind him and announced " I uh.. guess I won't be needing this."

With one draw of the ribbon, it's intricate lacing unraveled it's self from his tail.

As his tail unfurled and hit the dust so to did he lower his head hiding his face behind his mane.

A Native of Hast, he had some sense of tradition that couldn't be undone as he held the ribbon with the same respect and reverence one would have for a precious heirloom.

Holding up to Shina he recited the old tradition " Will you take this ribbon from me?. To always honor it's memory. and When our time we that we should part, keep it near and in your heart?. "

Very few pony still used these words in modern versions of the festival, but he felt he owed his heritage some acknowledgment.

-At the fountain Plaza-

Finally Anda had arrived, with Indicus in tow no less.

Seeing her two flutter pony dressed so well, and looking so happy brought a wave of emotion to the old spirit the likes of which she wasn't use to.

As a tear began to well in her eye she held a hoof over her mouth as she whispered to Indicus " I have never felt so proud..My Flutter pony have become something I never imagined they could be."

Smiling serenely much like Steelheart would, Anda went on- "As I am proud of all of you..You swore to keep my Steelheart safe on Equinox, and so you did.. You and your friends never gave up, even when I had..It's not just me though.."

Anda looked to the evening sky observing the vivid colors of the twilight as she explained " There are two other mares who are very proud of you. and a forth who simply won't admit it."

Releasing Indicus's arm Anda chuckled softly saying "you'll have to forgive an old mare for her cryptic nature, but I really can not say more"

Looking at the small crowds of pony that had begun to arrive Anda sighed and told him "I'll be near by if you need me, but for now there is something I really must attend to. don't worry about me, go and be with your friends. you have earned this evening."

Giving a quick peck on the cheek Anda smiled and said " Joyous winter's ball Indicus.." before seeming to vanish.
Indicus watched Anda leave and decided to let the small riddle reveal itself in time as they had a tendency of doing though the reason for the riddle was quite odd. He watched as his friends entered themselves each dressed for the occasion though he had to hide a smirk wondering what Luna did to get Fang to wear a dress. He may have not had a date and though the others having their own dates stirred memories he still was happy for them all to have found someone to possibly spend their entire lives with and seeing them happy was really all he needed to be content.
Shina's cheeks were flushed a much brighter red then the blush on them as Fire drew back. A shy smile crossed her lips as she shifted awkwardly a bit unsure of what to say.

As Firecracker presented the ribbon to her Shina gave a few curious blinks before leaning her head down to try and look at Fire under his mane. "I do not see why I would need it when I already have you." She replied with a coy giggle. Lifting a hoof Shina wiped away some of the lipstick that had transferred on to Fire's lips from her own as she added. "But I will keep it just the same."
- along the road to the fountain plaza-

As Shina wiped the lipstick from his lips he could feel his heart beating out of his chest.

The strange new taste, the sensation of her touch.

He could feel so many new feelings whirling inside him.

From embaresment to desire, the poor colt felt like He was going through puberty all over again.

Still, he couldn't believe it.

He had actually found a mare to take him as he was, faults and all.

One who would accept both his ribbon and his love.

Looking up at her he saw that all his stuggles and strife were worth it, if only for this one moment.

Slowly rising his head up he gently nuzzled her cheek.

As he did he let out a strange sound.

It was like he was trying to mask crying with laughter as he whispered "Thank you.."

Konton could only roll his eyes and sigh as he was still trying to behave and not make fun of his mother's date.

But as a small group of pony drew near he let out a short shrill noise to let them know it was time to move along.

-at the ball-

It seemed as though almost everypony had arived and some of the town's pony had even started to gather.

It wouldn't be long now before the festivities would begin.

Lavender Moon had let Spyro's offence slide for now as she couldn't make out what he had meant about his 'visions '.

Was he simply some pervert fantasizing about the flutter pony race and their gowns.

Or had he somehow seen a real one in way.

This would be an extreme rarity sense they only wore nature gowns for the most formal or sacred of events.

Completely missing Anda's intrence she only noticed Indicus standing by himself.

Gesturing for him to come join them she announced " almost everypony is here now ja..I have to admit, I'm a little bit exited ."

"Well, at least my brother still has good Taste" she laughed softly as she heard what Fang had to say about Steelheart. "Though it is a bit of a shame she won't ever know what my brother looks like. I would help if I could, but there are some things that are just beyond mine and my sister's levels of magic." she shook her head, completely unaware of the plan that was about to unfold. At last, the two arrived with the main group. Luna could barely contain her excitement at being around her brother at long last. It was obvious from the way she could hardly hold still that she had many questions to ask him when she finally got him off by himself.


Eclipsed smiled to himself as everyone arrived. He covered his mouth with a hoof to avoid laughing at Lavender's remark in flutter as Spryo unwittingly set her off just a touch. At least he managed to recover before she roasted him... He watched as both of his Sisters arrived, Luna with Fang in tow, a smile still on his lips that at last he was reunited with his family. Last, but most certainly not least, Shina and Firecracker could be seen coming up the road to join the group.

He took a deep breath, planning his words carefully as he turned his gaze to Steelheart. "I think it's about time I give you my gift.... then I have a question to ask." He smiled quite brightly, trying to do everything in his power not to get too excited. His horn glowed as the box floated out from his pocket. "I made this just for you, Steelheart, I hope you like it" he murmured, the beautiful necklace floating out of the box and fixing itself around Steelheart's neck, where it began to glow as its magic started.

He wondered how she would react... What would she say when she finally got to see him standing in front of her... He felt self conscious about his scars. Sure, she had never been bothered by them before, but she had never actually seen them. Well, now it was too late to ponder what ifs. All he could do now is wait with baited breath for her reaction...

Every second that passed, as the glow slowly traveled from the necklace to her formerly blind eyes seemed like an eternity. He couldn't recall a time he had ever been so anxious in his entire life..
Mrjenkins said:

"The commotion is some ball or somthing starting..wait a minute."she thinks for a moment before having a face of slight surprise."I'll be right back!" Amelia runs into her room, and exit with a tie on her, it is rainbow."you two, maybe three. Want to go? It could be fun." Amelia waits for the. To respond. While iden finally goes down stairs, as a Pegasus, and they look slightly tired.
They both seemed stunned by this. A ball? Immensely few of those had occurred during their lifetime, and the few that did... often didn't end well. Large gatherings of ponies were often frowned upon, as a Shifter could easily integrate that way. As such, they felt they had to, and both responded with a nod. Despite knowing the war was over, their instincts still acted like it wasn't.
Indicus saw Lavender Moon beckon for him to come forward and he complied, "Good to see you two and everyone else for that matter in good spirits, seems the ball will start in full quite soon."
Spyro gave Indicus a small grin. "I have a feeling all of us are going to enjoy this. This will be the first ball I've been to or seen. Well, I've seen a few in the Spirit Realm, and ... wait." Spyro then turned his gaze back to Lavender.

"I just realized, you possibly don't know what I'm talking about Lav. It seams crazy to any outsider of the Realm. Allow me to explain. In the Spirit Realm, information of past history just lies there, waiting for someone to share the tale they have to tell. The history reveals itself in a form of visions, and show what they have, ranging from moments in wars, disasters, peace, and some grand events. One example is when I saw what looked like a formal event of the flutter pony's. In the crowed I saw some wearing a gown that looks like what you are wearing. I hope that I didn't cause any misunderstandings before." Spyro said to Lavender.
Though her cheeks were still blushing Shina didn't seem to embarrassed as easily. Perhaps because she'd been raised very differently, having grown in to a strong and confidant mare. Still though, the things she felt around Firecracker were all new to her.

As he nuzzled against her cheek Shina returned the favor. When Fire thanked her though Shina had to stifle a laugh. "You do not have to thank me for loving you." She replied with a playful smirk that seemed to imply he was being silly again.

Hearing Konton's interjection Shina simply rolled her eyes a little before following Fire to the fountain plaza. Shina greeted the others with a warm smile and a slight bow of her head. Watching as Eclipse presented Steelheart with a necklace Shina couldn't help but observe how very different the flutterpony and alicorns seemed. Eclipse a scared old stallion, reminding Shina a bit of her father at times, and Steelheart, almost child like in her innocence. They looked like night and day, and yet so cute together at the same time. Perhaps it was the whole yin and yang effect.
As Spyro explained the inner workings of the spirit realm Lavender Moon couldn't help but listen.

Something about ancient knowlage always intrigued her ever sense she was a young filly.

perhaps it was piety, a deep burning desire to be closer to her creator and source of power.

But when she sensed something was amiss with her sister she abruptly silenced him by raising a hoof "SHH!"

Pointing over to Steelheart her tone softened as she again realized she was being cruel " Look there.."

As the magic began to intensify, a soft voice came from behind Indicus "It looks like I returned just in time."

As a few in the group turned to face the source Anda stood proudly in a gown much like Lavender Moon's.

Hers however was made up of exotic flowers and ferns from the Northern grove.

gorgeous blue ferns wrapped around her ankles leading up to flowing palm leaves.

The purple flowers seemed meticulously de-petaled so that they would lay flush like a scale.

The him was lined with dozens of tiny glowing mushroom caps that looked more like blue glowing studs.

Atop her head was a gold laurel wreath to display her sovereignty.

Aside from her dress her form was that of a radiant, mature mare.

As a few of the pony stared at her return she could only shake her head and laugh softly to herself " I did say I would be back did I not?.. You didn't think I would attend my granddaughter's first ball without dressing appropriately did you?"

As she walked closer she moved with a sense of grace that matched Lavender Moon's stride.

It was clear to anypony who would look hard enough that the sisters were very much like the spirit.

Lacing her foreleg around Indicus's she asked "Now then, I don't suppose you would mind being a goddess's date for the evening?."

raising an eyebrow playfully she added "Or dose my age bother you?. "

Meanwhile the necklace's magic had grown to an astonishing level for such a seemingly simple trinket.

it glowed and pulsed as it struggled to enact the spell for which it was designed.

After all, it was no small feat to treat one who was born blind.

All the while Steelheart remained perfectly still with a look of determination.

Her wings nervously fluttered only once before she forced them to be still.

Her knees shook only for a second, before she willed them to stop as well.

It was as if she kept telling herself to be brave.

At least Steelhearts eyes began to glow with the same color as the jewel as she lowered her head.

As she closed her eyes Anda could by those close enough " I Don't believe it.."

Slowly the glow faded from both the jewel and from Steelheart as she took a few deep breaths.

Her eyes trembled and fluttered like someone in the middle of a vivid dream.

Slowly she began to open them revealing that her pale void eyes now shown in a vibrant hue of pink.

As they struggled to focus for the first time in her life they showed just how deep and pure eyes that had never seen the world could be.

Finally they focused as she saw Eclipse for the first time.

Never could she have ever hoped to be able to see, and in truth she didn't really know what it was like.

But here she stood, finally seeing both the world and the Stallion she had confessed to loving.

She began to shake ever so slightly as she raised a trebling hoof to Eclipse's cheek saying " I ..I can see. I can see you."

She traced a few of his scars in silence just as she had done the other day in his home.

Just as she did before, a faint glow fallowed the point of her hoof.

It didn't last long but the glow seemed to create intricate designs as it fallowed her movement.

Her innocent eyes looked into his that were full of worry as he seemed to wait for some kind of judgement.

Practically overcome with all of it she could only muster the words " ..Your beautiful." before throwing her forelegs around him in a hug.
It had been a strange few days in Hast...But for Sotil, the traveling crystal-cutting stallion, that wasn't exactly the most abnormal thing that he's ever been through. He certainly keeps a lot to himself, and due to that, he likes to find places in each town he stops in where he can just...Sit. Maybe lay and relax. They're usually secluded, or somewhat out of the way. This time, Sotil chose a small overlook of the sea that Has had a great view of, the stallion letting off a soft sigh as a gentle breeze washes over him and gentle rustles the grass below him

"Mmh...Oh, wait." He looks back over his shoulder farther into town, remembering the mention of a ball from Sunflower...Well, Celestia "Maybe I should attend..." He looks down at his chest and fiddles with his necklace "Not like I have anything to go in, but...Oh, well, if it was that important, I'd just decorate myself with all of my crystals." He simply stated as he turned back and slowly made his way back into the town, mentally preparing himself to join what would likely have...A lot of attendants. Many, as a matter of fact

"I know I am bad with crowds, and I wish you would stop pointing it out..." he whispers seemingly to himself before going quiet once more, simply enjoying the cool air that he doesn't get to enjoy as often as he'd like, counting each step he takes while he follows his previous path back into the surrounding homes and buildings
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Assailant said:
They both seemed stunned by this. A ball? Immensely few of those had occurred during their lifetime, and the few that did... often didn't end well. Large gatherings of ponies were often frowned upon, as a Shifter could easily integrate that way. As such, they felt they had to, and both responded with a nod. Despite knowing the war was over, their instincts still acted like it wasn't.

"Do you plan to go out like that or do you need some help? Amelia asks, adjusting thier tie.it was rare for Amelia to go to celebrations, but there are guests so she will this time.

Iden remains quiet, disquisition themselves as a well dressed pony next to arc and silver.
viska said:
As the magic began to intensify, a soft voice came from behind Indicus "It looks like I returned just in time."
As a few in the group turned to face the source Anda stood proudly in a gown much like Lavender Moon's.

Hers however was made up of exotic flowers and ferns from the Northern grove.

gorgeous blue ferns wrapped around her ankles leading up to flowing palm leaves.

The purple flowers seemed meticulously de-petaled so that they would lay flush like a scale.

The him was lined with dozens of tiny glowing mushroom caps that looked more like blue glowing studs.

Atop her head was a gold laurel wreath to display her sovereignty.

Aside from her dress her form was that of a radiant, mature mare.

As a few of the pony stared at her return she could only shake her head and laugh softly to herself " I did say I would be back did I not?.. You didn't think I would attend my granddaughter's first ball without dressing appropriately did you?"

As she walked closer she moved with a sense of grace that matched Lavender Moon's stride.

It was clear to anypony who would look hard enough that the sisters were very much like the spirit.

Lacing her foreleg around Indicus's she asked "Now then, I don't suppose you would mind being a goddess's date for the evening?."

raising an eyebrow playfully she added "Or dose my age bother you?. "
Indicus had to shield his eyes from the bright magical light, once it died down he opened his eyes and was taken aback when he saw Anda the color of the flowers complemented her coat and mane perfectly the gown itself flowed with each of Anda's steps the mushroom caps creating a somewhat mystical aura and the wreath shown a benevolent power. Indicus for the first time in a long time was left speechless though her request snapped him back to reality and words once more found him as training and etiquette took over until his mind could settle. "I would be glad to be your date for tonight, besides it would be quite foolish to deny a chance to be a date for a mare as beautiful as you goddess or not." Indicus's mind finally caught up to everything as his face contorted into a equally playful smile. "Besides if I passed this chance up i'm sure my parents would smack me from the heaven they currently reside in." Indicus laced his own foreleg around hers in kind
When Spyyro saw that Steelheart's eyes were now a vibrant hue of pink, he couldn't help but smile at the sight. "The day the blind can see without going to him. This is a great day for us all." Spyro said aloud to himself. "What do you think Lav?"
Mrjenkins said:

"Do you plan to go out like that or do you need some help? Amelia asks, adjusting thier tie.it was rare for Amelia to go to celebrations, but there are guests so she will this time.

Iden remains quiet, disquisition themselves as a well dressed pony next to arc and silver.
"That shouldn't be necessary," Silver said. "We're wearing the uniforms of soldiers. Or, we will be anyhow. That should be enough to let us in."
Lavender Moon could only look on in amazement as her sister who was blind from birth now could see.

The spectacle was so enthralling that she failed to notice Anda at all as she simply stared and blurted "helig skit.." (holy shit)

As she saw her sister truly could see she felt herself becoming overjoyed.

Eclipse had told her of his plans, but deep down she never thought it could be true.

Losing any sense of modesty or mask of pride she hugged Spyro and hopped up and down like little filly.

She loved her sister more then anything in the world, and he had given her the greatest of gifts.

For the time being she threw out any selfish sense of being 'one upped' and simply was happy for the two of them.

Firecracker watched on with a proud smile as the pony who drove away the dire wolf years ago had once again proven why he was his hero.

Firecracker couldn't help but clap his hooves at the beautiful scene.

Anda could only Smile and lower her head as for the first time in her existence a tear of pride rolled down her cheek.

The tear glittered like starlight as it almost seemed to have an otherworldly glow.

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