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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


Indicus turned his head towards the voice noticing Anda, listening to what she said he nodded, "I took on a career in where change was expected where being ready for it was life and death and yet I can't say I'm fully used to change." Indicus sighed. "Just about a year ago I lead a guild of assassins, was told to act as security for a new town, found out the truth of the matter, was named the element of Justice and tried to calm you down along with several newly made friends. Now here we are talking about the change that brought us here. So I guess how change affects you is, well you and it seems you let it change you for the better." Indicus gave a small smile.

Spyro said:
'Fang, Indicus. Just meet a ghost of my past recently, it's Nightmare. Listen, just be careful, he is up to something, and don't worry. He isn't out, just I think he found a hole somewhere and is using this hole to cause some commotion with his influence. Any activity any of you see, just let me know, and try to contain him if possible before I get there.'
Indicus nodded and filed the information away for later use. before turning back to Anda.
-in Eclipse's house-

Steelheart could only smile and coo as Eclipse gently nuzzled her.

It was always so comforting to her.

And something about it now seemed so special.

It soothed her enough for her to slowly defend back to the ground with a tiny

*tic tic* of her dainty hooves hitting the hard floor.

Her face however still lit up with bashfulness when he offered to help her get ready.

At first she could only muster a *squeak* before clearing her throat "I umm..I do have a nice dress I got for the occasion .."

Even though she couldn't see she still looked away as she added "..and I do want to look nice for you. . seeing as it's a special day."

She really had no idea just how special Eclipse intended to make the evening.

Raising a hoof to her mouth she thought for a moment before speaking up "oh but it should have been delivered to my house by city hall."

It would be a simple thing to guide her back home like he had done so many times before.

-in the streets-

Having made her way back to Hast Lavender Moon was busy browsing the Windows of what few dress shops still had something on display.

Growing more frustrated at how all of them were closed she grumbled in flutter "/one little mass invasion on the town's festival day and all the shops close..Fine! I'll do it the hard way./"

Wondering beyond the road into a small meadow and began painstakingly scrutinizing and picking wildflowers and long grasses.

Her plan to make a traditional flutter pony gown in such a short time was a stretch, but then what was Lavender Moon of not stubborn.

-In Tilly's home-

Firecracker Carefully sat down the quill and folded the paper before turning to greet her with a bright smile.

oddly enough he was wearing a small pare of round framed glasses.

He had never shown them to any pony as he only wore them when he wrote long letters.

He always felt they made him look like a nerd.

Scratching the back of his head Firecracker joked back "Well I don't know, if there are angels talking to me, maybe I did die."

Konton compromised by simply rolling his eyes rather then voicing his disgust as the stallion again spouted mush.

getting up from the desk he took a few steps closer asking "How are you feeling? "

In the far room Sparky could be heard whining " Mamma, do I really have to ware this? it's embarrassing"

Tilly could also be heard " Now sweetness, there are going to be a lot of fillies there, you want to look your best don't you? You may even meet your future wife there."

To which he promptly replied " G-R-O-S-E!"

Chuckling to himself Firecracker added " In case your wondering, everypony's fine."

Realizing he was still wearing his glasses he quickly took them off and hid them behind his back.

-By the falls-

Anda sighed and looked to the clouds in the sky as she mused "It is a bit much to take in.. Even for me.

Curious that I find myself compelled to talk to you about such matters.. Perhaps I seek to learn your secret of accepting change."

A cold wind blew down the mountain causing another peculiar thing to happen: Anda shivered.

With a slight confusion to her expression she remarked "..Another change."

It seemed that Anda's body was more physical then it had been in the past.

She had never shown signs of interaction with the environment before.

Trying to divert attention from this she apologized " I am sorry.. about last year I mean.. I wasn't well. In truth you and your kin did me a great kindness by destroying my corrupted form."

Mussing Indicu's mane as if he was a young colt she joked " Or did you prefer when I was a fire breathing dragon?"

Eclipse smiled softly at her bashful nature, listening as she talked about her new dress. "Well, if it's back at your home, we'll just have to go get it now, won't we?" he asked smiling softly as he stepped back away from her. His horn glowed as he pulled on his own regal attire for the ball, including the beautiful cape. Last but not least, a crown floated down onto his head. It felt strange to wear it after all this time, but he knew his sisters would get after him if he didn't.

"Let's go. We wouldn't want to be late to the ball, after all" He brushed his side against hers so she knew where he was as he started out of his room and down the hall. Once they got to the main foyer, he turned his head, his horn glowing as the jewelry box holding Eclipse's gift floated out to tuck itself into a pocket on his coat. After all the work that went into it, he wasn't about to forget it here. With his gift tucked safely away, he kept next to Steelheart as the two started out of his house and down the road.

He hummed softly to himself, smiling down at his date for the evening. It seemed like time was passing so slowly... He was almost certain he would burst at the seams if he had to keep his surprise a secret for much longer....

At long last, they reached her home and made their way inside. Sure enough, her new dress was hanging on the wall, ready for her to put on. He had to hand it to Fang, she had picked out a beautiful dress for Steelheart. His horn glowed as the dress floated over to them. He didn't have any issue getting Steelheart ready. When at last she was dressed, he took a step back to admire how beautiful she looked. A smile danced across his lips as he stepped to her once again to gently nuzzle her cheek. "You look absolutely beautiful, my love..." He murmured softly. He was managing to keep himself composed, but all he could think about is seeing her reaction to the gift he had planned....


Luna smiled brightly down at Fang. "Good, now let's get going. We need to get changed or we may just be late to the Ball! If we're late, I swear my Sister and Brother will NEVER let me hear the end of it..." She shook her head before nudging Fang up to her feet. "Come on! We've got dresses to try on" She smirked playfully at Fang as she pushed Fang along.
Indicus chuckled at her playful remark not really minding what happened to his mane. He did noticed her shiver but decided to let it go for now , "I learned a little saying from my magic instructor. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. A simple saying but I still try to abide by it and honestly between that and just moving forward there is not much else to it for me, not really much of a secret. Don't worry about what happened last year, the bastard of a mayor pushed you over the edge for his own selfish reasons and we freed your spirit. Besides now I have friends that I am as close to as I was to my own squad back in the day, it even got me out of a dead end life, gave me a reason to truly try to live. If anything I should thank you and I'm sure the others would feel similar."

Indicus smiled, "Besides I assure you that your dragon form was quite the sight even if dodging various attacks kinda killed the awe."
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Princess Celestia

The Princess gave a light chuckled, "I wouldn't have commissioned a piece from you had you made a bad impression." Celestia stood and took a few steps closer to Sotil. "Really? I'm impressed you were able to even focus with a battle tearing through the town . . ." She shook her head, "And please don't call yourself worthless, very few ponies have any need to be capable in combat in this current age."

Shadow Fang

Fang couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan as she pushed herself to her hooves. It wasn't a second later that Luna had begun nudging her down towards a path. "You do realize there aren't going to be any shops open after everything that's happened, right? We don't even know for sure if the Ball will even be happening tonight or not."

She was on a mission to avoid dress-hell.
Mrjenkins said:

Amelia yawns."if arc wants I can teach him. I'm pretty good at potion making."she rested her head on the table."you should put on those goggles right there, don't want this stuff hitting your eyes." She points towards a pair of goggles hanging on a hook.
"I'm sure he'd like that," Silver said as he went over and grabbed the goggles. "So, to try and keep up to date, what nations are currently Equestria's enemies?" @Mrjenkins
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In a few minutes Spyro had his suit on with the necklace on and with the saber in it's scabbard on his right hip. Spyro cheeked over his suit, necklace, and saber quickly, and then gave a small grin, satisfied with how he looked. "I wonder how it's going for everyone else as they get ready?" Spyro asked aloud as he gave a slight sigh, and looked over himself again. "I really hope that this is at least acceptable in Equestria, but hey what do I know. Never been to a ball in Equestria. Actually, I think I never been to a ball, or had a party for myself now that I think of it." Spyro said to himself as he walked out of the room in the cliff side, closing the door behind him. Spyro then opened a portal back to Hast. He then walked through the portal which closed as soon as Spyro walked through it.
Shina could only smile and blush at Fire's reply. To the question of how she was however, Shina seemed a bit unsure herself. She felt fine, but after such a battle she half expected to feel something else.

"I'm fine." She tired to answered honestly, despite a feeling in the back of her mind that it was too easy to simply be fine after a life or death battle.

"What were your writing?" Shina asked canting her head curiously, till she caught Fire trying to hide his glasses. Shina simply gave a look that seemed to suggest he was being silly. "Why do you worry so much about things that do not matter?" She giggled playfully while stepping over to hug her forelegs around Firecracker.
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KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

The Princess gave a light chuckled, "I wouldn't have commissioned a piece from you had you made a bad impression." Celestia stood and took a few steps closer to Sotil. "Really? I'm impressed you were able to even focus with a battle tearing through the town . . ." She shook her head, "And please don't call yourself worthless, very few ponies have any need to be capable in combat in this current age."
Sotil tilts his head up as she brings herself closer "Well, uh...Heh...I...Didn't really do much aside from work when I was a foal...I love crystals and everything about them, so, when I get into work, I tend to get a bit lost." He gives a small chuckle before sighing "Well, that's the thing...I could have given aid. I could have helped, maybe made things easier...But, I didn't have a single clue as to what was going on." He rubs the back of his head a bit "So, really...I just...I was kind of a waste of space at that point, hehe..."
-in Tilly's home-

Firecracker was simply too emotionally and physically drained to look any closer into the matter .

Though he cared for her well being, Shina saying she was "Fine" was enough to satisfy him for now.

As she hugged him he gladly retuned the effection by hugging her back.

He really needed a hug anyway after such a long day.

As he stepped back a pace he heaved a sigh and and put back on his glasses.

He really hated that he needed them to write, but so much time around bright lights and chemicals had weakened his eyes.

Levitating the neatly folded paper over from the desk he explained "As for this...well it's just a little something for the Winter's ball."

Tilly suddenly poked her head in the door way and inserted herself into the conversation."Which is really soon Buby, shouldn't you be getting ready ?"

Seeing that Shina was awake she smiled brightly and greeted her "well good evening miss Shina, glad to see you up and about. Did you need any help getting ready for tonight? There isn't much time left you know.

Firecracker couldn't help but laugh in surrender saying "ok. Ok we get it. I'll go get ready."

Tilly giggled as she peeked a hoof in the door, waving at the two of them "seprate rooms please, it's traddition when your a native Fire."

Firecracker's face lit up with embarrassment as he replied with a cracking voice " of ..of course I was going to change in another room. I umm I should go. To Sparkys room I mean. To change"

Tilly laughed and laughed as she to headed down the hall. It seemed she always knew how to push his buttons.

Once in Spaky's room he opened a suit a suit bag he had smuggled in a few nights back.

The cloths were rather plain by gala standards , but this was the Hast winter's ball.

It was a tradition of the town that native born Colts who had not kissed a mare would ware an ivory tux with a sky blue silk sash.

A matching blue ribbon would tie up the Colts tail until the moment arived.

When it did, the mare would take the ribbon and tie it around her hoof and keep it as a momento of the evening.

Tidying up his hair, he took a deep breath and announced to himself "..I'm ready"

-in Steelheart's home-

Steelheart sighed happily before letting a small giggle slip.

She loved the feeling of her dress and even how long it took to get on.

It made her feel like a princess.

Formal dress in the northern grove was mainly for religious events and rituals.

It was so liberating to be able to dress up and not have to worry about upholding some festival law.

She smiled brightly as she swayed back and forth feeling the fabric move along with her.

She giggled and cooed as it tickled her legs.

Overcome with exitment she twirled around before falling down.

Unfortunately being blind gave her poor balance.

Standing up and dusting herself off she gave a shy quiet "..sorry" before announcing " I I'm ready. I think."

-in the fields-

It took her quite some time but finally Lavender Moon had finished her dress.

Grasses and reeds made up straps and boning while hundreds of wildflowers and colorful leafs hade up the bulk of the gown.

The flowers of the area were mostly yellow and white and while she hated the lack of exotic colors found in the northern grove, she was happy just to have it done.

For a gown made of nature it was surprisingly well designed.

Clearly she had done this before.

-overlooking the falls-

Anda Paused and thought carefully about what Indicus had said.

She couldn't help but smile and offer a soft chuckle before replying "Some times out of the mouth of foals comes the greatest truths."

Anda had a habit of referring to anypony younger then a few hundred years a a foal, but she never meant anything rude by it.

Walking around Indicus in circles she eyed him up and down before remarking "My myyy, don't you look nice this evening.

Holding a hoof to her chin she mentally critiqued his attire before reiterating "Very nice indeed."

It was strange to see her laughing and acting so kind compared to the way she was.

Suddenly she spoke up " I don't suppose a handsome stallion like you would mind escorting an old mare to her granddaughter's first formal ball?"
Assailant said:
"I'm sure he'd like that," Silver said as he went over and grabbed the goggles. "So, to try and keep up to date, what nations are currently Equestria's enemies?" @Mrjenkins

"Well I really don't know that, I usally isolate myself from the world, don't know why, I just do it."Amelia said, starting to mix some plants in a liquid."you would probably have to ask someone else, I'm not the one to ask for that kind of stuff."she dozes off for a moment while mixing.
Silver grumbled to himself for a few moments before sighing. He examined the table, along with Amelia. "Perhaps you should go to sleep? You are falling asleep involuntarily."
Indicus nodded not getting worked up over being called a foal, Vamprisim caused him to age by the standard of other ageless beings like the princesses or Anda kinda ironic seeing as Anda probaly did not know that little bit. With a smile Indicus responded to Anda's request hiding tinges of embarrassment from her specific choice of words, "It would be an honor to do so." Indicus ended with an exaggerated bow.
Before Shina could inquire any further as to what was on the paper her attention shifted to Tilly. As usual Shina could only giggle at how easily she embarrassed Firecracker. Of course it probably wouldn't seem quite so funny if the shoe were ever on the other hoof.

Once Tilly and Fire were gone a heavy sigh fell from Shina's lips. She'd almost forgotten about tonight, and in a brief moment of fear almost wished everypony else had to. Why place so much pressure on a specific night? Wasn't it better to let such things happen naturally? Well, it wasn't like her family didn't have odd traditions as well, and what was that saying? 'When in Rome?' No that couldn't possibly be it. Who'd ever heard of a place with a name like Rome?

Taking a slow breath to steady her nerves the smile returned to Shina's lips. Stepping over to a familiar box beside her bed the young mare seemed to almost hold her breath as she opened it. It had been years sense she'd worn anything made of silk, let alone a hand embroidered kimono. Though she'd thought to find something more suited to the styles of these western ponies, the odds of finding something in time now was impossible.

"Hope I remember how to tie one of these..." She thought out loud levitating the kimono and obi up out of the box. Getting the kimono on and adjusted how she wanted was fairly easy. Tying the obi however took three attempts before managing a fukura-suzume musubi (puffed sparrow) knot. ((I'm just gunna let yall google that one. >.>))

Aside from the iridescent luster of her scales Shina face was already snow white. A swipe of red shadow across her eye lids with just a bit of black liner combined with red lips and a hint of pink blush gave the eastern mare a very geisha like look. Taking a step back to look at herself in a mirror Shina gave another slow breath to calm herself. If she didn't stick out before she certainly would now.

Looking to distract herself Shina glanced over to Konton, nodding for him to land on her back. Having a bit of trouble figuring out how to land on Shina's bow Konton decide he already didn't like this outfit. Glancing around his mother's head to look at her in the mirror he did have to admit she looked rather pretty. "Sorry I did not get you a bow tie." She teased nudging Konton's belly with her muzzle. Judging from the look on his face the young phoenix didn't want a bow tie.

"Then let's be on our way" he smiled softly, giving her one more nuzzle before pressing his side to hers to lead her out to the Winter Ball at last. After everything that had happened, it was strange to realize it was actually happening. Just a few short days ago, he could never have seen things as they are now. Yet here they were.

The clock was ticking. He could hardly keep his pace under control. So many things he wanted to show her tonight... He just hoped she wasn't disappointed when she saw his ugly mug.

Given where her home was located, it didn't take long before they arrived where the Ball was taking place. Thus far, it looked like they were the first ones there. If the rest of them didn't hurry up, they might just miss it. The only thing holding Eclipse back now was he knew Steelheart would want her friends there too...


Somehow, Luna not only had a dress for herself, but had somehow "convinced" Fang to wear one as well. The two of them looked absolutely gorgeous, even if Fang looked a bit annoyed at being dressed up. Luna looked quite pleased with herself though. "Oh this will be quite hilarious. I bet my Sister is going to play the part of the Royal Wallflower as per her usual" She smirked as she walked quite happily next to Fang. "Which reminds me, what can you tell me about the Flutter Pony that seems to have my Brother's attention?" She asked looking over at her date.
-overlooking the falls-

Anda smiled at Indicus's gesture and somehow didn't notice that his bow was almost sarcastically exaggerated.

She was use to such treatment from her flutter pony after all.

Still, she knew he was a 'south pony' and didn't have to show such respect.

Voicing her appreciation she remark "Such manners. you were brought up very well it seems."

Looping one of her forelegs with his she joked "Were I not old enough to be your ancestor's ancestor I may have tried to steal you away for myself."

She was only kidding, but to hear Anda joking around like that seemed so foreign.

"Shall we?" She asked in a rather rhetorical way, as she was already beginning to tug him towards the direction of the fountain plaza.

-In Tilly's home-

Down the Hall, Tilly could be heard calling "We'll see you two at the fountain plaza, we're heading out."

The front door closed, and after a few distant steps could be heard it grew quiet again.

That is until a knocking on the guest room door broke the silence.

Sense the door wasn't fully latched the knocking sent it slowly creaking open to reveal Firecracker in his traditional outfit.

His gaze quickly shot to the floor as he apologized "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to open. I just wanted to ask if you were ..um.."

Swallowing a lump in his throat Firecracker knew all too well the implications of his question as he struggled to finish-"ready?"

-At the fountain plaza-

Steelheart's excitement was almost palpable along the way there, but after they had arrived she had gotten even more quiet then before.

She seemed nervous about something she didn't fully understand herself.

She had no idea what Eclipse had planned, but some how she knew something major was going to happen.

She began to fidget with her gown as they waited for the others to arrive.

Out of the blue she suddenly asked " E..Eclipse. Is everything going to be ok?.. I feel like. Like tonight is going to change something."

But before he could have a chance to reply a familiar voice shouted "Finally, I thought I would never find this place."

It was Lavender Moon, gracefully coming their way.

A small group of emboldened town's pony fallowing a dozen or so steps behind her.
"Well my dad was a griffin he was one who would come from the dead to kick my ass if I disrespected an elder, a group griffins put much stock in as they have become wise through life, carrying stories filled with valuable lessons." Indicus then chuckled at Anda's remark and the truth behind it and followed along lest he get dragged around. This would be an interesting night indeed.
When Lavender showed up, a large amount of shadows came off the ground and formed into Spyro. "It's about time you showed up. I've been waiting here for quite some time. Might I say Lav, you look lovely." Spyro told Lavender as he walked up to her.
Hearing Tilly leave Shina exhaled another slow breath knowing it was almost time to leave as well. Why was she so nervous? It was just a kiss afterall, it didn't have to be a big deal. Maybe it was simply the obligation to do so that had her so worked up.

Hearing a knock on the door Shina's gaze turned to see it slowly swinging open. As Fire stuttered Shina couldn't help but giggle a little. At least she wasn't the only one who was nervous.

"I think so." She replied as she made her way to the door. As she passed by the nearly empty dress box Shina's antler glowed, levitating a string of crystals from the box to drape and wrap around her antler. No doubt a common way of wearing jewelry among kirin.
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Assailant said:
Silver grumbled to himself for a few moments before sighing. He examined the table, along with Amelia. "Perhaps you should go to sleep? You are falling asleep involuntarily."

She mumbles and looks up and faces silver."I should, but if I stop now this could explode, potion making can be dangerous, so I can't go to sleep until I finish this potion." She almost fall asleep again, while stirring."so how have you been so far?" She asks,chopping a conversation will help keep her awake.
-in/near Tilly's home-

Firecracker finally looked up to see his lovely date Standing before him.

Feeling that all too familiar burn in his cheeks he simply said "you look..amazing!"

Stepping closer to get a better look he came within inches of her muzzle.

The tension between thick with both anticipation and reluctance as he looked into her beautiful reflective eyes.

After what seemed like an extremely long awkward moment he finally pulled away and laughed nervously.

Trying to divert attention he mumbled "We ah.. We should get going."

As he lead her to the front door.

As the two walked together there was a strange silence to Firecracker.

Normally full of life and always smiling, now silent and seemingly lost in thought.

A worried frown marring his face.

Even Konton couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion as to just what was wrong.

As they grew closer to the fountain plaza he suddenly grabbed Shina's hoof and announced "I can't.."

He turned to face her with eye bright with a loving gaze as he explained "..Shina.. I love you.. And you mean more to mean then some silly tradition. That's why I can't do this. I can't let you kiss me out of some cultural obligation..I want our first kiss to mean something more then that.."

Resting a hoof under her chin to tilt it up his eyes now terrified for fear of rejection.

Slowly he closed his eyes and tilted his head.

He gently rested his lips to hers.

Finally..After all this time ..he kissed her.
-At the fountain plaza-

In reply to what Spyro had to say Lavender Moon gave a slight sneer grumbling in flutter "/Eclipse, you should tell your subordinate to fear the dangers of mares/"

In an attempt to act civil she sighed and spoke in common "I am never early or late..I arrive precisely when I intend to."

Stepping closer to him to eyed him up and down as she added "still, thank you for your complement.. You like very nice yourself."

Waking around him much like Anda would do she couldn't help but ask "Though you dress with enough symbolism to peak my curiosity.. You will tell me about these shiny bobbles some time ja?"
Spyro gave a slight smile to her. "I meant no offence, and I would be delighted to Lav. Anytime you want, just ask. I just hope this is formal enough for this event. Never been to or had a party or ball really. This was made for whenever I actually do go to a party or ball. Allow me to say though, that is a nice gown you have on you. I never thought I would see a traditional flutter pony gown outside of the visions I see in the spirit realm." Spyro told Lavender.
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Mrjenkins said:

She mumbles and looks up and faces silver."I should, but if I stop now this could explode, potion making can be dangerous, so I can't go to sleep until I finish this potion." She almost fall asleep again, while stirring."so how have you been so far?" She asks,chopping a conversation will help keep her awake.
"Define so far," Silver said. "From when does that entail?"
Assailant said:
"Define so far," Silver said. "From when does that entail?"

"Since you went into the future, I mean."the liquid she was mixing in a cup turned purple, she then put it into a container and she puts a powder in it, a puff of smoke comes out of the container, and it's skull shaped. She then sticks the lid on the container. This container looked like it can take massive damage and still be fine. Amelia starts to shake the container. And a somewhat heavy, but small aura of dark red surrounds the container."now definitely don't take the goggles off, unless you want somthing bad to happen to you." She said while shaking it.

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