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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Assailant said:
Arc chuckled. "I appreciate your enthusiasm. I can't imagine it will ever happen... but it couldn't hurt to try. Thank you."

"Your welcome, and if you want. You can live permanent with me. I can move things around, you can have your own beds and stuff. And I'll be able to help you with anything you may need. If you don't want to, I can help you till you get your own place. Beacuse traveling to the future must be really rough. I would be glad if you two two were to stay with me, but if not, that's fine."having company in her home really livened things up, before it was pretty gloomy, and Amelia usally isolated herself. But having arc and silver around changed that quickly, even if it was for a small bit.
"Are you sure we would not be a bother?" Silver asked. "I would not wish to intrude on you, if at all possible."

"It's certainly going to be difficult," Arc said, "But there's no need to live permanently with you. Not that I'm against it or anything. Are you sure you're okay with that?"
Lavender Moon continued her embarrassed trudge from the stage until she was back with Spyro.

hearing him say she reminded him of somepony from the past seemed to strike a nerve as she let out a pouting *Hmph* "Well, then maybe you should go listen to them ja?.."

Again she caught herself acting needlessly cold towards a pony who was just being nice.

So again she tried to set things right by saying "Still... I thank you for your kind words. I have only sang at..what is word.. holly festivals?"

Clearly she meant Holy, but her common tended to slip when she was flustered.

Trying to dodge the subject she looked over to Steelheart.

Still completely dumbfounded that she could see again, she considered approaching her, but thought she would let her enjoy her moment of engagement.

It was all so much to take in at once, and her stress would be even more compounded if her sister came barging in.

Little did they know that Anda herself was walking around in a physical form not far from them.

Meanwhile Anda Couldn't help but smile back at Indicus's complements.

She couldn't recall ever having such a nice evening.

Pulling him aside a few paces she whispered in his ear " I will tell you a secret ja?.."

Her voice taking a sultry and low tone as she went on " I will be sticking around for a while this time.. Maybe it would be nice to have a stallion escort me more places ja?"

Taking a step back she again winked playfully, this time letting out a tiny plume of fire as she added " Not that I need it mind you."
When Spyro heard her first reply and Lavender looked away to look at Steelheart, he felt a little heart broken with a slight sad expression, mumbling to himself "I wish I could listen to my sister Sapphire again." Spyro then quickly silenced himself, hoping that Lavender hadn't heard him.
Indicus smiled and spoke back in an equally playful tone, "Of course not, though having a monster chasing all the other monsters away for you is never a bad plan, makes things simpler." Indicus without really thinking about it let his fangs extend to make punctuate his reply.
"Just a very lovely performance." Shina answered Fire with a playful grin. The festivities were a nice distraction with images of her nightmare still fresh in her mind. Shina did her best to just ignore them, even pretending she couldn't remember it if she had to. It was just a dream afterall, right? Why worry the others with it?
Lavender Moon almost missed what Spyro had to say as he spoke so softly.

Based on the tone of his voice she knew she had struck a nerve .

She sighed to herself and mumbled under her breath "javla I can be such a .."(f**k)

Turning back to Spyro she spoke much tenderly as she asked " a syster? You..you have a"

She bit her lip a bit not knowing just what to say.

She knew all to sell how much one could love a sister, but based on how he spoke she knew something went wrong.

She could see the hurt in his eyes and the reluctance he had to speak about it.

She could tell he had already said too much with what slipped out.

Not wanting to cause any more pain Lavender Moon simply stood there a moment.

Slowly but unexpectedly she wrapped her forlegs around him and whispered "we talk about this later ja?.. For now we enjoy this evening."

Meanwhile Anda spotted Indicus's fangs as she eyed him up and down.

Coyly she replied to him "my my..arnt we full of surprises. And yes, things would be simpler.. in some ways anyway.

Mind you I would not call your kind 'monsters'

I've known what you call 'earth pony' who fit that description far better."

Letting out another small laugh you could tell she was enjoying herself as she added "but I digress, it is a festival. We should enjoy ourselves. . and besides, I am a fool for tradition."

She then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and a sly wink.
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Epilogue Of The Village of Hast

As the villagers enjoyed their festival that honored field and family there was a bittersweet air about it.

While they knew all too well that their beloved village had been attacked and that some pony had perished, they pressed on.

They felt the best way to honor their home and kin was to not let the fiends replace their joy with fear and sadness.

Even so, The sad reality of it all loomed overhead like a storm cloud at a wedding.

However, the surprise engagement of the Village hero gave the pony of Hast a new reason to celebrate.

Steelheart had been known by all who met her as the sweetest little angel of a pony to grace the town.

And Skychaser as most of the town still knew him, was the towns celebrated story teller who drove away the dread nearly ten years ago.

It was a perfect match to bring moral back to the shaken pony of Hast.

As the festival drew to an end, each pony went their separate ways.

Some went home.

Others saw it fit to stay and watch the dawn in the plaza.

But all the pony bowed their head in silent mourning as the sun began to rise on a new day.

The village declared a day of mourning for the damages to the town and the loss of life in the attack.

And as time passed, the town slowly began to rebuild.

While the damages were minimal thanks to the efforts of those few brave pony willing to stand and fight

The emotional tole was far greater.

The Horseshoe now sat empty and silent.

Gone was Zakka's warm laughter and fine drinks.

Now only the thin dust that had begun to settle and the echos of times gone by.

That troublesome window boarded up one last time my a pony wishing to pay his last respects.

Zakka Himself was laid to rest next to his late wife Chardonnay.

Just as Syble now laid next to her husband Sunspot.

The two of them were immediately missed by all the village.

Rosy however..

She was laid to rest on the hills where Maphisto was slain.

Her stone lay on a small cliff that overlooked the Village.

Her stone sat alone, but not forgotten as it was often visited by the pony that knew the old her.

Few knew of her treachery, and Firecracker did his best to spread the rumor that she died in defense of Hast.


Indicus's Epilouge

Indicus enjoyed his time at the ball, much more then he originally thought he would even the back and forth between himself and Anda added a nice casualness to an otherwise formal gathering. But now it was the next day and a time of mourning had been declared Indicus decided to look off the water falls, he heard of Rosie's betrayal but like the others kept it secret he himself forgiving her, viewing her circumstance as one more of Mephisto's puppets sweet talked into doing his will. In the end she sacrificed herself to make Maphisto's death possible. As he sat over the waterfalls he though back to the conversations they shared. It had been less then a day at the time and he opened up to her and she to him.

Indicus then thought about the several relationships that had sprouted over the past few days and how well each pair complemented each other. Eclipse and Steelheart, Luna and Shadow Fang, Lavender Moon and Spyro. He wished them the best, Those three relationships survived the battle and were even strengthened by it.

With one battle over and another inevitably coming they would have to make the most of this time, because now the Nightmare Empire knew were they all were and the threat they possessed, and would do whatever it took to defeat or kill them and advance their own goals.


-Epilogue of Lavender Moon-

As the evening drew to a close Lavender Moon found herself in a strange predicament.

She had originally planned to take Steelheart home to the northern grove.

But now she was engaged and likely would want to stay in Hast after the wedding.

She also found herself Strangely compelled to stick around Hast herself.

She did after all agree to give this Spyro pony a chance.

And if she was truthful to herself, she did feel something for him.

It was strange to her, and she hated not being able to understand something.

But what could she do?

Resigning to simply not being able to understand this one thing she decided to enjoy herself at the ball and even danced with Spyro for the remainder of the ball.

However, she warned him not to step on her hooves under pain of a fiery death.

After the ball ended she to was one of the few pony who stayed to see the sun rise over Hast.

Perhaps just to make sure it would .

With a content sigh she announced to herself "it's really over.."

She decided to stay in town, at least until her sister's wedding.

She knew she could stay with Eclipse at his house, but felt it would be..awkward.

So she simply walked down the main road with Spyro till she came to an inn.

Just as she was about to close the door to her room she poked her head out and muttered "past..get over here"

Her eyes darted nervously to see if any other pony were in the halls before she quietly said "..joyous Winters Ball sou-..er,Spyro"

Before giving him an unexpected good night kiss.

Her face burning red she warned "Tell any pony and I kill you" Before slamming the door shut in front of him.

After that, She knew that she was stuck in Hast now.

It would be weeks, or even months before she could leave.

But she felt strangely ok with it as she sashayed her way to her bed for the evening.


-Epilogue Of Spyro Soul-

Spyro spent the rest of the ball with Lavender. He enjoyed his first ball, and enjoyed his first dance with Lavender. The next day after the ball, he was with Lavender, watching the sun rise over Hast. Spyro could feel many emotions in the Spirit Realm, ranging from joy and happiness of all the spirits in there, to the anger of Nightmare who was still locked away, it was this that Spyro liked. After the sun rise, Spyro walked with Lavender down the road til they reached a inn. When Lavender reached her room, Spyro watched as she looked around quickly, and then gave him a good night kiss. Spyro never expected this from her as his cheeks turned a slight shade of red. When Lavender gave him her warning and slammed the door, he couldn't help but chuckle a little.

Spyro wrote a small note and attached a small amulet that was a moon with a dragon on it. The note said

"I am sorry that I have to leave, but the Order needs me. I'll be back to see you once a week, maybe more than once depending on what is going on. If you ever need me and I'm not around, or you want to see me, just put the amulet on, and hold it close to your heart. I'll be there before you know it.

Love, Spyro"

Spyro then slid the note and amulet under the door, and begrudgingly walked outside of the inn, and then walked out of Hast itself into the forest. With his task done, he had to return back to the Order and resume his leadership. He opened a portal back to the Order, and gave a quick look to Hast, sending a mental message to Fang and Indicus.

'Listen up you two. Due to all of your hard work, especially on your own vacation, you both have an extended vacation that will last for as long as your supposed vacation was to be. Enjoy it.' With his message done, he cut the link and prepared to walk through the portal.

"I love you Lav." He said to himself with a slight grin as he walked through the portal which closed behind him.​

Epilogue for Princess Celestia

What an eventful past couple days . . . Being reunited with her older brother, the destruction of the Dread Dragon Mephisto, and now her brother was engaged. The ball had been spent speaking with the ponies that called Hast their home. Many of them were terrified to approach the princess in such a setting, worried of insulting her or doing something wrong. But they'd soon find out that formality was the last thing on the Diarch's mind following the events of the day and would soon open up to her.

Though as she raised the sun that morning, the time of celebration faded into a day of mourning.

As much as it pained her, as much as she wanted to stay and comfort the ponies that had lost so much, or finally catch up with Eclipse she just couldn't. Celestia had already been away from court for too long and her duty as a ruler of Equestria took precedence. After telling Eclipse he better come visit in Canterlot before she and Luna hunted him down and dragged him there, the Solar Goddess left.


Epilogue for Silver Duty/Arc Light/Amelia/Iden

Note: Permission has been granted by MrJenkins to write Amelia's and Iden's

The door to Amelia's house closed with a bit of a slam. Hoofsteps clopped as two ponies and a griffon made their way back inside. Iden had separated from the group after the ball, serious discussion having been had. Arc and Silver were glad to see that no catastrophe had occurred at the ball, and though Amelia wasn't concerned that one would occur in the first place she supposed she was glad as well. These ponies would certainly be an interesting sort to be with, and since the stay seemed somewhat indefinite, she was looking forward to acclimating to the two's peculiar behavior. She was simply glad that, for the amount that she'd have to get used to from them, it was nothing like what they'd have to get used to from the rest of the world.

Exhausted from the long day she'd had, she instantly fell asleep upon hitting her bed. Arc and Silver were understandably exhausted, and Silver took first watch while Arc slept. Like before, they watched over each other in their slumber. The two slept through the entire day of mourning, trading off as they went. Old habits died hard, and it would be a long time before they could sleep without a guard watching over them. Amelia slept heavily as well, though she woke up and continued working on her potions. It bore no fruit, but she could feel herself inching ever closer to the solution.

As the days continued on, the three began to realize that they'd be living together for quite an extended period of time. Arc and Silver had no records or experience whatsoever, so needless to say that a job wasn't looking like it was coming their way any time soon. That was okay, though. They had more important stuff to focus on. Arc and Silver, in order to help make up for their inconvenience, began adding onto the house so that they could more easily stay with less inconvenience to their house. Amelia ended up helping regardless.

While they weren't working on the aforementioned project, two things took up the large majority of the time. Arc continued providing instruction to Amelia on runic sorcery, and despite being at first frustrated with her seeming lack of progress, with a guiding hoof, Amelia came to understand that she was doing well, and that this was simply incredibly hard. To the untrained eye, it would seem like nothing was getting done. Amelia mastering a rune became fewer and further between. Arc knew better, however. Exceptional progress was being made.

The second activity which took up a large percentage of the pair's time was studying. Amelia aided Arc in finding more up to date reference material so that he could catch up with the last thousand years. Despite this, Arc STILL couldn't find out himself how long it had been (why did nopony know the damn date?!) Regardless, the hunt continued. While Arc was simply being a good scholar in general, and he looked to discovering new and wonderful things both for himself and the scientific community at large, he always kept his eye out for one particular topic. A peculiar subset of quantum theory: the mechanics of time. Very few discoveries were made, and while those that were made proved to be enlightening, no further progress was made towards his obvious end goal.

Secretly, Amelia was working on projects outside the knowledge of Arc or Silver. She built a secret basement under the house to store the strange projects she kept failing. She occasionally enlisted the aid of Silver and Arc to transport bags. They were filled with liquid, and a large solid mass. Silver and Arc both were able to recognize the outline of a body in the bag. Despite Arc's inquiries, Amelia never divulged her secret. While Silver remains unaware, Arc has caught on to Amelia's strange activities. Out of respect for her privacy, Arc has not sought out to uncover what she's doing, though he is becoming increasingly concerned. She would also shrug off personal questions, which was somewhat fair given that Arc and Silver weren't too keen on recounting their personal experiences either.

While all of this was happening, Iden began drifting away from the group. He helped around when he could and did his best to conceal his identity, met largely with success. This was aided when Arc and Silver informed Celestia of their secret treatise a millenium ago, and in honor of that she did not tell the queen that he'd been discovered. Arc and Silver understood why, though Arc was somewhat disappointed when he finally was gone for good. Arc and Iden were never really friends, and even now they couldn't really be called friends, but Iden was the only creature he'd met who he knew from the past, barring the Princesses, of course.

A few months after the Battle of Hast

A strange figure quietly tiptoes to the local cemetery. The figure looks around conspiratorially, making sure nopony is watching, before digging into a grave. A small hole appears before the figure begins sweating and breathing heavily.

Amelia pulls off her metal mask with a grim look, breathing heavily and looking down at the hole with dark determination in her eyes. Gathering her breath once more she pulls the mask back on and continues digging.

Silver walked around, marveling at the progress that had been made to the house. Despite this, he kept a watchful eye for his target. Arc had not been seen in an hour or so, and Silver had to wonder where he was. His hoof clops trailed over to one of the new wings: Arc's personal study. An impressive office, this place looked much like a library of its own. Multiple shelves of books lined the place, and Arc had made it his mission to make it seem as much like a labyrinth as possible. He believed it made it more intimidating and seem larger than it was, and he was right.

Silver looked around for a minute or so before finding Arc. The soft candlelight illuminated Arc's snoring face, buried in a quantum mechanics book. Silver went to go shake him awake before finding a picture laying next to Arc's head. He smile and, as gently as possible, scooted Arc onto a couch. He quickly grabbed a blanket and placed it on his sleeping body. Lucky for the both of them that Arc was a heavy sleeper. Silver admired the picture for a few moments before placing it down gently on the desk and blew out the candle before walking off. The picture was a scroll with a portrait drawn onto it. A smiling Arc sat, a bandage supporting his front right hoof, next to a white mare with Pink hair in a nurse's outfit. Neatly drawn in fine ink, clearly much more recently than the image itself, one message was left at the bottom of the scroll.

I didn't forget and I didn't leave. I'm coming Red!

-Arc Light

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~Epilogue For Firecracker~

After stepping from the stage a strangely bittersweet sense of accomplishment came over Firecracker.

The piece he had played was a one he and Velvet Rose had been working on sense their youth.

and while he felt it only right to finish it now that he had the inspiration, but playing it left him feeling cold and empty.

The last thing he had of the 'old Vel' was now just an echo on the wind.

Trying desperately to enjoy his evening with Shina he pushed it to the back of his mind.

The two of them were finally able to enjoy a real date for the first time.

Even if it was in the company of several pony, he felt like she was the only mare at the ball.

They danced, they laughed, and under the twinkling stars of Hast's sky they reaffirmed what was worth fighting for.

After the ball had ended Firecracker felt it best that him Shina and his family get home before sunrise.

He wanted to avoid Sparky seeing anything ..unsettling.

After everypony had gone to sleep, Firecracker sneaked out to the roof of Tilly's house to get one final look at the night's sky.

Clutching the sheet music in his hoof he looked at the pale and lonely moon humming the melody one final time.

When he had finished he closed his eyes as a single tear raced down his cheek.

In a broken voice he whispered to himself "It's finished Vel.. I hope you liked it.. We always promised we would finish it and play it at the ball...But then, you were supposed to be the one to sing it."

Opening his eyes again he looked to the sky as he went on a bit louder " But I think you would have been happy with the way Lavender Moon did it. Her voice is a lot like your is-..was."

Slowly the guilt began to weigh down on him as he knew his childhood friend was never coming back.

His eyes began to fill with tears as he couldn't bare to look to the sky any longer.

Looking now at his hooves his long mane draping his face he apologized "I'm so sorry Vel..I should have come back sooner.. I .. I just couldn't face you knowing I couldn't return your feelings..Vel you were so dear to me.. You were like the sister I never had.

What happened to that sweet filly who would beat up the colts who use to pick on me?

Who would bandage my knee when I scraped it, and sing me a song to help me feel better"

He slowly shook his head as his voice became more pained " I'm so sorry Vel.. I promise I will make sure every pony remembers you as you were.. As I remember you."

Slowly and deliberately he tore the sheet music into small bits before casting them to the wind.

As he turned to head back inside he muttered softly " I know it's too late..But I did always love you.. Just not the way you wanted."

As the days dragged on he sank into a deep depression.

He was able to hide it well, but those who knew him well could tell there was a hidden sadness in his eyes.

Shina's Epilogue

The ball proved to be a pleasant distraction from all that had happened. Learning to dance as these western ponies did felt a bit awkward. In her homeland mares and colts weren't usually allowed to stand so close to each other, even when on a date. In her culture there were no couples dances, only performance dancing. After a few apologies for stepping on Fire's hooves Shina seemed to pick it up though.

The next few weeks woke prove far more difficult though. Her nightmare continuing Shina seemed to constantly be either on high alert, as if she fared somepony was after her, or nodding off, to tired to stay awake even while standing. If asked about the cries or screams she made in her sleep the next morning Shina did her best to act as though she couldn't remember her dreams.

It didn't take much for the sharp kirin to notice the change in Fire after Rosie death, and try as she might there seemed to be no consoling him. Combined with her sleeping premonitions dealing with Fire's depression left a heavy weight on her heart.

Sometime after Mephisto attack Shina went to visit Rosie's grave. Hoping her nightmare smight stem from some sort of guilty for attacking Rosie instead of trying harder to talk her down the eastern mare thought perhaps an apology was in order. For a long time she simply stood there looking for words that would not come before dropping her head with a defeated sigh. "Why could we not have simply been friends?" She whispered softly to her self, unable to come up with any kind of apology that felt genuine. But then perhaps that was the down side of honor, it was to often confused with pride.
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-Epilogue Of Nightmare Soul-

Within the Spirit realm, at Nightmare's cage, Nightmare was in the center of the cage that couldn't be seen on the outside. Inside, he lied down and watched the whole ball in Hast from a one way viewing portal that only Nightmare could see or even look through. Nightmare watched everything with his eyes scanning over every little detail, til he chuckled a bit.

"Twould seem we hath some new players in the game of laas." Nightmare chuckled as he looked away from the portal with his eyes glowing a black blue color as a large amount of shadows forming together in the air, and made small statues of everyone he saw was important like Anda, Eclipse, Shina, and others. The small status had every detail of them, including the color of their fur, hair, and eyes. The small statues were then placed onto what looked like a chess board. "When the time comes, this shall be used when I get out. For now, I shall prepare for them." Nightmare then looked at one of the older statues that looked like Mephisto. Nightmare only glared at it as it started to slowly devolved into a shadowy mass, dispersing into nothingness.

"Tis a shame, Mephisto. I thought we could become good friends. Yet thou let thine own tarvok get in thine's way." Nightmare mutered to himself as he got up and walked out of the center of the cage and over to the bars of the cage. "Though look on the bright side Mephisto. You helped me in the end. Thanks to you, the spirit realm is full of dark energy that is calling out to me. Now, now I can send a little gift." Nightmare said to himself as smoke and mist fell off of him, and started to slip past the cage's bars. The mist and smoke then formed into a mini version of Nightmare which was about a foot taller then Celestia. "All of those who had betrayed me and my species shall learn that they can't escape from their Nightmare. Thine Nightmare shalt end, when thy flame of light hath burned out. Then twill begin once more anew, the cycle of dark and light." Nightmare said as the illusion he made of himself turned into mist and moved away to somewhere in the spirit realm.

With this done. Nightmare could only grin as he walked back to the center of the cage, and resumed to watch, waiting to see what would happen next.


Laas - Life

Tarvok - Greed

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