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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Spyro looked at Lavender Moon in the eyes and gave a slight sigh. "If you are going to do that, then let me do one thing." Spyro said to Lavender as he removed her hoof, and gave her a hug as he wrapped one of his hoofs around her neck bringing her closer to him while he held back a cry of pain from moving his hoof to high. "So I have no regrets in my future." Spyro said to her as he closed his eyes.

"Please listen, I can relate to you in a way, being given a role that you don't want. It maters on what we do with our role we're given, and how we go down that roles paths. Please, I want to help you, I want to be with you Lavender. I don't care what you're branded with, it doesn't mater to me. I care for you ... I love you." Spyro confessed to her as he had a slight blush on his cheeks.
Lavender Moons eyes lit up with an indigo flame as Spyro dared to make physical contact after being pushed away.

Smoke and blue flame began to escape her nose and mouth and her mane began to stand on end.

As Spyro spoke she clearly held back her breath attack in a manner such as giving the condemned their last words.

But why Spyro said next stopped her cold.

"I care for you... I love you."

It was like dousing a flame as her tense body relaxed and smoke poored from her mouth .

She had no idea what to say.

For all the lecturing she gave Eclipse she was just as ignorant to these things as her sister.

She found herself leaning into Spyro as if to accept both the hug and affection .

But true to her nature she could only reply

"I Will let you live to regret those words.."

Trying desperately to hide a quick sniffle she added "now hold still you damn fool. Otherwise you'll never get better "
Assailant said:
Arc frowned. He was pretty sure she was asking if he needed help with the rune. If t'were the case, she'd be unable to do it. The rune is much too difficult to maintain. He appreciated the thought, but she may well end up killing him if she tried to use it. Or worse.
"Nay," he responded simply.

((Yes, they are speaking Elizabethen English. Problem is, every post with it takes around 20 - 50 minutes to write, as I take the time to research the vocabulary so that I speak it as accurately as I can. Part of the reason I've started shortening my posts.))

"Alright, do you want to at least head to my home and rest? It's been a long day, and I feel like you deserve it."Amelia said, tired herself.she was laying on the floor now, waiting for thier reply. With thier rifle under them.

Iden was watching silently. They were thinking about why there is a griffon here.
Spyro felt beyond happy hearing Lavender say this. "I have a feeling I won't regret this at all." Spyro said as he lost his grip and strength to stand, falling to the ground. "If you need me, I'm just going to sleep for a bit. I'll be up soon Lav." Spyro said to her as he laid his head down on the ground and closed his eyes, letting rest take him.
Mrjenkins said:

"Alright, do you want to at least head to my home and rest? It's been a long day, and I feel like you deserve it."Amelia said, tired herself.she was laying on the floor now, waiting for thier reply. With thier rifle under them.

Iden was watching silently. They were thinking about why there is a griffon here.
Arc frowned a bit with confusion. What was she saying? It was then that Arc noticed Iden. Arc proclaimed joy at this sight, and ask Iden if Iden could act as a sort of intermediary for the moment, a translator if you will. It was his only hope. Arc and Silver had always used their translation runes with him, as Shifters and Equestrians spoke different languages at the time, but Iden was his last hope that, in the time between, he had learned their language.
Assailant said:
Arc frowned a bit with confusion. What was she saying? It was then that Arc noticed Iden. Arc proclaimed joy at this sight, and ask Iden if Iden could act as a sort of intermediary for the moment, a translator if you will. It was his only hope. Arc and Silver had always used their translation runes with him, as Shifters and Equestrians spoke different languages at the time, but Iden was his last hope that, in the time between, he had learned their language.
Iden speaks up. They explain on paper that Amelia is offering them a place to sleep at her place for the night or longer. Iden was able to talk thier language fluently. Iden also seemed slightly frustrated. They were trying to hide from Amelia, but now they are caught.

(I don't want to go through the trouble of translating into the language, sorry.)
Mrjenkins said:
Iden speaks up. They explain on paper that Amelia is offering them a place to sleep at her place for the night or longer. Iden was able to talk thier language fluently. Iden also seemed slightly frustrated. They were trying to hide from Amelia, but now they are caught.
(I don't want to go through the trouble of translating into the language, sorry.)
Arc was glad to see that Iden had learned Equestrian in their absence. He was clearly glad to see that offer, and politely asked Iden if he could tell Amelia that, if it wasn't too much trouble, they'd accept the offer.

((I don't blame you.))
Assailant said:
Arc was glad to see that Iden had learned Equestrian in their absence. He was clearly glad to see that offer, and politely asked Iden if he could tell Amelia that, if it wasn't too much trouble, they'd accept the offer.
((I don't blame you.))
Iden nods and faces Amelia,'they accept the offer, if it isn't too much trouble.' A note appeared in front of her. She reads through it quietly.

"Alright, follow me."she motioned for them to follow, as she starts walking towards her home.she didn't exactly trust the changeling, so she kept a close eye on them.making sure they don't try anything.
Arc followed along with Silver in tow. Both of them were quite excited to find some sleep, and Arc was also excited to see what a modern house in Equestria looked like. Assuming the Gryphon's house was nearby, of course. A gryphon in Equestria was certainly weird... at least in their day.
Assailant said:
Arc followed along with Silver in tow. Both of them were quite excited to find some sleep, and Arc was also excited to see what a modern house in Equestria looked like. Assuming the Gryphon's house was nearby, of course. A gryphon in Equestria was certainly weird... at least in their day.
Iden follows silently, watching the Gryphon, They did not trust her.

After a fair distance, Amelia stops in front of a two story house. And pulls out a key from under a rug in front of her. She then unlocks the door and opens it, she holds it for arc and silver to enter, Amelia beloved manners are a good thing to have. And hopes they have manners too.
-In the Hills-

Even as Firecracker tried to wake her Shina flinched and trembled. "Iya, yamete kudasai! (No, please stop!)" She cried in her sleep. Shina squirmed and struggled as Fire tried to hold her, as if fighting who, or what, ever she saw in her nightmare. "Shite kudasai, nai Genma... (Please, not Genma...)"

Finally seeming to calm some the normally strong kirin simply broke down sobbing in her sleep. "Īe, papa wa karera to tatakau tame ni furui ni natte imasu... (No, daddy is getting to old to fight them...)" Her voice squeaked between sobs. Eventually the sound of her own cries seemed to wake her. Those fuchsia eyes opened a crack though tears still poured from them as she struggled to regain her senses from the overwhelming fear brought on by her nightmare.

-In the Forge-

Konton eyed the cookie curiously for a moment. He hadn't eastern all day. The young phoenix gave a few test pecks at the cookie before realizing it was sweet! The normally carnivorous bird eagerly devoured his half of cookie, his mood seeming to lift a little.

At the suggestion of a song Konton tilted his head curiously looking up at Tilly. His mother sang to him all the time but he'd never really tried it himself. As Tilly began to sing Konton tried to follow along with a series of chirps matching the pitch of Tilly's voice.
Arc and Silver walk through the doorway, both muttering a thank you as they did so. Silver, begrudgingly, asked Iden to ask Amelia where the sleeping quarters were. Arc followed that up by apologizing for his friends lack of formalities, and to excuse him as he's rather grumpy today. That caused Silver to get in a minor argument with Arc which was quickly resolved.
Firecracker had no idea just what was troubling Shina, or even what she was saying in her sleep.

He knew that something was badly upsetting her, but was helpless to do anything to stop it.

Desperately he tried in vain to wake her before finally resigning to simply try and bring her some comfort.

As she squirmed in her restless sleep he could only hold her close and whisper "shh your ok.. I got you.. I'm not letting go.."

He hated this feeling of helplessness, there was simply nothing he could do.

As she began to cry he felt his heart sink into a pit.

After all they had faced the thing that pained him most was to see her cry.

Finally a spark of those eyes glinted through the shimmering tears.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Firecracker looked down at her with a soft smile as he quietly reassured "It's ok.. I got you.. And I won't let go."

Resting his head to hers, his long mane draped over her as he whispered softly "You promised to always put me back together..I promise to always be there for you.. "

Wiping a tear from her eyes he joked in a loving tone " I'll buck any bad ol' dream that makes you cry."

Perhaps giving a nod to the last time she held him like this on Equinox he remarked " Just to see you smile "

-In the forge-

Tilly Clapped her hooves together as Konton seemed to grasp the rhythm and even parts of the melody.

"Very good sweets,!" She praised the young phoenix excitedly.

It would seem that her old folk songs seemed to be cheering everyone in the forge up just a bit.

She cleared her throat before starting again " One more time boys, and this time lets try and get the chorus juuust right"

her bright smile and playful wink a nod at her skills raising young foal.

As the dawn chases the darkness so to has the balance of good and evil..

Peace is but a delicate rose held in the hands of those strong enough to grasp it. .

Some would cradle it, cherishing it's beauty while it lasts. .

While other's would crush it in their grip just to see the petals dance in the wind..


It will eventually pass away, and without a seed the Rose will forever die..


These few simple pony.

Willing to risk everything for who and what they love..

They are this seed of peace.

When the time comes..

And the rose again withers..

I am confidant that this world is in safe care..

So let them sleep now..

They certainly have earned it..

Perhaps I to will rest a while..

I wouldn't want to look tired for my 'granddaughter's' first ball.

Indicus' sleep was peaceful, not plagued by past regrets and old mistakes. Rather they reflected his feeling of satisfaction containing memories of successful hunts with his griffin father, and lessons with his magic teacher. It would be accurate to say Indicus slept well and woke up refreshed his symptoms of magical exhaustion nearly non-existent.

After his routine inspection of his sword and armor he put on his sword belt and headed down to the kitchen and started up a pot of coffee feeling it was appropriate even though it was the afternoon and if memory served the Winter Ball was that night, besides it was a smell that woke most up at the very least.
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Princess Celestia

Celestia stretched a little as she took her time walking along the streets of Hast. Was sleeping out in a battle scarred field in full armor the most 'proper' thing to do for one of the rulers of Equestria? Likely not, but frankly the Alicorn didn't care all that much. Besides, the nap was worth every moment of it. Enough of her magic had even returned she could easily remove her armor, though it would be a little while before she could actually return it to Canterlot. If it came down to it, Celestia wouldn't have minded remaining in her armor until her magic reserves replenished more. Thanks to the careful enchantments it felt more like a second skin than the heavy plates it really was. You'd only even know she'd been wearing it from the few places dirt managed to mar her white coat.

Really, a bath was sounding kind of nice at the moment.

Tired pink hues glanced up at the sun's position in the sky. At the rate her magic seemed to be recovering it was a good thing Amaterasu essentially handled the sun setting on their side of the world. Hopefully Luna will have recovered enough to be able to raise the moon tonight . . . It may end up taking both of us to do it. Sighing, Celestia returned her focus to the path ahead. She'd finally spotted the blue coated Earth Pony she'd been searching for. "Sotil, I'm glad to see you're doing alright, seems your cart survived the attack as well." Something she was quietly thankful for. After all, it would have been a shame for the commissions he'd been working on to have been destroyed.

Shadow Fang

Fang remained laying in the grass at the top of the hill, a frown painting her features as she watched the Lunar Goddess walk. Creatures of the night or not, a nice warm and sunny spot is still a great place for a nap. Given how exhausted they both were falling asleep wasn't all that difficult. Turns out Luna's wing is nearly large enough to hide Fang completely beneath it. That says nothing for a soft blanket of feathers, even if they did need preened following the battle that morning.

"You do realize that wasn't the reason I even came to Hast, right?" The Thestral muttered, sounding a little annoyed. "Besides, it's not like I actually have anything for this kind of thing."
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

Celestia stretched a little as she took her time walking along the streets of Hast. Was sleeping out in a battle scarred field in full armor the most 'proper' thing to do for one of the rulers of Equestria? Likely not, but frankly the Alicorn didn't care all that much. Besides, the nap was worth every moment of it. Enough of her magic had even returned she could easily remove her armor, though it would be a little while before she could actually return it to Canterlot. If it came down to it, Celestia wouldn't have minded remaining in her armor until her magic reserves replenished more. Thanks to the careful enchantments it felt more like a second skin than the heavy plates it really was. You'd only even know she'd been wearing it from the few places dirt managed to mar her white coat.

Really, a bath was sounding kind of nice at the moment.

Tired pink hues glanced up at the sun's position in the sky. At the rate her magic seemed to be recovering it was a good thing Amaterasu essentially handled the sun setting on their side of the world. Hopefully Luna will have recovered enough to be able to raise the moon tonight . . . It may end up taking both of us to do it. Sighing, Celestia returned her focus to the path ahead. She'd finally spotted the blue coated Earth Pony she'd been searching for. "Sotil, I'm glad to see you're doing alright, seems your cart survived the attack as well." Something she was quietly thankful for. After all, it would have been a shame for the commissions he'd been working on to have been destroyed.
The stranger in town was carefully circling his cart, looking over every hinge, screw, bip, and bobble that he possibly could, making sure that nothing was taken, or damaged, or...Touched, in general. To think, there were...Puppets? He thinks he heard that word...Stumbling about town, and they might have been touching his things. The idea of the creatures bumping blindly into his equipment was quite the irritation, but luckily for the blue stallion, nothing seemed to be harmed, unless he was forgetting something.

Sotil was completely oblivious to the approaching princess, as after he made sure everything was in tact...He sat there. Quietly. He simply sat in place and stared at the cart, looking quite distracted...Almost in conversation. However, the stallion's alone at the moment, as far as she can see...Maybe he just does that? It's not completely uncommon, right? Though, moments after she called out to him, in quite the most delayed fashion, his ears would finally rise "Wha? Who--" He turned his head to meet eyes with the Princess "Oh! Oh, uh...Heh...Hello there, Princess! You're looking much better. I'm glad things seemed to have worked out after you disappeared. Personally, I had no trouble getting back here and checking every crystal for so much as a scratch, or crack. As a matter of fact, the whole cart was ignored...Or maybe just not important enough." His ears wobbled as he finished his response, as if reacting to another voice

"You ARE okay, aren't you? The town would probably be swarming with trouble if you were actually injured here."
Indicus quickly remembered he was the only one to go home and that Fang and Luna slept where they were. Though it was quite understandable Indicus himself thought of doing just that but the idea of a bed was too compelling.

Princess Celestia

The Solar Princess offered him a soft smile as Sotil realized he was the one being spoken to. At least he seemed to be unharmed, a good sight given there were already far more causalities than there should have been. But what can you expect when battling the original Soul Thief? "When dealing with a demon whose main interest lies in stealing the souls of others, precious gems are of little concern. But it's still good to know none of it was caught in the crossfire." Celestia's gaze traveled around the surrounding buildings for a moment. "Honestly I'm impressed so little of Hast ended up being damaged in the battle. Not that there isn't plenty of work to be done."

Another soft smile as she sat near Sotil's cart. "Plenty exhausted, but no permanent harm. I appreciate the concern and, I'm sorry for taking off on you like I had. But dealing with what was easily tens of thousands of soulless puppets makes focusing on much of anything for a moment difficult." Celestia's eyes traveled over the various polished gems sitting on display. "Given the day's events I'm sure anyone that's commissioned you would understand a delay of any kind."
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

The Solar Princess offered him a soft smile as Sotil realized he was the one being spoken to. At least he seemed to be unharmed, a good sight given there were already far more causalities than there should have been. But what can you expect when battling the original Soul Thief? "When dealing with a demon whose main interest lies in stealing the souls of others, precious gems are of little concern. But it's still good to know none of it was caught in the crossfire." Celestia's gaze traveled around the surrounding buildings for a moment. "Honestly I'm impressed so little of Hast ended up being damaged in the battle. Not that there isn't plenty of work to be done."

Another soft smile as she sat near Sotil's cart. "Plenty exhausted, but no permanent harm. I appreciate the concern and, I'm sorry for taking off on you like I had. But dealing with what was easily tens of thousands of soulless puppets makes focusing on much of anything for a moment difficult." Celestia's eyes traveled over the various polished gems sitting on display. "Given the day's events I'm sure anyone that's commissioned you would understand a delay of any kind."
He smiles in return, the stallion raised to listen when spoken to, which tended to make him stay completely still when he wasn't working. "Souls, huh? Definitely something a pony would be lost without...Kind of...Yeah, important." He says with a cough "I guess that was a stupid response really, hehe...But, yes, my cart was undamaged...I'm sure no one came here with the idea of pillaging, but, I have terrible luck, so, I almost expected it to have been hit in the crossfire after I started to wander about." He rubs his chin "Though, you say there were many casualties, and there was a lot going on...None seemed to have noticed I was here, because I was apparently working on a gem in the midst of all the chaos."

He chuckles "Maybe I'm just a tad more lucky than I thought, huh? I know I've gotten so wrapped up before that I forgot that I had customers I was talking to...It's bad for business, but, luckily, a lot of those demanding crystalline jewelry tend to be loud, so, they break me out of my little trance." He sighs a bit "And, yes, this would definitely be cause for delay...Usually. But, really, nothing of mine was damaged, and I still have everything...But the two commissions I had received up and vanished...I certainly hope nothing happened to them."

Princess Celestia

Celestia gave a soft chuckle, nodding. "You're incredibly lucky to have made it through everything unharmed. It's going to be a while before things are back to resembling normalcy." The Alicorn's ears noticeably fell as Sotil mentioned both of his commissions had been lost. She slowly nodded, giving a quiet sigh. "I see . . . a shame, I was looking forward to seeing your work. But a few pieces of jewelry lost is nothing compared to losing a life."
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

Celestia gave a soft chuckle, nodding. "You're incredibly lucky to have made it through everything unharmed. It's going to be a while before things are back to resembling normalcy." The Alicorn's ears noticeably fell as Sotil mentioned both of his commissions had been lost. She slowly nodded, giving a quiet sigh. "I see . . . a shame, I was looking forward to seeing your work. But a few pieces of jewelry lost is nothing compared to losing a life."
He stares at her for a moment "Wha?...Oh! Oh, no, that's not what I meant...My bad, I actually said that completely wrong. I still have the jewelry, but, I haven't seen the ponies that commissioned the work since I started. I have no idea where either of them went..." He shrugs "I'm sure both of the groups are completely fine." He looks up to the Princess, staring into her eyes, almost as if looking for something "I've lost more jewelry than I can count in my days, really...There are much worse things that one can experience than loss of something that can be replaced...I don't keep any of my rare types in any easy to reach spaces, and I check them daily in private..."

He blinks as he finally breaks his gaze, the stallion holding his necklace for a moment "And what of you?...I hope you lost nothing personal during all of this...I didn't quite pay attention. Once I realized I wasn't being noticed, I just came to make sure my things were intact..."
Assailant said:
Arc and Silver walk through the doorway, both muttering a thank you as they did so. Silver, begrudgingly, asked Iden to ask Amelia where the sleeping quarters were. Arc followed that up by apologizing for his friends lack of formalities, and to excuse him as he's rather grumpy today. That caused Silver to get in a minor argument with Arc which was quickly resolved.
Iden faces Amelia again.'they want to know where the sleeping quarters are, I assume it's top floor?'a note had in front of Amelia.

Amelia nods."yeah they are up there, there is my room and one other with two king side beds. You three can rest there, if one of you is willing to sleep on the same bed with the other."

Amelia said, wondering how it will work out between the three. Both arc and silver would probably not share one with the changeling, So the changeling might get thier own bed.

Iden was surprised for a moment. And translated exactly what Amelia has said to arc and silver. Iden never really had this problem, so it's new to them.
Arc and Silver nodded, and agreed to these conditions. However, they didn't sleep in the same bed. Instead, Silver slept first whilst Arc kept watch, and then vice-versa. Sure, this wasn't necessary, but growing up during the war never did any favors in terms of healthy habits. And so it was that they took shifts and watched throughout the night.

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