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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

For Steelheart to be capable of such powerful healing magic . . . Even Celestia would admit she was shocked to see it. As the light washed over the Alicorn she felt the aches from battle fading away. Even the sharp pain in her horn dulled considerably. Sure, the healing magic may not have replenished her own reserves, but time and rest would take care of that. Preferably before she had to lower the sun. A sigh of relief escaped Celestia as Eclipse awoke. Exhausted, she laid next to the pair taking off her armor could wait until later. It had been a long time since she had to do so without her magic, honestly it was just more trouble than it was worth for the time being. "Thank you, Steelheart . . ."

Fang quietly groaned, shifting as the healing magic took hold. Unlike the last time that magic had been used on her, it was soothing. Coaxing away the pains of battle and easing the lingering pain from Mephisto's Soul Torment. The Thestral's eyes slowly opened as she tried to get a grasp on her surroundings. The sky was unlike anything she'd seen before, it was beautiful. Had Anda's presence not been so clear, so close, she would have been to content to lay there and watch the colors dance through the sky. "Anda . . ." Fang murmured as she rolled over and looked at the spirit.
Indicus noticed that the pain from blunt hits off his armor and cuts from the occasional lucky hit or glancing blow. He still was hungry, tired and magically exhausted but he was without pain. He looked over to where Eclipse laid and spotted Anda's spirit it was much more calm then the first time he'd ever met Anda before the Equinox event the presence felt calming in itself even almost like a reassurance that this fight was over that they all could rest a little bit easier.

But Indicus still knew that the Nightmare Empire was still out there it's generals reorganizing for another strike. The thought brought him to the puppet that Captain Scarlet as she was called spoke to him through and her want for him to join them he still couldn't quite figure out how she knew. Indicus shook his head and focused on just relaxing enjoying the victory and the peace that came with it.
Arc quickly shut his horn off when she saw it had succeeded. Little did she know, it was HE who activated the rune. He snickered slightly to himself, then kinda felt bad. Aside from being a prank, this could serve to excite her more and boost her moral.

Even among the best runecasters, the transition from the Earth Destruction to the Earth Manipulation rune, or any transition like it, could take a few hours. Granted, that was anticipating they hadn't learned Mana Channeling. Given her natural ability, he was sort of worried she'd become frustrated if she thought she'd failed right off the bat. Destruction just required sending mana, but Manipulation required finesse. Granted, Earth Manipulation required very little finesse. Mostly just a push. However, even that could take some time to learn.

He estimated that, given what he'd seen, it might be an hour or two before she begins to see success, however small. However, he had faith.

"Try again, I didn't see," he said. She'd fail, but hopefully she'd be determined enough from her "success" to continue trying.
Assailant said:
Arc quickly shut his horn off when she saw it had succeeded. Little did she know, it was HE who activated the rune. He snickered slightly to himself, then kinda felt bad. Aside from being a prank, this could serve to excite her more and boost her moral.
Even among the best runecasters, the transition from the Earth Destruction to the Earth Manipulation rune, or any transition like it, could take a few hours. Granted, that was anticipating they hadn't learned Mana Channeling. Given her natural ability, he was sort of worried she'd become frustrated if she thought she'd failed right off the bat. Destruction just required sending mana, but Manipulation required finesse. Granted, Earth Manipulation required very little finesse. Mostly just a push. However, even that could take some time to learn.

He estimated that, given what he'd seen, it might be an hour or two before she begins to see success, however small. However, he had faith.

"Try again, I didn't see," he said. She'd fail, but hopefully she'd be determined enough from her "success" to continue trying.

She sighs,and keeps trying."this time keep watching, I don't want you to miss it again. Alright bud?"after the first try. She gets confused for a moment, the second try she thinks it was a lucky attempt. After 28 more tries and almost a full hour. She does it. But Amelia was exshausted now she smiled when she saw she did it."did you see that time? I did it again. Please don't tell me you missed it."she looks at arc,hoping for a response,cs he didn't know rune magic was going to be so hard, next time, she won't overestimate things.
Arc had kept watching for the first few minutes, giving little pointers where he could but mostly just observing. After the first five minutes, Silver needed to switch out with him. Arc began maintaining the healing rune while Silver checked on the injured. Arc continued watching where he could though. At this point, those who had merely broken a leg began to wake up. The healing spell had run its course, and after giving their thanks they hobbled off. There was still some soreness, but they'd be fine. Those with more serious injuries, such as shattered skulls and concussions, were taking longer to heal. Eventually, Arc became too tired to continue, and Silver had depleted his mana long ago. Thankfully by this point, the injured were mostly okay. Silver went off to fetch help to get these people into better positions while Arc went back to watching and mentoring Amelia. When she finally succeeded, he was very proud. But when she asked if he missed it, he decided to mess with her a bit.

"What? No you didn't. I don't believe you. Do it again." He waited for a few moments to let her react before laughing. "Aw, man, the look on your face. Nope, I saw it. Very good job. You've now completed the easy part." He grinned a bit and sat back. "You now have an idea of what learning to do this will be like. It's a lot like a unicorn learning to control their magic, and without the natural advantage that unicorns have of easily controlling their mana, it's particularly hard. It's gonna get more frustrating and more difficult from here. If you want to back out, if you're not sure you want to keep doing it... you might as well quit while you're ahead."
Assailant said:
Arc had kept watching for the first few minutes, giving little pointers where he could but mostly just observing. After the first five minutes, Silver needed to switch out with him. Arc began maintaining the healing rune while Silver checked on the injured. Arc continued watching where he could though. At this point, those who had merely broken a leg began to wake up. The healing spell had run its course, and after giving their thanks they hobbled off. There was still some soreness, but they'd be fine. Those with more serious injuries, such as shattered skulls and concussions, were taking longer to heal. Eventually, Arc became too tired to continue, and Silver had depleted his mana long ago. Thankfully by this point, the injured were mostly okay. Silver went off to fetch help to get these people into better positions while Arc went back to watching and mentoring Amelia. When she finally succeeded, he was very proud. But when she asked if he missed it, he decided to mess with her a bit.
"What? No you didn't. I don't believe you. Do it again." He waited for a few moments to let her react before laughing. "Aw, man, the look on your face. Nope, I saw it. Very good job. You've now completed the easy part." He grinned a bit and sat back. "You now have an idea of what learning to do this will be like. It's a lot like a unicorn learning to control their magic, and without the natural advantage that unicorns have of easily controlling their mana, it's particularly hard. It's gonna get more frustrating and more difficult from here. If you want to back out, if you're not sure you want to keep doing it... you might as well quit while you're ahead."

"Don't even mention the word quit around me! I've been through worse things! I'll even get rune magic done sooner then most unicorns! And that's a PROMISE!"she got fired up when she heard the word quit,she never quits.even when it seems like there is no hope,she does not quit.and she also sticks to her word, so she has a lot of work ahead of her."is that all your going to teach me? Is it for now? Beacuse I'm going to be waiting to start training if you plan to stay as my trainer,if you won't,then I would work hard alone! Ain't nothing stopping this train!"she was a bit overexcited.
Well, she's certainly driven. She'll definitely make a wonderful runecaster. It's going to be a long road. To be truly great, even the best practice at magic for years. It will be difficult... but I think she can do it.

He told her all this, and then thought for a moment. "Yeah, that's all for now. From here, the times before you get it begin to extend to days, weeks, even months. There is nothing more I can just quickly teach you; that which I can I am simply not able. My compatriot and myself are thoroughly exhausted." This statement might seem weird, they appeared completely alert at a glance. But upon further inspection, there were little signs that showed their exhaustion. Maybe a small buckle of the legs, a drooping of their eyes before shooting back open, things like that. They were pretty far between, but they were there.

Today sure has been a strange day. Regicide, time travel, soul magic, a giant magic explosion, and to top it all off a sudden apprenticeship.

"I do not think I'll be able to consistently train you for a bit. I will try, but especially as we get further into it I might not find the time. I have a lot of things I need to work on, so there may be plenty of days I can't help. Not until I get settled in. However, I will teach you what I can when I can."
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Sotil, having lost track of what he was doing yet again, figured he might as well head back into town to see if any of the chaos had died down...Plus, he had to go make sure his cart was okay. It was his livelyhood at the moment, so, he couldn't just leave it in the open during a time of crisis.

"I'm still not completely sure what was going on...Nopony gave me an answer, and Celestia was gone before I could even ask her anything..." He shrugs "Oh well. Nothing tells better than a hoofs-on experience."
Steelheart couldn't help but continue to cry as the glow began to slowly fade.

As she Nuzzled Eclipse perhaps less gently then she should've she whimpered "I don't care if your a king, or a bard who lives in a hole..As long as your alive..and my own.."

The poor mare began to shake as the gravity of everything was able to set in, along with a degree of shock.

Anda had walked some distance away at this point to give them some much needed space.

But she also couldn't help but watch the tender scene play out. As a goddess she had never really known romantic love, and there was something very endearing about seeing her 'granddaughter gowning up before her tired eyes.

Suddenly a serene smile spread across her face and a soft laugh escaping her lips as she joked "You mortal pony.. you really need to stop waiting until your dying breaths to profess your love."

Some meters away Firecracker couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Even though it was slightly painful to laugh, the absurdity of Anda making a joke was too much.

And in light of everything that just happened.

As Fang murmured " Anda..." it shifted the spirits attention down to the exhausted mare.

Though Fang was clearly an adult, any pony younger then Anda she looked at as a foal.

Seeming to simply float with her gossamer wings Anda came to Fangs side and whispered softly "Shhh It's ok. You can rest now Filly.."

It was still strange to see Anda so kind and motherly.

Just how far gone was her mind on Equinox?

Was this the nature of Anda that the flutter pony knew?

And if this was her normal state, how could any pony be so cruel as to drive her to become such a monster?

Anda gently stroked fangs cheek her hoof leaving a faint glow in it's wake as she again spoke "You have all done so well.. I am very proud of you all.. I was right to bequeath the gift of flutter magic to your kind.

But now you must rest...granddaughter"

It was the first time Anda had referred to any 'south pony' as a granddaughter..

This meant that she included the elements of redemption into her family now.
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Shadow Fang

Fang quietly watched Anda approach. For the goddess to have such an air of peace around her . . . Fang was glad to see it over the pained and angered appearance Anda once held. The spirit had such a gentle, warming touch now. Perhaps even more tender than a mother caring for her filly. A faint smile crossed the exhausted warriors face, and was that tears threatening the corners of her eyes? "I'm . . . so happy to see you've healed . . ." Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper as she spoke.
Assailant said:
Well, she's certainly driven. She'll definitely make a wonderful runecaster. It's going to be a long road. To be truly great, even the best practice at magic for years. It will be difficult... but I think she can do it.

He told her all this, and then thought for a moment. "Yeah, that's all for now. From here, the times before you get it begin to extend to days, weeks, even months. There is nothing more I can just quickly teach you; that which I can I am simply not able. My compatriot and myself are thoroughly exhausted." This statement might seem weird, they appeared completely alert at a glance. But upon further inspection, there were little signs that showed their exhaustion. Maybe a small buckle of the legs, a drooping of their eyes before shooting back open, things like that. They were pretty far between, but they were there.

Today sure has been a strange day. Regicide, time travel, soul magic, a giant magic explosion, and to top it all off a sudden apprenticeship.

"I do not think I'll be able to consistently train you for a bit. I will try, but especially as we get further into it I might not find the time. I have a lot of things I need to work on, so there may be plenty of days I can't help. Not until I get settled in. However, I will teach you what I can when I can."

She nods."alright, that's fair enough, anyways I don't even think we got each others names. I am Ameila, what is your name mate?"she unintentionally said mate, it was part of her accent and how she speaks, she didn't littlest mean mate. But more or so meaning friend. A,Elia sat down and yawned, she has not slept all night. But it was a great night.
"Arc Light," Arc said with a smile. He waved his hoof towards Silver. "This is my friend, Silver Duty." Silver gave a curt nod in response.

"Well met," he said before turning to Arc. "Friend Arc, how hath thou maintainst thy Translation Rune, given thy deprivation of mana?" Arc shrugged.

"Storage Runes." Silver's eyes widened.

"By my troth! Hath thine mind went? Thou knowst that thou shalt exclusively tool those in-" Arc waved his hoof.

"Spare me the lecture, I've got it." Silver frowned but went silent and Arc turned to Amelia. "I really have to rest. Perhaps we can meet again here at 1200?"
Assailant said:
"Arc Light," Arc said with a smile. He waved his hoof towards Silver. "This is my friend, Silver Duty." Silver gave a curt nod in response.
"Well met," he said before turning to Arc. "Friend Arc, how hath thou maintainst thy Translation Rune, given thy deprivation of mana?" Arc shrugged.

"Storage Runes." Silver's eyes widened.

"By my troth! Hath thine mind went? Thou knowst that thou shalt exclusively tool those in-" Arc waved his hoof.

"Spare me the lecture, I've got it." Silver frowned but went silent and Arc turned to Amelia. "I really have to rest. Perhaps we can meet again here at 1200?"

"Alright, and that is a pretty ancient tounge you got there, how do you know it?"

Amelia asked after writing In a notebook, probably translating it. its a suprise to hear ancient language, especially in this year.
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Near by Anda in an area that no one hasn't really looked at yet since the dark glowing chains blocked their view, Spyro laid on his side on the ground, surrounded with the knocked out body's of Mephisto's elite minions. Blood was slowly trickling out of Spyro's mouth as he breathed slowly with some of his blood pooling around him from the many wounds he got from his battle with the elites. Though, slowly the blood stopped pooling around Spyro as the dark chains in the battle field had started to go back to their original place or made their way to Spyro and wrapped around the cuts and gashes he has on his body. The shadows around Spyro's eyes had faded away, reviling them to be closed til his eyes snapped open.

Spyro slowly got up, grunting a bit in pain since the shadows on his body only stopped his bleeding. When Spyro got up fully the shadows dispersed, and showed that the cuts and gashes on him had relatively healed, yet Spyro could still feel the pain in his body. Spyro looked around and saw Anda. Acting quickly, Spyro gave a nod of respect to her, and began to look around for the others with his eyes glowing, allowing him to see everyone's magical energy as he looked over them. Immediately Spyro saw one of them under some rubble. Feeling their magical energy he found out that it was Lavender Moon, and judging by her magic energy, she was barely staying awake.

Spyro ignored his pain and rushed over to where Lavender Moon was. When he got there he used his magic to make some chains that started to remove the rubble on her, with him using his own hoofs to speed up his progress. Soon he found Lavender Moon, and started to shake her a little, still not caring about the searing pain in his shoulder and everywhere else he got cut/gashed.

"Lavender, Lavender! How many eyes do you see!?" Spyro asked in fear of her well being, hoping that she is still awake.
Lavender Moon groaned as she slowly began to wake up more.

It seems her sisters healing kept her alive but didn't completely treat her wounds.

It was after all a major undertaking to give so much of her own magic considering to a flutter pony magic literally is life.

Steelheart's inheritance of the creation aspect was perhaps the only thing that left her so unefected .

As she slowly opened her eyes they reflected beautifully against the mana saturated sky.

In a tried voice she grumbled "eyes?..ja I see two. But one will be black if you don't stop shaking me."

Shoving him with her hoof she say up with a *hmph*

After a few seconds of reflection however she turned to him and spoke in a reluctantly soft tone "still...thank you. For worrying about me.. So it's over now ja?"
Spyro gave her a grin gestured to where Mephisto once was. "Tis over Lavender, tis over. And I worry over anyone under my eyes. I lost many to one thing or another, and I don't plan on losing anyone else." Spyro told her as his horn glowed a bit. "You want me to help you out a bit? I still have some shadows that can help you."

Eclipse sat up slowly, his body still quite heavy from fatigue. He wrapped his forelegs gently around Steelheart, cradling her gently close to him to calm her quivering. "Well, I am alive, and I am yours, so no more tears, Steelheart..." he smiled softly, cradling her close to his chest as he gently brushed her mane. He didn't yet realize that the ornate markings on his face were still there, glowing faintly as he kept her close.

He finally took the time to look around seeing his sisters standing nearby. Everyone was either moving or just laying on the ground letting their strength recover. It was really over. Mephisto was gone for good.

And then he noticed Anda. He blinked a little in surprise to see she had a physical form outside of Lavender Moon and Steelheart. Did this mean she was reborn? Did her granddaughters still have some of her magic inside of them? Clearly they did, given how powerful Steelheart's healing magic was. Now there were so many questions, but they could wait... They had an eternity to sort out the details. For now, he was content where he was...


Luna smiled softly as she watched her brother with Steelheart. It did her heart good to know that her forever-single brother had finally found somepony to love.

Speaking of love...

Her eyes turned, scanning the battleground for Fang. She smiled softly, making her way over to Fang. As much as she had missed her brother, there would be time for catching up after he and Steelheart had their time. And She had a few thousand questions for her brother, and she was not about to let him escape without answers.

She walked up next to Fang, her eyes looking over Anda. While Eclipse may be slightly older than the Goddess, Luna and Celestia were about the same age as Anda. She arrived just in time to hear her address Fang as 'Granddaughter', and the Lunar goddess couldn't help but smile a little. Figuring out the relationships between everypony was going to get a touch tricky. Perhaps it was best just to not think about using titles such as 'Brother' or 'Sister' or 'Granddaughter'. It got too confusing if you did.

She sat herself down lightly on Fang's back, not enough to put a lot of pressure on her, but enough to make her presence known. "I hope you weren't even thinking about taking off again." Luna remarked, lightly brushing Fang's mane as she smirked teasingly down at her.

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia couldn't help but smile as she watched Eclipse and Steelheart interact. They made for a rather adorable pair, she'd admit. But so many questions lingered in the back of her mind. So much she wanted to know. But it could wait, it would have to wait, she was exhausted and didn't really feel like interrupting the pair beside her. Sighing, Celestia laid her head down on the cool earth. Sleep was really sounding good about now.

Fang would admit she flinched a little when Luna lightly laid against her. Wide crimson eyes slowly looked up at the Lunar princess. "Your Majesty . . ." She stammered quietly. "I'm glad to see you're doing alright, but . . . I would have thought you would be with Eclipse?" Fang could tell Luna was low on magic just from the look of her mane. But even then she wasn't exactly in a position to slip away and give the goddess some space.

"Eclipse is a little preoccupied tending to the Flutter Pony he's taken a liking to" She informed her. She hadn't been told Steelheart's name just yet, so she didn't have any other way to identify her. She watched Fang, increasing the amount of pressure she was letting herself put on Fang. "Now.... Fang... How many times have I told you to call me 'Luna'? Is my name really so grating on thy ears that you can't say it?" She asked quirking an eyebrow down at the batpony currently trapped under her royal flank.

Mrjenkins said:

"Alright, and that is a pretty ancient tounge you got there, how do you know it?"

Amelia asked after writing In a notebook, probably translating it. its a suprise to hear ancient language, especially in this year.
"We're, uh, sort of time travelers," Arc said. "I'm gonna be working on figuring out how that happened for quite awhile, I'm sure. Which reminds me, I was hoping you could tell me how long it's been? No one's been very clear. I'm from the year 38 A.S."

Shadow Fang

Fang's eyes only widened at the Princess's question as she found herself shaking her head. "N-no, never!" She couldn't help but avoid the Princess' questioning gaze. The Thestral shifted as her ears fell. "I just . . . I . . . why?" Fang's voice had grown soft and faint as she spoke. "After everything that happened . . ." her voice wavered slightly, "Everything I did. I don't understand, why do you even want to be near me?" Twice now Luna had been captured while with her, the first time being entirely because of Fang. It didn't make sense, Luna should hate her for everything that she's caused. So why . . . ?

"Everything you did? You mean how you always sought to protect me? How you would greet me every time I woke and saw me off to sleep whenever the time came for it? How you have always been my confidant, somepony I could always rely on, somepony I could lean on.." she asked softly as she gently stroked Fang's mane.

"I missed you.. after you left without a word... That's why I didn't say a word about who I was when I found you as Midnight. I didn't want you to try and run away again and leave me behind..." She murmured with a soft sigh. "I didn't want to lose you again... But... you can't even say my name..." she murmured as her ears laid back on her head. "After everything that happened to you because of how close you were to me... I can't say I really blame you...."

Shadow Fang

Fang listened to the upset princess speak in silence. Did Luna just say she felt responsible for the way Fang had been acting around her? That is was her fault Fang decided to leave? The Thestral shook her head, why were tears burning her eyes again? "No, Y-your- Luna . . ." Fang murmured quietly before taking a slow and shaky breath. Why were words being so uncooperative with her right now?

"It was my responsibility to protect you," Her gaze drifted, focusing on some distant object. "Keep anyone from even trying to hurt you. And what do I do?" She squeezed her eyes shut. Damn these tears . . . why won't they go away? "I willingly lead you into that bastard's trap. So why . . . why so much trouble for some worthless traitor?"

"Fang.. I have lived a long time. Keeping me of all ponies protected is nearly impossible just because of the crazy psychos that target me.. I know it wasn't your fault. You were being controlled." She murmured, seeming to forget she was still sitting on Fang's back. "I'm just ashamed I didn't realize it sooner... I should have known it... so I could have done something to keep you from being so injured..." she bit her lip, her hoof gently tracing along Fang's scars... Every line, every scar... Fang had gotten them because of how close she was to Luna, and the Princess was painfully aware of that fact...

She had tried for so long to find Fang and try to apologize... The last thing she had expected was to find her here.... When she had thought it was over, when Mephisto had captured her, she finally managed to say she was sorry, but had Fang heard her?...

Shadow Fang

Fang shook her head slightly. "My wounds weren't because of you . . . Besides, you were safe. That's all that really mattered." She was a soldier, a warrior. Really it was only a matter of time before she'd been injured. Though the scars didn't always bring the . . . most positive attention around. "My safety was never any concern. My duty was to protect you.. and I failed... I let you down.. I-"

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