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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Arc waited for a moment, expecting the voice to read it for him. When it didn't, he simply shrugged and read it himself. "Twilight, huh? I'll have to meet this pupil. She must be very gifted to be in such a position. She might be a good way to learn the magic from the past 'x' years that I've missed, aside from scrolls of course."
Assailant said:
Arc waited for a moment, expecting the voice to read it for him. When it didn't, he simply shrugged and read it himself. "Twilight, huh? I'll have to meet this pupil. She must be very gifted to be in such a position. She might be a good way to learn the magic from the past 'x' years that I've missed, aside from scrolls of course."
(Sorry for not responding sooner,I fell asleep.)

'I was thinking about this,where are we going to rest? We don't own any of the homes.so are we resting outside?'iden is starting to get tired of walking.they start to wonder how far they are from the destination.
Silver and Arc looked at each other for a moment. "I don't know. Neither of us have a home, friends, or family to return to. So... I'm as stuck as you."
Assailant said:
Silver and Arc looked at each other for a moment. "I don't know. Neither of us have a home, friends, or family to return to. So... I'm as stuck as you."
'You can consider me a friend if you want.anyways.we could take refuge in a abondened building,or make a camp.'iden was now floating above the ground,with thier wings,they got tired of walking.and would rather us thier wings for now.
Arc thought for a moment while Silver looked ahead at the street as they entered the city.

"Perhaps we should take care of the wounded first," Silver said, "And then we can discuss lodging." Arc nodded

"I'll work on making some healing runes, you go splint some ponies and treat them as best you can." Silver nodded and went off to help as best he could while Arc took off his leather boots and took out his knife, preparing to carve into it until he saw the runes already there. He turned to Iden. "Can you see if you can find anything I could easily wield that's big enough to carve a rune into?"
Assailant said:
Arc thought for a moment while Silver looked ahead at the street as they entered the city.
"Perhaps we should take care of the wounded first," Silver said, "And then we can discuss lodging." Arc nodded

"I'll work on making some healing runes, you go splint some ponies and treat them as best you can." Silver nodded and went off to help as best he could while Arc took off his leather boots and took out his knife, preparing to carve into it until he saw the runes already there. He turned to Iden. "Can you see if you can find anything I could easily wield that's big enough to carve a rune into?"
Iden looks around and picks up a couple of large rocks.'are these good?'iden was never really good at rune magic,but they will try thier best to get the rocks arc needs.in the back of idens mind they were thinking about chrysalis.

Luna blinked in shock at the sudden change in the blind Flutter Pony. Unlike her brother, she was unaccustomed to Anda and her existence, much less that her soul was inhabiting the pony before her. "I must confess... I am not privy to what exactly just happened with you..." she began. "But I can understand the pain of loss... For now.... we must keep doing what we can to stop this Dragon before any more lives are lost..." She turned her head to the battle. Spyro was able to cover one of Eclipse's sides, but more Elite puppets were converging on his other side. There were just too many for Spyro to handle on his own... But Luna couldn't leave the barrier, or Steelheart would be in danger. Given everything that had transpired, she knew that the instant the barrier dropped, those Elites would converge to kill Steelheart...

All she could do is watch as her brother fought for all of their lives....


Eclipse could feel the strain his Soul was under to keep up a Soul Torment for this long... Mephisto could be seen straining too, but thanks to his size, he could still move freely as long as he didn't move towards Eclipse. Eclipse, on the other hand, was rooted to his spot, the very ground under him cracking and cratering from the sheer force of the magic coming from the two foes...

The air between the two started to crackle, and soon everypony could see the struggle going on. A red light was coming from Mephisto's eyes, stopped at the halfway point by a blue light coming from Eclipse, the joint forming an ominous purple light. Each of them was trying to push that light towards the other, which would cause the Soul Torment to burn the loser...

Eclipse was starting to struggle, though, and it seemed that inch by tiny inch, he was losing ground. Blood started to run from the corners of Eclipse's eyes, giving the impression that he was crying blood as he gritted his teeth, digging into his very soul to push the orb back to reclaim each inch lost before it was once more dead center between them. His body shook, trembling with the sheer amount of effort that came from using this technique. Mephisto showed no such weakness... "It's only a matter of time now... How does it feel, Eclipse, to know that all of your training and preparation have changed nothing? You will die here, and then the rest will follow..."

He couldn't let that happen.... Steelheart, Shina, Firecracker, Luna, Celestia, Shadow Fang, Indicus, Spyro... all of them were counting on him, not to mention all the ponies of Hast... Even if he permanently damaged his soul from this, he couldn't give up...

'I just need a little more magic... but I can feel my limit approaching... I can't lose! Somehow I need to find a way.... but how?'

He gritted his teeth, his mind racing to try and find a way to somehow draw more magic from within himself... he had to find a way if he had any chance of saving everypony.... He couldn't fail again.... Not when everyone's lives were on the line....

Mephisto laughed. "ah, there it is! That fear... you realize it don't you? You don't have enough Magic to beat me... In the end, you weren't good enough....Everyone is going to die, and it's all your fault!"
Firecracker rushed over to Shina's body to examin her.

His concern for her safty outweighing his self preservation instinct .

He gently shook her calling "Shina ..Shina wake up please !"

Feeling a gust of wind as an elite pony flew overhead.

Seeing that Shina was alright for the time he knew what he had to do.

Placing a gentle kiss on her forhead he layed her gently in the grass.

Raising the sword he acted purly on instinct.

As another flew by he cleaved its wing from its body.

While he felt a a great guilt from this, he knew it was better then taking a life.

In an act of desperation he held the blade in front of him.

holding it to his horn he whispered "im sorry"

Using his surging magic he carfully shattered the blade into a concentrated array of shards.

He then sent them flying through the air like a shotgun ripping through the wings of another sending him crashing into a bush.

Lavender Moon on the Other hand was not interested in air support.

She marched ever closer to Eclipse.

Eyes alight she was under Anda's controle as well.

How both pony could be under the spirits power at once was unheard of.

Her soul after all, was split.

Once she was next to him she rested a hoof on his body.

Her whole body began to glow in an burning Indigo as she called out "purity!"

Steelheart turned to Eclipse with such a fixed gaze it was as if she could see.

She responded to Luna as she began to walk towards him without warning "There is no time to explaine what I am.."

Seeing that Luna was struggling to keep up both the barrier and keep pace with her, but She couldn't let up.

Steelheart's While body lit up with an powerful aura as she projected her own barrier.

As she approched she called back "Grace..let us help our brother ."

The comment was perhaps rhetorical as she took her place on his other side.

Her mintflower pink aura burning as brightly as Lavender Moon's .

Both flutter pony both splayed their wings as they rose from the ground
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Mrjenkins said:
Iden looks around and picks up a couple of large rocks.'are these good?'iden was never really good at rune magic,but they will try thier best to get the rocks arc needs.in the back of idens mind they were thinking about chrysalis.
Arc observed it for a few moments before nodding. "That should be fine. See if you can find more." He calls Silver over and he, with his superior strength, begins carving runes into the rocks and placing them by the injured ponies. Meanwhile, Arc begins carving a complex rune into a rock nearby.
Assailant said:
Arc observed it for a few moments before nodding. "That should be fine. See if you can find more." He calls Silver over and he, with his superior strength, begins carving runes into the rocks and placing them by the injured ponies. Meanwhile, Arc begins carving a complex rune into a rock nearby.
Iden nods and starts looking for more,this might take a bit,as they are planning to bring back many.

Amelia snuck up behind arc."psst howdy there, what are you doing hanging with a changeling? They are just bad news. that changeling could turn on you at any moment."it was obvious she was not a fan of changelings,she pulled up her rifle and started aiming at the unsuspecting changeling."I'm going to hit them with a dart and take the changeling away alright?"
Amelia hardly got the chance to talk. The moment she said "psst," she suddenly found herself dazed and pinned on the ground. Arc stood over her, his horn glowing as her face was dug into the dirt and her forelegs twisted behind her back. She was stuck like this for a few seconds before Arc sighed and released her. "Don't sneak up on me," he warned her as he went back to carving the rune.
Assailant said:
Amelia hardly got the chance to talk. The moment she said "psst," she suddenly found herself dazed and pinned on the ground. Arc stood over her, his horn glowing as her face was dug into the dirt and her forelegs twisted behind her back. She was stuck like this for a few seconds before Arc sighed and released her. "Don't sneak up on me," he warned her as he went back to carving the rune.

She spat out some dirt and cleaned off thier beak."nice moves there bud,and before you got me in that pin,I was trying to ask why you hanging out with a changeling? They are a bunch of wankers,that only look out for themselves."Ameila was now dusting themselves off,and checking the rifle to see if it was damaged.
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Arc chuckled. "I know that better than anypony... anypony that's alive, anyway. Trust me, if there's anypony alive that's cautious with Changelings, it's me... well, me and my buddy Silver. This one's cool."
Assailant said:
Arc chuckled. "I know that better than anypony... anypony that's alive, anyway. Trust me, if there's anypony alive that's cautious with Changelings, it's me... well, me and my buddy Silver. This one's cool."

She sighed."changelings were born to lie and deceive,how do you know of this one is actually cool? They could be waiting to gain your trust,so you will drop your guard.amd he will attack you. They are a nasty bunch.you should not trust me at all."Amelia sat down next to the pony.
Arc sighed and continued carving unabated. "I mean, he sabotaged his own kind in the war. I presume that was him, anyway, it's a safe bet. Besides, it's been a few hundred years. He would've done something by now.

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia was the first to arrive at the scene. She winced, the sheer magic in the air jolting through her. Her horn burned, the Alicron couldn't even begin to imagine the kind of pain Eclipse was in at the moment. Celestia gently touched down beside Shina, a golden aura washing over the Kirin as she searched for injuries. Such a simple spell caused the pain to flare in her horn once again. Pain aside, it didn't look like Shina was too badly injured, she overdrew from her magic reserves though. She wasn't able to do much given the circumstance, but this should be enough to get Shina up and moving again.

Why did casting spells have to be painful right now?

Fang finally touched down, well more like dragged down with the way magic was racing around making the very air feel heavy. She glanced to Eclipse for a moment, the Alicorn looking like he'd seen better days even with Anda's help. Fang knew she couldn't stand around and do nothing, but she had to find someone first. Finding Luna in the small group didn't take all that long, "Y-your Grace!" She called out, moving closer before stopping to study the wounds that covered the Lunar Princess. Rage could be seen behind Fang's eyes the the more wounds she saw, "That bastard, did he do this?"
Assailant said:
Arc sighed and continued carving unabated. "I mean, he sabotaged his own kind in the war. I presume that was him, anyway, it's a safe bet. Besides, it's been a few hundred years. He would've done something by now.

"Fine, whatever you say,but I would not trust them. anyways, just to let you know,there is nothing attacking the town anymore,your princess told me to patrol and look,but now I'm going to take a dander at the dragon.bet they are pretty large since they are threating a town. So which way is the dragon?"the griffon asks.
"Dragon?" Arc said with confusion. "I'm not sure. I'm guessing the hills, but if the Princess said you shouldn't go over there than you probably shouldn't. Especially with your only weapon being that flimsy stick," Arc said as he pointed to the rifle. Guns hadn't exactly been invented until centuries after the war.
Indicus flet the magic saturate the air and it felt like he could barely breath eventually he got used to the pressure but he still could feel a corrupting magic in the air along with Eclipse's and Anda's he was fighting Mephisto along with the twins giving him a flow of power. Indicus then heard Fangs shout and it brought his attention to Luna, she was covered in multiple wounds and looked tired. Indicus felt a bit of Fangs rage over the link and he could not blame her. Indicus looked back at Mephisto, Eclipse, Lavender Moon and Steelheart the latter two who seemed to be guided by Anda.

As the mental/spiritual/physical fight raged on he could feel Mephisto's corrupting magic try to pull at him almost as if it was searching for sources of power but at the same time as he watched the fight he could feel something in himself respond to Anda's magic causing Mephisto's to go away. The resignation with Anda's magic left Indicus confused at why it was happening did Anda's announcement of him being the Element of Justice carry far more weight then he though were the others feeling it as well?"

Luna's gaze turned to Fang, a soft smile on her lips as she saw that Fang was still alive. "I've told you a thousand times... call me Luna... and my injuries are just superficial. They will heal..." Her expression turned serious as she looked to her brother and the Flutter Twins, still fighting to push back Mephisto's Soul Torment. The dragon was now finally showing signs of stress, growling as he fought to keep the dangerous orb of Soul Torment magic away from him. Even now, it was still centered...

"But I intend to make sure that Dragon does not recover from this.... Sister!" She called for Celestia as she galloped over to Eclipse's side. She closed her eyes, her own wings flaring up much the way the Flutter ponies had as her own body began to glow with a brilliant glow like the twilight just before night set in. There was no time for talk, they had to act before it was too late...


Eclipse was struggling to stay conscious. Even with the help, the strain of using his own soul as the catalyst for the magic was getting to him. Even as his sisters joined in the magic, they started to push the orb of certain doom towards Mephisto, but with a mighty roar, blood streamed from Mephisto's eyes the same as Eclipse as the dragon forced it back to the center... Eclipse's body was shaking from the strain. His soul wouldn't last much longer. They needed to push this back NOW, or Eclipse's very soul would shatter from the strain...

If that happened... all hope would be lost....
@KageYuuki @One Mean Ghost

"Fang I have a crazy ass idea I'm going to pool my magic in with Anda's spirit Eclipse and Luna." Before any protest could be given Indicus Flared up his magic even turning his blood storage in to potent magic creating a grayish red aura around his body and added his power to the magical link letting the part of him resonating with Anda's spirit and magic connect causing him to float up much like the others.
Sotil would find himself wherever it was he was told to move to before. He remembers speaking to Celestia, then finding himself alone in the streets once more...No matter, the stallion easily found his way to a place he remembers being mentioned before. Some might call it peculiar that he found his way there with what seems like no effort, considering the streets are full of peculiar puppets that burn the souls when met with eye contact.

He gives a small roll of his neck "If they mess with my stand while I am gone, I am going to be pissed..."
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Assailant said:
"Dragon?" Arc said with confusion. "I'm not sure. I'm guessing the hills, but if the Princess said you shouldn't go over there than you probably shouldn't. Especially with your only weapon being that flimsy stick," Arc said as he pointed to the rifle. Guns hadn't exactly been invented until centuries after the war.
(Actually I think the weapon Ameila has is the first rifle.it will probably get more popular the more ponies/beings that see it)

"This is not a stick. It's a rifle, an alchemical one actually. First omits kind. Unless some other sod invented it before me." She aims the rifles at a boulder,and fires the rifle,it still had explosive rounds,so it blew up the boulder with a somewhat decent explosion.she turns around and waits for the ponies response.
Arc stared in awe as Silver drew his sword and went into battle position, only to see that there was no threat. With a grumble, he returned back to placing healing runes by the injured.

"Interesting," Arc finally said at last. "I don't know how exactly that's alchemical, but that seems to be a very useful weapon." Arc reluctantly began finishing the rune he was making, tearing his eyes away from the rifle. "There must be many runes on that."

((NOTE: Runic sorcery has fallen into disuse by this point. Most ponies don't know or use runic magic. I'll explain that more later.))
Assailant said:
Arc stared in awe as Silver drew his sword and went into battle position, only to see that there was no threat. With a grumble, he returned back to placing healing runes by the injured.
"Interesting," Arc finally said at last. "I don't know how exactly that's alchemical, but that seems to be a very useful weapon." Arc reluctantly began finishing the rune he was making, tearing his eyes away from the rifle. "There must be many runes on that."

((NOTE: Runic sorcery has fallen into disuse by this point. Most ponies don't know or use runic magic. I'll explain that more later.))

"I don't know what runes are,but this does use alchemy. It's why it was able to fire explosive rounds. it can also fire many other types of rounds, like acidic rounds,or fire rounds. "Amelia looks a little tired, they were up for quite a while.

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