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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Assailant said:
As Arc and Silver began splinting ponies, they heard Celestia's call. As soldiers, their first responsibility was to listen to the princess. Silver instantly began making for the hills, or at least following Celestia to the hills as he did not know where they were, while Arc began looking around. He wanted to listen, but he had to make sure the people were alright. As ponies began coming out of their houses warily, with the chaos having died down, he found some who were doctors to help and had others call for more medical help before running off to follow Silver.
Wait, he said in his head as he was running. He thought back on what the Princess said. Did she say Eclipse? As in, the old king? If he wasn't running, he would have face-hoofed. Of course, the other alicorn! I should have noticed.
Iden runs behind them,attempting to keep up,they were glad the ponies got thier souls back,but there battle is still not over.'so I guess listening to celestial makes me a temporary guard or somthing?or just a civilian responding to a call,what do you think arc?'the pages floats nearby,the page was speaking out loud.it was not ideas voice,but a spell that reads a pages content out loud.'ps:After this I'll help Bury the dead.'the spell took some effort for iden to use.they were not used to doing a spell like that.they barely ever needed to use it.
"Heh. Far shot from a guard," Arc said, tilting his head a bit back to Iden to make his voice easier to hear whilst still keeping his eye on the road ahead. "Just a civilian responding to the call. Technically, not even that. By all technicalities, this is foreign espionage and infiltration for you with just a hint of treason. Or trust assurance, I guess. Depends on which side you're TRULY on, but I believe you at any rate. Unless... I dunno, changelings became civilians of Equestria in the time I was gone?" He paused. "Huh, I have a LOT to catch up on."
Assailant said:
"Heh. Far shot from a guard," Arc said, tilting his head a bit back to Iden to make his voice easier to hear whilst still keeping his eye on the road ahead. "Just a civilian responding to the call. Technically, not even that. By all technicalities, this is foreign espionage and infiltration for you with just a hint of treason. Or trust assurance, I guess. Depends on which side you're TRULY on, but I believe you at any rate. Unless... I dunno, changelings became civilians of Equestria in the time I was gone?" He paused. "Huh, I have a LOT to catch up on."
'We did not,all I can say is that we are in hiding.and the queen is harsh,don't tell any other pony or being though,beacuse then I will get majorly punished.so keep quiet about what I said please?'thier queen was probably already listen.but he cannot know.he barely senses it when she does.so it's like roulette.

(And iden is gender neutral.you can call them he,but ultimately,they are gender neutral.)
As the two reached Rosy's broken body Steelheart somehow knew exactly where she lied despite being blind.

At first she was hesitant to touch her; too afraid that the slightest touch would cause more harm.

eventually she rested a hoof on her chest ever so gently and in a shaky voice said "R..Rosy?.."

For a while her body was still and silent.

Unresponsive to Steelheart's plea.

Steelheart began to gently nudge her with her hoof pleaded "..Rosy please wake up.. please."

Slowly her glow returned signifying that she was using Anda's magic to try and heal her.. But it didn't seem to be working.

Her pleas became more desperate as tears welled in her eyes "Rosy please!..Please don't leave me."

realizing her attempts were in vain she buried her head in Rosy chest and began to silently sob."

Suddenly a hoof rested on the top of her head.

It gently stroked her mane as a familiar voice whispered Whispered "..You really are too good for this world Steely.."

Shocked but hopeful Steelheart slowly raised her head and muttered " Ro..Rosy? "

Rosy could only weakly laugh before coughing up a small amount of blood as she remarked "What kind of pony weeps for a monster?"

It took all of Steelheart's will not to cry as she rebuked her "Your not a monster! your my friend.. Your the closest thing I've ever had to a mother.. I love you Rosy."

Steelheart knew now how quickly a chance to tell somepony you loved them could be taken away from her.

and she wasn't going to let that slip away this time.

Rosy's eyes fluttered as she tried to open them, but she was simply too weak.

"Your mother?.." She asked herself rhetorically in revelation, before coughing up more blood.

Channeling her magic Steelheart desperately tried to help as she replied "Rosy you have to stop talking, you'll die!"

She looked towards where she thought Luna may be with a look of dread and panic, her eyes now full of tears begging for help.

Slowly Rosy pulled her head back in against her chest and whispered "Shhh...It's ok. Mother's live.. and Mother's die.. But the love they have for their foals go on forever."

Steelheart simply couldn't handle hearing that.

the very words cut her to the bone as she broke down and wept openly.

Stroking Steelheart's mane Rosy tried to comfort her "Shhh.. it's ok baby..shh mamma's here.. she's always be with you.."

Seeing that words could not console the flutter pony she did the one thing she was good at.

she began to sing.

Her voice as beautiful as ever, her lullaby was a haunting dirge.

"Shining sun has gone to rest, so must you my baby..

Little birds are in their nest, come to yours my baby..

Little Lamb soft soft and white and white, snugly cuddle in the night..

Whistling winds go rushing by, all for you my baby..

'Round about the house they fly, just to please my baby..

Romping winds may play at night, twinkling stars may sparkle bright..

Your asleep my baby..

Your asleep my baby.."

As she sang the souls of those who lost their lives in the battle for Hast began to rise.

They swirled and swayed, drifting to the melody as they drifted ever higher.

As she went on her voice grew weaker and weaker, but somehow she held the notes flawlessly.

As she all but whispered the final line her body slowly fell silent and still once more.

There was no trace of her left for Steelheart to sense..

She knew that this time, she really was gone.

Slowly standing up Steelheart looked directly at Luna, her eyes now glowing brightly with Anda's magic as she spoke in the Spirit's voice

"Renhet, needs time to morn her loss.. I will take over for now."

It seemed that Anda was in full control of Steelheart's body again as she poke with a both a mature elegance, and sympathetic sadness.

Amelia was soaring through the skies,looking for somthing,but stopped to see dancing light,a dragon,and both of the pony princesses? She had to go down and investigate.she flies next to celestia."howdy there,what's with all the ruckus?! There a dragon on that hill and some all corns,can you help me to some information please?"it seems this is somthing very serious,and she wanted part of it,she can't let the town she has been hanging around in be destroyed by some dragon."if you can get me some information,I'll help ye out! A simple trade!"

She pulls out her rifle.

Mrjenkins said:
'We did not,all I can say is that we are in hiding.and the queen is harsh,don't tell any other pony or being though,beacuse then I will get majorly punished.so keep quiet about what I said please?'thier queen was probably already listen.but he cannot know.he barely senses it when she does.so it's like roulette.
(And iden is gender neutral.you can call them he,but ultimately,they are gender neutral.)
"Man, we beat you guys bad, didn't we? The queen is in control? Man, we beat you guys so hard you never had a king again? Geez, that's rough." He began reaching the edge of the city line as he head towards the hill line. "Hey, you got a sore throat or something? What's with the paper?"
Assailant said:
"Man, we beat you guys bad, didn't we? The queen is in control? Man, we beat you guys so hard you never had a king again? Geez, that's rough." He began reaching the edge of the city line as he head towards the hill line. "Hey, you got a sore throat or something? What's with the paper?"
'We will call it a wound,one that I have not been able to heal.and it was inflicted after I met you and your brother.'iden seemed to be hiding thier neck now,to make sure they would not see the neck.they were hiding somthing from him,besides the neck.
Even as the last of the souls from the cave returned to their bodies there was one still straggling behind. Shina's soulless body bucked against the shadow chains, still trying to follow its last command. Fortunately the restraints combined with a sudden fatigue kept her from charging. It also seemed her magic had suddenly been drained as well, no longer using her fire.

Trailing weakly behind the other souls one seemed to flicker, like a nearly burnt out candle trying to stay lit just a little bit longer. In an agonizing few seconds that felt like hours to this wayward soul it finally came to rest. Slowly Shina's vibrant colors returned, but the bright fuchsia in her eyes was only there for a second before they fell shut.

Maybe it was whatever flame she'd created in the cave, or using her magic with out a horn, or even a body, whatever it was Shina was completely drained of her magic. Unable to even stand the young kirin simply collapsed.
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Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Grimacing, Fang forced her wings to lift her into the air. "Come on, we need to get moving." Her flight may not have been as swift as normal but she wasn't about to just sit the rest of this fight out. Not with the others still in danger. Not with Luna still in danger.

Celestia frown at the approaching griffon, a fire still seeming to burn behind her eyes. It took some nerve or perhaps stupidity to swoop in by an angered, battle ready Alicorn. And to do so and then demand information? Perhaps it was a good thing Luna was not nearby . . . "A dragon far more powerful than you could imagine has chose to attack this village. Most of his forces have been quelled already. You wish to be of use? Then stay in the air and watch over the town for anymore signs of danger." She started back towards the hillside battleground.
Arc gave an inquisitive look, though Iden may not have seen it as Arc was in front of him. "Brother? But I am an only foal... do you mean Silver Duty?" Arc chuckled. "We are close childhood friends." Arc didn't look back, but he saw Celestia off in the distance and Silver Duty waiting for him so they could approach the princess together. "I do not know if you have a disguise on, but if not you'd better get one now." Arc met up with Silver.

"What took so long?" Arc opened his mouth to speak, but Silver held up a hoof. "Nevermind, I don't care. Let's go." Arc and Silver ran up alongside the Princess, matching pace as best they could. This enraged state of the Princess would scare many, but Arc and Silver were fairly used to it. This did not frighten them nearly as much as it would others. "Princess, the situation in the town is under control. What are your orders?" Silver said very dutifully.

@KageYuuki @Mrjenkins

Princess Celestia

Warily watching the griffon from the corner of her eye, Celestia heard Silver calling out to her. She landed in front of them, folding her bladed wings against her sides. The Alicorn's eyes seemed to soften as she studied the pair before letting a small rejuvenation spell wash over them. "You two have done more than I could have asked for," Celestia's voice was gentle and warming. Likely something the two stallions had never heard before. "Go rest, tend to the wounded in town if you can."

Her gaze caught sight of Iden, narrowing slightly as she studied him. As if they didn't have enough to worry about . . . Could it have been another of Mephisto's puppets?
KageYuuki said:

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Grimacing, Fang forced her wings to lift her into the air. "Come on, we need to get moving." Her flight may not have been as swift as normal but she wasn't about to just sit the rest of this fight out. Not with the others still in danger. Not with Luna still in danger.

Celestia frown at the approaching griffon, a fire still seeming to burn behind her eyes. It took some nerve or perhaps stupidity to swoop in by an angered, battle ready Alicorn. And to do so and then demand information? Perhaps it was a good thing Luna was not nearby . . . "A dragon far more powerful than you could imagine has chose to attack this village. Most of his forces have been quelled already. You wish to be of use? Then stay in the air and watch over the town for anymore signs of danger." She started back towards the hillside battleground.
Assailant said:
Arc gave an inquisitive look, though Iden may not have seen it as Arc was in front of him. "Brother? But I am an only foal... do you mean Silver Duty?" Arc chuckled. "We are close childhood friends." Arc didn't look back, but he saw Celestia off in the distance and Silver Duty waiting for him so they could approach the princess together. "I do not know if you have a disguise on, but if not you'd better get one now." Arc met up with Silver.
"What took so long?" Arc opened his mouth to speak, but Silver held up a hoof. "Nevermind, I don't care. Let's go." Arc and Silver ran up alongside the Princess, matching pace as best they could. This enraged state of the Princess would scare many, but Arc and Silver were fairly used to it. This did not frighten them nearly as much as it would others. "Princess, the situation in the town is under control. What are your orders?" Silver said very dutifully.

@KageYuuki @Mrjenkins
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

Warily watching the griffon from the corner of her eye, Celestia heard Silver calling out to her. She landed in front of them, folding her bladed wings against her sides. The Alicorn's eyes seemed to soften as she studied the pair before letting a small rejuvenation spell wash over them. "You two have done more than I could have asked for," Celestia's voice was gentle and warming. Likely something the two stallions had never heard before. "Go rest, tend to the wounded in town if you can."

Her gaze caught sight of Iden, narrowing slightly as she studied him. As if they didn't have enough to worry about . . . Could it have been another of Mephisto's puppets?
Iden looked back,and seemed to not move for a while,not knowing what to do.they were not able to disguise themselves soon enough p,and will most likely be punished for being caught by the princess.the queen would do somthing else to them.iden pulls out a smoke pellet from thoer ouch and throws it into the ground,there was only enough to hide only iden,and briefly.they disguised themselves as a fancy pony.theu hid a note on them which started speaking,they acted like they were saying it,almost perfectly.'Sorry for worrying you,but it is actually I! Sire wells worth! Master disquiser.sorry I worried you! I was testing my capabilities of what I can disguise myself as when this invasion happened!and I had no choice but to help.dearest apologies.'they bowed.

She stated by celestia's side,putting on her protection for her eyes.and loading her rifle with explosive pellets."I'm sorry for just appearing and demanding answers,but I would like to help you fight the dragon please.you probably don't trust me but at least let me help,you can kill me if I attempt to betray you or hurt any pony or other being you know."they knew it was risky to approach a Alison in battle but they did it,so they can help.sometimes you just have to take risks.she does not want to see the town die.her eyes show honor and respect.

Princess Celestia

Celestia shook her head as the persistent griffon appeared once more. "This fight is now far beyond your power. If you wish to be of use, then you will stay here and defend the town." Was it smart to allow Fang and Indicus to head to the battle? Possibly not, but even ten months ago she could sense a link that had formed between each of the ponies involved in Equinox. Many referred to it as the magic of friendship; a powerful bond linking the souls of beings. The full scope of the effects from this link were still beyond even her understanding. But Celestia had seen the many incredible feats this magic was capable of. After all, it was through it that the power from the Elements of Harmony could be channeled.

A small cloud of smoke and a rush of magic caught the Alicorn's attention. Her eyes narrowed as she stalked a few steps closer to Iden. "Tell me, do you honestly think I wouldn't recognize a Changeling's magic?" She gave a low snort, smoke flaring from her nostrils. "Arc, Silver, keep this one out of trouble. Chysalis will hear about this soon. But I have more pressing matters to attend to." Celestia took to the skies once more.
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Silver had opened his mouth to refute, saying he should fight, but after a few moments he simply saluted and accepted his new task. Arc, on the other hand, was more than happy to oblige. He was exhausted from fighting in two battles back to back, and while he was unfit for healing spells at the moment, he could do what he could back in Hast. He was relieved, that is until the events with Iden transpired. As Celestia flew off, Arc tried to explain. However, by the time he was ready she was gone. "Oh... shit," he said as Silver face-hoofed. "This isn't good."

"Really?!" Silver said sarcastically. He turned back to Iden. "Why did you bother coming with us to meet the Princess?"

"Calm down, Silver, we'll just explain this to her when the battle's over." Silver grumbled but stayed relatively silent. "Hopefully, with how long the war's been over, she won't execute him or imprison him immediately when we explain. Or... deem us traitors." Silver didn't seem fully reassured, but he was at least placated for the moment. Arc began to walk back towards town with Silver in tow as he thought for a moment. "Iden, how long HAS the war been over?"
KageYuuki said:

Princess Celestia

Celestia shook her head as the persistent griffon appeared once more. "This fight is now far beyond your power. If you wish to be of use, then you will stay here and defend the town." Was it smart to allow Fang and Indicus to head to the battle? Possibly not, but even ten months ago she could sense a link that had formed between each of the ponies involved in Equinox. Many referred to it as the magic of friendship; a powerful bond linking the souls of beings. The full scope of the effects from this link were still beyond even her understanding. But Celestia had seen the many incredible feats this magic was capable of. After all, it was through it that the power from the Elements of Harmony could be channeled.

A small cloud of smoke and a rush of magic caught the Alicorn's attention. Her eyes narrowed as she stalked a few steps closer to Iden. "Tell me, do you honestly think I wouldn't recognize a Changeling's magic?" She gave a low snort, smoke flaring from her nostrils. "Arc, Silver, keep this one out of trouble. Chysalis will hear about this soon. But I have more pressing matters to attend to." Celestia took to the skies once more.
iden went to a face of fear,not from the princess knowing that they were a changeling ,but knowing that chrysalis will find out that they have been found be a princess.iden was sitting there,thinking of what chrysalis would do.she would probably take thier horn,or have some of the hive attack them.iden did not like how luck was treating them.life of a changeling sucks.

She sighs and nods,she will defend the town,but she does not even know from what,most likely the dragon.ameila starts patrolling the town from the skies,looking for anything that could be trouble."this is more boring then wrestling a door.i hope somthing happens or this is going to be a bore."she has patrolled before and defended,it's boring to her,though she was probably tasked to do this with good reason,she didn't like it.
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"Iden?" Arc jabbed Iden gently but firmly to jostle him out of his thoughts. "I asked a question, are you in there?" Arc contemplated for a moment. "Worried about the queen finding out about you, huh?" Arc sighed. "We made a deal, remember? We'll do what we can to stop it, and in the event that she DOES find out we'll do what we can to get you and any other members of your alliance that are found out to safety. That was the deal."
Assailant said:
Silver had opened his mouth to refute, saying he should fight, but after a few moments he simply saluted and accepted his new task. Arc, on the other hand, was more than happy to oblige. He was exhausted from fighting in two battles back to back, and while he was unfit for healing spells at the moment, he could do what he could back in Hast. He was relieved, that is until the events with Iden transpired. As Celestia flew off, Arc tried to explain. However, by the time he was ready she was gone. "Oh... shit," he said as Silver face-hoofed. "This isn't good."
"Really?!" Silver said sarcastically. He turned back to Iden. "Why did you bother coming with us to meet the Princess?"

"Calm down, Silver, we'll just explain this to her when the battle's over." Silver grumbled but stayed relatively silent. "Hopefully, with how long the war's been over, she won't execute him or imprison him immediately when we explain. Or... deem us traitors." Silver didn't seem fully reassured, but he was at least placated for the moment. Arc began to walk back towards town with Silver in tow as he thought for a moment. "Iden, how long HAS the war been over?"
Iden shook off the feeling.'I don't remember,but it's been a long time,and I am not worried about the princess right now,I'm worried about what the queen will do to me.'the writing was shaky on the paper,showing that they was truly scared and they were shaking.'she is brutal when it comes to screwing up when you serve her.i already got punished once,I don't want to be punished again.'they were mumbling,but on paper.they started to think about the deal,they hope that chry won't be detirmined enough to punished them that she would chase them forever,until it happened.
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Silver groaned and Arc shot him a glare. "It's just as I said. We'll do what we can to prevent her finding out, and in the event that you are found out we'll do our best to evac. you and any other members to safety. That was our agreement... 'x' number of years ago."
Assailant said:
Silver groaned and Arc shot him a glare. "It's just as I said. We'll do what we can to prevent her finding out, and in the event that you are found out we'll do our best to evac. you and any other members to safety. That was our agreement... 'x' number of years ago."
Iden calms down a little.'alright,sorry for losing it there,I'm like a different being when I'm panicked.anyways,we are all going to rest?im going to need that.'they seemed calmer.'Sometimes,being a changeling sucks.your like a weak Alicorn,but luck hates you along with most ponies and other beings.and you got a harsh queen.punishing you for most screw ups.'
Silver grit his teeth and turned to Iden. "You REALLY shouldn't have said that," Arc whispered to him.

"SHIFTER life sucks?" Silver said incredulously. Arc face-hoofed but did nothing to stop it. At this point, he knew it was in vain to attempt to stop it. "It's because of YOUR race that the war started. You guys just couldn't be happy with our fair borders, could you? You just HAD to invade us, didn't you? So many good ponies died just because you Shifters couldn't be content with anything short of ruling everything."
Assailant said:
Silver grit his teeth and turned to Iden. "You REALLY shouldn't have said that," Arc whispered to him.
"SHIFTER life sucks?" Silver said incredulously. Arc face-hoofed but did nothing to stop it. At this point, he knew it was in vain to attempt to stop it. "It's because of YOUR race that the war started. You guys just couldn't be happy with our fair borders, could you? You just HAD to invade us, didn't you? So many good ponies died just because you Shifters couldn't be content with anything short of ruling everything."
'I wasn't the one who wanted to expand,I was fine with the borders.but I was forced to fight,so you cant put that on me! If I had the choice we would not have invaded at all,instead we would live in peace,as I would try to make equestria better,and nod fucking invade it!'the papers voice was calm but also aggressive.iden paused and calmed down.'I don't want to argue with you,I want to keep the peace we have right now,sorry if what I said made you mad,but you shouldn't pin the invasion on me,or the race in general,as there was quite a few who were forced to fight,regardless if they wanted to or not.i know you had no choice too.war sucks,and I wish we had a better ruler back then.'the papers voice was more quiet.calm,and somewhat shy.
Despite seeming more calm than before, Silver was still angry. "I-" Arc jabbed him in the chest, which was enough to shut him up for a few moments.

"You know as well as me that sleep deprivation can make one irrational. We are both exhausted, Silver. Let us sleep on this, and if you truly feel this is a conversation worth continuing upon awakening than we can do so." Silver opened and closed his mouth a few more times before huffing and moving forward. "You know how he can be," Arc said to Iden.
Assailant said:
Despite seeming more calm than before, Silver was still angry. "I-" Arc jabbed him in the chest, which was enough to shut him up for a few moments.
"You know as well as me that sleep deprivation can make one irrational. We are both exhausted, Silver. Let us sleep on this, and if you truly feel this is a conversation worth continuing upon awakening than we can do so." Silver opened and closed his mouth a few more times before huffing and moving forward. "You know how he can be," Arc said to Iden.
Iden nods.'while we rest I hope they can handle the dragon.amuwas I heard celestia has a student.twilight or somthing.irs interesting beacuse she usally does not take students.at least from my knowledge.iden stopped having a voice citing what they wrote down,iden was too tired for that now.
Assailant said:
Despite seeming more calm than before, Silver was still angry. "I-" Arc jabbed him in the chest, which was enough to shut him up for a few moments.
"You know as well as me that sleep deprivation can make one irrational. We are both exhausted, Silver. Let us sleep on this, and if you truly feel this is a conversation worth continuing upon awakening than we can do so." Silver opened and closed his mouth a few more times before huffing and moving forward. "You know how he can be," Arc said to Iden.
Iden nods.'while we rest I hope they can handle the dragon.anyways I heard celestia has a student.twilight or somthing.its interesting beacuse she usally does not take students.at least from my knowledge.iden stopped having a voice citing what they wrote down,iden was too tired for that now.

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