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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Arc frowned. "I still fail to see how that's alchemy." Silver walked back, having placed runes by the majority of the ponies. He aided Arc in finishing the final touches on the rune before nodding. "You want to start?"

Silver simply stepped back and waved his hoof as if to say "After you." Arc sighed before his horn glowed. For a few moments, nothing happened. Then, the complicated rune before him lit up and began glowing with the color of his horn. Moments later, the runes around the injured ponies began glowing green. Ever so slowly, their wounds began to stitch back together and their bones mend. It would probably be a good... oh, ten minutes before they were healed sufficiently. It was a decently long process when this many wounded were involved.
Assailant said:
Arc frowned. "I still fail to see how that's alchemy." Silver walked back, having placed runes by the majority of the ponies. He aided Arc in finishing the final touches on the rune before nodding. "You want to start?"
Silver simply stepped back and waved his hoof as if to say "After you." Arc sighed before his horn glowed. For a few moments, nothing happened. Then, the complicated rune before him lit up and began glowing with the color of his horn. Moments later, the runes around the injured ponies began glowing green. Ever so slowly, their wounds began to stitch back together and their bones mend. It would probably be a good... oh, ten minutes before they were healed sufficiently. It was a decently long process when this many wounded were involved.

She pulls a pellet out from a bag."this is ache is beacuse of what is inside. You can mix to elements to make it explosive.just have the pellet break upon contact of somthing and the mix. Then the explosion occurs, here watch this."she uses a claw to carefully split it in half,revealing two liquid chemicals.

(The text here is different, I don't know why, but I should have it figured out on the next post.)
Arc frowned. "But... that isn't alchemy." Silver nodded. "That's potion-making. Chemistry. Silver, take over for a moment?" Silver nodded and placed his hoof on the rune as Arc stopped putting magic into it. The light coming from the runes dimmed, but remained on. Arc grabbed a stone and his horn flared up. He furrowed his eyes, and a moment later there was a flash of light. Where the stone once was, there was now a small nugget of gold. He tossed it towards Amelia. "THAT is alchemy." He turned back and took the rune control once more.
Assailant said:
Arc frowned. "But... that isn't alchemy." Silver nodded. "That's potion-making. Chemistry. Silver, take over for a moment?" Silver nodded and placed his hoof on the rune as Arc stopped putting magic into it. The light coming from the runes dimmed, but remained on. Arc grabbed a stone and his horn flared up. He furrowed his eyes, and a moment later there was a flash of light. Where the stone once was, there was now a small nugget of gold. He tossed it towards Amelia. "THAT is alchemy." He turned back and took the rune control once more.

She was having a hard time showing a good example, she was never really good at talking.

"I know what it is, I'm just trying a good example. Since you know, it's hard to do if you don't have magic.actually o have a good example now,I'll show you how a into key get more ammo in battle."she picks up a small rock, And pulls out a small jug. She puts the rock in the jug and closes the lid.she shook it a little bit and opened the cap,inside was a unfinished rifle pellet."this is the best example i can give, I don't exactly have my equipment with me, I was not prepared to show. anyways, that's basically some of the alchemy part."

(I was actually having a hard time show an example,like when I showed the chemicals I was going to change them. But forgot to finish it. So now it's just a terrible example. Anyways,if I screw up any more.its beacuse I'm tired. I might go to sleep after four or so more posts.)
"Manual alchemy? Interesting." He huffed a bit. "Silver, switch." Silver once again took over the rune while Arc turned to Amelia. "I guess without equipment, non-runic Alchemy is rather difficult. Even more so for Pegasi and Earth Ponies. Though I must say, I'm somewhat surprised an alchemist isn't carrying around some runes in one form or fashion. Cultural changes, I guess."
Assailant said:
"Manual alchemy? Interesting." He huffed a bit. "Silver, switch." Silver once again took over the rune while Arc turned to Amelia. "I guess without equipment, non-runic Alchemy is rather difficult. Even more so for Pegasi and Earth Ponies. Though I must say, I'm somewhat surprised an alchemist isn't carrying around some runes in one form or fashion. Cultural changes, I guess."

"Runes are a Rare now, been trying to find a teacher,but no luck.i was planning to ask later but I guess since we are on the topic, may you teach me about runes and how to work them?"the griffon was sitting now, respectfully looking arc in the eyes.
Arc seemed confused. Was this really the right time to be asking? However, it did seem he had nothing better to do. With a quick verification from Silver that he had everything under control, Arc decided to agree. "Okay, so first thing's first. How good are you at Mana Channeling?"

Mana Channeling was an art practiced in ancient times. Most unicorns in the modern day were capable of it, as it was how they did magic. Any species that possessed inner magic was capable of it though. It was learning how to control the flow of your own magic. In the old days, it was used by all races to perhaps make them faster, stronger, etc. Much like runic sorcery, it stopped being used centuries ago due to the peace times. Without everypony's lives being at stake 24/7, the need to learn it was gone. It had faded into obscurity.
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Assailant said:
Arc seemed confused. Was this really the right time to be asking? However, it did seem he had nothing better to do. With a quick verification from Silver that he had everything under control, Arc decided to agree. "Okay, so first thing's first. How good are you at Mana Channeling?"
Mana Channeling was an art practiced in ancient times. Most unicorns were capable of it, as it was how they did magic. Any species that possessed inner magic was capable of it though. It was learning how to control the flow of your own magic. In the old days, it was used by all races to perhaps make them faster, stronger, etc. Much like runic sorcery, it stopped being used centuries ago due to the peace times. Without everypony's lives being at stake 24/7, the need to learn it was gone. It had faded into obscurity.
"I didn't mean right now, but alright, I am not to great at it, but I can do it."learning this would help her greatly with thier alchemy. And maybe even learn how to do some other things with runes.
Even with Celestia's healing Shina seemed to just ball up tighter in the grass. Much like a young filly refusing to get out of bed. "Mama wa, watashi wa gakkō no tame ni amarini mo tsukarete imasu. Anata wa subete no yoru no torēningu o watashi o tsudzukemashita. (Mom I'm too tired for school. You kept me up training all night. )" Shina whined in her sleep, no doubt dreaming.

After a moment the young kirin seemed to come to her senses. Sitting up groggily Shina lifted a hoof to rub her head. It felt like her skull had been split in tow. "Did it work?" She asked softly, still trying to make sense of what'd happened after Mephisto took her soul. "They are free?"

Lifting her gaze finally Shina took in the battle around her. Weather or not she'd successfully freed the other trapped souls she'd have to worry about later. It seemed the battle was reaching it's climax. "Right, let us finish this." She said simply before closing her eyes to channel what magic she had left. As that gold antler began to glow Shina's eyes opened to show they'd been replaced with flames, channeling her magic to Eclipse.
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Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia


With Shina tended to, not another word was needed for Celestia to rush to Eclipse's side with Luna. Horn alight, the Alicorn pushed past the pain as her body was enveloped in a shimmering aura. Golds and reds swirled together like a blazing fire. This . . . demon was not leaving Hast alive.

The addition of the Sister's magic only intensified the weight in the air. Fang gritted her teeth as she struggled to remain standing. The air crackled with raw mana coursing through it. BY now even the citizens of Hast would be able to notice. Those sensitive to magic being able to feel a fraction of the pressure surging from the hillside. The normally faint glow from Fang's eyes intensified as she moved towards Eclipse and the others. Each step was battle, growing more difficult the closer she got to them. She'd never tried to share her magic with another before, the back of Fang's mind raced as she tried to think of a way to do it.

She felt something as she started to tap into her own magic reserves. A spark, so faint and barely noticeable, but it was there. Focusing on that feeling, Fang found herself being able to feel the links between everyone involved. Dark crimson and violet swirled around her as Fang's own magic was added into the battle
"I figure it might be helpful to teach you at least a bit right now. That way you could help with the healing, along with Silver and myself. Don't think I can teach it that quickly, but we can see." Arc looked around for a bit before quickly carving a rune into the ground.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96d55a9d_EarthRune.png.2a508e481ec009caa1252262067bf474.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96d55a9d_EarthRune.png.2a508e481ec009caa1252262067bf474.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"This," Arc said, "Is an Earth Rune. One of the simplest to make and one of the easiest to control. At least, basically anyway." Arc put his hoof on it and the rune glowed. The earth gave way under his hoof as his hoof began sinking into the ground. After a few moments, Arc raised his hoof. There was now a depression in the ground about three inches deep.

"Place yourself upon the rune. Channel your mana into that dot in the center. Every line and curve and symbol had a purpose, often times it isn't clear. The dot is the entry point for mana, and is in a majority of runes. Once your mana is channeled, compel it to spread. It is... hard to say what to do from there. You must compel your mana to spread. You must be forceful and make it travel through the rune, while also being gentle enough to let the rune manipulate it at the same time. You need to move it, the rune needs to manipulate it. Go ahead and try. It is very tough, and it will likely take you awhile to actually get a feeling for what you must do."



  • Earth Rune.png
    Earth Rune.png
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Assailant said:
"I figure it might be helpful to teach you at least a bit right now. That way you could help with the healing, along with Silver and myself. Don't think I can teach it that quickly, but we can see." Arc looked around for a bit before quickly carving a rune into the ground.View attachment 269729"This," Arc said, "Is an Earth Rune. One of the simplest to make and one of the easiest to control. At least, basically anyway." Arc put his hoof on it and the rune glowed. The earth gave way under his hoof as his hoof began sinking into the ground. After a few moments, Arc raised his hoof. There was now a depression in the ground about three inches deep. "Place yourself upon the rune. Channel your mana into that dot in the center. Every line and curve and symbol had a purpose, often times it isn't clear. The dot is the entry point for mana, and is in a majority of runes. Once your mana is channeled, compel it to spread. It is... hard to say what to do from there. You must compel your mana to spread. You must be forceful and make it travel through the rune, while also being gentle enough to let the rune manipulate it at the same time. You need to move it, the rune needs to manipulate it. Go ahead and try. It is very tough, and it will likely take you awhile to actually get a feeling for what you must do."

She sets one of her feet onto the rune,and seems to focus for a couple of minutes, eventually. A medium sized crack forms."did I use to little? Beacuse that's just sad right there."she was frowning slightly. They were expecting at least a larger crack.
Arc seemed content with the crack. "That's actually pretty decent. I believe I know your problem though." He considered the crack for a few moments. "Well, there are two possible problems you could be having. The first is that you naturally have weak mana. Weak, or little. Right now I'm going to assume that isn't the problem, because if it is than you'd need a lot more help than what I can provide. However, the second problem I can help with. I believe your problem, if not the former issue, is that you're forcing it too much. It's a difficult balance, understand that many screw it up at the beginning. You need to force it INTO the rune, but once it's in it's more of a gentle push. You are merely moving it forward. You cede control to the rune, and you are nothing more than a propellant. Move your mana WITH the rune."
Assailant said:
Arc seemed content with the crack. "That's actually pretty decent. I believe I know your problem though." He considered the crack for a few moments. "Well, there are two possible problems you could be having. The first is that you naturally have weak mana. Weak, or little. Right now I'm going to assume that isn't the problem, because if it is than you'd need a lot more help than what I can provide. However, the second problem I can help with. I believe your problem, if not the former issue, is that you're forcing it too much. It's a difficult balance, understand that many screw it up at the beginning. You need to force it INTO the rune, but once it's in it's more of a gentle push. You are merely moving it forward. You cede control to the rune, and you are nothing more than a propellant. Move your mana WITH the rune."

She nods,and tries again, this time taking much longer then before. Then a fair sized crevice forms."wow, was not expecting to get that good. I should start raising my goals soon. Beacuse that's awesome!"she gestured to the crevice.she never actually did anything like that, and it's exciting for Amelia.
"Interesting," Arc said as he observed the small crevice. This rune, specifically, was an Earth Separation Rune. If one wanted to reform or shape Earth, multiple add-ons had to be made to the rune. It was interesting that Amelia was creating crevices, rather than a dip like he had. Arc could make crevices with the rune, that was easy, but for a newcomer to have done it unintentionally? This said multiple possible things, some good and some bad. "Try making a dip like I did. Rather than expanding your mana out to the side of the rune, instead keep pushing your mana down. This should be easier, as you don't have to redirect your mana much."
Assailant said:
"Interesting," Arc said as he observed the small crevice. This rune, specifically, was an Earth Separation Rune. If one wanted to reform or shape Earth, multiple add-ons had to be made to the rune. It was interesting that Amelia was creating crevices, rather than a dip like he had. Arc could make crevices with the rune, that was easy, but for a newcomer to have done it unintentionally? This said multiple possible things, some good and some bad. "Try making a dip like I did. Rather than expanding your mana out to the side of the rune, instead keep pushing your mana down. This should be easier, as you don't have to redirect your mana much."

"I was not supposed to make a crevice? Alrighty, I'll try a dip."she tries again,this time it was faster then the rest, a large dip forms in front of Amelia."I got to say this is a lot of fun." Amelia stood proud and waited for a response from arc.
Huh, Arc thought as Amelia's leg sunk into the ground as the dip deepened. She has admirable mana strength. She's quite the fast learner. "You are learning rather swiftly. The fact that you learned Mana Channeling beforehand is certainly helpful. However, that rune is foal's play. I am interested to see how this one turns out." He moves a tad bit away from the dip and crevice and creates a new rune. It begins very similar to the previous rune, but soon more complicated designs are thrown onto it.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96f9db4c_EarthManipulationRune.png.a09365ffc1f79fa8ef8d6b1457a29127.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96f9db4c_EarthManipulationRune.png.a09365ffc1f79fa8ef8d6b1457a29127.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"This," he said, "Is the Earth Manipulation room. It allows you to not only tear apart and destroy earth, but also move it around." He places his hoof on it as it glows, and the crevice and dip mend themselves. The ground is still uneven around where it was, but not nearly as much so as it was before. "You cannot create earth, however. That rune is much more advanced. This rune is more difficult, as it requires using your will. It is no longer as simple as simply flowing mana through it. The mana must be manipulated in specific ways to do what you wish." Arc placed his hoof once more on it, and created a crevice in front of him. "Try mending this. The trick for this one is to make your mana travel across the rune in such a way that the mana would seem to almost leave the rune and close the crevice itself. I know that's vague, but it is rather difficult to explain. Let your mana travel through the whole rune as normal, activating it, and then channel the rune-infused mana in such a pattern as described earlier." Arc sat down. "This one is significantly harder than the Earth Destruction rune, so seriously it's going to be awhile before you get it."



  • Earth Manipulation Rune.png
    Earth Manipulation Rune.png
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As the level of magic intensified Firecracker felt it almost impossible to stand.

The sudden burst from the princess sent him slamming to the ground.

Sensitive to magical as all unicorn are, Firecracker almost passed out from the sheer force of it all.

He knew that this attack was going to decide the fate of the battle.

Tilly, Sparky, his friends.. All of Hast. Perhaps Equestria it's self all hinged on this one moment.

He cursed his weakness as he struggled in vain to stand.

He could feel himself blacking out just as something caught his attention.

A single shard of the sword Shina had crafted was still by his side.

It began to levitate and glow as it burned with a powerful magic and began to spin.

As it turned one side reflected the image of Shina: She was old and gray, but her eyes full of grace and mature love as she spoke

"Fire, You have to stand..for the future."

As it turned to the other side it showed the Image of Velvet Rose: She was a young Filly innocent with eyes full of hope and determination

as she to spoke " Come on Fi, you can't let it end like this. Everything we stood for, our home..our past. You were always my hero, now show the world why."

With those final words Firecracker's eyes sprang open.

weather it was a dream of some kind of vision he was clearly back in the present.

Finding the strength to stand He looked to where the shard had laid only to find a small fire burning.

With no time to make sense of things she bravely staggered over to the others.

His horn, eyes and soon whole body began to glow a vibrant copper color as he lowered his head to add his power.

It was as if the scale was suddenly tipped irrevocably in Eclispe's favor. With the Elements of Redemption, Anda's spirit, as well as the magic of the Two Sisters all added together, Eclipse's body began to glow, taking on a swirling vortex of all the auras of those who were adding to his own magic. The blue beam of light from Eclipse's eyes was soon surrounded by a spiral of lights in the color of the auras that were added to his. As this spiral finally met the purple orb, it changed into a brilliant rainbow of colors, the orb expanding to five times its original size as it sped towards Mephisto. The dragon's eyes widened. "No... this can't be.. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" The dragon roared, backing away, practically falling over himself as he tried to put distance between himself and the orb of Soul Torment. The dragon roared in fear as the orb finally met his eyes.

What happened next only took maybe the span of a couple of seconds, but it seemed to last so much longer... Mephisto's white scales darkened, turning first grey, then black before the orb burst, sending the shimmering colors into the sky turning the blue sky into a swirling mix of the aura colors of the ponies whose magic had gone into the blast. That light traveled all over Equestria, and even the lands beyond, creating a light show the likes of which had never before been seen in Equestria.

Even after the orb was gone, those colors lingered in the sky, swirling and mixing together as flecks of the color fluttered down below, almost like snow. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold, and one that could be seen everywhere the lights themselves could be seen..

Mephisto didn't move, his body seeming to be frozen much like a statue. Then a calm breeze blew over the hilltops, and Mephisto's body turned to dust that floated away on the wind.

The Dread Dragon Mephisto was no more.

A soft smile crossed Eclipse's lips. "It's finally.... over..." He murmured, his breathing labored as the last of his strength gave out, causing him to collapse in the crater that had formed under him. Crimson streaks ran from his eyes and down his cheeks as his body trembled and shook from exhaustion, even as his eyes closed...

Soul magic, unbeknownst to those gathered, was incredibly dangerous for the user. They had to use their very soul as a buffer for the magic, and using so much of it like that put their soul at great risk. If not for his unbreakable resolve, Eclipse's soul would have shattered from the strain. Even now, it was damaged, his colors faded and even his Cutie Mark seemed dull.

Whether or not the damage to his soul was permanent or not... That remained to be seen...

What was concerning now was that his breathing was becoming more and more shallow as he lay there... Between the damage to his soul and the strain of using so much magic... Could it have been too much for the old Alicorn's body to take?

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia coughed, letting out a low groan as she pushed herself up. Her entire body aches from the strain of the last attack, her horn feeling like it'd been bucked by a pony twice her size. The Alicorn's mane no longer looked like fire, actually it had lost its ethereal appearance altogether. Light pink hair hung limply out of her armor. Weary eyes scanned the battlefield, all the ponies involved were laying on the ground. Likely from the sheer force of the finishing blow they all delivered. But where was . . . ? "Eclipse!" Celestia slid down into the small crater to her brother's side. She shook her head as she took in the extent of the damage. "No, no! I'm not losing you again." the Alicorn gasped in pain as her horn sputtered to life. It's golden aura was barely even visible as she struggled to even cast the simplest rejuvenation spell.

Fang, meanwhile, lay unconscious on the scorched grass. Her breaths were slow and her condition not nearly as dire as Eclipse's, but it would likely be some time before she came around. If one were to look closely, small cracks could be seen running through her crystalline horns.
Indicus roughly landed on the ground out of breath and drained the amount of magic he felt along with the amount that he gave took a toll maybe not as great as Eclipse's but it would be a few hours or maybe a day before he could cast more then telekinesis. After a moment he went to check on Eclipse seeing how the Alicorn was channeling the brunt of the magic and taking the attack, he found it funny how they distrusted him only a couple of days ago. But it was finished with their help Mephisto was gone his soul damned to whatever hell awaited.

Indicus looked at the state Eclipse was in and Celestia's rush to his side and tried to think of the runes he knew. Indicus did a magical scan ignoring his exhaustion and now blood thirst. The image was blurry but workable, Indicus found a fissure in Eclipse's core and as some theorized soul the magic was spastic. Releasing the spell he looked to Celestia, "The Magic used by and against Mephisto I believe has taken a toll on Eclipse's soul what that is exactly and the extent I don't know."

Indicus shook his head and decided to quickly check on Fang seeing as she had not got up. He could see the damage to her horns and with yet another magical scan that he could barely preform he found she would be able to make a recovery given some rest. Not able to do much else to help Eclipse he stayed near Fang and laid down too tired to do much else even hunt, though he would have to fix that later
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Laying flat on his back, Firecracker was felt like he couldn't move a muscle as he simply stared at the sky.

As the colors swirled in the sky Firecracker looked at it's beauty and as tears began to stream from his eyes he was finally able to acknowledge what had happened to his childhood friend.

as an artist of the sky, he found it fitting to simply whisper to her "Can you see our light show Vel?...This one's for you.."

As soon as Indicus finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly chimed in "You are both right.."

It was Anda, but not in the body of either sisters but in her own form.

it was the radiant young mare the few who fought her saw on the moment of her death back in Equinox.

This version of her spirit signified that her power was mostly restored.

But there were more pressing matters at hand.

She looked down on Eclipse with great pity, like a grandmother seeing a sick child.

She stroked his mane and "The poor Stallion.. He gave himself body and soul for what he believed in.

A quiet and mortified "Nay" (no) could be heard from behind Anda as Steelheart had somehow found her way into the crater.

Anda looked with even greater pity on the poor flutter pony as she stumbled her way towards him and collapsed on him.

As she held him she whimpered "You can't die.. Not now, not after all this. You have to come back to me.. you promised you wouldn't leave me alone.. you promised!"

Steelheart began to glow as she did when she channeled her power, but it did seem to be strong enough.

There was something missing, and Anda knew it but had to bit her lip and wait for it come on it's own.

Fear and panic began to give way to another tearful but intimate moment as she rested her head to his and quietly announced

"..Eclipse..I love you."

As soon as those words escaped her lips the ancient goddess smiled warmly she saw her 'granddaughter' had grown up and discovered the true root of her power: her loving heart.

A blinding light suddenly radiated from the flutter pony as the power and reach of her healing aura grew ten fold.
Laying on get belly Shina's head swayed wearily as she tried to lift it. Having never mastered any sort of healing spell she knew she wasn't of much use in the aftermath of battle. As much as she would have liked to check on everypony even holding her head up was proving difficult.

Like most magic users out magic meant out of energy. Having not eaten and laboring on a sword all morning probably didn't help either. Finally giving up any attempt to keep her head up Shina laid it on her forelegs. Slipping back in to sleep anypony who tired to wake her would be met with more sleepy complaints in her native tongue. "Mama wa, chōdo watashi ga watashi no kikan ka nanika o motte iru sorera o oshietekudasai. Watashi wa kinishinai! (Mom, just tell them I'm having my period or something. I don't care!)"
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It felt like floating.... He didn't know where he was, but it felt peaceful. All he could see around him was emptiness...

"Am I dead?..." Eclipse murmured, looking at the empty void in all directions.


Whose voice was that? It sounded so familiar. He felt like he knew the voice, but it was all hazy... "Who is Eclipse?" He murmured, looking at his hooves before looking out at the void once again. He could hear voices, faint, but there. He could almost swear he knew the ponies they belonged to, but he just couldn't seem to place it... "Why can't I remember?...."

"You can't die.. Not now, not after all this. You have to come back to me.. you promised you wouldn't leave me alone.. you promised!"

His eyes widened. "I know that voice...." He murmured shaking his head as his memories came flooding back at the sound of that voice. "Steelheart! That's right... I promised her I'd never leave her... I can't die now!" He spun around in the void, looking for a way out. He was starting to get desperate, seeing nothing but an empty void in all directions before he heard her voice again...

"..Eclipse..I love you."

A bright light appeared in the void, slowly expanding until it was blinding him. He closed his eyes to block out the blinding light, and when he opened them again, he was looking at the ground. A light weight was on his body too... To those watching, the color slowly returned to his body, even his Cutie Mark brightened until it was glowing much like Steelheart's body. The crimson streaks from his eyes glowed brightly, changing form to an ornate design that looked much like a work of art. The tears of Repentance...

His head slowly turned as he looked up to see Steelheart. He smiled softly, despite how heavy his body still felt.
"I.. love you too, Steelheart..." He murmured softly in her ear before he gently nuzzled her cheek. "I wouldn't be much of a King if I couldn't keep my promises.. now would I?..." He smiled softly as he leaned into her, nuzzling her tenderly. After all this time, he had finally been able to tell her how he had been feeling for so long...

It would have been nice if it didn't take an Evil dragon, an army of puppets, and him nearly dying to get to this point, but at least they had finally reached it....

Assailant said:
Huh, Arc thought as Amelia's leg sunk into the ground as the dip deepened. She has admirable mana strength. She's quite the fast learner. "You are learning rather swiftly. The fact that you learned Mana Channeling beforehand is certainly helpful. However, that rune is foal's play. I am interested to see how this one turns out." He moves a tad bit away from the dip and crevice and creates a new rune. It begins very similar to the previous rune, but soon more complicated designs are thrown onto it.View attachment 269893
"This," he said, "Is the Earth Manipulation room. It allows you to not only tear apart and destroy earth, but also move it around." He places his hoof on it as it glows, and the crevice and dip mend themselves. The ground is still uneven around where it was, but not nearly as much so as it was before. "You cannot create earth, however. That rune is much more advanced. This rune is more difficult, as it requires using your will. It is no longer as simple as simply flowing mana through it. The mana must be manipulated in specific ways to do what you wish." Arc placed his hoof once more on it, and created a crevice in front of him. "Try mending this. The trick for this one is to make your mana travel across the rune in such a way that the mana would seem to almost leave the rune and close the crevice itself. I know that's vague, but it is rather difficult to explain. Let your mana travel through the whole rune as normal, activating it, and then channel the rune-infused mana in such a pattern as described earlier." Arc sat down. "This one is significantly harder than the Earth Destruction rune, so seriously it's going to be awhile before you get it."

After quite a bit of attempts, Amelia looks to the sky and thinks, after a moment a burst of colors surprise her,she watches it for a moment, then looks back down. She needs to do this. she tries once more, and succeds in mending the crevice."well will you look at that, I did it!"she stood with pride.
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