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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.


Luna didn't let her finish her next sentence. Without any warning, she just tilted Fang's chin up to look at her and leaned down, kissing her tenderly, deeply. She couldn't take any more of Fang looking down on herself... .Luna had never once blamed her... She had thought just telling Fang that would snap her out of her sadness, but clearly that wasn't enough...

If this didn't get the point across to Fang, nothing would...

Slowly, reluctantly, she pulled back, her cheeks lighting up just a little bit. "Do you get it now?..." she asked quietly as she watched Fang, biting her lip a little as she waited for an answer.
Assailant said:
"We're, uh, sort of time travelers," Arc said. "I'm gonna be working on figuring out how that happened for quite awhile, I'm sure. Which reminds me, I was hoping you could tell me how long it's been? No one's been very clear. I'm from the year 38 A.S."
Iden finishes collecting rocks and starts slowly making thoer way back to the group. They can't help but think when chrysalis will receive information that iden was caught by a princess? Thoer mind then starts wondering about the punishment,they can't stop thinking about it, it's tearing at thier thoughts.

"Well I don't really know the year.. Wait a minute, your time travelers?!"she starts inspecting them, that would explain the ancient language. She knows what she has to do now, she has to study them, and most things they know about that year. Knowing a pony who has time traveled from an old time would help with valuable information."can you tell me how you went through time?"she said, still inspecting them.

Shadow Fang

Fang froze, eyes widening and face burning. Hell, her mind actually blanked for a split second when Luna kissed her. The princess should have been mad at her, should have hated her. Most would have been glad Fang quietly slipped away once she'd healed enough to be moved to the Order's base to finish recovering. But instead Luna had spent so much time just looking for her. And . . .

And . . .

She studied the Lunar Goddess for a moment after she'd pulled away. Words just refusing to form as Fang stammered for a moment. "Luna . . . I . . . you . . .?" Trying a piece an actual sentence together was harder than it should have been. But so much had happened over the past few minutes. Just trying to wrap her mind around it all was difficult.
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Indicus gave Fang and Luna some space he watched them for awhile with a small smile, he had to admit they were quite an interesting couple. Indicus was quickly reminded of his certain hunger as he could hear the heartbeats of those around him, he needed to find some animals to feed off of before he attacked one of his friends the recent smell of spilled blood still not helping. Subtlety as he could, he made his way to the forest a few hundred meters away with plenty of unaware wildlife. Once he saw the first deer he gave chase his fangs extended, the hunt had begun.
Mrjenkins said:
Iden finishes collecting rocks and starts slowly making thoer way back to the group. They can't help but think when chrysalis will receive information that iden was caught by a princess? Thoer mind then starts wondering about the punishment,they can't stop thinking about it, it's tearing at thier thoughts.

"Well I don't really know the year.. Wait a minute, your time travelers?!"she starts inspecting them, that would explain the ancient language. She knows what she has to do now, she has to study them, and most things they know about that year. Knowing a pony who has time traveled from an old time would help with valuable information."can you tell me how you went through time?"she said, still inspecting them.
Arc frowned. "How does nopony seem to know the year around here?" he muttered to himself. "The future must be really discoordinated."

"Comrade, doth thou hast it in thy mind to make haste from here?" Silver asked, only for Arc to wave him off.

"Hold on a moment." Silver rolled his eyes and grunted, moving over and finding a comfortable bit of pavement to lie down on. "As for the time travel, I'm not quite sure. I have my theories, but you surely wouldn't understand them."
Assailant said:
Arc frowned. "How does nopony seem to know the year around here?" he muttered to himself. "The future must be really discoordinated."
"Comrade, doth thou hast it in thy mind to make haste from here?" Silver asked, only for Arc to wave him off.

"Hold on a moment." Silver rolled his eyes and grunted, moving over and finding a comfortable bit of pavement to lie down on. "As for the time travel, I'm not quite sure. I have my theories, but you surely wouldn't understand them."

"Who knows, I probably can understand it." Ameila yawns, it's been a long day."do you two have a place to rest your noggin for the night? If not I got a home here you can rest in."she was trying her best, not to yawn again, but failed.
As Shina slept another pyromaser sat perched atop the forge. Those piercing eyes shifted to a look of shocked wonder as Konton marveled at the colors in the sky and the snow like sparks that fell. This brief moment of joy was short lived however, as the young phoenix's gaze fell upon the bodies of a few puppeted pegasus who'd landed on the wrong side of his fire ring. Their charred flesh still smoldering.

It was the first time he'd killed anypony, at least in his current incarnation anyhow. Not remembering any of his past lives yet it felt like killing for the first time, and after all the things he'd learned from Shina, the eastern spirit of chaos no longer liked the feeling. His head hung in shame, though the ponies he'd killed were a threat at the time even Konton seemed to know they were not acting of their own will.

The adolescent phoenix wanted to be comforted, but his mother was still not back, and she'd told him not to leave. Perhaps seeking comfort from another Konton fluttered down from the roof top coming to land in one of the forge's window. In an almost shy posture Konton gave a series of hushed chirps and peeps in an attempt to get Tilly or Sparky's attention without startling them.
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-in the forge-

Tilly tried desperately to shield her foal not only from the chaos outside, but the knowlage of the violence.

He was after all, only nine, and she didn't want him traumatized at such a young age.

As the noise began to die down Tilly Finally began to peek out from the protective ball she had curled up in.

As a soft chirping began to brake the eerie silence Tilly began to look for the source.

Popping his head out from his round mother's 'protection' Sparky gasp for air before pointing out " Look mamma, it's miss Shina's bird."

Tilly looked at the poor creature sadness as her maternal instincts began to go into overdrive.

She slowly sat up into a seated position observing "The poor little motek (sweetness). He misses his mother.."

Beckoning him over she called in a soft sweet voice "Come here bubby, I know a thing or two about taking care of babies. I'll keep ya safe until your mother comes back."

Ironic how he was meant to be the one protecting them, but you never argue with big mamma Tilly.

She always seemed to find a way into the position of care giver.

It could be why her cutie mark was that of a rattle with a cup-cake for a head.

She was a born mother figure.

-In the Hills of Hast-

Anda couldn't help but chuckle softly as Luna sat down on, and then stayed on Fang.

It wasn't until Luna decided to kiss her that Anda Finally decided they needed some alone time to sort out their feelings.

As she began to walk away she murmured over her shoulder " I will never understand why you mortal pony have such an aversion to affection"

She was right though, through history and even more so on this day it took nearly dying just to get a pony to say they cared.

Anda was a being of limitless anger, but also boundless love.

To her the affairs of these "South pony" were extremely strange.

Steelheart could only sniffle in response to Eclipse's comfort.

She wanted so badly not to cry, but she felt so overwhelmed by everything that to utter a single word more would likely make her start again.

Pulling him closer as best her weak legs could she simply listened to his heart.

To simply hear it beating was so comforting to her after nearly losing him so many times in the past few days.

The warmth of his body, the soft glow from his new symbol it was all so serene.

Steelheart cooed softly as she did when she is comfortable as she slowly began to nod off.

Exhaustion and relief had finally gotten the better of her as she fell into a sound sleep.

Soon Tiny snores could be heard coming from the delicate Flutter pony.

It would seem she was simply too tired to be concerned with being 'lady like'

Lavender Moon again stubbornly refused saying " I am fine." As she struggled to her feet only to come crashing back down with a

"Javla Helveta!" (F*ing Hell!)

She sighed with a slight pout as she reluctantly looked back to Spyro and relented " Some help..Ja..Maybe I could use some just this once."

There was a slight sadness in her eyes as her pride had taken yet another hit.

But she also felt guilty for taking it out on Spyro.

As an act of contrition she smiled faintly and asked a bit nicer adding "..Please."
Spyro gave a slight smile to Lavender. "You need not say please, when you be in pain." Spyro said as some shadows started to flow through Spyro's wings as they unfolded and went out to their full wing span, with the shadows intensifying. Some more shadows started to flow out of Spyro's hoofs, horn, and even some of it flowing off of his shoulders.

The shadows darkened a bit when they left Spyro, but then turned a dark shade of red. The red shadows moved quickly to Lavender, and stated to wrap around her. They covered her wounds that were left, and sealed them making it look like nothing happened. As they did this, they gave a bit of a glow, and restored her endurance. The shadows flowed to her head, made her feel well rested, and riding her of all her pain. As the shadows were here, they filled most of her magic pool. With this done, the shadows dispersed, and disappeared into the air.

However with this done, Spyro gave a sharp gasp of pain, and fell to his knees with his wings laying out on the ground, not at his side. Dark sparks flowed through his horn, with some violent crimson red sparks flowing along his horn too. Spyro was trying to catch his shortness of breath as some of his blood started to trick out of his mouth. Spyro struggled to stand again, folding his wings once more and was standing on shake hoofs. Spyro turned to Lavender and gave her a small smile that lasted a short while as a jolt of pain when down his spine.

(Info on what Spyro did. Spell name --- Shadows light: Shadows light is a spell that only draconicorn can use. Draconicorn's only will use this spell for a really close friend or those they care for a lot within family wise. This spell can heal any current wound, fill up most of someones endurance, and can help regenerate someones magic pool. Though this come with a price, and that is that it can cause shortness of breath to the caster, dizziness, extreme pain, and can cause them death if they use this spell to many times in a week or a month, depends on how high their pain tolerance is. The use of this spell is something that shows anyone that the draconicorn truly does care for someone with the fact they would risk themselves like this.)
Mrjenkins said:

"Who knows, I probably can understand it." Ameila yawns, it's been a long day."do you two have a place to rest your noggin for the night? If not I got a home here you can rest in."she was trying her best, not to yawn again, but failed.
Arc yawns. "Nay, methinks t'will beith most troubling, granted I am bereft, nary a single fortune of mine hath stayeth." Arc paused and chuckled. "Aha! Methinks mine storage hath gone!"

"Prithee, knave, silence thy prate," Silver mumbled with a slight glare at Arc. "Doth thou feelst nary a woe?"

"Wherefore doth thou grovel? Begone with thine groveling, and rest as thou want in thine solemnity."

"Would that I would," Silver responded with a grumble once more.
Lavender Moon cringed at first as the shadows eveloped the various parts of her body.

This however turned to a facinated wonder as she realized the spell wasn't going to hurt.

At least..not yet anyway.

A sudden spark of shock came over her as she realized the nature of the spell though.

Being a flutter pony she could understand magic very easily .

Even if she could never hope to use certain types she still could grasp their concepts by feel alone.

Her sister was simply far better at it.

Rushing over to Spyro she used her forehooves to steady him as she chastised "what in hell were you thinking? Using that kind of magic.. You could have been seriously injured.. Or worse "

She found it a bit odd that she cared at all, but she couldn't help but worry about him.

No pony had ever stuck their neck out to care for her injuries.

Least of all a "south pony"

As Anda walked by the two she rolled her eyes and commented

"child I raised you better then that."

She then used her rump to bump Lavender Moon in closer to Spyro.

In her forced hug Lavender Moon simply sighed and again let her guard down.

For once she actually hugged a pony other then Steelheart without it being begrudgingly.

She patted his back and tried to comfort him saying "you are good stallion..a damn fool.. But good stallion"
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Spyro gave a slightly pained, yet mostly happy smile to Lavender Moon. "Some say I'm to good after what I've seen and been through. Others say I'm a fool for trying to save all of the innocents. For my friends, I'll do many things to help them in their time of need. For those who are family, I'll stick by their side in what they be going through. For those that I care for beyond the line of family, I'll risk all I have, and use my races magic to save her. I'll walk down what path she takes, and help to guide her through it." Spyro stated as he almost blacked out towards the end but was breathing at a proper rate finally as the blood finally stopped trickling out of his mouth.

"I'd do anything for you Lavender, You have brought to me comfort over something that has bothered me for so long. This is why I care for you so much Lavender. You might not no this, but you have the most kindest soul I have ever seen." Spyro told her smiling.
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For the first time ever a hard blush came over Lavender Moon's face.

No pony had ever said anything like that to her.

She was at a loss as she moved a foot or so back.

Unable to look at him she laughed nervously and waved a hoof in dismissal saying "you confuse me for min syster. We look so much alike ja? It's common mistake .

She seemed almost sad to dismis the idea.

She faked a confidant smile as she went on "I am the dark side to Anda's soul. I destroy so that the cycle of rebirth can continue."

Her smile faulterd as she added

"There is nothing good about me.."

Meanwhile Firecracker had picked himself up out of the dust.

Having decided to check on Shina.

He found his rescuer sleepy safely in the field.

He slowly layed down beside her unsure of just what to say.

Taking a deep breath he decided to just be himself as he joked "and here I thought sleeping beauty was just an old mares tale."

Stroking her mane he laughed to himself as he went on " I guess I'm glad Eclipse is some kind of king rather then a prince."
Assailant said:
Arc yawns. "Nay, methinks t'will beith most troubling, granted I am bereft, nary a single fortune of mine hath stayeth." Arc paused and chuckled. "Aha! Methinks mine storage hath gone!"
"Prithee, knave, silence thy prate," Silver mumbled with a slight glare at Arc. "Doth thou feelst nary a woe?"

"Wherefore doth thou grovel? Begone with thine groveling, and rest as thou want in thine solemnity."

"Would that I would," Silver responded with a grumble once more.

She listened, Amelia was only able to understand some."did you have a storage of runes that kept your translator or somthing going?"she was not to great with understanding it, but she was able to understand some, and it was enough.
Spyro slowly moved forward, almost falling down from the pain he felt, until he reached Lavender with only an inch between them, looking her in the eye. "You say that with a false smile, but your eyes tell a different tale. We both know the truth. You say you are of a dark side, but you bring light to where you go. Look at me, I've been branded by War himself, and for that, no one ever wants to be near me, and only push me away. You, you helped me, and brought comfort to me, and I'm not mistaken, I know it's you that did this for me, not your sister. And this is something that a dark side could never do. And you say there is nothing good about you, I see plenty of good in you." Spyro told her as he still was looking at her in the eyes.
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The first deer fell quickly, then a second, a third Indicus killed almost ten deer to sate his thirst and it just did so barely more like letting him think beyond blood and lower the background noise of pulses and heartbeats. Indicus cleaned the blood off his fur and armor and walked out of the forest and sat a short distance away from the others as they chatted some sharing intimate moments and he smiled. It was what he fought for as a Thalemn Marine, the Lunar spec ops, and now a member of The Order.
Mrjenkins said:

She listened, Amelia was only able to understand some."did you have a storage of runes that kept your translator or somthing going?"she was not to great with understanding it, but she was able to understand some, and it was enough.
Much like Amelia, Arc found himself unable to understand Amelia. However, because, unlike Amelia, the language she was speaking had NEVER existed in his time, he had a more difficult time understanding. He heard the word "storage," and knew she was on topic at least. How could he explain it?

"Storage Rune," he said, before making a cutting motion across his neck as if to say the storage had died.

Eclipse smiled softly, gently stroking Steelheart's mane as she rested against him. She had certainly earned her rest. After all, they still had the Winter Ball to attend tonight. Well, assuming she was up for it. He certainly hoped so. He had big plans for tonight...

His eyes turned up to his Sister. "We sure picked one hell of a way to have a reunion.. Didn't we Celly?" He asked with a soft chuckle as he kept Steelheart close against him. There was no mistaking their relationship, even if it would be strange for Celestia to see her older brother with a marefriend...


Luna smiled softly as Fang struggled to make a coherent sentence. She gently pressed her hoof over Fang's mouth to calm her down. "Do you promise not to ever try and run away from me again?" She asked, gazing down at Fang's eyes as she continued rest the royal rump upon Fang's back. It seemed she wasn't taking any chances on Fang trying to run off again.
Assailant said:
Much like Amelia, Arc found himself unable to understand Amelia. However, because, unlike Amelia, the language she was speaking had NEVER existed in his time, he had a more difficult time understanding. He heard the word "storage," and knew she was on topic at least. How could he explain it?
"Storage Rune," he said, before making a cutting motion across his neck as if to say the storage had died.

"needeth help with thy translator?"she asked somewhat poorly in thier language. Amelia does not like language barriers. It makes things way more complicated, and she does not like that. She waits for a response from arc. Yawning again.

(Sorry for the short posts, having a case of writers block, it has yet to go away.

And are they speaking somthing similar to Shakespeare's language? Or at least the way he writes things?)
Mrjenkins said:

"needeth help with thy translator?"she asked somewhat poorly in thier language. Amelia does not like language barriers. It makes things way more complicated, and she does not like that. She waits for a response from arc. Yawning again.

(Sorry for the short posts, having a case of writers block, it has yet to go away.

And are they speaking somthing similar to Shakespeare's language? Or at least the way he writes things?)
Arc frowned. He was pretty sure she was asking if he needed help with the rune. If t'were the case, she'd be unable to do it. The rune is much too difficult to maintain. He appreciated the thought, but she may well end up killing him if she tried to use it. Or worse.

"Nay," he responded simply.

((Yes, they are speaking Elizabethen English. Problem is, every post with it takes around 20 - 50 minutes to write, as I take the time to research the vocabulary so that I speak it as accurately as I can. Part of the reason I've started shortening my posts.))

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia slowly raised her head and looked at Eclipse. No longer burning red, her eyes had changed back to their normally soft pink color. An exhausted smile crossed her lips, "Insane as it was, I'm just glad to see you again . . . " A soft almost sad chuckle escaped her lips, "Though at least this reunion didn't require one of us dying." She shook her head slightly, as if banishing some kind of painful memory. Her gaze finally fell on the sleeping form of Steelheart. The kind love between the pair was something the Solar Goddess had never truly experienced before.

Fang had to let out a slow sigh as she tried to collect her scattered and uncooperative thoughts. Her gaze hadn't left Luna's for a while now as the Princess asked if she would try to leave again or not. Well, perhaps telling her she wasn't leaving again was a more accurate description. Though finally the mare nodded in response.
-In the Forge-

Konton didn't hesitate to take Tilly up on the offer. Landing next to the round mare the phoenix still hung his head in shame. It probably would of seemed strange to anypony who knew him before. Though an adolescent now he was in fact thousands of years old, and in all that time this was the first time Konton had ever felt guilt or remorse. Perhaps even more remarkable was him seeking comfort from ponies he would have rather burned in his previous lives.

-In the Hills-

As her sleep deepened Shina's dreams shifted from the playful memories of not wanting to get up for school as a filly, to much darker visions. She saw a sacrificial alter stained in old dry blood. Channels carved in to the alter lead to open containers sitting beneath each corner of the stone slab for collecting blood. There was a dark figure standing before the alter knife in hand but for whatever reason Shina simply couldn't make him out. She could however, make out the warped and twisted form surrounding the ritual space. Demons... Genma to be exact.

Shina's sleeping form tightened into a ball as she murmured something. With a fearful whimper she began to tremble. This normally brave warrior was suddenly deathly afraid of whatever she saw in her nightmares.
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"Well... at least not technically... I"m rather certain I died there for a few minutes...." Eclipse chuckled softly at the grim joke. He followed his sister's gaze down to the sleeping Flutter Pony leaning against him. "Oh... I should probably introduce you... I think you've met before after Equinox if I remember her story correctly... But in case you forgot, this is Steelheart" He smiled softly down at her, gently stroking her mane as she rested. It probably would be obvious to Celestia that Steelheart would likely soon be her new sister in law...

He didn't seem to mind still wearing his armor. It had been so long since he had last worn it, but it still felt like a second skin to him. His only complaint is that it reminded him of the cloak that had kept him separated from Steelheart for so long...


The Goddess of the Moon smiled softly, slowly moving off of Fang and sitting in front of her. "Pinkie Promise. Do it" She smirked playfully down at her. Everypony knew what a Pinkie Promise was. Even if they'd never run into the pony in question, the concept of a Pinkie Promise had traveled so far, some Griffons were even known to do it these days.

"And keep in mind, if you break this Pinkie Promise, I will banish you to the dark side of the moon" Her tone was serious, until she turned and indicated she would very much sit on Fang again if she did that.

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia slowly nodded as she watched the slumbering Flutter Pony. "Yes, I did meet her following the events at Equinox. It's hard to forget a pony like her." There was just something about Steelheart that made her stick around in your mind after meeting her. Maybe it was her youthful innocence. Or maybe it was because Celestia had felt Anda's presence within her. "Unfortunately, Luna was tending to other duties at the time and wasn't able to meet her." Some odd play of fate that had kept her from seeing Fang attending court that day.

The Thestral rolled into a somewhat more comfortable position as Luna walked around her. "Okay, okay. I Pinkie Promise." Fang chuckled quietly before holding up a hoof and growing more serious. "But, I still have my job in the Order and that isn't something I can just leave." It wasn't as though she was constantly away on missions. But she still couldn't just retire.
Lavender Moon's eyes darted nervously as she failed to understand how any pony could say something like that to her.

She hated the hot blush burning her cheeks, taking it as a sign of weakness.

Resting a hoof on one of his shoulders she kept him at a distance as she remarked "You south pony really don't understand things do you?"

She kept him distant with her hoof but she was really distancing herself to protect her fragile heart.

Her personality had been shattered when the attack on Equinox changed everything.

A pained and distant look in her eyes betrayed her facade as she threatened " I could show you just what I mean by destroyer if you wish"

As Shina tossed and turned Firecracker's joking smile quickly turned to a concerned frown .

He began to gently shake her as he called out "Shina?...Shina it's ok.. Shina wake up."

She didn't seem injured, but she didn't seem to be waking up either.

There was something strange about this nightmare, something unnatural.

Unsure of what to do, Firecracker gently cradled her and tried to comfort her best he could whispering "Shh... it'll be ok.."

-At the forge-

As Konton Landed next to Tilly she smiled brightly welcoming him- "There you go.. Now how about we all calm down and have a snack. "

Tilly was obviously still shaken by the events, but was trying to calm down the children by keeping cool.

She broke a single cookie she had been holding onto in half.

Giving each of them a piece she smiled warmly at poor Konton.

Perhaps in this life his interactions with pony kind would change the spirit of chaos.

weather or not such a thing was even possible who could say?

Scooting her large rump back so she could see each of them she again smiled brightly for the children's sake.

clapping her hooves together she got their attention "How about we sing a song to pass the time?"

Sparky only tilted his head slightly, asking " Mamma, can miss Shina's bird sing?"

Patting the colt on the head she responded "Of course sweetness, birds are some of the best singers.. Maybe he can even learn it well enough to sing to miss Shina when she gets back."

She began to hum softly before she sang "Numi, numi yaldati,--"

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