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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Rosie Jumped at unexpected touch and her short yelp echoed off the water.

Though the falls did make a constant sound, they were somewhat soft and the basin made for a great acoustics.

Looking back at him she sighed in relief- " Oh it's just you hun.."

quickly wiping her eyes to try and hide her crying she dismissed " oh nothing's wrong cutie, I just came for some fresh air.. After that jerk at the bar got under my skin, I felt a bit embarrassed. "

Her eyes still red from crying and her voice cracked once while speaking.

It was clear she wasn't simply letting off steam, but rather that insult had really hurt her feelings.

Perhaps even cut deeper then simply that.

Back at the horseshoe Syble had just finished cleaning up the mess from before when a new pony walked in.

Looking over to Zaka she said only -"..Zaka."

Knowing that Syble rarely speaks, Zaka immediately turned his attention to the door.

heaving a sigh, he sarcastically joked "Luna help me, it must be a full moon."

Gesturing for the Pegasus to come in he joked "come on in pal, before the Timberwolves get ya. "

At this point Zaka had decided that this night was just going to be a series of crazy events so I resigned himself to be the best bartender he could be in the mean time.

He could tell the Pegasus looked in rough shape from his travels.

With compassionate eyes, he spoke more sincerely saying "Come sit at the bar son.. I'll poor you something nice."

Syble only smiled and rolled her eyes as she headed to back room.

Zaka was known for his kindness thought Hast, but that was also his downside.

He had many costumers, but his generosity kept him from ever making much money.

-In Canterlot-

Firecracker could only bow his head in acceptance of the terms.

In doing so he nuzzled Shina in return.

For a moment he didn't know what else to do.

So much had happened without him, and so much had changed sense he arrived in Equinox.

Finally a rather obvious question arose as he asked " Can I ask you something?... What happened back on that island?"
Indicus listened to Rosie's half truth and not being any good with words replied, "Bullshit, the name that drunk piece of sh... stallion called you cut you pretty damn deeply that much is apparent from the tears.Hell I wouldn't waste my time chasing after you to see what's shaken you up so bad if you were just embarrassed about letting someone get under your skin. Trust me I know a bit about the difference between emotionally hurt and embarrassed." Indicus said hoping not to come off as condescending.
"I don't know . . ." Fang hesitated, studying Steelheart before finally sighing. "Fine, fine, I don't think I have the time to argue with you anyway." The bat pony flicked her tail slightly out of annoyance. She knew something had to be wrong too, but guiding her blind friend was going to take much longer than just flying there like she'd planned.

Careful to nudge Steelheart in the right direction, Fang led her back down the path towards Sky Chaser's home. From the look of things, it seemed they arrived in the nick of time. Fang was grateful Steelheart was blind. She didn't think the flutter pony could handle the sight of so many scars, the broken horn, or the wings.

Wings . . .

So Sky Chaser was an Alicorn? That explained the cloak, but so far all of the Alicorns she'd met had been royalty. That didn't matter for the time being. By now, a normal pony likely would have been reduced to a stuttering, confused mess. But Fang never considered herself normal. Facing a corrupted dragon that wielded magic that made the Divine Sisters seem weak, not to mention all the work she'd done in the Order, she wasn't exactly an easy pony to surprise.

That didn't mean she wasn't concerned. The Alicorn's form was badly scarred, not to mention his horn was broken. A Unicorn's soul rest in their horn . . . It was the source of their magic, the reason it was so easy for them to harness their power. It was simple to assume the same held true for an Alicorn as well.

"Leaving so soon, Sky Chaser?" She asked in a calm, low voice. Hell, for all she knew he was a pony that had become an Alicorn through less than honest means. It would explain his fear of the Sisters. They'd know after all. Not that something like that made him an evil pony, at least not anymore.

Sky Chaser froze in his tracks at the sound of the voice, his gaze narrowing at Fang as his wings folded quite tightly to his side, concealing his mark from view. "What are you doing he- Steelheart?" His hard gaze broke in an instant when he saw the Flutter Pony behind Fang. His broken horn glowed as he watched Fang, his voice suddenly echoing in her head. "If you tell her what I am... You will regret ever coming here..."

He had worked so hard for ten years to keep his secret preserved, and in one night it was about to go out the bloody window.... He didn't want to get Steelheart wrapped up in this... She was innocent. She didn't need to know about his past, or anything about that.. Sky Chaser's gaze darted around, looking for an escape.... Clearly, even with his horn broken, he was capable of powerful magic.... Just how powerful had he been before it had broken?!
Her smile faded a little remembering what'd happened on Equinox. It was probably the most obvious question she sound have prepared her self for, yet everything had happened so fast she still wasn't sure herself what all had happened. She paused a moment in thought, deciding his best to begin, while also searching for how to explain so much in the common tongue.

"Your explosion destroyed Anda's scales. Beneath she was just magic. While Indicus was fighting with her..." She trailed off a moment, unsure of how well he'd take the next part, having to tell him she'd freed the very phoenix he'd been working so hard to help her get rid of prior to the night in question. "So I ran in and released Konton at her core." She said it rather quickly, and with her eastern accent it would probably be difficult for anyone with out quick ears to pick up on what she was saying.
Fang's expression remained collected, even with the Alicorn's threat. Wouldn't be the first time the bat pony's been threatened, sure as hell won't be the last. Though she's noticed Indicus has become somewhat . . . protective over her on their missions together. Not that she didn't watch out for him by any means. Part of Fang was thankful Indicus wasn't there to hear the threat.

Her crimson eyes took on a somewhat brighter glow, her gaze locked onto him. 'I have no intention of telling her, you can relax about that.'
Ignorant to the tension between the two, Steelheart walked between the them and ask innocently " M.. Mr. Sky Chaser? are you there?.. I can feel a magic that's like yours but.. It's kinda scary."

Her eyes held a desperate pleading to them with a slight twinge of fear as she went on " Please, if something's wrong let me help you."

Taking another step closer her waxed eyes reflected the moon with the tears welling in the corners.

Almost begging she went on " I know I may not look like much, but me and my sister, we.. I can help you. Please, you've done so much for me."

-in Canterlot-

Firecracker listened carefully to everything Shina had to say, but missed perhaps the most important part.

His head began to swim with fractured memories, fears, and the ever present disorientation of being out for so long.

Content that his final act had some meaning, he resting back on in his bed and sighed- " I guess there will be time to figure this mess out later.."

Looking back at her with a loving gaze he asked- " I guess i'm not getting out of this bed for a while still huh. "

Turning to Konton he remarked " And should I even ask about the cranky bird?"

With a short chuckle he spoke again before she could answer.- " Can I ask another question though?. Can you tell me more about yourself?"

Looking off into the distance as if to muse he went on " I want to know everything about you.. You enrapture my artistic senses like nothing else."

-On the falls.-

Rosie couldn't help but let out a short laugh at being called out.

Most pony would just let it slide and say it's not their problem.

Kicking a small rock over the edge with her foreleg she admitted " I suppose you got me there hun.. It's a dirty name, that. Like a slap in the face you know. I've worked at a bar sense I was a filly and been called every name in the book.. But one day some Ass came up with that one.. I couldn't take it."

Letting out a sarcastic laugh she remarked " That's when poor Zaka got his first window broken.

Looking over to Indicus she rhetorically asked " guess you want to know what it means then? What it's all about?."

She then looked to the stars in the sky before continuing "..Truth is I love foals.. I'd give anything to be a mother."

Closing her eyes her voice held a sense of lament " Isn't that the dream of all mares?.. Meet someone nice, get hitched, raise a family. . Thing is I can't do that..Ever."

As she opened her eyes again a tear raced down her cheek reflecting the silver moon light.

her voice lowering so as to not crack she explained " So I started singing lullabies to all the foals at night.

I would go by their windows and be some kind of melody on the wind.

That is until ignorance about why I was doing this, and why I never held a colt-friend labeled me some kind of monster.

Any pony with half a brain didn't buy into these accusations, but it was enough to start the rumors.

I had to give that up because of those.."

Scoffing and shaking her head she said " But I've gabbed your ear off enough.. I appreciate you coming out here. But it's your first night in Hast. You should be enjoying yourself. "

Sky Chaser backed himself up against the side of the hill, almost as if he was scared of the blind pony that approached him. His whole body was tense before his eyes closed. He couldn't stand to see her cry... "I'm here... Steelheart... but there's nothing you can do to help me, not this time..." He murmured quietly, unable to bring his gaze to hers, even if she couldn't see him.

He slumped down on his flank, his side to her but he was unable to bring himself to face her.. Even now though, he adamantly kept his wings folded over his mark. Sure, he could fly away with ease, but that would hurt Steelheart way too much if he did that now. He would never forgive himself if he did that to her. She didn't deserve to suffer for his mistakes....
Shina couldn't help but smile, her heart fluttering and butterflies in her stomach when Firecracker spoke of how she inspired him. For a second she wondered if he'd still be so enamored with her once the mystery of who she was and where she came from was gone. Thinking it was probably best to find out sooner rather then later she gave a light nod thinking on how best to begin answering his question.

"That is Konton." She explained nodding toward the young phoenix on his night stand, starting with the simplest question first. "He returned as a hatchling, so I have been trying to raise him." She explained, hoping it wouldn't be too startling.

As to the question of her self that might prove more difficult. "I grew up in the capital of Neighppon." She began the scales on her cheeks flushing a soft pink color as she continued. "My father is head of the Emperor's royal guards. My mother is one of the Emperor's assassins..." She trailed off a moment, worried she might of given to much information. At least her family wasn't there to introduce them selves. "There is also my younger brother, Ryo." She added hoping to steer the conversation away from her parents.
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Indicus let out a chuckle, "Makes it harder with my damn white knight complex to ignore distress from anyone. Helps less that I know what loneliness is like and that I probably would have done the same in your situation. Also like I said before I'm not one to waste time so don't worry about this taking away from what fun I may have here."
Allen still had his unbearable load on his back when he entered. He cringed a little at the mention of Timberwolves, flapping his wings.

"Th-thank you… Uh, know by chance where I can put my cart?"
- In Canterlot-

As she introduced konton Firecracker couldn't help but flinch away from his night stand.

This was the dreaded Kanton, bringer of chaos and doom?

Eyeing the bird up and down as she continued he heard her speak of her home and of her family.

Returning his gaze back to hers he felt a slight blush as he said "That's incredible. I had heard of such a place, but I never knew any pony to actually come from there. And a family to.. wow."

Smiling coyly he said " And here I thought you had simply had come from heaven."

Nuzzling the side of her cheek he continued-" It must be nice to have a family.. A mother, a father, and even a brother."

He quickly drew back from her when it dawned on him- " Wait, if you have a family doesn't that mean they will be worried about you?"

A twinge of guilt plucked up within him as he realized he may have kept her away for nine months more then intended.

After all, when they first met she said she was only going to be in town a day.

With the mess with Kanton settled, her mission was over, and yet here she was still.

stressed over the situation he had to ask " Shina.. Do they know where you are? do they know about me?"

Perhaps more stressed over the next question he asked " dose your father know about me?. about us?"

-At The Falls-

Kissing Indicus on the cheek Rosie responded " Well some times a mare could use a white knight to come in every once in a while"

Sighing and looking back to the sky she continued "Divines know I could anyway.. You know, you remind me of a Stallion who I use to know..

He was kind, and always fallowed his own sense of what was right. ."

Laughing to herself she added " It sure got that runt into some scrapes some times.. I had to bail him out a few times myself."

Looking back to Indicus she looked somehow happier if not nostalgic as she spoke- " We grew up in this town him and I.. We were the best of friends.. Some times I felt like we were more then friends.."

As she turned her attention back towards the falls she heaved a deep sigh before mumbling " Oh Fi.. if you could see what a mess I've become.. Would you be ashamed of your old Vel?.."

-In The Bar-

Zaka looked with pity at the poor soul that had come to his bar in the night as he explained- " Drop it anywhere I'll have my partner Syble take good care of your things. . Now, come over to the bar and I'll get you fixed up."

Pouring a glass of a single malt, he passed it over to the Pegasus as he asked- " Would you like some food, lad? It's just bar food, but nothing hits the spot quiet like it on nights like this. And I won't accept a single Bit if you try and pay me"

As the last of the normal patrons stood up to leave they remarked- " Your gonna go broke if you keep trying to save the world Zak.."

Simply waving a hoof in dismissal, Zaka replied " You I expect to pay your tab, and on time. "

-At Sky Chasers House-

Shaking her head she rejected the idea that she couldn't help as she explained- " Please Mr.Sky Chaser, If it's the Ball that upset you I could-"

As she took another step closer she slipped and tripped over a small stone cutting her knee.

Struggling to her feet she held her foreleg out to the side as if to bar Shadow Fang's path.

She instinctively knew she would try and help her up, but wanted to prove that she was stronger then the frail blind pony every pony took her for.

gritting her teeth she endured the sting as she finished her step closer and was within a foot of Sky Chaser.

A tiny drop of blood escaped her small cut as if to mirror the tears she managed to hold in her pleading eyes as she implored- " You have been there for me all these months, please..Let me help."

While the injury was minor it clearly stung as she clinched as she spoke " I know I may not be as strong as my sister.. And I may never be so. But I am still a flutter pony. We are beings more magic then mare.. And we have a saying. it says ' We are more then we are when we are one' "

Sky Chaser managed a weak smile when she spoke. "It's not the Ball, Steelheart... It's the Sisters... I can't let them find me... They think I'm long dead and it needs to stay that way..." he murmured, slowly turning his gaze to her. He saw the little cut on her leg and his gaze softened. He closed his eyes, his broken horn glowing just a little before the cut slowly closed. It would start to become increasingly clear to Fang that Sky Chaser was skilled in more than one type of magic, even with his horn broken.

Sky Chaser just couldn't bear to see Steelheart like this. She was such a sweet, innocent pony. She didn't deserve to pay for his past mistakes. In all of these months, Steelheart had never once felt his fur. She had only ever felt his presence through his tail or his cloak, but never once had she felt any part of his actual body. "I can't let them find me, Steelheart... I need to stay dead to them..." He murmured, slowly letting his heavily scarred cheek brush against hers for the first time.

For the first time, she would know his scars, and know some of the pain his past held...

He had hoped to keep his past from her. She had always looked at him like he was some kind of hero. He had wanted to stay that way, but now she would know he was no hero... At least not as far as he was concerned...
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Indicus tried to hide the blush that persisted after Rosie kissed him on the cheek and it was apparent that Midnight black fur was not very good at it. Indicus ignored the blush and spoke up. "He sounds like quite the stallion, sounds a bit like me twenty something years ago. Always trying to fight every young thug out there in defense of someone else and sometimes would get my ass kicked more then I would have liked, then I joined the Thalemn military to do the same thing, blinded by patriotism and wanting to defend my country I was forced to realize that those I fought were not just common thugs that would just stop after a few ass kicking's. I still kept going through with my military career and shortly after mom and dad died I went to Equestria after being picked out for the Lunar Special Forces or LSF for short."

NOTE:(Indicus may be forty but he looks to be in his early or mid twenties)

Indicus's tone shifted from nostalgic to downcast and reflective. "Was part of that for four years before a second lesson really hit home. I learned that I couldn't save everyone. Myself and my squad were captured by a high profile drug, slave and arms dealer during a raid attempt gone wrong." Indicus felt tears going down his face. "The bastard of a leader called himself Master managed to capture us and killed all but me and my second in command and first Marefriend Dusk Flower. The fucker did unspeakable shit to her while forcing me to watch before killing her. I still can see the helplessness in her eyes. Her death caused me to snap I still do not remember what happened but testimonies of those luck enough to survive said that I somehow escaped my chains and slaughtered each and every one of them in that room, while managing to bring back each one of my squad-mates bodies back to a nearby base The witness used the word demon quite a few times during his account." Indicus took a breath and grimly chuckled. "Irony was I was going to propose to her after that mission and it turned out due to Equestria's more patriarchal tendencies she was planning to do the same. I left the lunar guard on an honorable discharge months later."

Indicus finished speaking and tears flowed down in silence when he realized that he just told Rosie someone he met hours ago a story that he told only Luna and Shadow Fang. "Fuck, sorry for speaking too damn much I should go." Indicus quickly left silently cursing himself for allowing that particular part of his past to be told to a near stranger, his hoof prints not very hard to follow.
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Allen freed himself of his cart, letting it lean against the wall behind him before walking to the bar. He cocks his eyebrows after the barkeep demonstrates an unusual level of generosity.

"Uh… S-Sir, it's alright, I-I've got money…"

He sits down on a bar stool, immediately becoming thankful for a place to sit. He leans his elbows on the counter, lids heavy in exhaustion.

"Thank you for the offer, but really, I'll pay."
"Do you not have any family?" She asked curiously seeing his surprise about hers. If any of his family had come to visit she'd been lucky enough to avoid them. Trying to explain who she was and why she was always there would of been terribly awkward to explain.

His next questions caused the scales on her cheeks to flush a bright red. She wrote home regularly to keep her family updated, but there may have been a few minor details she'd left out. "I told them most of what happened..." She admitted sheepishly, her head dropping in embarrassment. "My father can be over protective. I told him I was staying to watch over an injured comrade..."
Saddle Arabian palace in Prince Kadje's bedroom


All was not well with the loving couple. it was early in the morning and thunder seemed worried. Kadje hated it when thunder was worrying over something, and no matter how hard the brutish stallion tried he could never hide it. They had fallen asleep last night during a very long talk about wedding plans and such and Thunder had his muzzle resting over Kadje's back and a hoof over his hip.

"Thunder why are you so concerned?"

"Its a serious threat that needs to be looked into." Thunder grumbled groggily deciding to get up out of bed. Kadje sighed sitting up as a letter was slipped under the door.

"I don't understand it. one pony makes a threat. just one!" Kadje sighed as thunder read.

"One is all it takes to seriously hurt you." Thunder said as he read the letter. "Honey, were going on a vacation until this blows over. and I know exactly where." Thunder smiled letting kadje read over the note.

"Ready the carriges! lets go!" Kadje leaped in excitement. getting to see his old friends filled him with life.


The flying carriage dropped the pair off in the middle of town. so much about NOT making a spectacle. Fun. oh well. Kadje loved all ponys so why not? Thunder had bought a house just off the main road, a house worthy of a prince for it was huge!
-In The Horseshoe-

Zaka cleaned the bar as he listened to Pegasus's protest to the free drink, replying " Alright, if you say so, I won't stamp on another stallion's pride"

Juggling a few smaller glasses that were still left on the table, Zaka put them away as he asked- " you look kinda rough kiddo. Wanna tell old Zaka about it? It's kinda my job as a bar tender to be a crying shoulder and open ear."

At this point Syble had finished her chores and had sat down a few chairs down the bar sipping some scotch.

Zaka smirked and joked- " Now Syble on the other hoof, she is just a bad influence. No help at all "

Knowing that he was only kidding Syble let out a short " Tch" before snickering to herself for a moment.

Tossing his cloth around the back of his neck Zaka said " You know, your the third new pony to come to my bar tonight."

Laughing to himself he joked- "Must be a full moon"

-Around the falls-

Rosie held up a hoof to try and stop Indicus, but didn't verbalize as she didn't feel it was her place.

After a short moment of hesitation she began to give chase.

Fallowing the larger set of hoof prints she knew that her advantage of being a native would make tracking him down easy.

she thought to herself that perhaps what she was doing was wrong.

He did say he was done speaking and didn't seem to want company anymore.

But she felt a strange compulsion to try and ease his pain.

Perhaps it was a reflection of her own inner struggles and desire to free others from that.

-In Canterlot-

Firecracker's head lowered in response what Shina had to say.

Part of him understood, but part of him felt that her miss-leading her father showed a degree of embarrassment over him.

While unfounded, this was simply the way he took it as a result of his past experience with pony.

With a short sigh he answered- " I see.. Well as far as a family. I do have one.. well, sort of. growing up it was just me and my aunt Tilly.

She raised my in her bakery in Hast."

A quick laugh escaped him as he explained " The same day I got my cutie mark I blew up half her kitchen."

Sighing Nostalgically, he thought back to his youth in Hast and remembered a dear friend from the past.

"There was also Vel. We got into some pretty nasty scrapes when we were kinds.."

Looking up as if to remember things more accurately he added "Then about the time I turned 15 Tilly got pregnant again with her third foal Sparky."

Almost interrupting him a young colt cracked open the door.

He had seemingly gotten past the nurses and hospital security in order to make it to Firecracker's room.

Nervous and not knowing what else to say, he simply replied " ..P.Present. "

Surprised to see him but trying to act cool, Firecracker smirked and proclaimed " speak of the devil "

-By Sky Chaser's house-

Feeling the course scars rub on her soft delicate skin Steelheart began to understand that Sky Chaser had a much darker and more painful past then she could begin understand in her naivety.

Feeling helpless to do much more, She lovingly nuzzled his face with her own.

As she did no, her panic abated into a serene silence.

Her blank and barely open eyes began to take on a glow as they once did in Equinox as she spoke in a soft, calm voice.

"I can not fathom what you have gone through.. Nor could I begin to understand your true identity.. "

It was strange; The voice and pattern of speech was slightly off from what it usually was.

It was wiser, more mature.. Almost as like Anda's was.

Again she spoke " But I can say that you mean so much me.. I could never think less of you. Regardless of your past sins.. I could never think any less of you. "

As the glow faded from her eyes her voice became normal once again and in fact seemed tinier then before as she said " Please don't go"

Again she caressed his face with hers before burring it in his chest.
Fang only observed the two in silence. There really wasn't anything she could add for the time being. It wasn't like she knew Sky Chaser at all. They'd only met not even an hour ago. Though she understood the pain those scars carried, the fear of facing one that was once so important to you. That must have been the reason Anda had called her 'empathy' that day. Her own past made it easier to understand, even if only slightly, the burden being carried by another.

Even after almost a year, Steelheart certainly still lived up to being considered the element of purity. With those glowing eyes, Fang felt that familiar magic she'd felt over taking all of Equinox in Anda's rage. The spirit did reside in the flutter pony now after all. Perhaps it would help to ease the Alicorn's fears.
Indicus did not know nor hear Rosie follow him as he wandered aimlessly looking for a place to think. He found one at the beach's shore line it was there he sat down in the sand the sea water brushing against his fore-hooves and let his thoughts free questioning how much the alcohol affected him though he wasn't even buzzed by the single shot.

Despite the curses he muttered at himself the memory he kept off his mind for so long haunted him once more. He thought he was rid of the impact of those memories after over a year and so much keeping him busy or distracted but it seemed not to be enough, "Your ghost haunts me still Dusk, even though I thought it was all behind me." Indicus muttered frustrated that his past still would not leave him in peace.

Sky Chaser sighed softly as she buried her face in his chest. No doubt she could feel the particularly large X shaped scar that covered most of his chest. "If you knew what I did... what pain I caused.... You wouldn't think so..." He murmured softly, more to himself than to her. He knew Steelheart well enough to know that she wouldn't change her mind. He wondered about her change in tone. It was completely out of character for her...

He really only had one course of action, now.. He couldn't live with himself if he made Steelheart cry, and leaving at this point would do exactly that. He already had caused enough pain, enough sadness in his past, he didn't want to cause any more. He couldn't bring himself to hurt Steelheart like that. So really, he didn't have a choice anymore. He sighed softly one of his hooves wrapping around her gently. "Okay... I'll stay..." he murmured softly, unable to bring himself to break her heart.

Whatever his fate was to be, he'd find out soon enough. Maybe he would be fortunate and the Two Sisters wouldn't realize he was here, and they would continue to think he was dead... If not.. All that would happen is more pain as his past came back to haunt him once more, after he managed to keep it away for ten long years...
He shrugs, admittedly a little freaked out by how open Zaka was towards him.

"Just a little tired…" He yawns. "I've been walking all day…" He stretches out his wings, looking at the selection of booze behind the bar.

"Oh, am I?" He tilts his head at Zaka's last statement.

"Uhh… I think it is, actually… Could i have a cranberry and vodka?"
Seeing Firecracker's head drop Shina instinctively leaned forward to nuzzle against his cheek. "I just was not sure how to explain what this is." She said hoping it might explain her dilemma a bit better. This of course referring to the nature of their relationship. Because telling her father she was staying in the west to look after a pony who might never wake up because he confessed his love for her just before going into a coma probably wouldn't have been the best thing. Had she sent home a letter like that her father might of come all the way from Neighppon to drag her home himself.

Of curse she'd managed to sneak a few hidden messages to her mother within the letters. She knew a great deal more then Shina's father about the whole thing. Before she could explain any of that though a new voice drew her attention to the door.

Her hooves slipped off the side of Firecracker's bed as she turned towards the door giving Sparky a polite bow of her head. "A pleasure to meet you." She greeted him brightly.
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Firecracker looked down from his bed with a beaming grin as he tried not to laugh, saying " How in the world did you get past the screws, squirt?"

Rushing over to his bedside, he hugged Firecracker and jumped up and down as gushed " Oh cousin Fire, I'm so glad your finally wake!"

After a brief hug Firecracker bonked him on the head saying " Aren't we being impolite to the mare.. hmm?"

Turning to Shina, Sparky bowed his head in return and replied " Sorry miss.. My Name is sparky. Are you cousin Fire's mare-friend? "

With a blush burning his cheeks replied- " As a matter of fact, yes."

Sparky looked with big eyes at Shina as he took a step closer to get a better look " Wo-o-w. Your real pretty."

Turning quickly back to fire cracker he added "I'm sure Mamma will be real happy for you."

Firecracker looked a bit concerned as he asked " Aunt Tilly is here?"

Sparky laughed as he turned and replied " Of course, who do you think set up tonight's show?. Mamma's been here a few times but she brought me this time. She said she was sure if anything would wake you up, it would be this.. oh ya!"

Rushing over to hug him again Sparky shouted "Happy birthday cousin Firecracker!"

He could only hug him back in reply.

He was happy to see him; to be alive and awake for that matter.

-In The Bar-

Zaka smiled and replied " Sure thing son."

Laughing to himself he commented- " You know, that was your favorite back when you were younger sybs."

Syble only responded "Some of us are still young Zaka. "

Zaka pretended to be wounded but he couldn't help but laugh as he spoke "Ouch lady manticore.. I'm still getting attention from the mares I'll have you know."

Finishing Allen's drink he passed it over to him saying " Tired huh.. I get a lot of those these days. With the Winter's ball less then a week away."

-On the beach in the foothills-

Rosie easily caught up to him sense she knew the area and it's short cuts.

However, she was hesitant to approach him.

He seemed lost in thought, and seemed very upset about the memories that had crept back up.

His story was so different from her own, but she somehow felt a kindred spirit of lament within him.

Before she even knew it, her hooves had carried her within a few feet of Indicus.

Coming to her senses, she was shock to see how close she had gotten without even noticing.

He had no idea what to say to take his pain away, or sooth his heart.

So she simply sat down beside him and looked at the waves.

After a moment of silence she finally spoke " Beautiful aren't they? The waves I mean.. The constant eb and flow.. The very dance of life.

If you listen, you can almost hear the song of creation.. But the're never a constant. They come, and bring our life joy, and just when we think they are ours to keep.. The drift away.. I always found something romantically sad about the beach."

Heaving a heavy sigh she remarked- "Sorry hun, I'm probably making you feel worse. For a singer I'm not the best with words."

Pressing her shoulder against his she went on to say- " But no one said the white knight had to be a stallion did they?.. I'll listen if you feel like talking."

-In front of Sky Chaser's house.-

Steelheart nuzzled her face against his rough chest as if to dry her eyes on it as she said- " Thank you.. I promise, everything will be ok."

Looking up at him, her empty eyes were full of emotion as she went on " I don't know what trouble you and the sisters may have with each other, But I'm sure it can be worked out.. I spoke with these pony, and they are not beyond reason."

Lowering her head as if ashamed to admit it she said " After what happened to the nor...To Equinox I thought I would never be able to forgive them, but my sister Lavender Moon taught me that pain and predigests is like a disease that destroys us from within.

But she also taught me that forgiveness is the cure that sets us free of that damnation. "

Her eyes raised to his again with a virginal purity of one not tainted by cruel realities that most pony had come to know in the adult world.

As she took a step back her delicate wings softly and silently flapped at she lifted only a foot off the ground and moved back from Sky Chaser.

Though not a significant flight, it was still striking to those who saw it.

It was perfectly silent, and graceful to the point of a smooth glide, rather then a lift off.

She also seemed to radiate a faint, but foreign feeling magic as she fluttered serenely.

Sky Chaser stiffened visibly when she mentioned working it out with the Two Sisters... That wouldn't be good, not one bit... "perhaps all of that is true... But still, it is better if the Two Sisters just continue to think I am dead... It's far easier that way, with less pain all around..." He murmured watching her as he slowly rose back onto his hooves. Of course, The Two Sisters wouldn't know who this 'Sky Chaser' person was. That wasn't his real name. No one here knew his real name, and he fully planned to keep it that way.

He looked up at the stars that hung in the sky above, sighing softly to himself. He wondered if he would be lucky, and the sisters would come and go without ever realizing he still drew breath. Of course, he knew it was impossible. They would feel his presence the second they set hoof on Hast... The sisters would never forgive him.

His actions almost destroyed Equestria more than once...

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