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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Indicus followed gliding for as long as he could before flapping again to maintain altitude which was a little shorter then Shadow Fang but if he remembered right still a decent bit longer then most Pegasus or Winged Threshals. He took in the rolling hills below them, the forest nearby and the tall mountains in the distance the two were high enough to see a bit of the cresting of the planet and he started to understand why Shadow Fang loved flying so much. "Wow the view is quite something Fang, I think I understand why you like flight so much there is nothing like seeing things from a birds eye view."
The bat pony nodded, giving another flap of her wings. "It tends to be so much more peaceful up here too," She smiled, Fang would take long flights at night to just unwind. The world always seemed so beautiful at night, especially bath in the cool light of the full moon. "It can even be a raging storm, but fly up above the clouds and it's completely still." In the back of her mind, she wondered if flutter ponies were capable of flying that high. Actually, were they capable of any kind of flight? During her time with Steelheart and Lavender Moon, she'd never seen either of them fly.
Indicus smiled and nodded understanding what Shadow Fang was talking about now that he was experiencing it for himself something not many non winged races got to experience and now here he was with some magic and time he was able to fly like a Pegasus and feel the wind on his wings something that he aimed to refine so anyone could fly with wings but that would take years to do and that was not his focus. He was going to spend time with the friends that he and Fang made during the incident ten months ago.

"Well then we will have to go night flying together one night won't we?" Indicus laughed enjoying Fangs company. Glad to see her happy and flying instead of cooped up on a boat. Part of his mind wondered to how the soft moonlight would glint off her wings and outline her.
Smiling, Fang nodded to Indicus. "From what I've heard, the beaches near this city are quite a sight. Not to mention it'll be a full moon in a few days . . . Gliding out over the ocean where few pony live? You'll get to see Luna's night in a way not many ever take the time to." Like any bat pony, Fang considered herself a child of the night. She always felt more at peace and in her element in the dark. Besides, she could see far better in the dark than a normal pony could on even the brightest day.
"Yea kinda is a shame that still not too many just take time to look at Luna's night but it has improved quite a lot since her return. Though I have looked over the cliff-side at Canterlot some nights to relax it is great to see everything in a silver glow and oddly enough the Everfree seems to be the most breathtaking sight from there defiantly due to the night vision our eyes give us." Indicus replied before continuing to look around.
Fang nodded, giving a few flaps of her wings. It seemed they were going to have to contest with a bit of a head wind. She wondered how much it would effect Indicus. At it wasn't a crosswind... she's seen even the most experienced flyers be forced into landing due to them. Blasted winds could even blow a griffon off course. "Everfree just seems to be in a category of its own. There's just something about that forest . . . I don't know." However, following her battle with the dragon Nightmare Soul, the palace ruins no longer held the strange beauty they once had. Any previous feelings towards it were overrun by memories of flames, blood, and pain.
Indicus listened and picked up on her reservation of the place. "I always liked the fact that nothing in the Everfree could be controlled that laws of nature governed it slightly differently then the rest of the world. I just like the idea that what lives there has to fight for the right to survive kinda gives a respect to the predators and prey that call the place home." Indicus chuckled, "Then again Thalemn had the same condition as the Everfree at one point it is said to have been a part of the forest but through years of hard work by many races they managed to clear the area and make a town that grew into a city-state independent of Equestria. So I would be less intimidated by the Everfree based on that alone anyway how about your experience with the forest?" Indicus carefully asked not wanting to stir up too many bad memories.
Walking in the fresh evening air Rosie hummed her signature song as she happily trotted along.

That was until she came across a strange pony in a bush.

Tilting her head to the side she giggled and commented- "I've heard of Timber wolves, but not shrub pony"

realizing her comment could be taken as an insult her laughter petered off as she asked- "Say.. Are you alright?"

-Meanwhile in the Cantorlot hospital-

As the fire bird turned his head around Firecracker's eyes widened and his head jolted back in surprise.

After the initial shock, his eyes then narrowed and he stared down the bird.

He had never seen a Phoenix before, but he knew what one was suppose to look like.

A sneer tugged at his lips as he thought this could be the dread Phoenix was talking about.

His body began to ache in memory of the round he designed just to kill it.

The round that nearly killed him.

It was only as the bird landed on Shinas horn and she grumbled to it in reaction did Firecrackers guard relax.

It was the strangest thing; Not only was this creature some how like a pet, but to see Shina act so motherly to it.

Heaving a sigh, he began to simply accept it as something he missed during his long sleep.

quietly laughing to himself he spoke in a louder, but calm voice " Well, If he isn't I sure am hungry."

It was perhaps the dumbest thing he could say after the nine months he had been dead to the world, but it was his way.

Firecracker was always a simple pony; Speaking his mind, and fallowing his heart.

Honest to a fault, but the heart of a true poet.

If only he had the brain to match.
"Oh? Thalemn used to be part of Everfree? Never thought it was possible to tame any part of that forest." Fang flew in silence for a few moments after she was asked on her thoughts of the mysterious forest. "Like you, I've always held a respect for the creatures that are able to thrive there." Few more flaps of her wings before another long glide, sunlight shining through the thin membrane of her wings. "That forest also changed my life entirely," her voice had lowered slightly but was still audible over the wind. "The ruins of the palace . . . That's where my battle with Nightmare Soul was. The entire reason for most of my scars, the change in my wings, these little horns..." She shook her head, "He's also the reason I left the Lunar Guard and joined with the Order."
"Tame? No more like conquer. The early citizens of Thelemn did not just tame the Everfree they fought it and won. The Everfree can't be tamed that much is quite true, but it can be bent to a groups will if they are willing to fight for every last inch. Early Thalemn was attacked by monsters on a almost regular basis and only through cooperation between the residents that settled there did they manage to keep the settlement safe, the ten years that they fought against the monsters is actually nicely named the Conquering of the Everfree." Indicus took a breath

"Later they challenged and fought the other countries for their sovereignty this took place before the princesses mind you, and within five bloody years they won utilizing the advantages of every griffin, pony, dragon and many other races that lived there to the fullest extent they could. My parents decided to name me Indicus, after the strange person a human I believe is what the books called him that lead the people of Thalemn to victory. Him and the ideas that he brought with him for weapon and medical tech that were ahead of it's time, partly why our military is still able to rival Equestria's in strength. Hell when I joined the Lunar guard I was unused to having to rely solely on a sword and my magic even if I was good with both."

Indicus then decided to address what she told him after processing the information for awhile. "Enough about me, well with all that in mind I understand a little about why the Everfree dose not hold the same shine. I honestly can't say I know what exactly you've been through but as one who has seen a little of hell, I can say that what ever happened your stronger for it, something that took a certain flutterpony to realize." Indicus left out how he thought the wings scars and small dragon like horns made her look quite good in his eyes he made sure to put that further back in his mind.
"Mmm, conquer?" Fang replied in an almost dreamlike voice, her mind drifting off into what felt like distant memories now. "I suppose that makes more sense." For a nation of completely different races to come together and force the Everfree back. An impressive feat no doubt. No to mention Indicus' namesake. A human that led the various races as a kind of commander.


A human? The bat pony had only seen them mentioned maybe once or twice in some of the older tomes in the Order's library. There wasn't any kind of evidence on these creatures existing, let alone even a brief mention in modern books. The story of Thelemn must have been pretty distorted over the years. Being passed from generation to generation by word of mouth alone tends to have that effect. But still, being named after a hero -fictional or not - wasn't a bad thing. Fang found it rather fitting for the clever warrior.

"It's . . . not like I hate Everfree now..." She said finally, his last remark finally registering. "There's a certain magic that fills the forest... I feel it so much better after that entire incident with the dragon. Just . . . don't expect me to eagerly follow into the old ruins there." Perhaps one day she'll be able to return to that place. But even though it's been a few years since that night, it still felt too soon.
Indicus did not mind the disbelief of his recounting of Thalemn's history as most did when they heard of it. Instead he focused on Fang's talk about the Everfree. "Of course, after fighting something that if the name is any indication would be as powerful and as able to mess with the mind you would be reluctant to go back even if you really had to, that is a feeling I fully understand."

Indicus noticed he was getting thirsty, "Well I believe we should stop and get a drink of water or at least I should because my mouth is currently quite parched and it is hard to drink from a water skin while flying." Indicus spotted a rather large cloud in the distance and started to slow down reversing the flapping of his wings until he could hover then he flew to the cloud in mind and landed with only a small stumble that he recovered quickly from.
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"Yeah," the bat pony muttered, "Especially when you're talking about a dragon with magic that rivals an alicorn's." She shook her head. Now wasn't the time to be dwelling on such things. Her ears pivoted towards Indicus as he mentioned stopping for a short rest. She hovered in place, watching as he descended to land on a nearby cloud. Fang want to be able to react if something were to go wrong. He was only a month into the world of flight and weather magic. If something were to prevent him from cloudwalking, she would be able to catch him.

Satisfied with his landing, she went ahead with her own descent and landing. The momentum from flight causing her to walk a few steps before coming to a stop. Not an incredible landing by any means, but it's not like this was a competition or anything. She never could understand ponies that would turn even the smallest of things into some kind of contest. It just seemed like a waste. She stretched a little, opting to lay on the soft cloud. "Seems you've got cloudwalking down pretty well already. I'd say that's all you really need. Who cares if you can't manipulate the weather like a pegasus?" She certainly didn't care. Granted, she wasn't exactly able to control the weather either. Just land and relax on clouds.
Indicus nodded and took out his canteen and took a drink of the water, "Cloudwalking is one of the first things I felt necessary to get a hang of after being able to fly well enough and landing. I can still make the cloud emit water so there is that though learning it was quite an accident. Anyway yea it makes breaks over water a lot easier and possible manipulating rain makes water a non issue now as long as the precipitation is not to acidic."
Fang gave a short nod, taking a drink from her own canteen. "Well, as long as you don't go starting any forest fires from messing with a storm cloud, I think we'll be good." She teased before looking out over the horizon. It was still going to be a few hours before they made it there. She wondered if any of the others were going to visit Hast.
"If I suddenly have pyromaniac urges you'll be the first to know, and besides I can flash fry fish if I practice enough." Indicus retorted with a chuckle before standing next to Fang looking towards the horizon the clouds size forcing them to stand close to one another.
A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she stood. "Feel up to heading back out? We've still got a few hours of flying ahead of us." She wasn't going to just take off if he wasn't up to it yet. Had he been some natural born pegasus who's flown his whole life? She'd probably let herself fall off the cloud before actually starting to fly. One of the older tricks in the book, really. How so many ponies actually fell for it was beyond her. Besides, if she really wanted to do something like that to him, she'd really have to put some effort to make it convincing.
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(The idea thanks Kage #Idea thief) "Yea lets go, with a visible smile Indicus let himself fall off the cloud get in a sky diving position in the air before shooting off by extending his wings and giving a powerful flap. The move brought him to the clouds elevation and gave him a starting burst of speed in which he used to extend his glide. The exhilaration from the move was like no other and he swore to do it some more feeling a little guilty at how Fang might have felt about it, not knowing what he did in the Thalemn military.
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Watching him dive from the cloud, there was that split second of concern his wings weren't developed enough to recover. Once seeing he was fine, Fang gave a slight chuckle and shake of her head before taking off. It didn't take her all that long to catch up to him and she was soon gliding alongside Indicus. "Having fun?" She asked with a slight chuckle in her voice.
"Yea hevent done a free fall like that since serving under the Thalemn military." Indicus said chuckling as they went.

Hours later the sun was starting to set in the sky when the two reached the outskirts of the town Hast Indicus as soon as he saw the sign and the town he started to prepare to land and was able to do so quite well this time just with having to walk off the momentum.

On the outskirts of Hast there was one home that was not like all of the others in the area. It had been built right where the slope increased rather dramatically, and the house was built such that it seemed to be one with the mountain. In truth, it was hard to identify it as a house at all. Really, all it seemed to be was a single round door and a few windows to either side of it. The owner, as the inhabitants of Hast could tell you, had wanted to be sure he would be safely out of anyone's way. As such, he pretty much built his home in the earth itself, so he took up no space whatsoever. The only actual space associated with this property that was above ground was some twenty yards away, where a fire pit had been dug out with small boulders and logs around it to serve as chairs for those that wished to gather around a bonfire.

All of this had been constructed about ten years ago, almost overnight, by a single Unicorn that became known to all of Hast as Sky Chaser. He had said little upon arriving, and many at first assumed he was mute. What he lacked for in social skills, however, Sky Chaser made up for with his kindness. Whenever a task needed to be done around the village, he usually took it upon himself to do it. As a result, the people of Hast had quickly warmed up to him, and in time, he actually began to speak. A young colt had asked the mysterious Sky Chaser, who always wore his cloak, concealing everything but the tip of his muzzle and his tail, why he always, well, wore the cloak. Sky Chaser informed the young colt that if he could gather firewood for a bonfire, he would give him an answer for as long as the fire burned. Accepting the challenge, the colt gathered his friends and pooled together as much firewood as they could find. Rather than giving a direct answer, Sky Chaser entertained the young pony, as well as several other foals, with an incredible story of battles in a faraway land. The foals could never be sure how much of what Sky Chaser said was true, and at times, some of his stories verged on the impossible. Despite this, every night they returned with a piece of firewood apiece in what would become a weekly tradition for the foals of Hast. The detail in which he told his stories, both of the battles, and of many other subjects, was so in depth, it was hard to believe the young Stallion was not there to participate himself. However, he scarcely looked, from what people managed to see through glimpses under his hood, to be older than his late twenties.

At first, the older ponies passed it off as him being just a crafty story teller, with many assuming his hidden cutie mark to be a book or something relating to story telling. Perhaps a quill? Though in ten years, not one person had ever actually seen it to find out if the suspicions were true. However, the validity of his stories was proven some years back when a few historical scholars on a visit listened in on one of his stories. The tale Sky Chaser weaved that night filled in several blanks that had been stumping the scholars for years. Obviously, they wanted to hear more, but were met with a strange request. In order to hear more of his story, Sky Chaser wanted to hear their story. What had happened in their lives from the time they were little foals until they time they had arrived in Hast. Perplexed, the scholars told him their stories, and were rewarded with the information they so desperately desired from the mysterious stallion. Thus began the second tradition that emerged around this fire pit. If anyone wanted to hear a story, they had to first tell Sky Chaser their own. Of course, if they stopped by in the middle of one, he wouldn't pause the story, he would finish and claim their stories before the next story telling.

As the sun set in the distance, Sky Chaser emerged from his house to find the customary pile of sticks in the fire pit for the weekly story. Now, obviously, that kind of offering would not last all night for a normal fire. It never would, and it never had. Ever since the first night he told a story, Sky Chaser used magic to keep the fire burning for as long as his story lasted. After all, it would be terrible to disappoint foals by stopping at a bad time. Around the fire pit were several foals as well as older ponies who had just never outgrown his stories. Even a few of the elder ponies had gathered for a bit of late night entertainment. His scarred muzzle curled into a soft smile. "Well well... It seems we have quite the crowd this evening.." he remarked, walking over to his customary seat upon a boulder, his hood glowing a little as he used his magic to light the pile of sticks, a massive fire filling the pit as several foals squealed with excitement. The particular boulder he sat on was bigger than the rest, not because of some narcissism mind you, but simply so that foals on the far side of the fire could still see him as he told his stories. It was about at this time that two new arrivals landed on the outskirts of Hast nearby. (@Shadow Dancer @KageYuuki)

"Tonight, my foals.. and my bigger foals.." he chuckled, mentioning the older members of the circle, "I've got a very special story for you all." He closed his eyes, a point under his hood glowing again as the flames twisted into shapes to illustrate the story as he told it:

Once upon a time, three sisters existed in Equestria. Their beauty was beyond compare, and their voices were that of angels. Each of them had many suitors, but, in their vanity, they turned them all away, viewing none of them as worthy. As the fillies grew, so too, did their arrogance. While on the outside, they resembled angels, in the inside they became little more than demons. They took advantage of their beauty and used it to manipulate others, taking whatever they wanted, whenever they desired it. As time wore on, they had amassed everything their hearts could have possibly desired, yet still, they desired more. They knew that their beauty was as fleeting as a flower's bloom. Someday, their beauty would fade, and so too, would their power. That, of course, was not very agreeable to the three sisters, who began dabbling in dark magic for a way to defy the passage of time and keep their beauty and youth forever.

Eventually, they stumbled upon a special gem that granted eternal youth in an old book. Although they had found the solution to their problem, they still had to acquire it, as the way was particularly arduous and extremely dangerous. The three sisters each selected a champion and sent them forth to retrieve the gem. Of the three, only one returned, though he had successfully acquired the gem that the three sisters sought. The champion, in accordance with the arrangement, was to marry the sister for whom he had been champion. Instead, the sister stabbed him as he rested. However, her knife missed the mark, and the poor Champion lived long enough to break the precious stone. Sadly, he died in that room, and sadder still, he had failed to ruin the sisters' plans.

The gem, now in three pieces, still retained its power. Unbeknownst to the sisters, however, the innocent blood that had been spilled upon the fragments had tainted it. When the sisters adorned themselves with the gems, their forms were twisted, their rear legs fusing into a tail as they became a horror we know today as the Sirens. Although the gems would keep them young forever, their beauty was lost when the gems were tainted. Worse, even their youth, they discovered, was not necessarily permanent. The gems, now cursed by innocent blood, now needed to feed on disharmony to keep the sisters young. With no more beauty to manipulate their targets, they turned to their singing, manipulating ponies into disharmony from the background.

In their mad pursuit for youth, and for a way to reverse the negative effects of the gems, nearly plunged all of Equestria into a civil war. Perhaps, they would have succeeded, if not for one Unicorn who had heard of these sisters and feared just such an occurrence. Just as it seemed Equestria would plunge into complete and utter Chaos, Starswirl the Bearded took a stand against the Siren sisters. They tried every bit of magic and seduction at their disposal, but Starswirl was prepared. Before the confrontation, he had stuffed his ears with wax, so that their song could not manipulate him as it had done to so many before him. Without their song, the Sirens were no match for Starswirl the Bearded's magic. Although he could defeat them, Starswirl did not have the power to destroy them as long as they wore the gemstones around their necks, which kept them young, and, more importantly, alive no matter what Starswirl threw at them.

As a last resort, Starswirl cast a powerful magic spell that hurled them into another dimension, where he hoped the lack of Equestian magic would starve the gemstones and ultimately destroy them. With that spell, which sadly has been lost to the ages, Starswirl saved Equestria in one of its most desperate hours. After that day, the Sirens were never heard in Equestria again.

Sky Chaser concluded his tale, the flames returning to a normal blaze as the fiery illustrations faded away. The foals were staring up at him awestruck by yet another of his famously brilliant stories as the older ponies clapped their hooves together in approval.

"Starswirl the Bearded was so cool!" One filly squealed as she actually fell off of her seat in her excitement. The other foals were quick to voice their agreement. It was stories like this one that had inspired the "Adventures of Starswirl the Bearded" imagination game the foals liked to play during the week. One of them would dress up as Starswirl the Bearded, and everyone else would pick one of the enemies Starswirl faced in his life. Just about the time this game would start to lose interest, Sky Chaser would tell a new story, and the game would pick up all over again with the new villain on the roster, which those not playing Starswirl would often fight over.

Sky Chaser turned his gaze up to the two new arrivals, his red eyes glowing in the fire light, as if questioning what they had thought of his story for the evening. Although his eyes could be seen, no other facial features beyond the tip of his muzzle were evident. Although may might find it strange for a pony to always stay so covered, it was clear the ponies of Hast had become accustomed to it, and didn't seem to be at all bothered by it. For them, this was just one of Sky Chaser's quirks.
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Hearing a familiar voice at first Shina thought she was just dreaming again. But as Firecracker continued to speak Shina's doe like ears lifted to hear better suddenly realizing she wasn't imagining it for once.

Her fuchsia eyes suddenly flew open, her head shooting up causing Konton to flutter off her horn and on to the back of the sofa. For a second she couldn't breath, her entire body feeling paralyzed. When she finally remembered how to move again tears began to form in her eyes. Practically leaping off the sofa the Kirin ran to his bed side. "Firecracker!" She shouted not realizing how loud she was. When she drew closer though Shina slowed, hesitating as she couldn't just tackle him, not wanting to cause him further injury. Stepping up to his bed she lifted her forelegs on to the edge of his bed. A beaming smile hung on her lips as tears fell from hey eyes. At a loss for words she simply leaned in to nuzzle against hide cheek.
Firecracker's body may still have been aching and stiff but Shina's touch felt so comforting that he forgot about all his pain.

Nuzzling her back his now even longer hair intwined with hers as he closed his Olive gold eyes.

In that moment he knew he did the right thing sacrificing himself to protect her.

In a soft voice he said "sorry to keep you waiting. "

Touched that she would stay in the country, let alone wait in his hospital room, a year trailed down his cheek.

It was then a nurse came rushing in; the shouting and spike in his vitals put her on alert.

Shocked to see him awake she almost shouted for the other nurses; but seeing the two of them together she only commented "I'll come back in a bit." before closing the door back.
Indicus was close enough to hear all but the first sentence of the story from the cloaked unicorn stallion and he found it to be quite entertaining though he did dispel his wings before hand causing the wings to vanish and his magic being turned back into the raw magic that he usually possessed though he never had wings before a month ago he was a little sad at their absence. But he did not want the ponies around the fire pit to get the wrong idea.

Now that he was near enough for the story teller to hear he spoke putting a small amount of formality in his words. "That was quite the story sir."
The flight had been long, but Fang was glad to see Indicus did quite well. It was only a matter of time before the two of them would be racing each other through the sky like a couple of young foals. Even she would admit she was sad to see his wings vanish, but it was better than being mistaken for an alicorn.

Landing, Fang stretched a little as her eyes glowed brighter. She used her magic to retrieve her cloak from her bag and drape it over herself. A simple levitation spell. Foal's play for a unicorn, but it took her quite awhile to get the hang of it. While she may have hated how the fabric felt so restrictive against her wings, it was better than causing a stir from all her scars. Though she didn't put her hood up, it was growing dark so her eyes wouldn't need the extra shade.

Cloak on, she moved alongside Indicus and listened to the cloaked stallion's tale. A tale on the siren's and the legendary Starswirl the Bearded. An old tale, but he was able to tell it as if he was there himself. Her ears turned towards him as he asked for their thoughts on the story. Didn't think he'd really be able to see us. Fang thought as she moved closer. "You're quite the storyteller," she replied.

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