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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Again thanking Sky Chaser for his kindness Steelheart took her seat and called out- "Mr.zaka, are you there? Miss Rosie said I should order drinks on her tab.

Zaka standing right in front of her couldn't help but chuckle at her shouting .

Cupping his hooves to his face like to call a long way he said in an exaggerated voice "sure, what'll it be? Barely scotch, or maybe a cocktail?"

Realizing her mistake, she blushed and mumbled "um..no, just a glass of carrot juice please."

Again laughing, this time at her predictability Zaka turned to her guests.

Well I know your order Sky, but what about you two lovely pony. Don't get many new faces in Hast.

Taking a quick peek at the. Coocoo clock on the wall, he added-" better make it quick, Rosie is about to go on. You new pony Don't wanna miss this."
Fang listened to Rosie and Steelheart talk. She couldn't help but chuckle a little at Indicus' embarrassment at the mare's compliment. Not to mention Rosie finally realizing that Steelheart wasn't dating the unicorn. Following the excited flutter pony over to a table, she took a seat. Surely if nopony minded Sky Chaser and his cloak, they'd be fine with hers right? The bat pony knew the cloak attracted some attention and stares. Always had. But the looks were always so different from the ones she was given without it on. The heavy scarring, the dragon like wings... It made her far more intimidating looking. Sure, he face carried some scars. Not to mention the little dragon like horns growing from her head. Bus she considered them pretty minor.

Another low chuckle escaped her lips at the exchange between Steelheart and Zaka. A drink was sounding nice. Always a good way to unwind with friend following a long flight. It had been awhile since she's visited a place like this. So many options, she wasn't sure. "Well, you already know I'm new around here. Any recommendations?" While it seemed the question was poised to Zaka, it was open for anypony to answer really.
Shina couldn't help but feel a little relieved to hear him return her affections. Though inwardly this brought a whole new set of worries. She'd never actually dated anypony before. She'd never exactly been very popular as a young filly, and any young colts back home who had shown any interest were all quickly scared away by her father. She'd never even kissed a colt before.

When he lifted her chin Shina suddenly felt her heart fluttering. Her stomach twisted in knots with a strange mix of excitement and fear as he leaned in to kiss her. Weather it would have been magical or horridly awkward Shina would have to find out later as they were quickly interrupted.

When the door flew open Konton gave a startled screech his whole body flaming up for just a second. Though Konton returned to normal very quickly he had still managed to start a small fire on the sofa. Shina gave an irritated sigh, apparently having dealt with such problems for a while now. Turning her fuchsia eyes to the flames for a moment that antler like horn glowed causing the fire to collapse in on its self and smother out.

"I will replace that." She said quickly to the nurse in the doorway. Her gaze shifted to give her pet phoenix a disapproving scowl as she added, "Again."

Konton eyes the muffin suspiciously for a moment before making a few testing pecks at it. Shina's attention turned to the odd mail pony. Taking the letter she wonder what was so important it couldn't wait.
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Sky Chaser chuckled softly. "That depends entirely on your tolerance and if you want taste, or burn. If you've got low tolerance, stick to the mixed drinks with less alcohol, My personal favorite is the Rainbow Colada. If you like a burn and have the tolerance for it, you can try more of the alcoholic drinks. I can't recommend my drink of choice there. It's one that'll knock you on your flank faster than you can say 'shots'. Let's just say it earns the name 'Dragon's Bane'. It actually tastes pretty good on its own, but it still burns going down and it's got more kick than anything you've ever had before." he smirked as he sat in a seat next to Steelheart just in case she needed anymore help.

As it would happen, he drank Dragon's Bane by the stein, with little real issue with it when just a shot would drop most ponies under the table.. His tolerance for it was, quite frankly, legendary around here. He would only have one though, and then switch to his Rainbow Colada afterwards, as Zaka already knew. He, of course, wasn't surprised that Steelheart stuck to carrot juice. She was a touch predictable that way, not that he minded.
Fang chuckled, "Burn's fine, and I have a higher tolerance than the average bat pony. I'll probably have to pass on Dragon's Bane tonight though. No sense in getting completely wasted on my first night here." Plus what would Steelheart think of her? From what Fang's been told, she isn't that bad when on the more tipsy side of things. Maybe a little more talkative and easier to make laugh, but at least she didn't go around picking fights like some stallions she knew.

"Well since you say it's good, the Rainbow Colada is worth a try. But I'd definitely like a shot of something stronger with it."
Zaka chuckled to himself and agreed " He ain't kidding either. Sky's a legend around here. I once tried him myself. Lost a drinking contest in my own bar, imagine. Sense then I've been serving him the most top shelf of the stuff I can get my hooves on."

Grabbing a both a crystal bottle from behind a glass case, and a colorful bottle from the bar he began to pour.

Kicking the shelf behind him, a single shot glass flipped over Zaka and landed on the table in front of everyone.

Without a moments hesitation Zaka grabbed a bottle from under the bar and began to poor it into the small glass.

While the bottle was clear, the deep raspberry color gave the bottle an almost glow of a blood red.

"For you miss, I'll give ya a taste of 'Luna's majesty'. It's made from the fermented blood apples that only grow in this part of Equestria. Can't get more local"

Tossing the bottle to his other hoof it was clear this Zaka was not only a bar tender, but a show pony like Rosie.

Pouring a second glass that was already waiting on the table he nudged it over to Indicus with his hoof.

With a accomplished grin he said "Give it a try yourself sir. I can set you up with a nice logger later if you like. "

It was at this time Rosie came out of the back room in long white cape.

The cape covered her whole body, but her hair was clearly different from before.

Now in an up do, it had lots of gold jewelry lining it.

The charms were clearly painted metal, but they did reflect the light brilliantly.

With a strangely more professional tone of voice she said-" set 4 Zaka." as she walked by the group on the way to a small stage.

Finishing up Steelheart's carrot juice he exited said " Set 4? oooh, she must like you. She never changes her set numbers on a whim. "

Calling over to group of well dressed pony he announced- "Syble, hey Syble. It's set 4. I'll hit the lights ok?"

With a nod, a mare stood up and lead the group who apparently was the band to the stage.

As the house lights dropped and the stage lights came up Zaka announced - " Filly's and Gentle colts, I give you- Velvet Rose!"

A quick cheer was brought to a dead silence as she took a few steps forward.

For a few moments the band played the intro as she stood there with her eyes closed.

but as the music began it's diminuendo she finally began to sing.

Her voice was both haunting, and serene- " Who's there knocking at my window? The owl and the dear colt. This night whispers my name. All the crying fo-oals "

As she sang these lines, she moved very slow and deliberate, with a gliding like grace of movement.

Her movements in rhythm to the music and accenting the mood.

"Virgin snow beneath my feet. Painting the world in white. I tread away and lose myself into a tale. Come Hell, or high water. My search will go on. Clayborn voyage without and end..

Again the band played before the music began to pick up, until suddenly it changed to a dramatic chorus.

It was as she began to sing this powerful chorus that she flung off her white cape revealing her ornate body.

She had decorated herself in bracelets, pendants, and other shiny reflective jewelry.

It was not something you would go around town in, but it was designed to reflect the light.

To which she did perfectly as she shown a new glint with each movement of her body.

She also began to dance in time with the music at this part, her hooves almost acting as a drum to keep the time.

" A Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze. Come some pony make my heavy heart light. Come undone, bring me back to life. A Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze. Come some pony make my heavy heart light. It all starts with a lullaby.

The music dropped a bit before swelling again like a wave.

As Rosie began to sing again she began to leave the stage and walk around the bar still performing like a pro.

" journey homeward bound. The sound of a dolphin calling. Tearing off the mask of him, the tower-my soul guard. This is who I am.. Escapist, paradise seeker. Farewell, it's time to fly. Out of sight, out of time, away from all lies. "

As Rosie began to make her way back to the stage, the music began to repeat the chorus with a slight difference this time.

"A Nightingale in a golden cage.. that's me locked inside reality's maze.. A Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze.

Come some pony make my heavy heart light. Come undone, bring me back to life.

A Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze. Come some pony make my heavy heart light. It all starts with a lullaby.

Again it repeated, only stronger as she jumped back on the stage.

A Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze.

Come some pony make my heavy heart light. Come undone, bring me back to life.

A Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze. Come some pony make my heavy heart light. It all starts with a lullaby.

A Nightenga-a---ale .. In a Go-o-olden Ca-a-age."

As the music stopped abruptly all the lights cut off for a moment.

when they came back on, Rosie had disappeared.

As the band stood up and took their bows, it was clear it was all part of the show.

-Meanwhile in Canterlot-

trying not to laugh at the absurdity of it all, Firecracker did the only thing that seemed proper and opened his letter.

His eyes shifted from side to side as he read it; his expression first being one of joy, then one of reluctance.

"It seems our flutter friend has been making quite the name for herself while I was out." He remarked.

Turning his gaze to Shina, it almost looked like he didn't want to go on reading.

After the nurses saw that the sofa was no longer smoldering they began to approach him to check him over.

He had been comatose for nine months after all.

As they began prodding, and checking his vitals, he seemed unfazed by their intrusion.

He really didn't pay them much attention at all as he again mused at his letter.

In a nostalgic tone he commented " Hast huh... I wounder if Tilly still runs that bakery there.. She always did love that town."

Looking back to Shina again as the nurses moved him all around checking him in preparation for the doctor.

As his eyes fallowed her in reaction to his movement he asked -" Come with me."

Leaning forward to escape the nurse pony he asked again- " Come with me to Hast Shina..We never got a change to have a normal date."

Pushing him back into the bed the nurse said "old up there stud. You've been down a long time. Your not going anywhere any time soon."

He began to struggle against her with a strange sense of determination.

It was clear that he wanted to take her to this 'Hast' place immediately, but it was unclear why.

Perhaps if she read the letter addressed to her, Shina would have some better idea.

But it was at that point the doctor had arrived, and her and Konton were moved into a waiting area.
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Indicus nodded before downing the drink. The drink it self had a noticeable kick to it but it was not overwhelming, the flavor however was something else the drink was sweet but but had a slight bitter although not unpleasant aftertaste. Liking the drink he nodded in approval, "I like it, but would prefer some water right now." Indicus said knowing that another glass would not affect him negatively if at all but he was not much for drinking in the first place.

Upon hearing the bartenders announcement Indicus looked towards the stage with interest and listened to Rosie sing and noted that she did so quite wonderfully, between her singing and the obvious skill of the band he could safely say he liked the song.
Shina took a step back to let the nurse do her job. Her focus on Firecracker at the moment she simply levitated her own letter on to her antler like horn letting it rest in the 'branches.' She couldn't help but giggle a little at how desperately Firecracker fought against the nurse, as though young kirin wouldn't be waiting when they were done.

She already knew what answer she'd give him but took an opportunity to help out the hospital staff while she was at it. "Only if you listen to your nurses." She replied with another soft giggle. Seeing the doctor entering she added with a playful wink, "and your doctor."

That said she was ushered out of the the room. Giving a nod for Konton to follow he held what was left of his muffin in his break to flutter over on to Shina's back as she walked out. Once in the waiting room Shina final took a moment to open her own letter. She could tell from the writing on the outside that it wasn't from back home, the only mail she usually got. Using magic to levitate the letter she simply burned away the envelope, finding that easier then trying to open it, leaving only the letter. Still on all four hooves to keep her back flat for Konton, she continued to levitate the letter as it unfolded, holding it up to where she could read.
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"I appreciate it," Fang said with a smile before turning her attention to the dark crimson liquid. Lifting the glass, she took a taste of what Zaka had called Luna's Majesty. Burn aside, it was still flavorful. A blend of sweet and tart, like taking a bite out of a green apple. It did have a very faint metallic aftertaste. Perhaps that was why they were named blood apples?

"I'd say it's pretty good, Zaka." The bat pony said before taking another sip. It seemed like a waste to just down the whole thing in one go. Her ears perked up as Rosie began her show. A good song, and quite the voice to match.

Sky Chaser clapped his hooves together as Rosie's song ended. He always did enjoy her shows, hence why, if story time didn't take too long, he was in here just about every night. That and, frankly, his little hole in the ground got rather lonely. By now, his Dragon's Bane was in a full stein in front of him. It was a strange liquid, a sort of metallic red that almost looked like it was liquid fire itself. His horn glowed as he lifted it up to his lips as he took a long drink of it before setting it down. His mouth seemed to be steaming as he let out a sigh, a small cloud of steam coming from his mouth. That was another reason it was called Dragon's Bane. Anyone that drank it seemed to breathe fire like a dragon!

"So, what do you think of Hast so far?" Sky Chaser asked, blowing rings of steam while the effect lasted. It was one of the reasons he loved this drink so much. Most people, sadly couldn't handle it enough to actually appreciate it.
Her crimson gaze shifted over to Sky Chaser, watching the rings of smoke. A part of the drink? She found it rather unusual. "It seems like a nice little village if you ask me," Fang replied, finishing off the small glass of Luna's Majesty. "A nice place to rest after a long series of missions."
As the song came to an end Steelheart also clapped her hooves in approval.

She didn't bother turning from the bar, as she wouldn't be able to see the show anyway.

After Fang had replied to Sky Chaser, Steelheart also chimed in -" I agree. It is a very nice place. It's very calm and friendly here."

wiping a glass with a clean cloth rag Zaka sighed " A bit too calm if ya ask me.. It's down right dull sometimes. That's why the Winter's ball is such a big deal this year. "

Turning towards the voice of her guests, Steelheart exited explained-" That's right! The Winter's Ball is coming soon. I've heard it rivals some big party called the grand galloping gala."

Chucking in reply, Zaka scruffed Steelheart's hair and said " Well, I don't know about the gala.. But it is the largest event in Hast. Why I hear this year the sister's themselves are going to come to Hast."

Steelhear seemed to squirm in her chair waiting for Zaka to finish speaking like an inpatient filly.

Finally as he finished she practically jumped up out of her seat as she announced " And I have tickets for each of you! "

Has she held out a fan of ornate paper tickets her voice became more meek as a slight blush came to her cheeks saying

"Even one for you Mr. Sky Chaser.. I wanted to thank you for taking such good care of me all this time. After min syster...I mean my sister left to go back to northern grove I felt very lonely. If you hadn't been so kind to me, I don't know if I would have settled in so well here."

Finally finished changing back from her costume, Rosie rejoined the group teasing- " Awe, look at that Sky. Steely's taken a real shine to ya."

This caused Steelheart's blush to deepen as she mumbled " it's not anything like that.. that is It's not that I don't like him I just. "

Rosie laughed and hugged Steelheart tightly, doting " You are just too sweet for this world kiddo. "

As she squeezed the flutter pony she asked " So, did you like the show? "

It was then in reply another pony responded - " oi! dread mother, what was that? I thought tonight was set 2 I came here to be moved to tears."

Zaka turned abruptly to Rosie, a look of panic in his eyes as he pleaded " Rosie..hun. Collateral damages. remember?"

With an angry snot Rosie's once motherly kind face turned that of anger and disgust.

Storming over to the drunk heckler she obviously struggled to contain herself as she said " I changed the set number because of a special occasion. ..SIR!. And if you insist on being moved to tears, call me that name one more time.. I swear you will be in tears then.

The drunk only smirked at her and replied "drrreeeaad Moottthheerr" .

snapping her attention to Zaka shouting "Zaka!"

With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, he responded "right." before covering Steelhearts ears.

This was all they needed to do to protect her from the reality of the situation as Rosie turned and bucked the drunk through the front window.

As he picked himself up and began to run Rosie shouted at him "Next time it won't be the first floor window you bastard!"

As she stormed off, it was clear she had tears in her eyes.

Zaka released his hold of Steelheart's ears and began to wipe down the bar, clearly unfazed by the event.

Sighing in a slight embarrassment he apologized-" Sorry you had to see that.. I swear Rosie's a sweet mare; Sky you know what I mean..

it's just that damn nick-name. She hears it and snaps. She's done her best to hide it from everyone outside her family her at the bar."

Gesturing to Steelheart he added " She's more guarded around some pony then others.. Kinda like a mom, not wanting her foal to see her cry."

-meanwhile in Canterlot-

in the waiting room the muffled sound of Firecracker arguing with the doctor and nurses could be heard.

After a while the doctor finally came out to speak with Shina.

Seeing that she had only begun to read a letter he was a bit hesitant to interrupt

Finally he cleared his throat in an exagurated way before saying- " I assume your hear with mr. Firecracker.

While his injuries have mostly healed, he is still much to weak to be moving around. yet he insists he has to get home before some major event.

He mentioned something about a Winter's Ball.

I've never heard of a gala or any major ball happening anywhere near this time of year before.

and stranger still when he said he needed to go home, apparently he isn't speaking of his old Canterlot Address on Ivory Terrace.

Do you have any idea what he is talking about?
Indicus wathced the drunk go out the window after calling Rosie Dread Mother, he did not know the history behind the name but he did know it bothered her quite a lot. Though Indicus would never admit it he always had a compulsion to help distraught ponies to the point he was sometimes referred to as the squad's shrink in both his time in the Thalemn military and the Lunar special forces. The current situation was no exception, so following his odd compulsion he chased after Rosie knowing that Fang would probably understand as he had actually told her about the personality quirk.

At the mention of the two sister's, a loud crash echoed through the bar as Sky Chaser's stein broke on the floor. His gaze snapped towards Zaka... "Did... you say the two sisters?...." His voice sounded almost scared, something no one had ever heard in Sky Chaser's voice before. He turned his gaze to the table, his crimson eyes wide as his body shook just a little. He had attended the Winter's Ball in the past, but this one... He couldn't go...

And that's when Steelheart mentioned that she had got him tickets. His muzzle seemed to go from a blueish gray to completely pale in an instant. What was he going to say? He couldn't go... No, not with them there... They would never forgive him... not after what he did... But he couldn't break Steelheart's heart.... What should he do?

That was when Rosie gave him an escape. In the commotion of her bucking the bastard out the window, he teleported out of the bar, his hooves already pounding the ground as he bolted for his hole in the ground. He had to get out of town before the Ball.... Sure, Steelheart would be sad he couldn't make it, but 'urgent business' was going to call him away from Hast and keep him from attending... He would make it up to her somehow.... But he couldn't be there... Not with them. By the time Zaka tried to address him again, he was already slamming the door to his home behind him, panting as he turned on the lights to start packing....

"I'm sorry Steelheart.... but I can't let them find me..."
The bat pony stopped, almost freezing as Zaka mentioned the sisters. Why the hell would the divine sisters be coming all the way out here? Did it have something to do with the whole mess at Equinox? Fang stared down at the table. While she never exactly agreed with Celestia, she had always been able to face her. But Luna . . . even after all this time the bat pony still couldn't look the Lunar Goddess in the eye.

Fang's ear twitched at the sound of the drunkard calling out to Rosie. Even with the very blatant threat, he continued mocking her. Jackass got what he deserved when he was bucked out the window. Honestly, he got lucky that was all that happened. "He got what was coming to him," she muttered. Glancing at Indicus as he took off after Rosie, Fang gave a slight shrug before shifting her gaze to Zaka.

"Would you be willing to pour another shot?" She asked, still distracted by the thought of the princesses, of Luna, following them to Hast. A bright flash caught her attention. "Sky Chaser . . . ?" She murmured, wondering where the unicorn teleported off to.
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Zaka looked around and asked-" Where in the hay did sky go? "

This was rather upsetting to Steelheart, as she looked around in confusion.

All she knew is that there was a loud commotion.

It was almost heart breaking to see her there bewildered and still holding a hoof full of tickets.

Zaka groaned at the sight; and holding a hoof to his forehead he asked "Syble can you take care of the broken glass?"

To which Syble silently nodded and grabbed a broom.

resting a hoof on Steelheart's shoulder he retoricaly asked- " Steel hun, hows about ol Zaka gets you some ice cream while we wait for your friends to come back eh?"

As he started heading to the back room he looked over his shoulder at Fang and said " And I hear ya miss.. After all this drama I could use a stiff one myself. "

As the smoke rose up from Sky Chaser's shattered glass Zaka groaned again.

He was a very laid back pony and hated drama of any king; most of all the ones that interfere with business.

Meanwhile Rosie had left an easy trail to fallow as stamping hooves left distinct imprints in the grass beside the road.

Her trail lead up to the falls Steelheart was talking about before.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/falls.jpg.bb5a649296db85cd0df569a791baa639.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97760" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/falls.jpg.bb5a649296db85cd0df569a791baa639.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Standing only a few feet from the edge, she stared intensely at the waters below.

Bitter tears welling in her eyes it almost looked like she was going to throw herself over the falls.

That was however, until she began to sing.

Singing into the falls, it echoed hauntingly to form almost a dirge.

"Fare thee well, little broken heart..Downcast eyes, lifetime loneliness..Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone.

Beginning to sway, it was very different then the energetic performance from before.

"Constant longing for the perfect soul..Unwashed scenery forever gone..Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone..

For a moment she choked on her tears, but forced herself to finish the song.

"No love left in me, no eyes to see the heaven beside me..My time is yet to come, so I'll be forever yours..

No love left in me, no eyes to see the heaven beside me..My time is yet to come, so I'll be forever yours

Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone..

Whatever walks in my heart..A-a-a.."

Her final long note echoing over the waters like a ghost of lamentation before she slumped to the ground and silently sobbed.



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Indicus followed the trail to the waterfall then walked up and looked off the edge of the cliff, watching the water crashing below. He listened to the song and remembered what Zaka said about ponies calling her Dread Mother and the song made things even clearer, she was not only alone but feared that she would never find a significant other before she grew old. With this in mind he spoke up his eyes still on the horizon and watching the setting sun. "Beautiful song once again Rosie."
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Shina had barely begun to read her letter when the doctor interrupted her. She let the paper linger in the air for a moment as she gave him get attention. "Do not worry. I Will make sure he does not do anything to hurt him self. " She assured the doctor with a confident smile. "I am not sure what he is talking about but I am sure he will explain once he has calmed down." She added really wanting to see what was in her letter now, it looked to have come from the same sender at the one Firecracker had gotten so worked up over. Perhaps it would explain things a bit better?
Studying Steelheart's confused, borderline on tears expression. Fang quietly sighed and stood. "Zaka, as much as I'd love to have another taste of that drink of yours, I think I'm going to have to take a rain check on that. Looks like I have more important things to take care of." Moving over to Steelheart, the bat pony gently nuzzled her. "I'll go see what happened to Sky Chaser and be right back, alright? I'll take of it."
Steelheart shook her head replying "No, something is wrong. Very wrong. Mr. Sky Chaser has always been there for me these past 10 months. He was the first pony to make me feel accepted here.

He knew what it's like to be...different.

That's one of the reasons I bought him a ticket, at great expense . He would never just run off without seeing that I was taken care of."

Her expression only became more distraught as she lowered her head and added "or at least say good bye."

While Steelheart was technically an adult and even held a ranking position in Hast, she was still very much a filly at heart.

The trauma in equinox, and the separation from her sister had left her emotionally frail and some what needy.

growing desperate, Steelheart pleaded " Please Fang. Something must be wrong. I can't look for him. I can't look for anypony. Please take me with you."

He couldn't stay... Not with the Two Sisters on their way... No, that would be all kinds of trouble. There was no way the Two Sisters would ever forgive him for what he did to them. What he did was unforgivable.... His horn glowed as he shrank all of his possessions so they would fit in his worn, brown leather saddle bags. He would make it up to Steelheart somehow, He'd bring her something from somewhere far away from here as a present, or something... He'd think of something... He'd think so much better when he was out of here and not in a full blown panic...

His home was normally quite well decorated, with bookshelves lining every single wall and furniture pushed up against the walls. That particular design choice came when Steelheart began to pay him visits. He didn't want her tripping over furniture so he pushed it all against the walls between the bookshelves to make it easier on her. Now those bookshelves were bare, the bed in his room and the guest room already made as he turned his glowing horn towards the fireplace, extinguishing the light as his saddlebags floated onto his back, adjusting it all so it fit under his wings. He folded up his cloak now, tucking it away into one of the saddle bags. He would have to fly out of here... He spread his massive feathery wings, stretching them after ten years of constant confinement. He took a deep breath before opening the door with his broken horn, starting to step out into the night. In a few moments, Hast would just be a speck on the horizon behind him...

Normally, he would leave a note, but odds are, Steelheart is the only one who would check on him, and she wouldn't be able to read any note he left her anyway....

He would make this up to her somehow...
Meanwhile in Canterlot The doctor was satisfied with Shina's answer has he jotted down some notes and grumbled " Yes, well.. Just make sure he doesn't over do it. I already had to open that Colt up three times in these past nine months. "

It wasn't clear if Firecracker knew the extent of his damage, or how miraculous his survival really was.

As the nurses began to leave the room the mumbled to each other one of which clearly saying " I thought he was cuter when he was out cold.."

The letter in question was clearly hand written with long flowing strokes.

The penmanship made it seem like it was written by a young mare as some of the eyes were dotted with tiny hearts.

it read:

My dear friend Shina. It has been so long sense I have last seen you.

I have so many questions left unanswered.

Did Mr. Firecracker ever get well?

Did thinks ever work out between the two of you?

I myself have been doing well, having been granted a seat in the council of the town of Hast.

I have many new friends who are taking good care of me, but I still miss you and the others dearly.

So It is with great pleasure that I write individual letters to each of you.

I hope this letter finds you, as I am not sure if the mail pony around here even can reach your home country.

Should it reach you in time I would like to invite you to this years Winter's Ball.

From what I understand it is a major Event among the natives here.

One pony named Tilly even said that it was where Stallions do some sort of love ritual.

I am also pleased to tell you that as an act of contrition the divine sisters have granted homes to those deemed 'heroes of Equinox'

As one of the pony who defeated the dragon, you are one of those heroes.

I simply assume you have gone home at this point, but maybe a nice summer estate?

Again, I pray I see you again soon.

Should this letter reach you in time, the night of the winters ball is on the 11th of the month dated on the envelope. (one week from now)

Your dear friend.

Allen's eyebrows were low in exhaustion as he trotted into the streets of Hast, having walked for the whole day. He was exhausted from tugging his cart of belongings along with him. He needed some rest, maybe a meal... He wanted to keep going, but it was getting late...

He looked around for a place to stay, scanning the quaint little town for some kind of hotel.

As he observed the town, he saw a bar. The Horseshoe.

I... Could go for a drink...

He trotted up to the door, pushing his way inside, his cart towing behind him. Allen was a tall pony, and thus had to lower his head under the door frame to get in. He was no Celestia, but he was quite tall.
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Shina gave another understanding nod to the doctor before he walked off. About to go back to her letter she paused a moment lifting an annoyed brow as she overheard one of the nurses going by. Deciding it was best just to let it go she finally turned her attentions to the letter.

Her fuchsia eyes took a bit longer to read the scroll then most would have. Though she'd rarely admit to it Shina found it much more difficult to read in the common tongue then it was to speak it. After a moment though she managed to get through it. "Well that makes a little more sense." She thought out loud.

Folding the letter up she tucked it back in to her antler before heading back in to Firecracker's room. She still wasn't sure what all the hurry was about though. Even if they missed the ball Hast would still be there. Walking over to Firecracker's bed she reared up on to her hind legs to rest her front hooves on the edge of his bed, causing Konton to flutter off her back and on to the night stands. "I hope you did not give them too much trouble." She teased with a playful smile.

"We can go to Hast. But only after you are strong enough for such a trip." She added as her smile faded to a more concerned look. Leaning up her head moved to nuzzle against his.
With no reply from Rosie he walked up next to her and put a hoof on her shoulder in attempt to reassure her and softly asked, "What's wrong?"

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