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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Indicus noticed Rosie sit beside him and once she finished speaking he responded, "Yea I guess they do resemble the cycle of life." Indicus took a breath feeling Rosie pressing against him lightly in what he felt was to be a comforting gesture much like what he did. " I do remember what happened a during my last months in the Military. I requested every mission in the book and made sure they were up against some of the deadliest enemies Equestria had, dragons, Griffin warlords, zebra cannibal tribes, dug traders, slavers, weapon traders and even put a blade through some deadly Tartarus escapees. This was in the hope of finding a battle that would kill me but each time I would survive sometimes would be severely injured but very much alive. Then I joined the assassin guild and quickly climbed the ranks becoming Master Assassin and still nothing killed me."

Indicus took another breath while continuing to look out towards the ocean, "Then the Equinox event came along and the friends I made have helped me not necessarily try and go fight till I die they gave me a goal, something to live for, something to fight to protect in a way they saved me from going completely insane and ending up in Tartarus." Indicus stopped caring that he was sharing his life story with some one he met hours ago it just felt to let it out again to have one more person know what he felt.
Kadje and Thunder walked touching shoulders, a pony equivalent of holding hands perhaps? "You see any of our old friends around here?"

"Nope. we could probably go around and look. This is kind of a new start for us. anything you ever wanted to do but couldn't in saddle Arabia?" Thunder offered.

"No idea. come to think of it I've never really had a job other than.. well. princelyness." Kadje sat back on his haunches for a moment thinking. "I kind of want a normal pony job here. but I have no idea what to do."

"You can cook. your really good at that." Thunder offered.

"It's radioactive and you know it." Kadje grinned and Thunder put his ears down guiltily. Thunder usualy didn't lie but if it helped Kadje feel better he would tell a white lie.

"You're great at sewing. and with how much access you have to really nice Arabian silks? Maybe there's a seamstress hiring?" Thunder offered.

"Good at it doesn't mean I can stand doing it all day. its more of a passing hobby. besides. working with silk after while makes your hooves real sore."

"Um. maybe some of our friends could help you with that? ask if you can job shadow... anyone but indicus or shadow fang. You will be in no brawls." Thunder smirked.

"Oh? conserned I may one day beable to take you down?" kadje sassed back in retaliation.

"No. You'll chip a hoof. and I'm paying for a manicure for you. You've been so stressed out with wedding plans you've bitten your hooves to the quick. In the mean time perhaps I can find firecracker or shina to ask if you can job shadow for a day or so." Thunder helped Kadje up and lead him into a spa.

upon leaving the spa Thunder caught sight of Shadow Fang and Steelheart (it is steelheart right? I get confused) and some other odd pony. Now would be pretty nice to catch up. Thunder trotted to the group, tail high in happiness.

"Finally, familiar faces! Hey."
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Allen wrinkled his nose at the mention of the ball. He hated the mere thought of planned social events.

"I'm just heading to Ponyville. I'm moving there. I hope the ponies there are a little less... Er.... Nosey." He takes the drink, sipping from the glass, feeling the satisfying cold of his drink of choice sliding down his throat, quenching the thirst induced by a long day of walking.

"So, what food do you have here?" He ruffles his wings, looking at the left wall.
Fang continued quietly watching Steelheart try to convince Sky Chaser not to leave. While her efforts were successful in the end, it was clear the Alicorn wasn't comfortable with the whole idea. What could have possibly happened between him and the Two Sisters to leave him wanting them to think he's dead? While curious, she wasn't about to pry into the matter. Trying was only going to make things worse anyway. Well, perhaps unless you were Steelheart.

Her ears pivoted towards the sound of approaching hooves. Fang knew Sky Chaser wasn't going to want anyone else seeing his scars. Let along the fact he was an Alicorn. Perhaps she could block the approaching pony's line of sight? Turning towards the sound, that idea went straight out the window. There was no way she would be able to block Thunder's line of sight. The bat pony barely came up to this shoulder as is. "Thunder," she called out, moving to meet him halfway there. "I was wondering if you and Kadje were coming." The least she could do was at least keep him occupied long enough for Sky to pull his cloak back on. Or teleport away. Either one worked for her.
- In the Horseshoe-

Zaka smiles brightly as he pulled out a small leather bound menue saying "we have some of the finest dishes ever to be considered 'barfood'. "

Syble only scoffed "you mean onion rings and soy burgers "

To which Zaka proudly replied "dang right"

Setting a bowl of pretzels on the table along with the menue, Zaka asked "so ponyville huh. Your still a ways from there. Hast is kinda in the middle of nowhere ."

Laughing to himself he added "but if your looking for a less nosey place Hast may not be the best. No one means anything by it. We just don't normally get new faces around here."

-outside Sky Chaser's house-

Fluttering silently, Steelheart heard Shadow Fang call out Thunder's name.

Suddenly coming back down she grabbed and tugged at Skychaser's forehoof.

Happily beckoning "come on Mr.Sky Chaser. If Thunder is here Kadje must be here to.

They are friends from Equinox . I want you to meet them.

It was almost strange how quickly she changed back to her overly happy self. Or it would be if she wasn't strange normally.

It also was the first time she had shown that she could fly to Sky Chaser.

Perhaps there was just never and ocasion for It to be done.

Or perhaps she perpusly never used her wings for nine months.

Either way it was surprising to see.
-on the beach-

Rosie sat and listened quietly as Indicus spoke.

Once he finished she pressed her shoulder against his more firmly as kind of a half hearted hug as she replied " I would be daft to say I know how you feel.. But I know something about all that. After I was told.. After my 'plans' fell through.. I tried to drown myself in the bottom of every bottle I could find. If Zaka never found me and gave me a job singing .."

Sarcastically laugh to herself she corrected herself "well.. Lets just say I'm glad we both found friends to give us a reason to keep going."

Gently punching him in the shoulder she joked- " and you Mr. You came here with a lovely mare in Your side. What are you doing out with a bar tramp?

Sky Chaser's broken horn glowed as his trademark cloak wrapped around himself. He was, as you might expect, a little surprised to see Steelheart fly. He had always assumed she never flew because she was afraid she'd bump into something, given how she tended to do that even when all four hooves were planted firmly on the ground. Given he hadn't used his wings in ten years, it wasn't as strange to think she hadn't used hers in as many months. Once his wings, mark and broken horn were covered, he chuckled softly. "Very Well, Miss Steelheart. I told you befor eyou don't have to call me 'Mr.' though..." He reminded her.

Of course, he still called her Miss out of respect. He didn't much care for being called Mr. though. It made him feel somehow older than he already was... At least for now, he could put off worrying about the Two Sisters... He gave in to her tugging at his foreleg, trotting along side her. "Stay close, the firepit is still quite hot and I don't want you falling in" He murmured softly to her as he kept close enough to her that she could feel the fabric of his cloak as he moved over to where Fang was greeting their friends, guiding her along just like he always did. In the darkness, thankfully, there is no way the two new arrivals would have seen him for what he was at that distance.
"Kadje is here. getting a manicure. Poor stallions worrying himself sick... and hoofless." He'd be here pretty soon. Manicures usualy didn't take so long. He was probably chatting it up with the nice hoof ladies. Thunder stretched, yawning. He had some pretty bad jet-lag for they had crossed many timezones on their way.

"Seems were always late to the party, But can I ask a favor?" Thunder shifted uncomfitorbly. "Kadje wants to do some job shadowing. trying to live a "normal" life. I wont be able to keep as well of an eye for him. I'm enlisting you and indicus and steel heart to make sure he doesn't get into trouble or do dangerous stuff. we got some... threats concerning out marriage and it put a bit of a target on him."
Indicus smiled "You mean Shadow Fang, yea we traveled together after receiving the letter from Steelheart she invited me to come with her and I accepted that was ten months ago and she is the only one that I have ever told my personal story to besides you and Luna. As for why am I out here with you well once again blame my white knight complex that got to find you in the first place, all-though bar tramp really is not a fitting title for you at all I think singer is better. One could say entertainer but that dose not have the best of connotations so Singer it is." Indicus said seeming between joking and serious.
Fang's ears fell at this news, now pinned against her head. "Someone actually put a hit on the prince?" The bat pony murmured. Gritting her teeth, her blood red eyes seemed to glow brighter in the dark. "Bastard has no idea who he's messing with," she quietly growled. Finally, Fang gave a short nod. "Alright, I'll let Indicus know as soon as I can. I'm sure we can come up with some way to keep an eye on him without it feeling like we're hovering." She knew how much the prince hated being worried about.
"I know. I thought they were crazy too. then again theres only one of me and.. well saddle Arabia is not the safest place for him to be right now." Thunder sighed. Thunder then laughed at the bit of keeping to kind of on the down low, Kadje hated being worried about. He thought he could handle himself and was in no danger ever. but Thunder felt very unformtorble with allowing him in dangerous situations. "For all I know all of Saddle Arabai could be against us."
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Fang quietly growled, her ears still lay flat against her head. "I see . . ." Shaking her head, she took a slow breath to calm back down. "Well you know I'll do what I can to help. I'm sure Indicus will as well." She debated on contacting the unicorn telepathically but eventually decided against it. Chance are he was still trying to calm Rosie down since he hadn't asked where she and the others ran off to. Always trying to lend a helping hoof... A trait she respected, even if it had gotten them into some interesting situations a few times.
Unaware of the situation, Steelheart had finally reached the others.

Thanks to the guidance of Skychaser she was able to reach them with only a few stumbles over the uneven terrain .

Being a bit of a recluse, the area around Skychaser's house was low on the council's renovation and repair priorities.

Without paying attention to what the others were saying she could hear the voices getting close enough so she called out "Thunder, Kadje. Its so nice to see you two..well you know what I mean"

She didn't know that Thunder was by himself at the time. She just assumed they would be inseparable after what happened almost a year ago.

This of course is an unrealistic expectation, but knowing next to nothing of intamite love she really had nothing to go off of.

For being so wise and mature for her age some times she really seemed like a filly.

Taking a few exited steps forward she interrupted again "Its been such a long time and I have so many things I want to catch up on."

-on the beach-

Rosie couldn't help but smile at Indicus's chivalry . it's not like she was without any positive attention, but it made her feel good to have some pony care.

Again she nudged him with her shoulder before saying "well I'm glad some white knights are still around."

Standing and shaking some of the sand off, she took a more helpless damsel voice as she ask " well would you be ever so kind as to escort me back home? It is starting to get late."

Hast had never had a problem with any pony being in danger after dark.

It was mostly her way of asking him to walk her home.

She justified it to herself as keeping an eye on Indicus.

But deep down inside, she was just lonely.
Shina couldn't help but blush being referred to as Firecracker's mare-friend. She offered a gentle smile as she replied to Sparku. "Thank you. You are too kind."

Letting the two talk her attention turned to Konton for a moment. "You should probably go back to bed. It is late." The young phoenix simply ruffled his feathers looking a bit annoyed by the kirin's mothering. Still he seemed to listen, fluttering over to land on Shina's antler like horn. The weight caused Shina's head to droop before she gave a toss of her head forcing Konton to flap down on to her back. "You are getting to big to sit up there." She said back to the crimson bird, who seemed to be making him self comfortable on her back.

"Somepony should probably tell your aunt you are awake." Shina said returning her attention back to Firecracker and Sparky.
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Indicus smiled not taking any issue with the request thinking of it as a thanks for her listening to his story when she really did not have to. "Sure I'll walk you to your place." Indicus got up and gestured for Rosie to lead the way.
- In Canterlot Hospital - Firecracker and Sparky watched Konton carefully as he moved.

One out of a child like sense wonder.

The other out of a cautious distrust.

As the he settled and Shina spoke, Sparky stepped closer to get a better look.

With a cutting glance Firecracker gave a sharp "psst!" getting his attention he asked with a flimsy smile -"hey squirt, you mind going and telling Your mother for us? Id love to do it myself but I'm a bit big to slip past the screws. Besides it's way past your bed time isn't it?"

Eager to gain his cousins favor he agreed. Walking towards the door he said- "well ok.. But tomorrow you gotta tell me about how you slayed the Dragon and saved the day and.."

Stopping just shy of the door, he gave a suspicious look back saying "wa-a-it , are you just trying to be alone with your new marefriend? Kissy kissy"

Making a mocking kissing gesture he stopped and looked confused "wait.. I thought the tradition was your first kiss was to be at the fointan during the Winter's Ba-"

Cutting him off Firecracker insisted "Tilly really should know I'm awake now Sparks."

Gesturing in a passive acceptance sparky slipped out saying "yeah yeah.."

Blushing and covering his eyes with his foreleg he said "Tilly's been telling stories again."

-Along the road in Hast-

Rosie brisky trotted along with a grin beaming on her face.

As they passed through the city, the lights gave a festive mood.

Everyone was happy to have the Ball coming for their own reasons.

For the old it was a time of reflection and selabration. For the young it was a time for first loves and memories to be made.

Rosie sighed and in a sad voice she reminisced " I always did love the way the town comes to life for the Ball.. I always thought Fi would take me one day.. But he's been gone 8 years now.. Off to Canterlot to become a big time pyro tech pony .."

Again she sighed, this time heavier then before.

Just as they reached a modest cabin she turned to Indicus and said "well, this is the place. . you better go find your partner stud..

And let me give you a bit of advice. If a mare shows interest in you, don't just let them sit in the friend zone."

Quickly kissing his cheek she passively said "good night hun" as she walked up to and through her door.
Steelheart quickly learned that Kadje was in fact not with Thunder, but in town at a late night salon getting his hoof taken care of. Undeterred, she briefly caght up with Thunder. Before she stopped and looked up.

Though she couldn't see it, she could feel Luna's magic at work as she asked -"The moons pretty high, isn't it?."

Steelheart was always able to sense magic in a more poetic manor sense she was free from the restrictions sight places on the imagination.

To her the moon was more of an idea. Some distant orb of beautiful magic rather then some dead heavenly body.

Nevertheless her meaning was the same.

She meant that the night had begun to get late.

Trying to hide a quick yawn she lowered her hair and said "I guess I should show you to your cabin.. Mr.. I mean Sky Chaser, I know I've been a real parasprite to you tonight .. But could I ask you to walk us into town. Fang doesn't know where the falls are, and her duplex is just on the west side of them..and sense I don't know west from an Apple, I'm not much help."

With a cute but somehow manipulative smile she added "please?"

It would have been even more effective had she not been facing thin air.

It seemed like a sensible way to calm things down. After all, very few knew what transpired that evening.

It would also offer a chance to perhaps find Indicus who as far as they knew was already in town with Rosie.

And should they bump into Kadje along the way it would be all the better .

Sky Chaser smirked softly, bumping his side into Steelheart's lightly so she'd realize that hew as on the opposite side from where her head was turned to try and smile at him. "You're no parasprite, Steelheart. Besides, I already figured this would happen, so it's no trouble. After all, you always seem to find a way to get me involved in your plans" He chuckled softly as he teased her just a little, keeping the fabric of his cloak against her side so she'd know where he was. This was how it had been really since she first arrived. Sure, most ponies were rather friendly around here, but it was different trying to handle a pony that couldn't see where she was going, literally.

Luckily for her, Sky Chaser had found her bumping into things downtown not an hour after she arrived, and had taken it upon himself to show her around. The other ponies, although friendly, hadn't been able to figure out how best to help her. Sky Chaser, in his usual mysterious ways, just started walking with her, keeping his side brushing against hers so she'd know where he was at all times as he walked her around the area, telling her where everything was with the detail only a storyteller like him could manage. He did this every day, taking her all over town until she got to the point she could navigate the town on her own as long as she had her bearings about her.

Of course, that didn't stop him from still being her eyes whenever he ran into her, or, more appropriately, when she ran into him. After all, even if she knew where everything was, there were things that moved, such as carts, ponies, and other things that made it a slight hassle for her to get around without at least some kind of guide.

"Well, come along then. I'm sure you're all exhausted from your trip and looking forward to a good night's sleep" he called to the others, nudging Steelheart's neck lightly with his nose to forewarn her that he was about to move. Once he started going, he made sure that Steelheart never broke contact with him, making it so she always knew exactly where he was so she didn't have to worry about getting lost. He really did take very good care of her, that much was incredibly obvious to anyone.
As Sparky teased Shina flushed, the normally pearly scales on her cheeks turning a light pink color. Hearing him talk about the winter ball her head tilted curiously. It was starting to sound like this event was a big deal. Turning her attention back to Firecracker she stepped closer to his bedside.

"Maybe you will be well enough in time for the ball?" She suggested before levitating the letter out of her antler to double check to see if there had been a date for the ball on it.
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Derby skated into the Horseshoe and up to a table, Splash trotting in behind her.

"You heard about the ball, right?"

"Of course I heard, Derby. But seeing as how you and I are pretty new to the island, I don't think I'll be going."

Derby raised an eyebrow. "Oh no? Why not?"

"I just.... I don't think anypony, any colt, wants to go anywhere with a two-time surfing champ from the outer Islands." Splash sighed and thunked her head down on the table. Derby rolled her eyes and put her head on her hoof.
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Kadje finally made it out of the salon and met up with thunder. "This feels better. no more hang nails. owch." Kadje's tail wished happily behind him.

"Oh hai! my peoples! I've miss you guys!" Kadje grinned in excitement as shadowfang and steelheart seemed familiar. "Oh and new ponies."

Thunder laughed at Kadje's usually exited way of meeting people.
Fang flashed a grin at Kadje as he caught up to them. The prince's cheerful demeanor was just as contagious as Steelheart's was. "It's great to see you again, Kadje." She motioned to the cloaked pony alongside of Steelheart. "This is Sky Chaser, he's a friend of Steelheart's." Her Crimson gaze traveled around the area, "uh . . . Indicus is around here somewhere. He'll catch up eventually."
Derby looked at Kadje and Poked Splash with her hoof. "Splash!" She said. When the unicorn didn't answer she rolled her eyes again and bonked Splash on the head with her rollerskate.

"Ow!" Splash said, looking at Derby and glaring at her. "What the hay was that for?"

"Look!" Derby pointed at Kadje with her hoof, but it was discreet. "Wanna go say hello?"


"Splash Surfdown you're coming with me to say hello whether you like it or not."

"Derby!" Splash exclaimed as Roller Derby hooked her left hoof around Splash's neck and dragged her over to the group.

"Heya," Derby said, leaning against the wall.
Delighted to hear a familiar voice along the road, she ran up and hopped a full pace away from Skychaser and closer to Kadje.

With her usual happy disposition she greeted "Kadje, it's so good to...hear you."

Trotting up happily she mistakenly gave a big hug to Darby .

The blind pony then turned to the real Kadje and replied " oh and hello to you to. I'm Steelheart of the Hast city council. Very nice to meet you.

Turning back to Derby Steelheart commented "Kadje Your smell really nice, what fragrance is that?"

Once again the poor blind pony's excitement had led her into a mistake "

- in Canterlot-

The note stated that The Winter's Ball would be held six days from the current date.

As Shina read the letter Firecracker sighed contently and said " I really hope so. I have something very important I need to do there. I told them I've slept enough as it is."

A warm blush filled his cheeks as he leaned back in his bed and looked to Shina saying "well we are finally alone... Wait"

His eyes widened as his blush intensified .

Looking away he finally voiced what just dawned on him. "Uh..S shina. Now that I'm awake .. Is it really appropriate for you and me to be staying the night in the same room?"

At this point it was almost 10pm and the hospital would be locking down for the evening .
"What do you have to do?" Shina asked curiously canting her head to one side. Tucking the letter back in to her horn those fuchsia eyes turned their gaze to Firecracker.

Before she could get an answer Shina felt her cheeks burning brightly in embarrassment when Fire pointed out they were not only alone now, but probably shouldn't be sharing a room either. The young kirin gave a nervous chuckle at the situation before answering. "I am sure I can find a hotel." A playful grin crossing her lips as she added teasingly. "I would hate to make you uncomfortable."
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