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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Indicus looked at Thunder, "Thunder, most present either have combat experience of some type, skilled in magic or both, I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard that tries to assassinate Kadje"

Indicus looked at the pony that spoke up with a raised brow 'she did hear about the possible assassination attempt correct?'
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Fan gave a short nod in agreement to Indicus. The two of them alone could easily some assassin. Granted, being on the lookout for anything kind of goes against the whole 'taking a break' plan they had. But this was a friend they were talking about, she couldn't just ignore him. Though before she had a chance to speak up, Derby mentioned how common Alicorns were. The bat pony couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow in her direction. The mare did just come out of the bar, after all. "Erm, I'm not sure where you heard that it's about as far from the truth as you can get." Hell, Alicorns made a Lucicorn seem like a common thing!

Shaking her head, she stepped closer to Indicus before quietly speaking. "Mu kent tinvaak dahvulon." (We must speak tonight.)
Indicus heard Kage (Shadow Fang) and responded in kind,

"Zu'u lorfonaar hi fent fun ruz. Zu'u fent kiibok mindin mu bo qiivu."

(I assume you shall tell me then. I shall follow you after we arrive at our cabin.)
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The conversation on how rare alicorn children were began to depress Kadje. *chibi mode* a drop of sweat runs down the side of his face as he starts sniffling... he seems pale white with only an outline. he then cries out, tears spilling everywhere. *Back to normal mode* "So they really are that rare..."

"Oh calm down. We'll find one. there's bound to be one to turn up eventually. Besides, I don't know if there actually is law about all heirs being alicorns or if being an heir in general makes a pony an alicorn. no idea on the matter. you've always been an alicorn, ive always been an earth pony. we'll never know until we try for ourselves."

Kadje pulled himself together. "Right. there are millions of ponies out there. one of them is bound to be a lonely alicorn baby."
After a small exchange of plesntries and catching up the group dispersed their seprate ways for the evening.

The festive lights of Hast lighting the way, Steelheart and Sky Chaser first lead Indicus and Shadow Fang to their duplex.

After some hugs and joyful exchanges of how nice it was to see each other. The two bat pony retired for the evening.

Steelheart was then lead back to her home where she barely made it to her bed before collapsing in her bed and falling fast asleep.

~Day 2~​

As the sun rose over the peaks of the mountains of Hast a new world of posiblities rose with it.

The sparkling snow caps in the distance shimmered and sparkles in the magic that was the dawn.
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When the sun rose, one always knew where to find Sky Chaser. He sat on his pedestal by his story telling firepit, watching the sun rise on the horizon. It had become a daily ritual for him, one that no one in Hast could explain. Ever since that first night he arrived, he always woke up to watch the sun rise on the horizon, a soft smile upon his muzzle.

No one could explain it. For some reason, whenever the sun or moon was to be moved, he watched the sky. Wherever he was, he would just watch the sun and the moon change positions, stopping whatever task he was engaged in and falling strangely mute as he just stared up at the sky. Some would say there was a sadness in his gaze, others would say the gaze looked more like anger. No one could explain his ritual or the strange emotions contained in his gaze. As the years wore on, it became just an accepted part of the pony he was. Like the cloak he always wore, and his past, it was just another part of the mystery known as Sky Chaser.

So, as the sun rose over Hast on this morning, Sky Chaser was in his position atop his rock, sitting in silent vigil as the sun replaced the moon in the night sky, just staring to the horizon as Celestia raised the sun from her castle in Canterlot, chasing away the darkness that had previously gripped the land. At last, the sun reached him, and he closed his eyes, bathing in the first light of the new day.

Luna... Celestia... do you two still curse my name? Or have you managed to forget me entirely after all the suffering I caused?....
Splash awoke to the smell of oatcakes being cooked and the sound of the beautiful flips it took to get cooked. She stretched, yawned, and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. "Morning Derby," she said tiredly as she brushed her mane.

Derby was always up at the crack of dawn, taking a skate around town to wake up and warm up, then came home and made breakfast for the two friends that lived together. "Morning Splash!" She said happily. "How'd ya sleep?"

Splash cracked her neck. "Terribly."

"Aww. Well, the day's bright and the sun is shining, so cheer up!" Derby served up a plate of oatcakes and syrup for Splash and then for herself. There were plenty left over.

"You know, Derby, if your talent weren't racing, you could open a breakfast Diner." Splash said as a bright blue glow of magic enveloped the fork. Splash started eating.

"Yeah, I know." Derby looked at Splash with a grin. "Hey, do ya think SkyChaser has had breakfast yet? Or the prince and his friend?"

"Dunno. Why?" Splash said past a mouthful of oatcakes.

"I just think it might be nice for them, is all."

Splash Surfdown swallowed and smiled at her friend's warm heartedness. Derby was competitive and blunt sometimes, but her heart was almost always in the right place. "Let's take them each a plate and a cup of Orange Juice." Splash said. Wily and adventurous teenagers though they were, the duo was always happy to help out anyone they could. Splash poured three glasses of Orange juice and then carefully packed two oatcakes each into three boxes. There was still plenty of breakfast left over.

"C'mon, let's stop by SkyChaser's place first." Derby said, hitching herself up to a red Wagon.

"I've got the orange juice." Splash said, carrying the three glasses of Orange juice with her magic. The two friends set off down the road to SkyChaser's usual position for the sunrise.

"Hey there, SkyChaser." Derby said brightly but quietly, so as not to disturb the serenity of the area. "Want some breakfast?"
Shina had made a point to get up early. She needed to pick up a few things on her way to the hospital. Her first stop was stop was to a local storage locker she'd left a few belongings in. Next was which ever takeout restaurant caught her fancy on the way to the hospital.

When she'd first began traveling across foreign lands she'd found it difficult ordering food from such place, it all being stop different from her home. Fortunately by now she was an expert. The food was very different from what she'd grown up with, but it hadn't taken long for her to learn what she did and didn't like. She remembered Firecracker making a request for hay bacon strips, though she got a variety of other goodies in addition to them.

Once finished shopping Shina made her way to the hospital, Konton riding on top the satchel slung across her back. Pausing a moment outside of Firecracker room she caught her self about to simply walk right in as she'd done countless times before. Now that he was wake though she thought it best to give him some degree of privacy. So instead she lifted a hoof to knock on the door.
Kadje walked out of the house early in the morning, saddle bags strapped to his sides. May as well get some shopping done while he was out. He had trotted down the street a good ways before someone ran into him.

"Oh sorry I- WHOA!" Kadje had just managed to avoid an icy blast by leaping straight up. when he landed there was ice beneath his feet and he slipped. Pillars of icy crystals shot twards the sky in a ring of ever frozen frost. The ice witch Snow Shimmer stood, seething in rage at the prince.

"Come to kill me have we?" Kadje asked, smiling happily.

"Why else?" The reindeer growled.

"Alright then... for what exactly?" Kadje asked calmly, seemingly totally fine with someone wanting his life.

"For wishing annihilation on the reindeer tribe through a marriage to an evil filly."

Kadje burst out laughing. "Filly? wait until Thunder finds you've called him a filly. I-" He was cut off by having to use his magic to stop a blast of time stopping ice headed straight for him. Hot, sun baked sand met it and singed on contact. Kadje's half of their make-shift arena flooded with sand as the top of the ice fortess seemed to cover with a time stopping field.

"They sent someone with time magic? against the Alicorn that mastered the art. Perhaps listening to reason wo-"


Kadje's expression changed to a deadly serious tone. "Fine then... singe me for the sins you belive I have committed."

The fight was on Snow Shimmer attempting to ram horns into Kadje's chest but he was able to back step fast enough to avoid it and completely leap over her, slamming a blast of singing hot red-sand into her back. Kadje was toning down the magic to a less powerful but faster casting version of her magic.

Sky Chaser's eyes slowly opened as he was addressed by a female voice. At first, he expected it to be Steelheart, but no, this wasn't her voice. One of the newer ponies... His crimson eyes shifted down to her. He opened his mouth to answer before his gaze snapped up towards Hast, his crimson gaze narrowing dangerously. "I'm afraid.... that breakfast for me will have to wait.. Thank you for your kindness, but I'm afraid somepony just decided to start something and I'll need to go bust some heads together..." He remarked calmly, standing up on his pedestal before leaping over the two ponies, galloping into town without another word.

It wasn't long before Sky Chaser saw the ice arena in front of him. He shook his head. "Foals.... I swear... starting a fight like this right in the center of town. Foals never stop to consider how their actions might affect other ponies..." He muttered. This dome took up most of the main road, which would be quite an inconvenience for the ponies of Hast, especially those in a rush. His crimson eyes scanned the icy dome, taking in everything about it in a glance.

"An ice dome coated with time stopping magic.... Well, first thing's first..." He murmured, his horn glowing as "Caution: Do Not Touch" tape wrapped around the dome. "Can't have somepony taking a lick of that and getting stuck in time..." He chuckled softly. Of course, one might wonder how he could diagnose what the dome was using so quickly... For someone who had been around magic as much as him, it became almost second nature to him to know magic on sight. Then again, just about any unicorn would know time magic when they saw it, especially if they've done ANY studying on Starswirl the Bearded.

"Now that that's taken care of... Let's get a look at the troublemakers... No doubt that Prince is one of them... I didn't think any would-be assassin would be so brazen as to attack in broad daylight, but I guess that's just what I get for thinking..." he shook his head, his horn glowing as he teleported effortlessly into the arena. It seemed the Prince was holding his own quite well against his Reindeer opponent. Perhaps he had underestimated the Prince just a little. He cleared his throat to make his presence known before speaking. "Someone mind explaining to me what the hay is going on here?" Sky Chaser asked as he glanced between the two combatants. His gaze wasn't nearly as friendly as the Prince had seen it the night before. It was commanding, powerful, and downright intimidating... It wasn't something anypony should take lightly...
Despite being tired from their long flight, Fang and Indicus both stayed up rather late in the night. They talked mainly about the threat made on Kadje and bounced ideas back and forth on how to help in the matter. As the fire slowly dwindled so did their conversation. Eventually the two decided it was best to just sleep and go back to figuring things out the next day.

Fang's morning began like nearly any other, get up and slip out to practice magic. Her sleep schedule was beyond messed up and she couldn't sleep any longer. Leaving her cloak and bags in the cabin, she stepped into a portal made of dark mist. Commander Soul had taught her a way to open portals, whether to quickly travel to places she had already visited or to slip into a different dimension. A safe place for members of the Order to practice magic without worrying about potentially harming anyone. This realm was always just a serene looking place. The sky a mixture of golds, reds and purples. A land seemingly in an eternal twilight.

Fang took a slow, calming breath as she found a suitable place to practice. Closing her eyes, she began to focus. After a moment wisps of a violet mist could be seen coming from her eyes. The bat pony's eyes snapped open revealing her sclerae had shifted from white to green. This change paired with the dark mist coming off her eyes were telltale signs of one practicing what had grown to be considered dark magic. The Order never considered it to be dark magic. Powerful magic? Dangerous if one isn't properly trained in wielding it? Certainly. But it wasn't 'dark' or 'evil' magic. The unicorn Sombra was responsible for that association.

She reared before bringing her front hooves down hard on the ground. Dark crystals erupted from the ground, varying between purple and pitch black. Fang's learned how to use these crystals as a sort of amplifier for her own magic. The source of any being's magic is in their souls. Naturally the stronger one's soul is, the stronger their magic will be. Excluding unicorns and alicorns, accessing one's magic reserves is highly difficult. Let alone channeling it, forming it into the spell, and successfully casting and controlling it. The reason for the two races being the exception was their horns. The soul of a unicorn or alicorn forms the base of their horn.

Fang stopped her practice, staring at the crystals she'd created. A unicorn's soul is in the horn . . . a crystal at the base.... This source of raw magic could be stolen, absorbed. The bat pony's eyes widened ever so slightly, the crystals shattered as she opened another portal, emerging in the library of the Order. She'd spent a long time reading the various tomes filling the archive while she recovered from her battle with the dragon Nightmare Soul. She swore she'd once read about someone that had learned how to harness the souls of others, but she couldn't remember for sure.

She needed to find that tome.
Derby looked puzzled. "What the hay was that about?" She asked Splash.

"I don't know.... But I can feel ice magic." Splash said, looking to the middle of town. "Derby, somepony might be in trouble. We have to go help!"

Derby got solemn, and turned towards town. "Let's go."

The two fillies raced into the center of town.

They stood back, and Splash's horn began to glow as she pulled a bubble of water out from the moisture in the air. She kept it still in a serene sphere, seeing as how SkyChaser was seeming to handle the situation, but holding it there just in case.

The orange juices were stable and secure in the wagon that Derby was pulling, as were the oatcakes. She wouldn't let Kadje and SkyChaser go hungry, bless her little filly heart.
While blind to light of dawn or the darkness of night, Steelheart could always feel the magic stirring as the two spheres changed

When she was a filly it got her in some trouble as she would often wake up at night during the summer when the moon rose late.

Waking up to what she now knew as dawn she stretched and walked over to her bedroom window.

She would always open it first thing and feel the breeze come down from the peaks

In the distance she could sense a strange form of ice magic, but being that the town was filling with more pony each day she thought little of it.

Happily she dresses herself wich was no small feat for a blind pony.

As she finished tying her bow she suddenly got a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach.

It was this same feeling she felt when Anda first began to fluctuate the magic of Equinox.

Suddenly she heard a voice in her head. It spoke in Anda's voice saying

renhet , du glömmer din mormor ?

minnas vem vi är .

(purity, do you forget your grandmother?

Remember who we are)

Shaking her head she practically shouted "No no no! Your gone. The grove is gone. I'm with the common pony now. I belong for once."

Hearing a knock at the door a voice could be heard saying "miss Steelheart, it's snow stepper..Your late for the council meeting so I was sent to get you. I hear shouting, are you alright?

Rushing towards the door she felt for the handle.

Throwing it open she exclaimed "perfectly ! Please by all means lead the way. My apologies for being late, it seems I lost myself in thought ."

- in Canterlot-

Meanwhile in Canterlot another knock was leading to a much warmer welcome.

As Shina tapped on the door it was quickly met with a nurse coming out along side doctor Philbert .

The doctor grumbled "stubborn show pony."

As he noticed Shina the doctor took a more perfessional tone "oh miss Shina. You'll be pleased to know Mr.Firecracker is doing surprisingly well.

We will actually be realeasing him to home care as soon as his mother arives."

A nurse then interrupted "doctor"

Signing a form he exucused himself "yes well I have my rounds to make. Have a nice morning. Visiting hours will begin in about 45 minutes . "

Walking away it seemed he left the door slightly ajar .
Shina tilted her head curiously as the doctor walked away. Firecracker had made no mention of any close relatives such as his mother. Shina had simply assumed something tragic had happened to his parents, and she hadn't had the heart to ask what. Shrugging it off she simply assumed the doctor was mistaken.

Seeing the door still open Shina poked her head inside. Her fuchsia eyes moved quickly to Firecracker's bed to see if was up yet. A bright smile hung on her lips as she trotted in, Konton asleep on her back, not a fan of the early morning.
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Inside the room Firecracker was up and staggering about his room.

He was weakly but stubbornly trying to get his strength back.

In his awkward wobble he almost looked like he was practicing some kind of waltz.

The beams of sunlight almost like a spot light as the soft clop of his hooves on the floor kept a tempo.

His long mane and tail swished in rythem to a song only he could hear .

Suddly a young voice chimed in from behind her. "Miss Shina! Your here. I told mamma you would be. She's on her way up now. I ran ahead to see if cousin Fire was up. told her you were really pretty. She almost cried when she found out cousin Fire had a mare-friend . "

Tilting his head and scratching the back of it he added "But.. She was smiling . grown ups are wierd."
Shina couldn't help but smile to see Fire up and moving. It looked almost like he was dancing, no dance she'd ever seen but still seemed to have that sort of rhythm. For a second she stood back, simply watching him for a moment.

Hearing Sparky behind her Shina quickly looked back to watch the young foal entering the room. That smile remained on her lips as he spoke, charmed by his youthful enthusiasm. As Sparky made his way further in to Firecracker Shina followed. As he spoke of his mother crying and smiling Shina could only giggle softly. "I am sure you will understand it when you are older." She said sweetly.

Lifting her attention from Sparky Shina turned her fuchsia gaze to Firecracker. "Good morning." She said brightly giving Fire a sweet smile.
Snapping to attention he blurted "sh Shina!"

His face red with blush as if he was caught doing something embarrassing.

Sparky ran over again hugging his cousins.

He announced "your already up? Your like daring do meets super stallion"

Amused by his cousins enthusiasm he proudly announced "you forget wonder mare is right behind you."

Turning wide eyes back to Shina he let out a "wo-ow. Mamma didn't tell Me that part.can I please hear the story now? Ple-e-ease."

Before Firecracker could answer a mares voice could be heard saying "Fire bubala!"

Suddenly a large mare ran past every pony and practically tackled Firecracker.

She was plesently plump, with long blond pigtails in her mane.

Hugging Firecracker almost too tightly she cooed-"oh my little colt"

Gasping for air, Firecrackers eyes pleaded with Shina for help as he said "it's good to see you to Aunt Tilly."

Sparky tried to help him saying "uh mamma. We have a guest you know."

Pointing to Shina with a nod of his head.

Turning her attention to Shina, she practically dropped the squished Firecracker as she squeed-"aaaa! You must be miss Shina!"

The rotund pony began bounding towards her.
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BlueGrass NutMeg

A unicorn name BlueGrass is traveling in the wildlife, along with her pet/best friend Bluto, a young bull moose. After Bluto is too big to stay in the house, her parents told her to send him into the wild. But BlueGrass is so attached to Bluto, she decide to move out of her parents house and start find a home for her and Bluto. As she travel around to find a perfect place to stay, and the right when they climb the mountain, they spotted a little village called Hast. BlueGrass is happy found a good place to lived but she wondered if she is welcome.

"Come on,Bluto, lets see if this place welcome us..."she said to Bluto. Then they climb down the mountain and headed to Hest village.


Kadje kept the ground beneath him flooded with sand as it seemed to slow the deer behind him and grant him traction from the frozen ground. He was wickedly fast, so fast that physical assaults didn't even phase him. Anything he could see was dodgable. Snow Shimmer kept trying too keep up, but he was just teasing her. Kadje would gallop afew feet off and seem to prance in place, tail high and neck arched. he was wearing her down for an even fight.

Snow Shimmer panted hard, she had wasted so much energy before she found Kadje's plan was working. She reared, an orb of magic forming between her huge horns and Kadje mimicked her. He reared, wings spread and thrusting forward. the wind off his wings picked up and the sand beneath him blew as Snow Shimmer's ice seemed to incroach on his space. Hooves slammed to the ground and the two opposite magics met. Snow Shimmer was trying to freeze time where as Kadje was speeding it up. They balanced out at the point they met but soon Kadje began walking forward into the beam of magic. Snow Shimmer faultered, backing up as he came forward but something about the arena change. The ground resembled the face of a clock and the hands were standing still, even though it still clicked as if it were working.

Snow Shimmer's rump eventually hit the icy wall she had made and the clock began ticking once more, going forward. The hands spun faster and faster the closer he'd gotten to her.

The ice beneath Snow Shimmer's feet melted and was met with hot desert sand and eventually Snow Shimmer flautered. She had to endure Kadje's magic which ripped through her like a shock wave. Red sparks of what looked like electricity was sent through the Reindeer as she shrieked in pain. She tried to step away to the side from Kadje but her legs had locked up. they were frozen in time but her heart had been sped up. It felt like a heart attack.

"Come now. Stand up. I've sinned haven't I? I deserve punishment simply for wishing to wed a stallion?" Kadje laughed.

"Kadje. Are you okay?" Thunder was outside the arena, kicking hard with his hooves but each chip he made only reformed.

"I'm fine. Seems our assassin was simply misguided."Kadje smiled, offering Snow Shimmer a hoof to help her up as the painful magic began to fade.

"This is not over. Not until one of us dies. You still wish to marry one who hates our kind. We had a young doe waiting for your hoof in marriage and you announce you are marrying another!?" Snow Shimmer stood.

"...Did that letter get lost in the mail? I was fairly certain I had sent one stating that I had fallen in love with a stallion." Kadje shrugged. "Is it truly betrayal to do what makes me happy rather than something for other's benefit?"

Snow Shimmer fell quiet. "I have been told lies... and no. it is not." Snow Shimmer began to feel bad as she had tried to kill Kadje simply for loving who he wished. She took Kadje's hoof.

"Well, now that we're all settled. Let's let down this icy arena. You can meet Thunder. He's quite a sweetheart under that touch guy additude. Just be prepared to dodge some hooves."

Sky Chaser shook his head. He didn't exactly appreciate being completely and utterly ignored, but it appeared the situation had resolved itself. "I'm getting too old for this shit..." He grumbled. His horn glowing as the ice seemed to explode into a flurry of harmless snowflakes that drifted away on the breeze. Even the sand became snowflakes that just floated away harmlessly. "Next time you foals want to start something, please set up your arena outside of town..." He called over to them as some of the snowflakes settled on his cloak.

They were quite fortunate they had resolved the situation quickly. Sky Chaser was generally quite pleasant, but he didn't much like being ignored. Had it gone on too much longer, he likely would have stuck the two of them in antimagic jars until they simmered down. His gaze turned to the reindeer. "I trust you won't be starting any more problems?" He asked raising an eyebrow as his crimson gaze seemed to stare right through the reindeer. He didn't like ponies, or reindeer, starting problems in Hast...
BlueGrass NutMeg

As BlueGrass and Bluto climb down the hills, they walk to the beach shore. Its the first time she have seen the beach. She read about it in the book but never in real life. "Wow.....the smell of the salty water.....hot air.....white sand.....what a nice beach! Bluto, look at this--?" When BlueGrass turn around, Bluto not by her side, instead he went running to the water and drink it. Only that, he quickly spit it out and cough. 'Bluto, you not suppose to drink it!!" She shout out at the moose. Bluto run out of the water and spit out more cause he still have some sand in his tongue. BlueGrass laugh as she give him some water bottle. "You silly moose....' She pet him as she look at the wave.
Shina giggled a little, she found it rather cute how easily Firecracker got embarrassed. Her head tilted curiously as he and Sparky spoke, hearing a few names she'd heard on occasions here in the west but still had no idea who they were. From what she'd gathered though it seemed to be a good thing to be compared to these ponies, so she simply smiled proudly at the title of wonder mare.

A new voice turned her attention to the door. Shina nearly had to jump out of the way as the large mare came rushing by the sudden moment waking Konton. Shina struggled to stifle a laugh seeing Tilly nearly squishing Fire, to caught up in the absurdity to be of much help.

When the round mares attention turned to Shina she hesitated a moment. Not wanting to be smothered as well but not wanting to be rude by side stepping the mare bounding toward her. Konton immediately bailed, flying off of Shina's back to land on the head board of Fire's bed. The young phoenix wanted no part in this squishing.
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Demonhunter said:
Kadje kept the ground beneath him flooded with sand as it seemed to slow the deer behind him and grant him traction from the frozen ground. He was wickedly fast, so fast that physical assaults didn't even phase him. Anything he could see was dodgable. Snow Shimmer kept trying too keep up, but he was just teasing her. Kadje would gallop afew feet off and seem to prance in place, tail high and neck arched. he was wearing her down for an even fight.
Snow Shimmer panted hard, she had wasted so much energy before she found Kadje's plan was working. She reared, an orb of magic forming between her huge horns and Kadje mimicked her. He reared, wings spread and thrusting forward. the wind off his wings picked up and the sand beneath him blew as Snow Shimmer's ice seemed to incroach on his space. Hooves slammed to the ground and the two opposite magics met. Snow Shimmer was trying to freeze time where as Kadje was speeding it up. They balanced out at the point they met but soon Kadje began walking forward into the beam of magic. Snow Shimmer faultered, backing up as he came forward but something about the arena change. The ground resembled the face of a clock and the hands were standing still, even though it still clicked as if it were working.

Snow Shimmer's rump eventually hit the icy wall she had made and the clock began ticking once more, going forward. The hands spun faster and faster the closer he'd gotten to her.

The ice beneath Snow Shimmer's feet melted and was met with hot desert sand and eventually Snow Shimmer flautered. She had to endure Kadje's magic which ripped through her like a shock wave. Red sparks of what looked like electricity was sent through the Reindeer as she shrieked in pain. She tried to step away to the side from Kadje but her legs had locked up. they were frozen in time but her heart had been sped up. It felt like a heart attack.

"Come now. Stand up. I've sinned haven't I? I deserve punishment simply for wishing to wed a stallion?" Kadje laughed.

"Kadje. Are you okay?" Thunder was outside the arena, kicking hard with his hooves but each chip he made only reformed.

"I'm fine. Seems our assassin was simply misguided."Kadje smiled, offering Snow Shimmer a hoof to help her up as the painful magic began to fade.

"This is not over. Not until one of us dies. You still wish to marry one who hates our kind. We had a young doe waiting for your hoof in marriage and you announce you are marrying another!?" Snow Shimmer stood.

"...Did that letter get lost in the mail? I was fairly certain I had sent one stating that I had fallen in love with a stallion." Kadje shrugged. "Is it truly betrayal to do what makes me happy rather than something for other's benefit?"

Snow Shimmer fell quiet. "I have been told lies... and no. it is not." Snow Shimmer began to feel bad as she had tried to kill Kadje simply for loving who he wished. She took Kadje's hoof.

"Well, now that we're all settled. Let's let down this icy arena. You can meet Thunder. He's quite a sweetheart under that touch guy additude. Just be prepared to dodge some hooves."
Derby sighed in relief and Splash let the water dissipate back into the air with a relieved expression. Splash walked over to Thunder and Kadje. "We thought you boys might like some breakfast." Splash said quietly, levitating two boxes of oatcakes and two glasses of Orange juice over to the two stallions.

Derby stood by the wagon and scuffed her skate in the dirt, waiting for Splash.
Indicus opened up his eyes rays of light filtering through the window causing him to quickly close them again. Eventually his eyes adjusted and he got out of his bed ate a quick breakfast toast with butter and jelly before putting on his armor and heading outside. There he took out his sword and whent through practiced motions sometimes the blade was in his magic and other times he was on his hindlegs with the blade in his right hoof. During his practice he did not note what was going on around him for more then twenty feet away
Free from his aunts grasp Firecracker staggered back towards his night stand and tried to poor a glass of water.

Strangely, His magic didn't respond. The pitcher refused to levatate . His horn didn't even glow.

Too caught up in the lunacy of the situation he didn't pay to much attention to it, and simply poored it by hoof.

As Tilly thundered up to Shina she stopped just shy of tackling her like she did her nephew. Clapping her forehooves together in excitement her many bracelettes rattled and clanked as she gushed- "I can't believe such a looker has taken a shine to my Firecracker. "

Taking a small dip of water, Firecracker gave an annoyed glance at Tilly behind her back. as he did Sparky snickered a little and pointed at him.

Without taking a breath the...excitable pony, continued "I'm Tilly, Firecrackers aunt and foster mother.

Resting her forleg on Shina's shoulder as if to speak confidentially, she continued at the same volume- "between you and me, I was beginning to worry Fire may have been into Colts."

Spewing the water he was sipping, it passed very close to Konton.

As he coughed and sputtered the Phoenix leered back grumpaly .

Reacting to his theatrics she replied "wha-at there is nothing wrong with that.. I just feel that sense I raised you, I should be intitaled to some grand foals."

Again causing him to spray the water he was sipping.

Again barely missing Konton, he sceeched angrily at the poor pony.

Covering Sparky's ears he tried to reply "Til *cough* Tilly!*gag* "

Tilly only waved her hoof desmisivly responding "don't make faces buby, you'll ruin your natural beauty."

- in Hast city hall.-

Finally finishing her council meeting Steelheart was free at last.

Having agreed to meet Sky Chaser for brunch later she happily trotted down the road.

Blind to what had transpired she had no idea that so many pony were already standing on the main road.
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