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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Perhaps equally embarrassed, Firecracker blurted "no no, your my guest here in Canterlot. Ill go, you stay."

Unaware that what he said made no sense as he was the hospital patient he tried to get out of bed only to fall comically out of it.

With an akward laugh he remembered "oh yeah..I kinda am stuck here for now .."

Trying to divert attention from his prat fall

He rubbed the back of his head and said "as far as my business at the Ball.. Lets just say there is an old traditional thing I would hate to wait a whole nother year for."

Taking a slightly more serious tone he added "Tilly would have my horn if I didn't honor it."
At first Shina couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity of Firecracker trying to leave for her sake. When he fell from bed though her smile quickly faded as she hurried to his side. Leaning her head down she gently nudged the unicorn to help him back in to bed while she listened.

"Well then, perhaps we do not tell the doctor of this." She said referring to his fall from bed. "He may make you stay longer."

Once he was back in bed a warm smile returned to Shina's lips as her gaze moved to meet with his. "I am sure the doctor will release you in a day or two. The more serious injuries were able to heal while you slept."
"Awesome! Hi SkyChaser I oh- Okay." Thunder was cut off by a sudden nuzzle by Thunder. He's seen Derby point at Kadje, even if she was being discrete. He was relatively jelous when he thought someone might take intrest in what was his. Kadje was fine with the surprise cuddle, although he was oblivious to it's purpose until Derby and Splash actually came to talk. then he caught on. With a small laugh he shrugged Thunder off so he could actually talk. Kadje was very expressive when he spoke so having Thunder's massive head on his should made it hard. Thunder could understand this so it didn't offend him much.

"Oh, hi! more new friends." Kadje laughed.
viska said:
Delighted to hear a familiar voice along the road, she ran up and hopped a full pace away from Skychaser and closer to Kadje.
With her usual happy disposition she greeted "Kadje, it's so good to...hear you."

Trotting up happily she mistakenly gave a big hug to Darby .

The blind pony then turned to the real Kadje and replied " oh and hello to you to. I'm Steelheart of the Hast city council. Very nice to meet you.

Turning back to Derby Steelheart commented "Kadje Your smell really nice, what fragrance is that?"

Once again the poor blind pony's excitement had led her into a mistake "

- in Canterlot-

The note stated that The Winter's Ball would be held six days from the current date.

As Shina read the letter Firecracker sighed contently and said " I really hope so. I have something very important I need to do there. I told them I've slept enough as it is."

A warm blush filled his cheeks as he leaned back in his bed and looked to Shina saying "well we are finally alone... Wait"

His eyes widened as his blush intensified .

Looking away he finally voiced what just dawned on him. "Uh..S shina. Now that I'm awake .. Is it really appropriate for you and me to be staying the night in the same room?"

At this point it was almost 10pm and the hospital would be locking down for the evening .
Derby's eyes went wide and she looked at Splash with a grin. "Aww, well, you see that Splash?" She said, grossing her front two hooves with a wider grin.

Splash shushed Derby. They didn't need to be teasing the pony, after all, she was blind. She nodded in Kadje's direction and then in Steelheart's, then shaking her head.

Derby took the cue and responded to Steelheart. "Coco Cabana," Derby said. "It's my favorite. I'm Derby, by the way. Roller Derby."

"And I'm Splash Surfdown." Splash said, pushing back a lock of her mane from her face. "It's nice to meet you too, Steelheart."
Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Steelheart quickly took a step back from her.

With a blush of embarrassment she apologised "Oh.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invade your personal space."

Taking another step back it seemed like she was reaching for SkyChaser's robe to get her barings back as she added "still, it's very nice to meet you both."

Once she felt secure again she asked-" are you two in town for the Ball? Its a major event to the locals"

- in Canterlot-

Resting his head back on his pillow Firecracker again could only accept the fact that he would have to stay in bed.

Looking more melloncoly he looked up at Shina and said "thank you.. For everything ."

It was about this time a nurse popped her hair in and said "miss, the hospital will be locking up soon. Will you be staying the night again?"

Sky Chaser stayed back out of the way as Steelheart made her little mistake. He chuckled softly and shook his head. One of these days, he'd need to finally perfect a spell to alleviate blindness. Starswirl the Bearded had taken up the spell Starswirl's master had started to cure blindness, but had never been able to quite get it right. Now Sky Chaser was working on the spell to try and make it work after the strides Starswirl took in his lifetime. It was one thing to use magic. Once a spell was made, it was just a matter of repeating the steps to recreate the magic. Of course, some spells, such as aging spells, required more magic and control than most unicorns possessed.

The hard part was creating new spells. It required finding out exactly how to use particular magics to solve a problem. It was like trying to put together a puzzle while simultaneously navigating a maze while trying to escape a straight jacket to take off a blindfold. It was no wonder Starswirl was so honored, given how many spells he created in his lifetime. Most unicorns would be quite proud to create ONE spell all their own, much less as many as Starswirl is credited with. Even still, some things were beyond even that legendary Unicorn...

Most ponies would have been shocked to see an Alicorn among this group. Sky Chaser didn't seem at all phased, just nodding his head when addressed, his cloak completely obscuring his whole body from view except for his crimson eyes, the tip of his muzzle, his tail, and his heavily scarred legs and hooves. By now, Steelheart had told him about all of her friends from Equinox, so he already knew who they were. Of course, her descriptions were a bit lacking, but she was able to give him enough to go on so he could figure out who they were based on their actions.

"It seems Hast is getting more visitors than ever this year..." Sky Chaser chuckled softly, stepping forward so Steelheart felt his side brush against hers for support after she realized she made her error. He was glad to see her so happy and with all of her friends again, and even with some new arrivals. He knew it had been hard for her to part ways with them after the events at Equinox. He was sure all of their stories had to be incredibly interesting... Someday, he'd have to hear them. Though, admittedly, part of him was scared to hear them.

He couldn't help but wonder how many of them had suffered because of his past actions, without even knowing he was the culprit...
Derby waved her apology away. "Don't worry about it!" She said kindly, a smile on her face and in her voice.

"Derby likes giving and getting hugs," Splash said. She noticed Thunder's protective and Jealous move towards Kadje and she winked at him, as if to say "no competition here, He's all yours."

"Anywho," Derby said. "I'm going to the ball, but I don't know about Splash. She doesn't want to go without anyone to go with." She put a hoof around Splash's neck.
"Oh theres going to be a ball!? This is awesome!!!" Kadje's seemingly permanent smile was growing ever bigger. His front left leg rose slightly. His signal for sheer joy.

"we can go, don't worry." Thunder smirked, seeming to be planning something. Probably something adorable.

"We actually came here to catch a break from Saddle Arabia. Seems not everyone is too pleased with me for the moment." Kadje's wings drooped alittle as well as his ears. Life seemed not to be all flowers and apple juice.

"it'll be fine. it'll blow over soon."
"You do not need to thank me." Shina replied sweetly. The sound of the door opening drew her attention to the nurse. A soft sigh fell from her lips realizing it was time to go. As much as she wanted to stray it probably wasn't appropriate, certainly nothing she'd ever want her father to hear about.

Turning her attention back to Firecracker Shina put on a smile to hide the disappointment of having to leave. Leaning up she placed a light kiss in his cheek, causing her own to blush. "I will try to sneak you in something for breakfast." She whispered playfully before turning to head for the door. "See you in the morning."
Jinx trotted the streets, alone for the first time in a while. It gave her time to think about the upcoming Ball and if she would ask her friend to go. She straightened her techno-goggles on her face and into the woods. She came upon a lake quite soon. She sat down by it and thought for a while.
"We should all go as a group. It'll be fun~" Kadje laughed. The more exited he got the thicker the Arabian accent got. Kadje was pretty good with English until he got exited... or angry. However rage was a trait rarely expressed by the prince, irritation perhaps but anger was hard to achieve in him.

"Fun, yes. Dangerous, also yet. someone out there still wants your head." Thunder snorted

viska said:
-Along the road in Hast-
Rosie brisky trotted along with a grin beaming on her face.

As they passed through the city, the lights gave a festive mood.

Everyone was happy to have the Ball coming for their own reasons.

For the old it was a time of reflection and selabration. For the young it was a time for first loves and memories to be made.

Rosie sighed and in a sad voice she reminisced " I always did love the way the town comes to life for the Ball.. I always thought Fi would take me one day.. But he's been gone 8 years now.. Off to Canterlot to become a big time pyro tech pony .."

Again she sighed, this time heavier then before.

Just as they reached a modest cabin she turned to Indicus and said "well, this is the place. . you better go find your partner stud..

And let me give you a bit of advice. If a mare shows interest in you, don't just let them sit in the friend zone."

Quickly kissing his cheek she passively said "good night hun" as she walked up to and through her door.
Indicus took Rosie's kiss on the cheek in stride used to her way of talking to him by now but not thinking to hard on it. Indicus now alone searched for Shadow Fang after searching for ten minutes he spotted Shadow Fang and even saw Thunder and Kadje along with some others. He quickly approached Shadow Fang a bit unaware of how quietly he was walking.
Fang could only quietly chuckle at Kadje's excitement. Always such a sweet Alicorn and unlike the others she'd met over the years he still seemed to have that youthful innocence. She quietly hoped it was something he wouldn't end up losing either. The bat pony's crimson gaze shifted to Thunder as he expressed his concern. It was only natural to be worried, considering someone was threatening Kadje. Though she would do what she could to stop anything from happening to him.

Sky Chaser looked over at Kadje as the threat on his life was mentioned. He shook his head. "In Hast, you are about as safe as you can get. I have lived here ten years, and other than a few small squabbles, nothing bad has ever happened here since my arrival" He spoke up, addressing someone other than Steelheart for the first time. As it would happen, the reason nothing bad happened was exactly because of his arrival. "As for the Winter Ball, with the Two Sisters there, I doubt quite highly anyone would be foolish enough to attack him there." He added as his crimson eyes closed. The Unicorn was clearly deep in thought, as if carefully selecting his words now.

"You are here in Hast as Steelheart's guests. By virtue of that fact, you are under my protection. I may not look like much, but I can assure you I am more than just a storyteller." His eyes opened, looking from Thunder to Kadje. Before, his gaze had been playful, if a little reserved, but his eyes were now showing no humor. Truth be told, he just looked like some mysterious pony that wore a cloak everywhere. It would be understandable if they didn't think much of him. After all, of those gathered, only ShadowFang knew what he was, and he had been quite clear that no one else was to find out about it for whatever reason. To everyone else, even Steelheart, he was just a particularly talented Unicorn storyteller. Residents of Hast saw him as a protector as well, but it had been so long since his protection was needed that many had all but forgotten that role.

When he arrived some ten years ago, Sky Chaser had arrived upon a city under siege by a particularly strong pack of TimberWolves. The TimberWolf Leader, known to the ponies of Hast as Lobo del Diablo, was far bigger than normal Timber wolves. Such that even the unicorns in Hast couldn't begin to repel him. He had run rampant for a month, causing plenty of destruction before Sky Chaser arrived, seemingly arising straight from the prayers of Hast's residents. In one short night, he destroyed Lobo with powerful magics, scattering the rest of the pack to the point they would never, ever dare to return to Hast.

Since then, he took up the mantle of storyteller, and even those that were there to see that battle scarcely remember his heroics. He so established himself as the Storyteller, that many can hardly picture him fighting like he did that night ten long years ago. A few of the older ponies remember, but even for them, it's hard to see the gentle Storyteller as the skilled wizard that vanquished Lobo all those years ago...
"You all speak as if I am incapable of defending myself." Kadje muttered, slightly annoyed. He was used to thunder being over protective but seemed everyone here had no idea he was fully capable of obliterating most opponents. He'd gotten far stronger in the 9 months since the equinox incident.

"Not saying you are incapable. I just don't want you to have to. This and I've never seen you actually fight anything other than the occasional doctors visit." Thunder laughed.

"Seriously?" Kadje's ears drooped in a bit more irritation.

"What? I'm the one that squishes all the bugs" Thunder shrugged.

"Bugs? really? I doubt ill be fighting a bug." Kadje seemed severely unamused.
"Come on, Kadje," Fang said. She lightly nuzzled him in an attempt to cheer the Alicorn back up. "We just don't want anything to happen to our friend. Besides," she gestured to Sky Chaser. "Sky Chaser over there didn't see you take on Anda back on Equinox. You were able to hold your own against the Spirit even after being struck my lightning." Another gentle nuzzle, "But it's not like you have to deal with this threat alone."
Indicus got close enough for his voice to be heard by the group. "Good, it seems I'm not too late for Kadje and Thunder's arrival after all." Indicus said with a smile glad to see the two after so long
At first Steelheart was so exited to hear Kadje's idea that they all go together.

But as the subject took a more serious turn she could feel herself becoming very small.

She hated confrntation and the idea of something going amiss like at Equinox terrified her.

Her blind eyes widened and her breathing became deep and faster.

It looked like she was about to have some sort of trigger, or panic attack.

She took a step back and even shook ever so slightly.

With a slight trimble in her voice she blurted- "Jag vill ga hem!"( I want to go home)

It was the first time she had spoken her native language sense Equinox, and while few if anypony in Hast could speak flutter, it was still striking to hear speak it.

Pausing for a moment, she shook her head and took a deep breath to compose herself.

Finally she spoke "I'm sorry.. I must have gotten over exited."

Faking a smile she went on " but miss Shadow Fang is right. We are your friends. And while I'm sure you are more capable then me at most everything, I will do what I can to help you."

Her speech was stiff and she seemed distracted saying "maybe we could talk about it more over lunch tomorrow. We were just on our way to show Shadow 's Fang and Indicus their cabin."

Perhaps a poor choice of words on her part as it made it sound like they were staying in the same room.

- in Canterlot-

As Shina offer to smugle him in some real good, Firecracker joked "hay bacon stips please.. Extra crispy "

However He was quickly silenced when she kissed him on the cheek.

Smitten, he only knew she was about to leave was when she spoke again.

With a reluctance I'm his voice he replied to her "good night.. " showing a bit of insacuity he added "Please come back tomorrow.."
"Sorry. got a little carried away. Kadje was back to his smiley self.

"Little man's syndrome?" Thunder jokingly laughed.

"Just a little. I get grouchy when I get sleepy." Kadje giggled, sitting back on his haunches. "One of those 8 hour naps is beginning to sound quite enticing."

"So... good night's sleep. first time in months you will have gotten that." Thunder gave a light nod. He too was low in the sleep department. He was having an even harder time sleeping than Kadje was.

As it happened, perhaps the only pony in Hast, if not all of Equestria that could speak Flutter was right next to her. He stepped back with her and gently let his foreleg wrap around her to calm her down. She had never once spoken Flutter around him, so no doubt she would be shocked when he answered in her native language.

"Do not worry, young one. No harm shall find you, for I am your shield."

His dialect was rather old. Rather, it was ancient. Even his diction seemed dated in the language...

Sky Chaser smiled softly as the Flutter pony regained her composure, at least a little bit. "Steelheart's right. At this rate, Celestia will be raising the sun before we ever get any rest" He added to her statements. He slipped his heavily scarred foreleg from her, letting his side brush against hers. "We can keep talking as we walk, but we should at least start making progress, or none of us will ever get any shut eye. It's too late to save my ugly mug, but some of you might like your beauty sleep." He laughed softly at the joke made at his own expense, nudging Steelheart as he started walking again, guiding her like he always did towards the cabin she had selected for ShadowFang and Indicus' cabin.

He realized Steelheart didn't like conflict, and rather than continue the conversation, he hoped that getting the group moving would get things more into Steelheart's comfort zone. He didn't like seeing her distressed like she had just been...
"Of course." Shina replied hoping to relieved some of his insecurities. Once out in the hallway, the door closed behind her, Shina gave a heavy sigh. She'd grown use to sleeping on the sofa in Firecracker's room only a few feet from him. It almost felt strange to think she'd stay somewhere else, but on the brighter side at least he was wake.

Heading out of the hospital Shina paused a moment at the front desk to get directions to the nearest hotel. Fortunately she still had plenty of bits and wasn't really worried about the coast. Arriving at the hotel, Konton already asleep on her back. She got the simplest room they had available, which actually turned out to be quite extravagant, it was Canterlot after all. Walking in to get room Shina barely even noticed the lavish decor, heading straight for the bed.
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While Splash smiled at the thought of going as a group, she didn't know if that included her, so she looked at the ground.

Derby sighed. "Prince Kadje, I'm sure you can defend yourself. What we're trying to say is that we would have an international crisis if someone took your head."

Splash looked at Derby in surprise. "How did you-?"

"I know more about politics than it looks, Splash." Derby said, puffing out her chest importantly.
Alone and awake for the first time in months Firecracker looked around the emptiness of his room.

It felt colder and darker without Shina to brighten it with her smile.

Now quiet , A million thoughts asailed his mind.

Should he really go through with the tradition in Hast?

Should he even go back to Hast?

And what about all the pony he left behind there?

As his eyes grew heavy he began to drift off to sleep and his mind still raced with these questions.
"Aw, crisis? nawww. Not over little old me." Kadje smiled.

"You have no heir. Crisis would be inevitable. infact that's precisely the reason this is looked down upon." Thunder deadpanned.

"We can have children just fine!" Kadje stamped a hoof. completely forgetting about biology for a moment. Thunder didn't have to say a word. "Then we can adopt one!"



"Isn't there some unwritten law that royalty is alicorn? there aren't nessicarily alicorn children running about." Kadje's tail swished about. "I welcome calamity!"

"And theres problem number two... your a walking danger zone."
Demonhunter said:
"Aw, crisis? nawww. Not over little old me." Kadje smiled.
"You have no heir. Crisis would be inevitable. infact that's precisely the reason this is looked down upon." Thunder deadpanned.

"We can have children just fine!" Kadje stamped a hoof. completely forgetting about biology for a moment. Thunder didn't have to say a word. "Then we can adopt one!"



"Isn't there some unwritten law that royalty is alicorn? there aren't nessicarily alicorn children running about." Kadje's tail swished about. "I welcome calamity!"

"And theres problem number two... your a walking danger zone."
Derby squees. "You guys are getting married?!!" She jumped up and down, no easy feat in rollerskates. She landed like a pro, however, and bit her lip. "That's so exciting!!"

Splash grinned at Derby's excitement, then listened to Thunder's musings. "Well, Alicorn children are more common than you'd think."

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