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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Her wild crimson mane remained tangled with his when she finally drew her head back to look at him. "You are worth the wait." She replied softly. Shina hadn't even realized the nurse was there till she said something. The kirin lifted her gaze to the door only for a second to see her closing the door.

Turning her attention back to Firecracker another pair of eyes watched the two of them from across the room. Knoton's piercing gaze was unwavering. Looking a bit annoyed his fathers ruffled, perhaps a bit jealous to see his 'mother' doting on someone else.

Shina offered a bright smile a few tears still lingering in her eyes. She really didn't know what to say now that she could actually speak to him again. For an instant her mind flashed back to the night of his sacrifice. Shina had, had more then enough time to get over being mad at him for doing something so reckless, and in this moment it no longer seemed to matter to her. She wondered if he even remembered what he'd said before passing out, or if he'd just said such things in an incoherent moment.
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"I am glad the two of you approve of my story" He remarked, hopping down off the boulder. "That's all for tonight, my foals, get home before your parents start to worry about you" he smiled, noticing one young filly yawning and rubbing at her eyes. The spot under his hood glowed as she was gently lifted to her feet. "Run along now, we can't have you falling asleep before you get safely to bed" he commented softly, the filly only half awake as she nodded and trotted off, thankfully one of the older ponies took the initiative to be sure she got home safe before Sky Chaser had to ask.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you friends of Steelheart from the Equinox incident?" He inquired, his head tilting ever so slightly to the side as his crimson gaze never broke from them. For Sky Chaser, there was little that happened in Hast that he didn't come to know about, either because ponies told him, or just because he had a propensity for finding out. For the ponies of Hast, his knack for knowing the goings on of just about everypony was just another quirk of his. After all, in ten years he had been nothing but completely helpful to everypony.

"I'm quite certain the two of you have quite the story to tell as well. I would love to hear it sometime, but for now, I am sure the two of you are quite weary from your flight." he commented, indicating he had noticed Indictus' wings when he had arrived. "Did Steelheart make arrangements for your room and board while you are here yet?"

Not once did his eyes leave the two of them, that crimson gaze seeming to burn into their very souls. Yet, unlike most with red eyes, his gaze seemed oddly friendly, with no real malice to them at all....
Indicus looked at the stallion before them, "Your correct, Steelheart sent a message to both of us and I presume the others also got a letter as well. As for living arrangements I aim to see Steelheart for that little detail." Indicus replied in a semi formal manner with a flicker of anticipation. "Speaking of Steelheart, where can we find her?"
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A soft chuckle escaped Fang's lips. "Quite the wild guess I'd say. But you are correct, we're both friends of Steelheart. She invited us to visit for the winter festival coming up soon." Her Crimson eyes seemed to glow faintly in the dark. "She did mention in her message that arrangements were made, but we'll have to speak with her on the matter." The mare studied Sky Chaser out of curiosity. "Are you a friend of hers as well?" Given the she heard him tell, Fang figured young Steelheart would be enthralled listening to him.

"You could say I am. I am a friend to all who call Hast home." He remarked, crimson gaze meeting crimson gaze as he watched the female. "My name is Sky Chaser. Though the foals often refer to me by other names. No doubt you'll hear several of them in due time." he chuckled softly. It was probably obvious by now he was something of a hero to the foals of Hast, who saw his stories as the highlight of the week.

"As for Steelheart, I am sure we can find her. No doubt she has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Come, She shouldn't be too difficult to find" he remarked, not waiting for their own introductions as he turned his hooves towards the town itself, putting his home at his back as he walked towards the town. His horn glowed a little under his hood as his eyes closed, though his pace did not stop. He knew this ground by heart and could walk it blindfolded, after all. "Steelheart, some of your friends have arrived. You should come out and greet them. It looks like they flew quite a long way" It was a magic the people of Hast had grown used to. Kinda like a telepathic text message. It was highly difficult magic, however, one that took considerable time to master. After all, putting your own thoughts into somepony else's mind was rather hard to do. For Sky Chaser, however, it seemed almost effortless, assuming they realized that was what he was doing.

His eyes opened, the glow under his hood dying down as he looked around, hoping Steelheart was awake to hear the message. He highly doubted she would already be resting if she was expecting company. Especially such unusual ponies as the two he was escorting through town. He couldn't wait to hear their stories. No doubt there was a lot to be told in them.

@viska @KageYuuki @Shadow Dancer
Indicus followed the stallion through the town and as they walked he felt a burst of magic go towards the town which he assumed to be from Sky Chaser. Indicus did not pay the directional magic burst much mind not even bothering to figure out the type of magic, as his anticipation to see Stealheart grew.
"Unless this town is full of flutter pony, she should be pretty easy to track down," Fang said with a soft laugh. She walked alongside of Sky Chaser, the bat pony wasn't really feeling the long flight she had made just yet. An advantage to being able to glide along the wind currents with ease. Alright, she's only had her cloak on a few minutes and the blasted thing was getting on her nerves. She never did like the feeling of something restricting her wings. No matter, she'd be able to take it off once they were alone with Steelheart. The stallion they'd just met didn't need to see the scars along her form just yet. There was no point.
As the light crew began to light the street lanterns the town began to glow with a festive atmosphere.

between the decorations, and the bustling dress shops, it was clear the Winter's Ball was a major event for the town.

Suddenly the sound of rushing hooves could be heard racing down the street.

Steelheart raced from the town hall at the end of the long stone road with a smile that could be seen even from as far as the group was standing.

Running down a busy road in formal attire however was not the safest idea.

Even less so considering the pony was born completely blind.

Sensing the direction of the magic was enough to get her on the right track; unfortunately, being blind was enough to send her careening into a small wagon carting pastries.


As Rosie looked on at the strange sleeping pony she couldn't help but feel inpatient.

The pony seemed to tired to wake up, but otherwise looked ok.

She had a job to do, and it was getting close to time for her show.

Sighing to herself, she felt conflicted about what to do.

Finally she decided to leave her scarf around the pony's neck so at least she would stay warm.

Leaving a card advertising 'The Horseshoe' she hopped to see her again.

Kissing her forehead like a mother tucking in a filly, she said "Stay safe sweet heart" before walking off to her job.

As she drifted out of earshot she sang part of her song in hauntingly beautiful voice-" ..Who's there knocking at my window?.."

-Back in Canterlot-

Starring back at Shina, Firecracker felt the warmth of a familiar blush creeping back into his cheeks.

a serene smile crossed his face as he looked into her fuchsia eyes.

In those eyes, he saw the reflection of not only who he was, but who he wanted to become.

She somehow stirred up feelings of meaning, and a sense of a future worth fighting and even dying for.

It was in that musing that he remembered the events just prior to his long sleep.

Images of the fight with the wolves, of the dread spirit, and of his final act of desperation.

In his moment of flash back, he could feel the force of the bomb rending his very soul.

But perhaps more painful still, he remembered the look on Shina's face as he laid broken in the rubble.

He thought to himself as he slip into darkness that death wasn't so bad, if your doing it for the right pony.

But it was the ones left behind that truly suffer.

Snapping out of his trance, he suddenly resting his forehead to hers.

Careful to tilt it slightly so as to not knock horns.

His long unkempt mane masking his face, and his warm breath inches from Shina's own mouth.

A purifying wave of guilt began to wash over him for what his actions had done.

Even if he was doing the right thing; even if it was to protect her..

He still hurt her by hurting himself so very badly.

Tears began to drop onto the cotton sheets of his bed with a soft *pit* as they rolled from his face.

Trying to mask his crying he spoke in a shaky voice " I'm so sorry Shina.. I didn't know what else to do.. But I promise I'm going to make it up to you. No matter how long it takes, I'll work hard make you happy again."

Pulling back again he looked back into her eyes, and with a weak smile he uttered a familiar phrase " So please, Smile for me."

The horn under Sky Chaser's hood lit up once more as the pastries, flung high into the air, stagnated before floating back down on the cart as it right itself up. "Graceful as always, Steelheart.." Sky Chaser laughed softly as he trotted over to her and helped her back up onto her hooves. He turned her just slightly. "Straight ahead, dear." He remarked softly, telling her where her friends were standing. He couldn't recall ever seeing Steelheart this excited. Clearly these friends of hers meant quite a lot to the Flutter Pony. That, of course, made him all the more determined to eventually hear their stories.

He had found the blind pony's sunny disposition to be quite charming. She had grown on him rather quickly, quicker than most at least. Then again, he was quite fond of all the ponies in Hast. They had welcomed him with open hooves and had made this place a home for him. It seemed, by how Sky Chaser handled Steelheart, that he was quite a patient pony. He looked to the two new arrivals, wondering what their stories was, and how their paths had crossed with Steelhearts.. of course, by now, he had heard her story. He wanted to hear their side of it too...

@viska @KageYuuki @Shadow Dancer
Indicus smiled brightly upon seeing Steelheart the pony he vowed with his very blood to protect. So with open arms he went up to Steelheart and gave the flutter-pony a hug, "Glad to see your doing well over the past ten months Steelheart, damn its been a while." Since Indicus met Steelheart he could not help but smile in her presence and she was one of the few that broke him out of his shell of regrets. Looking at her now Indicus noticed though she still retained that innocence she moved with a grace that she lacked ten months ago when they separated, seeming to be more sure of herself.
Instinctively dusting herself off, she had no way of knowing if her formal uniform had been smudged by anything.

Dressed in a council garb, she almost looked like a military pony in a class A dress uniform.

She also had grown her mane and styled it in a more mature way then when they last saw her.

She had become more like her sister Lavender Moon, but still had her innocent disposition.

Blushing in embarrassment she coyly Thanked Sky Chaser and carefully walked towards Shadow Fang and Inidicus.

She could sense a familiar magic, but it was some how different then before.

It was stronger, more complex; and with a strange synchronicity with the second source of magic.

It was When Indicus spoke and hugged her that her eyes lit up with joy.

Trying to act mature she fought back tears she buried her head in his chest as replied to him -"I'm so glad you two came.."

with a muffled *Sniffle* it was clear she wasn't winning the fight with her tears.
Fang couldn't help but cringe a little as Steelheart crashed into the cart. Before she or Indicus could react, Sky Chaser was already casting a spell to help her back up and prevent the pasteries from going everywhere. The bat pony couldn't help but smile as Indicus rushed over to greet and hug their friend from Equinox. Hanging back a moment, she studied Steelheart for a moment.

"You've really grown in such a short amount of time," Fang said as she approached Steelheart. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she saw the excited flutter pony trying to fight back the joyful tears. Moving a little closer, she lightly booped Steelheart on the nose with her own. "Glad to see you're still yourself though."
Indicus continued to hug the teared up flutter-pony, "As am I, don't worry about appearances your among friends and any that think less of you can kindly screw off." The moment reminded him of when he comforted her when her sister had to leave to keep the mayor from growing suspicious. But this time they were both happy and a brighter future awaited them.
With a quick *sniffle* She replied to both of them- " Yes, I've done my very best to fallow in my sister's hoof prints as a diplomat of the grove. But I still remember the lessons she always taught me. That to be myself is the greatest honor I can to my lineage"

Taking a step back she relaxed her posture as if for the first time in months, and beamed a bright smile.

Turning roughly to Sky Chaser's direction she introduced them- "Every pony, this is Mr. Sky Chaser. He has been very kind to me in my time here, and has even helped me get to know the ponies of Hast. "

Shortly after she finished speaking, a mare could be seen walking by the group.

She was in a hurry but called out " Hey Steely, did your friends make it ok? I'm running late but stop by The Horseshoe tonight.

Drinks are on me" With a chuckle she added- "And I know, only carrot juice"

And with that, she rushed off down the road.

Popping her head up in recognition, Steelheart commented " Oh! that sounded like Rosie. you simply must hear her sing some time."

Sky Chaser leaned on a wall as he watched the reunion. Maybe someday... No.... That would never happen, it could never happen. He shook the thought away before he looked up as Steelheart mentioned him. "I was just doing my part, nothing more" he bowed his head respectfully, the cloak he wore never giving them so much as a single glimpse at his facial features. He looked up as Rosie went darting past, chuckling softly. It seemed as if she was always running late to work...

"Yes, that was Rosie. You've made great strides figuring out who each voice belongs to" Sky Chaser complimented. It couldn't be easy being blind, figuring out everything based on sound, but Sky Chaser had watched her adjust with flying colors. "Don't forget, before you get carried away you need to tell your friends where they'll be staying." he gently reminded her. He couldn't blame her if she had forgotten. It was clear these ponies meant a lot to her.
Hearing Rosie call out to them as she ran past caught Fang's took attention away from Steelheart for a brief moment. It was good to see she was making friends in Hast. Granted, she was such a sweet pony very few would actually dislike her. She also seemed to be friends With Sky Chaser over there. Sky Chaser . . . The bat pony blinked. Had it not been for her dark fur, the others would have likely seen a tinge of pink burning on them. "I'm sorry, Sky Chaser," she said turning to him. "We never did introduce ourselves did we? I'm Shadow Fang." She bowed her head slightly, "Thank you for helping us find Steelheart so quickly."
"Well for the sake of formal introduction my name's Indicus nice to meet you." When the pony he learned was named Rosie spoke up inviting them for drinks Indicus smiled, "I think the mare has a great idea, we can continue this at the tavern that she's talking about."
Steelheart thanked Sky Chaser for his kind words before nodding in agreement to Indicus-" I agree, it's a day worth celebrating. And once we're done there, I can show you to your lodging. "

Her smile turned to an awkward grin as she began to blush.

Speaking in a hushed voice she said- " I wasn't sure if I needed one or two cabins.. So I arranged a duplex on the north side of town. "

Her smile returning, she explained-"It's close to the falls, so I would guess it's lovely. "

Raising a hoof to her mouth she began to turn her head as if to look around before joking " Now if I could only know what North is. "

Turning to where Sky Chaser's voice last came from she asked - "Mr.Sky Chaser.. I Think I've gotten a little turned around in all the excitement, would you mind terribly showing us the way to The Horseshoe?. I'm sure Rosie would reward your time."

"Not at all Miss Steelheart" Sky Chaser laughed softly, nodding as the other ponies introduced themselves at last. He trotted himself over to her, gently turning her to guide her. "Just stay close, I'll make sure you don't overturn any more pastries" he commented playfully. "It's not far, just follow me" He called to the other two as he started off, letting his tail brush up against Steelheart just so she could keep track of where he was easier. He was quite used to leading her like this, as he had been the one to "show" her around when she first arrived.

As he had said, The Horseshoe wasn't very far, just a few blocks away actually, though there were a few turns along the way. All the while, he never went faster than Steelheart could safely keep up with. "Well, this is it!" Sky Chaser proclaimed as they arrived outside the rather nice looking establishment. His horn glowed just a little as he opened the doors, making sure Steelheart got inside as he held the door open for the others. For one who always wore a cloak that hid just about every feature he had, he was rather friendly....
Shina couldn't help but smile this time. Letting her head lean against his though mindful of her horn, her fuchsia eyes gaze toward his seeing his tears. "We would not have won if it were not for you." She spoke softly hoping to return his smile as well.

Shina paused for a second, hesitant to continue with what she wanted to say. She still wasn't sure if he remembered what he'd said last, or if he'd heard her reply. Finally the young kirin could no longer hold it back. She simply had to know if it were true or not. Her scaled cheeks blushed a bit brighter, hey gaze lowering shyly as she added in almost a whisper. "I love you. Being with you is enough to make me happy."
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Once again Fang felt her cheeks getting hot. Was Steelheart just teasing them or was she being serious? The flutter pony had always given off the air of naivety. Clearing her throat Fang shook her head and glanced at Sky Chaser, "Yeah, checking out the Horseshoe sounds pretty nice . . . lead the way." She quietly followed behind them, thanking Sky Chaser for holding the door open for them. It seemed nice in there, and relatively quiet. The bat pony was never a fan of the loud or crazy bars.
Indicus smiled at the idea of having such a view. Then switching to what was going on he looked at the bar in front of him and nodded with a smile seeing that it was not too full he then followed Fang through the door.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/pub.jpg.67a3252fcc8d94007b4ce34885f599bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/pub.jpg.67a3252fcc8d94007b4ce34885f599bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As the group walked into the quaint pub it was clear that it was a stark difference from the loud, over crowded bars of the big cities.

As they walked in, there was a small cheer to greet them; much like a family welcoming some pony home.

Jumping out from behind the bar, Rosie came bounding up to the group shouting " Steely, you came!"

Eyeing Indicus up and down as she Hugged Steelheart, she remarked with a wink " And you brought a cute one with you."

Tilting her head to the side in confusion, Steelheart asked innocently " I did? "

With a playful giggle, Rosie replied " I'll say." Waving her hoof in dismissal she teased " Not like Mr. secret hooves over there who never shows his face. "

Taking a sour face Steelheart chastised- "That's not very nice Rosie. Mr.Sky Chaser is-"

Rosie cut her off with a kiss to the forehead and an explained- " Relax hun, Chasey knows I love 'em to bits. I'm just funning with him.

Rosie was known thought Hast for both her loving nature, and angelic voice.

However she was also known to be very unlucky in almost all facets of her life outside of her bar singing.

Despite her beauty and kindness, she had never seemed to be able to keep a colt-friend.

On top of that, she always seemed to late, and absent minded most of the time.

the combination of her motherly disposition and love of singing granted her the title Mamma Rosie to most of the foals in town.

But those who would patron Horseshoe called her the slang title of "Dread Mother." As she sang deep, some times heart breaking songs.

She despised this title as it only drew attention her unlikeliness to ever merry.

Turning her attention to Shadow Fang she realized these must be the friends she was talking about, not some date.

Rubbing the back of her head in a slight embarrassment she quickly changed the subject. - "At any rate, pull up a chair and order some rounds on me. Just tell Zaka that Rosie said it was ok."

Turning with a swish of the tail, her voice to a confident tone as she added " I am about to start the show."

looking over her shoulder she gave a wink before trotting off.

-In the Cantorlot hospital-

Firecracker froze in shock for a moment.

His mind flooded with the memories of when he had proclaimed that to her in Equinox but he never was able to hear her say it in return.

He thought he was going to die, so he had nothing to lose; but for her to say it now.

This could only mean that she truly reciprocated his feelings.

Snapping out of it, his pupils dilated and his breathing became heavier.

He was happier then he had ever been, but was also more afraid then he was of dying.

He didn't know the first thing about love, and thoughts of how he might mess things up crept into his head.

But as he looked at her innocent face, with her heartfelt remark still echoing in his mind he felt a sense of peace.

Taking a deep breath, he cracked a smile and spoke softly " Shina.. I love you as well. I have sense the moment I met you."

Placing a hoof under her chin he tilted her head up to look at him.

His face visibly red even under his maroon coat, his face only inches from hers he went on- " And I promise.. I promise to make up for this lost time."

Slowly he closed his eyes like he was going to kiss her.

But suddenly a commotion could be heard in the hall as a nurse scolded -" Wait, hold on you can't go in there! "

Ignoring the nurse, a rather peculiar mail pony burst in the room causing the poor fire bird startle.

As it looked at her with spiteful eyes, the strange pony pulled a muffin from her bag as a peace offering.

setting it down next to him, she rushed over to the two pony and pulled out a set of letters.

Stunned and holding back laughter, Firecracker could only silently take the latter addressed to him from her.

With a salute and a flap of her wings, the odd pony was off to her other rounds.

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The complement too Indicus off his guard for a moment a small tinge of red appeared on his cheeks before he quickly rolled with it, "It's been a long time since I've been called cute." Indicus chuckled "Rosie right, Name's Indicus." Indicus held out a hoof in greeting, and he had to admit that Rosie had a very innate beauty about her along with being quite friendly he found it hard to figure out why she was not with somebody by now.

Sky Chaser laughed, a deep, rumbling laugh. "I've told you before Miss Rosie, If I showed everyone my ugly mug they'd turn to stone!" He laughed, going right along with the joke as he saw her off. He never could understand why she was still single. She was undeniably sweet, and he really couldn't figure out why colts these days didn't see it. Maybe it was just his age showing, not that anyone in this town knew what his age was. From what little anyone could tell, he seemed to barely be out of his twenties at the oldest.

"Come on, Miss Steelheart, let's find you a seat" He offered, serving as her seeing eye pony once again so she wouldn't accidentally trip over someone's chair. His horn glowed under his hood as unoccupied chairs moved out of the way for her until she would select a spot to sit, at which point a chair would come up behind her for her to sit on.

It seemed this Sky Chaser was good with foals, and quite adept at helping ponies with disabilities. It almost seemed like he had no flaws, other than the fact he never let any pony see more than the tip of his nose, which had a couple of scars, and his tail. Now, a cloak like that was almost always a solid indicator that some pony was hiding something, yet he had clearly been wearing it every day for the ten years he was here without any pony asking too many questions.

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