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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

"Hey, I could teach you! I do have a bit of trouble myself, but I can still tell you what to do!"

*She smiles more and eats a bar of chocolate.*
Redrobinwing said:
Lyall smiled in response to their employer's words. "Well thank you, it's nice to get recognized." It was the first time since he'd entered Ishrion that he had worked a labor job, and it was rather pleasant to hear kind words. Gavin just nodded in response to the man. Despite the idea of entering a safe are, he was still rather uncomfortable being around people who used technology. Maybe it's a reflex sort of thing. Lyall thought to himself. His brother was a good man, and from what he'd gathered after being in Ishrion for a while, the people seemed open to the idea of technology and magic working together. Gavin's instance on wearing clothes that fit in more with his brother's culture was probably just his paranoia being mixed with his lack of confidence. We'll try to get it out of him. Lyall mused.
Rey got to work with the men. Even though he founded Ishrion, and this work was actually below his status, he didn't let the power go to his head. He genuinely cared for the people. It was why his shipments can sometimes refugees who wanted to get away from the war. He had to stop the collateral damage from simply enforcing a belief. "You two work hard. I'll make sure to pay you well."

LindsMagee said:
Rosana turned to the girl "I have an extra change of clothes if you want to be more comfortable for the night? " she offered. Her room was massive and held another small guest bedroom further into it. "If not I'll lead you straight to the guest room. No one ever goes in there except for me."
"Thank you," she said, still with a readable happy expression. She turned back into a wisp and flew into some clothes. She took the hood from her Mage Robes and covered her face with them. As always, her eyes were the only visible thing
Randomfactory9 said:
"Hey, I could teach you! I do have a bit of trouble myself, but I can still tell you what to do!"

*She smiles more and eats a bar of chocolate.*
Kasey looked at the girl with a bit of shock "I-i'm not the best student.."
[QUOTE="Kild Kannuk]
Kasey looked at the girl with a bit of shock "I-i'm not the best student.."

"I'm not that good myself, but hey, maybe we can work together!"

*She pulled out her spell book.*
"But first we should get lunch. I'm hungry."

*She turns around, beckoning Kasey to follow.*
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Kasey stood slowly, after grabbing his bear and making sure no one was looking at him, and ran slightly to catch up with her
Kylesar1 said:
Rey got to work with the men. Even though he founded Ishrion, and this work was actually below his status, he didn't let the power go to his head. He genuinely cared for the people. It was why his shipments can sometimes refugees who wanted to get away from the war. He had to stop the collateral damage from simply enforcing a belief. "You two work hard. I'll make sure to pay you well."
"Thank you," she said, still with a readable happy expression. She turned back into a wisp and flew into some clothes. She took the hood from her Mage Robes and covered her face with them. As always, her eyes were the only visible thing
"I'm so sorry I never asked for your name" Rosana said as she lead her to the guest room.

Isabella followed Rey to the docks. She looked around seeing everything was being unloaded. Isabella had one of the list in her hand of things that were suppose to be with the cargo. She checked them off one by one. She went over to Rey. "So far so good."



Raven smirked and her eyes looked amused. "Did they now?" She then turned and looked torwards her mirror and back at the woman. "What exactly did they contact us on?"


Rey nodded. Everything as good as always. They unloaded the tools and unloaded the refugees to get them set up in a place

The seer looked confused. "My Communication Crystal is glowing, so it could've been that. I don't think so though. I suddenly gained access to see into their room. You know the blasphemers have so much Anti-Magic, we can't see into their lands."

The seer walked into the room and kneeled. Her eyes glowed and a projection showed. Sitting in front of the projection was a group. The Bureaucracy


The old man puffed his cigar and then spoke. "Hello, Monarch. We've never spoken before." They could never contact each other. However, the government has been testing how their magic objects affect their technology. They built a camera around the Communication Crystal and as a result, it allowed them to contact anyone in Kotrocor with a Communication Crystal. The frequency was like tuning a radio and they managed to pinpoint the Seer's Communication Crystal


Raven walked up to the projection and watched as a group appeared. She gave a small smirk at the group before her. "Hello and yes I know. Did you want something?"


One of the women smirked. She spoke into the camera, leaning against the couch. "Queen Raven Nevermore...........We'd like you to explain why you decided to send troops into the No-Man's Land. Are you looking for a full-scale war?"


"Only if you want it. You see I plan on taking over even you fight back or not. Does that answer your question?" Raven was quite amused by this. "I must say I feel quite pleased you took your time out to contact me. And here I thought you didn't care for me."


Alamar darted between the allyways. "Gods Damn it! Why do I always get into this shit!" He hissed as he tried to stay hidden from all these cursed tech users. He came for sabotage but found it wasn't as easy as he thought it to be... @Cherrywitch
Cherrywitch said:
The dark blue cape twirled at his ankles as Ezekiel turned full circle towards the dinging bell which alerted him of the entry. "Oh, welcome. What are you looking for?" The delicate voice soothed, as flowing and soft as a calm river flowing from his lips. Ezekiel went behind the counter to face the customer.
@Karlore ^


Hearing raced footsteps outside, Scarlet opened the back door of her shop and peered out seeing a flash of a cloak go by. "Ey! Careful, there's some garbage right-" She winced at the clatter. "There..."

The redhead knelt down beside him with a huff. "I warned-..." Scarlet trailed off. A...staff? "..are you a magic user?" The emotion in her voice was unrecognizable, but it was bad.

animegirl20 said:

"Only if you want it. You see I plan on taking over even you fight back or not. Does that answer your question?" Raven was quite amused by this. "I must say I feel quite pleased you took your time out to contact me. And here I thought you didn't care for me."


The old man took over again. He puffed his cigar. "Magic can only go so far. Technology, however, will keep advancing until we don't even have to lift a finger. You've seen first-hand how our technology matches your Gods. And you also see now how we can easily gain eyes all over Kotrocor while your magic can't even touch our lands...........Your Gods have toyed with humans and human life for the last time. As time passes, we get stronger, not you."
Cherrywitch said:
@Karlore ^

Hearing raced footsteps outside, Scarlet opened the back door of her shop and peered out seeing a flash of a cloak go by. "Ey! Careful, there's some garbage right-" She winced at the clatter. "There..."

The redhead knelt down beside him with a huff. "I warned-..." Scarlet trailed off. A...staff? "..are you a magic user?" The emotion in her voice was unrecognizable, but it was bad.

HELLS! He cursed. How could he be so clumsy. "Um no fool it's-" He stopped. Even the tech fools weren't dumb enough to believe that. He rolled over and jumped up. "Please don't say anything!" He tried to back up, but he was cornered. What spell could save him here??

"Jeez, you'd think I'm a wild animal the way you're backing away." The redhead stood straight with a sigh. "All the weirdos today. Just my luck..." Scarlet muttered more to herself than anything.

The golden eyes peered at him. "What's a magic user doing here, anyway? You should be on your own territory... I'm surprised you haven't been shot yet."
“Well, looks like I have to use my special move” he says with a smile. Then he turns around and says “ Tactical retreating ”, then he starts running for his life. “ You can call me a coward if you want, but this is a fight I can't win ”. He makes it out of the circle, but continues to run.

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"Haha are you kidding.There are witches that could cast a spell on ever last one of you and you would not be able to remove it with your technology. Oh and Guess what everything you do with your technology we were doing it first!" The tone in her voice became angry but powerful and her eyes glowed red and gave off a very intimidating presence . "Listen to me and listen to me good. Your technology is nothing but second rate it can never match the power that we have. Technology fails and can get broken. But guess what you can't break magic. Magic was here first and it will always be here until end of time. By the way do you really believe that you can beat out a god? Do you? Cause if you do you are more arrogant then I thought. I mean who do you think created your sorry ass?" "Oh by the way y magic can touch your lands. You don't know this but I've been watching you but I put a protection spell around the object I've been watching you from so now you can never locate it. Idiots."


Cherrywitch said:
"Jeez, you'd think I'm a wild animal the way you're backing away." The redhead stood straight with a sigh. "All the weirdos today. Just my luck..." Scarlet muttered more to herself than anything.

The golden eyes peered at him. "What's a magic user doing here, anyway? You should be on your own territory... I'm surprised you haven't been shot yet."
Alamar was half questing why SHE hadn't blown him apart yet. "I should be. A bit lost in your...civilization" there was mockery in his tone, but he corrected it swiftly. "Please don't tell anyone! Listen I'll give you whatever you want just don't kill me!"

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