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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

The Dwarf dodged the bullet and charged towards Logan. "Mindless attacks won't work, son. I'm a moving target." A magic circle appeared under Logan and a bunch of other troops, building up at an insane speed to a massive level. Such a spell would easily overload that orb. "Let's see your fancy orb absorb this spell."

Logan was dealing with a Champion Knight, who's been part of the war for a long time. One of the leaders on the battlefield. A single magic bullet in the head could kill him if it pierced his helmet, but a single magic bullet alone would never hit him. A delayed attack with an easy to see queue was nothing to him. He swung his axe, aiming right for Logan's head. It was decapitation if hit

The magic circle was about to erupt when he swung his axe. That was instant death as well, as everything inside (bar the Dwarf) would be frozen solid. An attack on 2 fronts, both lethal

John was charging behind the Dwarf, trying to divert his attention again. Logan would need a much faster attack method if he wanted to even put up a fight, let alone win against a Veteran Champion Knight


LindsMagee said:
Rosana stared in awe and began to part a mass of ivy growing on a wall surrounding the castle. There was a hole in the wall just big enough to crawl through. She then made sure no one was watching and climbed up a part of the castle to her bedroom which was on the second floor and overlooked the gardens.
The wisp floated into the room before turning back to her normal form. A girl with mage robes on, a completely covered face and arms with long white gloves covering them

(GTG for tonight Peeps. Feel free to continue while I'm gone.)
*He sees Scarlet and the bike.*

"Hello, miss. Your bike seems to be broken. I can help you with that."

*He approaches her and puts his brass goggles over his eyes.*


"Gah! Oof."

Scarlet had been so involved with her work, the appearance had scared her. The girl fell onto her bottom, whimpering and rubbing at it in pain. "That hurt..." Scarlet raised golden eyes up to look at the scientist, pouting deeply. "Geez, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

At the mention of help with her bike, she stood and shook her head. "No, it's cool. I'm a mechanic. It's just a leak in the tire, no harm done."
*He nods.*

"Alright then. Well, I guess I should at least introduce myself, then. I'm professor Slinko Kahara."

*He extends a hand.*

Scarlet gave a sarcastic grin, shaking his hand firmly but with the sort of firmness of certainty. "You're friendly arentcha, science boy?" She pointed at the lab coat before removing her other hand from his grasp. "Welp, you can just call me Scarlet. Everyone does."
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The redhead turned her attention back to her bike with sadness. "Ah, black lightning is fine. It's taken way worse than a flat. I just wish people would watch where they dumped their screws." Scarlet's eye twitched comically as her anger began to ebb back into her voice.
*He suddenly realizes those were probably screws from his bird invention he tried earlier yesterday. It kept falling apart.*

"Yeeeeah. Those might be my screws. You see, I tried to make a robot bird, and it kept falling apart. It only could've been saved by magic, that one."

"...What?" Scarlet turned on the man, eyes ablaze. But her anger stemmed from elsewhere, it was not her flat tire that set her off. "Magic? You wanted to use magic?! What kind of scientist are you, glorifying magic like that?! Magic can't do anything technology can't, okay? It's worthless and only makes things more complicated." She threw one hand out to the side to exaggerate her point.
*He shudders.*

"No, I didn't mean it like that! Upon reflection, miracle would have been a better word. But still! I meant it to say it wasn't going to work!"

*He sweats nervously.*

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"Tch. Whatever." She turned abruptly and fixed the rest of the tire speedily before hopping onto the bike. She pulled her goggles down and revved the engine a couple times. "You should be glad the place is busy at this hour. If anyone else heard you, you wouldn't have gotten off this easy, ya hear me?" Scarlet growled over the engine. "Nice meeting you..." She said, the poison dripping off her words as she sped away, her motorcycle like a black bolt of lightning on the city streets, blurring with the smudged streak of her red braid.
*He waves. He pulls a string on his backpack. It becomes a jetpack.*

"I'm so ready for this. They can't turn me down this time! I have proof!"

*He flies towards the scientists guild building, which happened to be in the same direction Scarlet was going. He turned on the jetpack and flew, passing Scarlet.*

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Sargon entered the apothecary's shop, his staff tapping against the floor as he walked. He stood in front of the counter, silently staring at the man as he worked.


(This is all I can post tonight. Sorry.)

Scarlet jolted at the man, but blew her bangs out of her face with a big huff. She stopped at a coffee shop and bought a cup, pulling out a stick of gum and sticking it in her mouth to blow a bubble just to watch it pop. "...magic... Some scientist." She muttered under her breath.


The dark blue cape twirled at his ankles as Ezekiel turned full circle towards the dinging bell which alerted him of the entry. "Oh, welcome. What are you looking for?" The delicate voice soothed, as flowing and soft as a calm river flowing from his lips. Ezekiel went behind the counter to face the customer.
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*He exits the building and enters the coffee shop. He's slightly tearing up.*

"How? I had everything right! My calculations were spot on, and I known my machine wasn't broken!"

*He walks up to the counter.*

"Two coffees, please."

The girl immediately recognized the voice as she perked up her head, turning with a scowl. "You gotta be kidding. What's the faker doing here? What, the scientists found out?" Scarlet turned away, figuring he wouldn't remember her anyway.
"I told you, I don't support magic! It was an expression!"

*He growls and receives his coffee.*

"What is it with this 'tech vs magic' stuff anyway? Why can't people just get along?"

"Gah! How did he even hear me?! What, do you have dog ears or something?" The girl leaned back in her chair in surprise. Though, she was relatively close to the counter, so it wasn't that shocking. "Whatever. It doesn't matter anyway." Scarlet took a swig of her coffee in a point of cutting off the conversation.
"I mean, think of all the things we could do with magic and technology together! We could build cities with close to no effort! We could save so many lives! Heck, we might even be able to raise the dead! If the world could just get along, everyone would be so much happier! But then, that'll never happen. This fight's gone so long no one can end it."

*He sighs.*

"But hey, that's just my opinion on it."

*He takes a drink of his coffee.*

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"I knew it!" She exclaimed accusingly. "Expression my ass! You do want magic and science together. Unbelievable." Scarlet scoffed and leaned back further in her chair. "Magic users are nut jobs, but I guess that's why you like them. Fit right in, right, science boy? I'm not religious, but that shit they do has to be evil in some book."
"You know, I really wonder what things we CAN'T do because we can't get along. That list has to be pretty long."

*He begins mumbling.*

"Why do I always think I'm the only smart person in the world?"

Scarlet stood up, her shoulders raised like a cat's back. "Are you calling me stupid?!" The girl sighed between her teeth and calmed herself slightly by pinching the bridge of her nose and crossing her other arm over her chest. "Look, it's not like it's one sided. Magic hates technology too. We just disagree on too many things, we can't work together. Sorry, but the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows you know?"
"Well, I guess I can't argue with that. But still, this is just me thinking out loud. Completely hypothetical thinking."

*He stands up and walks back to his house to tinker.*

((Because I need sleep.))

"Well then don't hint at other's inadequate intelligence, you prick." The redhead muttered in annoyance, throwing the rest of her coffee out and taking her bike for a ride about town, aimlessly.

(My phone is dying anyway. Night)

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