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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

“Sorry, I guess I got a little too excited there”. He says scratching his head and still smiling. But suddenly, he stops smiling and starts to think, What happened there? Magic users, let alone witches, don't have any spells that cause combustion. So, that means that the explosion was from a someone who is experience with technology. Maybe it was miss fire. No, it was too accurate. Something is going on here. That, or I am being too paranoid for my own good. Or both?

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LindsMagee said:
"I don't know why we can't just all make peace" Rosana replied before realizing what she had said. 'If my sister heard me she would have me killed' she thought. @Kylesar1
"From what I've heard, the other side hates us because we believe in the gods." This, of course, was nothing more than Kotrocor Propaganda. All the info she heard was from the townspeople and guards. "I heard they want to get rid of magic completely."

NightSky said:
Genevieve was startled by the unexpected ring of her phone, she put down her notepad and pencil mid-sketch. She thought for a moment it may be her Nan but she had no need to call her. The constant beeping noise quietened as Genevieve answered.

"Hello Genevieve." The voice is the one she sold her drones to. A member of the Government, the voice of a woman. "Your drones have been highly successful as of late. Have you changed your mind about selling us the blueprints yet?"

animegirl20 said:

Raven was in her room looking out the window, that had the view of the kingdom, in deep thought. When suddenly someone heard a knock at the door. "Oh ?" She walked to the door and opened it. "They want to speak to me?" She said smiling.


"Aye." The woman at the door was a seer. She was soft-spoken but her voice was layered with worry. "I don't know how they managed to contact us, but they did and they want to speak to you directly."

Magadude said:
“Sorry, I guess I got a little too excited there”. He says scratching his head and still smiling. But suddenly, he stops smiling and starts to think, What happened there? Magic users, let alone witches, don't have any spells that cause combustion. So, that means that the explosion was from a someone who is experience with technology. Maybe it was miss fire. No, it was too accurate. Something is going on here. That, or I am being too paranoid for my own good. Or both?
"OI!" John's voice should snap him out. "You're gonna get both of us killed if you don't get your head out of the clouds!" A knight jumped in the trench behind the newcomer. He advanced towards them, sword drawn and on fire. A spellblade knight. From the direction he was advancing, he was on the newcomer's backside
Kylesar1 said:
"From what I've heard, the other side hates us because we believe in the gods." This, of course, was nothing more than Kotrocor Propaganda. All the info she heard was from the townspeople and guards. "I heard they want to get rid of magic completely."
"Hello Genevieve." The voice is the one she sold her drones to. A member of the Government, the voice of a woman. "Your drones have been highly successful as of late. Have you changed your mind about selling us the blueprints yet?"

"Aye." The woman at the door was a seer. She was soft-spoken but her voice was layered with worry. "I don't know how they managed to contact us, but they did and they want to speak to you directly."

"OI!" John's voice should snap him out. "You're gonna get both of us killed if you don't get your head out of the clouds!" A knight jumped in the trench behind the newcomer. He advanced towards them, sword drawn and on fire. A spellblade knight. From the direction he was advancing, he was on the newcomer's backside
Genevieve sighed as soon as she heard the person speaking to her. She knew exactly what she wanted before she had even spoke. "Sorry to disappoint you Miss, but as I have previously said my drones are all one offs. Each one is different and that's how my business works." She pushed her head back to look up at the ceiling while on the phone. "Not to mention if I sold my blueprints to you I'd lose one of my most loyal customers."
Logan pulls his orb and gun out. Logan grips the orb, it glows a little. Then energy from the orb transfers over to the gun, and Logan turns and shoots at the knight's head.

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NightSky said:
Genevieve sighed as soon as she heard the person speaking to her. She knew exactly what she wanted before she had even spoke. "Sorry to disappoint you Miss, but as I have previously said my drones are all one offs. Each one is different and that's how my business works." She pushed her head back to look up at the ceiling while on the phone. "Not to mention if I sold my blueprints to you I'd lose one of my most loyal customers."
A sound could be heard, like a lip smack. "Why do you make the best drones in the business?" They were looking to mass produce the drones off her blueprints, but she wouldn't cave, even if she got a large cut of the profits. The lack of mass production of those battle drones were the only thing keeping them from gaining air monopoly......at least until the Griffins, Manticors, and worst of all, Dragon Riders were sent in.

She sighed. "Well you know my routine. We're gonna need more of those things. Whatever sorcery you use to make them that good, keep going."

Magadude said:
Logan pulls his orb and gun out. Logan grips the orb, it glows a little. Then energy from the orb transfers over to the gun, and Logan turns and shoots at the knight's head.
The knight reeled back, but he wasn't done. He leaped at Logan and slashed down with his fire-enchanted sword. The blow was blocked by John, who had flipped his hammer over to the Axe side. The knight reeled back. His entire body was vibrating and he was trying to get his body under control. He rested the hammer on his shoulder and laughed. "This lass is the Bellringer. Vibrates at sonic speed. When I hit or I block, the vibrations transfer to their body and stuns them. Same thing happens to the earth on the hammer side."

His expression turned serious. "Now take him out."
Logan pours even more magic into the orb and transfers all of it to his gun. Then he fires at the head again, this time the energy around the bullet is visible.
Kylesar1 said:
"From what I've heard, the other side hates us because we believe in the gods." This, of course, was nothing more than Kotrocor Propaganda. All the info she heard was from the townspeople and guards. "I heard they want to get rid of magic completely."
"Hello Genevieve." The voice is the one she sold her drones to. A member of the Government, the voice of a woman. "Your drones have been highly successful as of late. Have you changed your mind about selling us the blueprints yet?"

"Aye." The woman at the door was a seer. She was soft-spoken but her voice was layered with worry. "I don't know how they managed to contact us, but they did and they want to speak to you directly."

"OI!" John's voice should snap him out. "You're gonna get both of us killed if you don't get your head out of the clouds!" A knight jumped in the trench behind the newcomer. He advanced towards them, sword drawn and on fire. A spellblade knight. From the direction he was advancing, he was on the newcomer's backside
(Sorry I had soccer)

Rosana's face went pale "Who would do that? Magic is such a beautiful gift." She replied.
Saffron smiled in the face of her apparent horror. She was blissfully ignorant once again. "Agreed! Magic is why I'm alive, so I'll defend it with all my being. You should know more about them than I do. You're the princess........ I've never met a blasphemer in person, but I hope they aren't as bad as the people say they are." The only place Saffron has ever been outside of Toron were the mountains she died in and the house she woke up in after her spirit was planted in the book she carries


Magadude said:
Logan pours even more magic into the orb and transfers all of it to his gun. Then he fires at the head again, this time the energy around the bullet is visible.
The knight fell dead

"So you can hold your own. I'm glad to see you're not here to try and play hero."

The battle seemed about even. Both the drones and the witches were being stretched thin as they lost numbers. Dead bodies and blood mixed with destroyed robots and oil.

Both sides had some powerhouses dominating the battlefield on their respective sides. Champion knights, Grand Mages, John (Who was an Elite Gear), and Military powerhouses.

John went out to confront one of the champion Knights. This one was a dwarf who wielded a Axe along with powerful Ice Magic


They clashed plenty of times, John's Vibration and Earth-splitting and the Dwarf's versatile Ice axe and Ice Magic cancelled each other out. Their clashing unleashed powerful effects on the battlefield. Ice explosions, Earthquakes, Sonic booms, Ice tornadoes. These two seemed evenly matched
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Kylesar1 said:
Saffron smiled in the face of her apparent horror. She was blissfully ignorant once again. "Agreed! Magic is why I'm alive, so I'll defend it with all my being. You should know more about them than I do. You're the princess........ I've never met a blasphemer in person, but I hope they aren't as bad as the people say they are." The only place Saffron has ever been outside of Toron were the mountains she died in and the house she woke up in after her spirit was planted in the book she carries

The knight fell dead

"So you can hold your own. I'm glad to see you're not here to try and play hero."

The battle seemed about even. Both the drones and the witches were being stretched thin as they lost numbers. Dead bodies and blood mixed with destroyed robots and oil.

Both sides had some powerhouses dominating the battlefield on their respective sides. Champion knights, Grand Mages, John (Who was an Elite Gear), and Military powerhouses.

John went out to confront one of the champion Knights. This one was a dwarf who wielded a Axe along with powerful Ice Magic


They clashed plenty of times, John's Vibration and Earth-splitting and the Dwarf's versatile Ice axe cancelled each other out. Their clashing unleashed powerful effects on the battlefield. Ice explosions, Earthquakes, Sonic booms, Ice tornadoes. These two seemed evenly matched
"My uncle used to know some and they were amazing from what he used to say, just like us without magic" Rosana replied. She got shoved from behind rougher this time as the chaos unfolded "you should come back to the castle with me the guards won't notice us coming back in and I'm sure my sister is dealing with this" she motioned around herself. "You'll be safer there anyways"
LindsMagee said:
"My uncle used to know some and they were amazing from what he used to say, just like us without magic" Rosana replied. She got shoved from behind rougher this time as the chaos unfolded "you should come back to the castle with me the guards won't notice us coming back in and I'm sure my sister is dealing with this" she motioned around herself. "You'll be safer there anyways"
"I guess people's beliefs mean more than people's lives. If they're just like us, then we shouldn't be fighting........." Her glowing eyes got a bit dim. That was until she offered to take her back to the castle. They started to shine again. Even though the only visible thing were her eyes, it was pretty easy to read her expression

Another weird sound made out of happiness. "Thank you. I almost got trampled before you came along." Saffron was actually homeless. Why would a spirit need a home? She needed nothing most people would need to survive
Kylesar1 said:
"I guess people's beliefs mean more than people's lives. If they're just like us, then we shouldn't be fighting........." Her glowing eyes got a bit dim. That was until she offered to take her back to the castle. They started to shine again. Even though the only visible thing were her eyes, it was pretty easy to read her expression
Another weird sound made out of happiness. "Thank you. I almost got trampled before you came along." Saffron was actually homeless. Why would a spirit need a home? She needed nothing most people would need to survive
"Ok follow me" Rosana said with a smile and started to walk towards the back of the castle"
Lyall felt pretty good about the work he was doing. Maybe it wasn't that exciting, but it was a bit of bonding time with his twin. And, it was also a chance to earn a bit of coin too. He'd gotten the job from an old war-colleague of his, and since Gavin was in-country for a bit, he invited his brother along to help out. He let him borrow some of his clothes to blend in, which fit quite well actually, however the mask did look a little odd. Although he was always a bit of a secretive guy, Gavin had already told him why he wore his mask and what the story was behind it. To be honest, it hurt Lyall a bit that his brother had to go through all of that without any family. He looked over to his brother and studied him for a moment, and thought that he looked rather calm despite their situation. He felt a little proud and spoke up to his twin. "Hey, I've gotta say, you work well undercover. Guess that's part of the whole assassin thing, huh?"

In hind sight, this was a bad idea. One of those bad ideas that made you wonder if you should listen to the person that gave you the idea. Gavin was helping move some random shipment that was delivered to some sort of underground base that he knew nothing about. It wasn't his first time interacting with technology and the people who used it, but his experience didn't make him feel any easier. Hiding from the entire population of a country was never a fun experience, though it had been necessary when he and Lyall met up again. Despite his slight doubt towards his brother's plan, he trusted him enough to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Their first meeting had only happened a couple of months ago, but they tried to work together as much as possible. Perhaps it was a way for both of them to make amends for their parents separating them. Perhaps they were becoming closer friends. Perhaps they both had a death wish. Really, it was really anyone's guess. Gavin had switched out his old clothes for some more culturally appropriate wear, though he kept a hood and his mask on in order to cover his face. When he heard his brother speak, he turned his head towards him. "I appreciate the compliment, but now might not be the time."

Lyall nodded and shrugged in response. The two continued to work in silence, doing their best to avoid bringing attention to themselves.
Something not right here, Logan thinks as he carries his orb to absorb the ice coming to him. Usually he would asking a lot of questions about the weapon the dwarf is using, but he knows better and stays far back. “Hey, keep him alive. I've got some questions for him” he yells.
The two kept clashing on the field. "You're good, Dwarf, to take my hammer's vibrations without effect," John says when they clash and attempt to overpower each other. Force between the two are so strong that the ground starts cracking underneath them. The Dwarf's body is constantly covered in a thin sheet of ice, which gets knocked off when the vibrations hit. He just remakes the sheet to take the next one

The Dwarf laughs. It's a laugh as if he's having a good time.......and he was. "Decades of training, son. You're good yourself if you can match my axe without succumbing to my Ice Plague." The vibrations in the hammer knocked off the Ice in the Dwarf's Ice Plague, which would freeze a part of the body and spread slowly like a plague

Magadude said:
Something not right here, Logan thinks as he carries his orb to absorb the ice coming to him. Usually he would asking a lot of questions about the weapon the dwarf is using, but he knows better and stays far back. “Hey, keep him alive. I've got some questions for him” he yells.
The dwarf scoffs as he blocks another hit. "Sorry Laddie. If it involves disclosing anything about Kotrocor, I'll be put to death for treason......besides, I won't be defeated here today."

LindsMagee said:
"Ok follow me" Rosana said with a smile and started to walk towards the back of the castle"
"Aye," she nodded and started moving. Then a thought hits her. "Wouldn't the Queen be mad if she finds out you brought someone in without telling her?"
Redrobinwing said:
Lyall felt pretty good about the work he was doing. Maybe it wasn't that exciting, but it was a bit of bonding time with his twin. And, it was also a chance to earn a bit of coin too. He'd gotten the job from an old war-colleague of his, and since Gavin was in-country for a bit, he invited his brother along to help out. He let him borrow some of his clothes to blend in, which fit quite well actually, however the mask did look a little odd. Although he was always a bit of a secretive guy, Gavin had already told him why he wore his mask and what the story was behind it. To be honest, it hurt Lyall a bit that his brother had to go through all of that without any family. He looked over to his brother and studied him for a moment, and thought that he looked rather calm despite their situation. He felt a little proud and spoke up to his twin. "Hey, I've gotta say, you work well undercover. Guess that's part of the whole assassin thing, huh?"

In hind sight, this was a bad idea. One of those bad ideas that made you wonder if you should listen to the person that gave you the idea. Gavin was helping move some random shipment that was delivered to some sort of underground base that he knew nothing about. It wasn't his first time interacting with technology and the people who used it, but his experience didn't make him feel any easier. Hiding from the entire population of a country was never a fun experience, though it had been necessary when he and Lyall met up again. Despite his slight doubt towards his brother's plan, he trusted him enough to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Their first meeting had only happened a couple of months ago, but they tried to work together as much as possible. Perhaps it was a way for both of them to make amends for their parents separating them. Perhaps they were becoming closer friends. Perhaps they both had a death wish. Really, it was really anyone's guess. Gavin had switched out his old clothes for some more culturally appropriate wear, though he kept a hood and his mask on in order to cover his face. When he heard his brother speak, he turned his head towards him. "I appreciate the compliment, but now might not be the time."

Lyall nodded and shrugged in response. The two continued to work in silence, doing their best to avoid bringing attention to themselves.
Rey had his cash at the ready for the men. He always paid directly and only ever did it before the shipment reached the actual entrance to Ishrion. It was security reasons. "Hey. I thank you for your work in helping us out." He knew that all the shipment worker knew was that this was a base. They weren't given any more information about it, not even its location. No one involved gave anyone anyone's name. Secrecy was key here. If any info got out, Ishrion would be raided and everyone inside either captured or killed on the spot
Kylesar1 said:
The two kept clashing on the field. "You're good, Dwarf, to take my hammer's vibrations without effect," John says when they clash and attempt to overpower each other. Force between the two are so strong that the ground starts cracking underneath them. The Dwarf's body is constantly covered in a thin sheet of ice, which gets knocked off when the vibrations hit. He just remakes the sheet to take the next one
The Dwarf laughs. It's a laugh as if he's having a good time.......and he was. "Decades of training, son. You're good yourself if you can match my axe without succumbing to my Ice Plague." The vibrations in the hammer knocked off the Ice in the Dwarf's Ice Plague, which would freeze a part of the body and spread slowly like a plague

The dwarf scoffs as he blocks another hit. "Sorry Laddie. If it involves disclosing anything about Kotrocor, I'll be put to death for treason......besides, I won't be defeated here today."

"Aye," she nodded and started moving. Then a thought hits her. "Wouldn't the Queen be mad if she finds out you brought someone in without telling her?"
"Not if she doesn't know" Rosana replied "I sneak out of the castle almost every day or night and she still doesn't know we just have to be careful"
“ Oh trust me, I could care less about that. What I care about is why are you attacking Whuistan right now? By the way you are talking, it sounds like maybe the King or Queen ordered your men to attack. But, that's not the my only concern. I'll go through most of them later" he says as he transfers all the energy that was in the orb into his gun and fires. “I wouldn't try hitting that with your axe by the way”.
Lyall smiled in response to their employer's words. "Well thank you, it's nice to get recognized." It was the first time since he'd entered Ishrion that he had worked a labor job, and it was rather pleasant to hear kind words. Gavin just nodded in response to the man. Despite the idea of entering a safe are, he was still rather uncomfortable being around people who used technology. Maybe it's a reflex sort of thing. Lyall thought to himself. His brother was a good man, and from what he'd gathered after being in Ishrion for a while, the people seemed open to the idea of technology and magic working together. Gavin's instance on wearing clothes that fit in more with his brother's culture was probably just his paranoia being mixed with his lack of confidence. We'll try to get it out of him. Lyall mused.
Magadude said:
“ Oh trust me, I could care less about that. What I care about is why are you attacking Whuistan right now? By the way you are talking, it sounds like maybe the King or Queen ordered your men to attack. But, that's not the my only concern. I'll go through most of them later" he says as he transfers all the energy that was in the orb into his gun and fires. “I wouldn't try hitting that with your axe by the way”.
The dwarf laughs as he smacks the energy blast with his axe. "You think you can beat a Champion Knight that easily? Even with your fancy gadgets, that thing radiates Ice Magic. You didn't think I couldn't sense all that magic being compacted into 1 place, did you?" He healed off the Ice Magic released from the blast. It took a mage to sense magic, and that orb most definitely had Ice Magic in it

He turns and blocks another blow from John. John yelled. "You can't beat a mage with his own magic type! He controls Ice!"

The Dwarf pushed into the blade struggle, smiling. "Obviously, you gadget-users use bad propaganda. You have kids on the field with no experience thinking they know how their enemy works. I ain't one of your robots."

LindsMagee said:
"Not if she doesn't know" Rosana replied "I sneak out of the castle almost every day or night and she still doesn't know we just have to be careful"
Saffron started to hesitate now. "W-Well, let me take on a different form." She disappeared and a small blue wisp floated down to Rosana's face. "I think this is a safer form........I'm sort of scared of the Queen, and I've already died once."
Kylesar1 said:
The dwarf laughs as he smacks the energy blast with his axe. "You think you can beat a Champion Knight that easily? Even with your fancy gadgets, that thing radiates Ice Magic. You didn't think I couldn't sense all that magic being compacted into 1 place, did you?" He healed off the Ice Magic released from the blast. It took a mage to sense magic, and that orb most definitely had Ice Magic in it
He turns and blocks another blow from John. John yelled. "You can't beat a mage with his own magic type! He controls Ice!"

The Dwarf pushed into the blade struggle, smiling. "Obviously, you gadget-users use bad propaganda. You have kids on the field with no experience thinking they know how their enemy works. I ain't one of your robots."

Saffron started to hesitate now. "W-Well, let me take on a different form." She disappeared and a small blue wisp floated down to Rosana's face. "I think this is a safer form........I'm sort of scared of the Queen, and I've already died once."
Rosana stared in awe and began to part a mass of ivy growing on a wall surrounding the castle. There was a hole in the wall just big enough to crawl through. She then made sure no one was watching and climbed up a part of the castle to her bedroom which was on the second floor and overlooked the gardens.
Ornis Deathold stalked through the area leaning on his staff. He had been traveling for a while...and he was out of food. He had some wine and water, and he certainly had the coin to buy what he needed. However, he just had to find people who would help him against the damn tech users.
Logan sighs a bit and says “I don't want to do this but ” he grabs the orb and pours his own magic into it. Then he transfers all of it into the gun. “ Thanks for telling me that ” he says with a grin on his face. He fires the gun.


"Man, this blows!"

The redhead growled angrily as she kicked the flat front tire of her bike, thumbing the top of a screw in her hand.

"What kind of idiot leaves these lying around on the street!? I can't believe I have to patch it in the middle of town... Grr, this is so not my day!" She crouched next to her beloved bike and got to work on the leak.


The apothecary was quiet as usual, smelling just slightly of herbs and different spices. Ezekiel stood in the corner beside a boiling pot, brewing a new concoction for the shelves that most likely wouldn't be bought for a while. However, Ezekiel liked that. Not being busy meant quiet and peace, a place to concentrate. If he had too many customers he would have no time to experiment. The man smiled gently as he mixed the bubbling liquid carefully.

(Opening post. Both characters are free for interaction.)
*The scientist awakes in his house in Bellward. He has a slight pain in his back. Nothing unusual. He yawns and gets out of bed.*

"Welp, time to do my morning check!"

*He walks around the house, making sure things are all in order.*

"Nothing out of place, as usual. I pride myself on a clean workspace."

*A clock goes off, ringing a bell.*

"Hey! I'm up early today! That's a first."

*He changes clothes and walks out the door.*

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