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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

Cherrywitch said:
The girl twitched. "If anyone is a little shit it's you." Scarlet stood, pulling the elastic from her short braid and fixing it absently. "So? What? I want you out of my country. I have two choices, I can send you to authorities or I can guide you at least to the border of your land. But why should I put myself out of the way? So I can have more time with a crybaby as company." She muttered childishly.
"You'd think that a big mature 18 year old would get it when the insult of crybaby is beneath me. But I'm not addressing the fact that this is the third time you've said the pointless insult, I'm addressing that you don't understand when your childish insults don't work! This is why you're a little one damnit!" He sighed and chuckled to himself. "No use anyway, arguing with a moron. As for why you'd help me...well you have me there. I suppose I could leave and you just don't tell anyone and I'll try my way out. But know that your kind agitates me beyond extreme, and I don't enjoy any minute of this. Only reason I'm here is to spark a damn civil war here!" Whoops. Did he just say that out loud?

"Are you mocking me, you little twerp?!" The girl was about to jump in and put him into one of her famous headlocks when she heard the three syllables. "...civil war? I knew you were hiding something. That's it, you're going to the authorities." With a snap of her finger's, Black Lightning rounded him off like a guard dog as she went to the phone.
"Wait don't! Please I failed the mission-I have done nothing so far! I'll pay you anything you want just please don't..." she enjoyed secrets...so he'd have to give her a few. "Look at me! I'm fucking sixteen! Ok this really isn't my major field! I had to leave but I was hired to do this to help with the war!"


For the moment she looked intimidating it was now completely gone. "PFFFTHAHA! You're sixteen?! No way! You look like an old guy! What, magic not good for the complexion? Haha!" After her fit of laughing, Scarlet wiped away a tear. "Pfft, I can't even be mad at you now, dammit. Oh my god, my sides hurt." She stood straight and looked at him squarely. "Fine, fine, I won't call them... I mean you haven't done anything but pissed me off it seems, but anyone can do that. I can't have you roaming the streets, though, knowing of your previous plan... Ugh, fine. I'll take you back to your country if it gets you out of my hair."
He closed his eyes and smiled sadly. "Magic, or the level I do...very bad for my physical appearance. I have no healing powers so I'm...well..." he opened them, a sharp glare shooting her way. "But I'm not to be trifled with." He stood up. "Yes fine let's leave. Sooner I'm away from your kind the better. "

Scarlet gave a sigh as the laughter finally left her body altogether so she could breath. "Yeah, let's go. The fastest way is with Black Lightning, it's most likely the fastest made so far, plus no one would see you because of how fast it goes." She lead the bike out into the alleyway. "Only downside... It doesn't have a seatbelt. So you'd have to hold onto me. Think you can handle that?"
Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet gave a sigh as the laughter finally left her body altogether so she could breath. "Yeah, let's go. The fastest way is with Black Lightning, it's most likely the fastest made so far, plus no one would see you because of how fast it goes." She lead the bike out into the alleyway. "Only downside... It doesn't have a seatbelt. So you'd have to hold onto me. Think you can handle that?"
"Much as I hate this herecy you cask technology, I suppose I will have to. And as for holding on to you, even less pleasing. I think I have some gloves somewhere..." This was the first joke he made. It was in his tone, but he didn't crack a smile. He did however put on gloves.

The redhead rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I don't like it either. But it's either that or you go flying." Scarlet muttered in annoyance. She hopped on her bike and pulled her goggles down over her eyes. "You coming, magic?"
Cherrywitch said:
The redhead rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I don't like it either. But it's either that or you go flying." Scarlet muttered in annoyance. She hopped on her bike and pulled her goggles down over her eyes. "You coming, magic?"
"That's a bit racist. At least I use my oan gifts while you have to use other tools." He got on the bike and held on. He hoped to God this would work

Scarlet gave a small scowl over her shoulder. "Do you want a ride or not?" She turned back to face forward and revved the engine. "Hold on tight, Kay?" Before it could be processed, they sped off. The motorcycle fit it's name, racing down the street so quickly that everything blurred around it into smudges of colors. Buildings couldn't even be separated from one another. "How ya holding up?" Scarlet called over the wind so her voice wouldn't be carried away.
Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet gave a small scowl over her shoulder. "Do you want a ride or not?" She turned back to face forward and revved the engine. "Hold on tight, Kay?" Before it could be processed, they sped off. The motorcycle fit it's name, racing down the street so quickly that everything blurred around it into smudges of colors. Buildings couldn't even be separated from one another. "How ya holding up?" Scarlet called over the wind so her voice wouldn't be carried away.
Alamar had flown fast before, he had even done a little magical thing where he had experienced dragonflight. This was about that fast, or even faster. Sure he hadn't ever been on the fastest dragons, but this was fucking insane! He held on (much tighter then he intended), but didn't ever hide his face or anything. He continued to look on and look around hoping nobody saw the fluttering robes. "Fine I-" He started coughing as the wind smacked into him. "FUCK! I said it's fine!" He finished before going back to scouting.

Scarlet snickered slightly under her breath at this, but didn't say anything. After a while she stopped, peering about carefully on the open field they had paused in. "...this is where we go into open territory. It's no holds bar... Keep on your toes. We can't use Black Lightning, it would be too loud and attract attention."
Alamar almost fell off as he stumbled to regain footing. "That's horrible. Why the hell do you guys use those horrid things instead of...teleporting with magic or flying with magic or...anything but that!" He didn't say this with any malice, but sat down and panted for a bit. "Gods Damn!" @Cherrywitch

The girl backed up in surprise at his condition. "Wow. I didn't think it bothered you that badly..." She combed back her wind blown hair with her fingers before pulling her goggles back onto her head. "Hey, if you're going to get sick, watch the paint, I just got it done." She leaned back on the bike with her arms crossed over her chest. "We can calm down here for a while, but we got to get going. As I said its dangerous here."
Cherrywitch said:
The girl backed up in surprise at his condition. "Wow. I didn't think it bothered you that badly..." She combed back her wind blown hair with her fingers before pulling her goggles back onto her head. "Hey, if you're going to get sick, watch the paint, I just got it done." She leaned back on the bike with her arms crossed over her chest. "We can calm down here for a while, but we got to get going. As I said its dangerous here."
"Don't flatter yourself. I was joking." He muttered, even though he was coughing a bit. "Not used to that however. Even most dragons don't seem to fly that fast. Maybe the white Dragons could...they are the smallest and most agile...at least that's what I've seen...who knows." He kept thinking to himself for a few minutes, before getting up. "Ok let's get the hell out of here. Um..." He pulled his hood a bit lower, and pulled out a small bag. "Here for your troubles... I hope you accept it. I know you probably have no care for a magic user kind like me, and you certainly didn't have to help me..." He trailed off before turning away. In the bag, was many different gold and silver coins.

"Eh?" Scarlet looked in the bag before scoffing and shoving it back into his chest, in a roughly playful way. "What? I'm not taking your money. What do I look like, a cab? Just accept kindness when you get it, would ya? And you don't have to feel like you need to pay me back or anything. Just, stay out of my country, huh? I'm not doing this again." She looked at him carefully. "You're not so bad. You're annoying, but not bad. Don't get me wrong, I still hate magic users, but I don't want to kill you, so..." Scarlet shrugged. "Alright, should be this way." She tapped a button on her belt and Black Lightning turned back and zoomed away towards the shop on its own. The redhead started off.
Cherrywitch said:
"Eh?" Scarlet looked in the bag before scoffing and shoving it back into his chest, in a roughly playful way. "What? I'm not taking your money. What do I look like, a cab? Just accept kindness when you get it, would ya? And you don't have to feel like you need to pay me back or anything. Just, stay out of my country, huh? I'm not doing this again." She looked at him carefully. "You're not so bad. You're annoying, but not bad. Don't get me wrong, I still hate magic users, but I don't want to kill you, so..." Scarlet shrugged. "Alright, should be this way." She tapped a button on her belt and Black Lightning turned back and zoomed away towards the shop on its own. The redhead started off.
"Oh goodie when I started this you hated me. Maybe I'll hit neutral ground with you if I'm real lucky! Or maybe, you might even slightly enjoy my company! Because you know how highly I think of YOUR opinion!" Despite himself, he actually was flattered she had said that...he wasn't sure why, because for the most part he hated tech users. "What's up with the since nerd? Won't he tell authorities?"
Sargon remained silent for several more moments, sizing up the shop keep in his mind.

He finally spoke

"Fairy dust. A bushel of fairy dust. Three dried toads and four Xander roots."

He paused

"If you have these things"


(Sorry. Can't post anymore tonight. I have the weekend off so I promise I'll be more active!)

"Aaannd back to hating your guts. Good job, bucko. Don't worry, science boy likes magic users. He'd hug you before he ratted ya out." But it was just another of her sarcastic jabs. Suddenly, Scarlet stopped in her tracks. Her gold eyes flashed to the side and in a blur, she pulled her gun and shot into the tall grass. Three men dodged out into the open, looking annoyed.

"Well, who would have thought the redhead was a gunslinger?"

Scarlet had one gun pointed at them while her other hand was placed on her second holder, ready to draw. "Robbers." She said over her shoulder to the magic user.

"Hah, what you gonna do?"

"You can't take all three of us, cutie."

A darkness fell on her face. "What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

"What? Cutie?"

Her eyes shot up in fury. "You're dead!"


The dark haired man blinked. "Well, of course." He turned quickly and gathered the items, setting them on the counter before stating the price. Fairly low for such items.

(@Karlore ah it's fine don't worry about it.)
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Sargon grabbed the items and laid his coins on the counter. It was a good deal. He walked toward the door, stopping abruptly about halfway.

"In addition to the coin I will leave you with these words.

The prison is not for penance. Though we are all guiltless, suffering will lead to peace. Freedom can be spotted from the mountain, but to reach it we must cross through the nettles and the desserts and the raging seas."

He continued toward the door, his staff clacking as he went.


(Screw it. One more)

The once-monk seemed puzzled by this. "I have gone through years of training in the monk hood and had to solve many riddles, but none to this extent. Can you clarify at all what you are trying to tell me?"
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Bellward and Toron

The battle seemed to disperse. The soldiers from either side took their efforts from fighting and instead, put it all into getting their dead off the field

The people from either side had civilians grieving and crying, and some of them cheering for defending themselves. It was a dark day and NML would soon be filled with the stench of death again.

@animegirl20 (Queen)


Saffron heard the people gathering for the soldier's return. She had heard the princess's question, but this snagged her attention away. "Huh? Oh um.........my name is Saffron. I think the battle in NML is over.......the soldiers are returning with the dead. No matter what, I don't think I'll get used to the sight. People grieving while other people cheer."

The cheering/grieving was audible all throughout Toron



John made his way to the barracks for the debriefing. He was tired as hell, but an alert was signaled in his pager. An infiltrator! John took off to where this intruder was

He found the guy, with some woman and some men. Robbers. He drew his hammer and it began to vibrate. "So, we have one of you nut-jobs here in Whuistan, eh? And someone trying to harbor one, and some petty thieves." One of the Elite Gears in the 37th brigade, they were all out of their league. "I'm in a good mood from hunting witches, so I'll give you a chance to explain."

@Inheritance @Cherrywitch
"Tsk. You guys are dead. She shot a humming bird two miles away in the dark. (In the park...after dark)" he lied, but warmed up his energies for spell casting. "Also I'm going to feed your souls to banshees." As he was preparing necromancy, this new nerd showed up. "FUCK" he almost shouted. He backed up next to the girl. "You know this gentleman?"

@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch
Kylesar1 said:
Bellward and Toron
The battle seemed to disperse. The soldiers from either side took their efforts from fighting and instead, put it all into getting their dead off the field

The people from either side had civilians grieving and crying, and some of them cheering for defending themselves. It was a dark day and NML would soon be filled with the stench of death again.

@animegirl20 (Queen)


Saffron heard the people gathering for the soldier's return. She had heard the princess's question, but this snagged her attention away. "Huh? Oh um.........my name is Saffron. I think the battle in NML is over.......the soldiers are returning with the dead. No matter what, I don't think I'll get used to the sight. People grieving while other people cheer."

The cheering/grieving was audible all throughout Toron



John made his way to the barracks for the debriefing. He was tired as hell, but an alert was signaled in his pager. An infiltrator! John took off to where this intruder was

He found the guy, with some woman and some men. Robbers. He drew his hammer and it began to vibrate. "So, we have one of you nut-jobs here in Whuistan, eh? And someone trying to harbor one, and some petty thieves." One of the Elite Gears in the 37th brigade, they were all out of their league. "I'm in a good mood from hunting witches, so I'll give you a chance to explain."

@Inheritance @Cherrywitch
Rosana turned to Saffron "well I guess we won then. If the battle went as far as No Man's land one kingdom probably declared all out war"

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